The Divide Too Wide...

That's GREAT news for Trump if Biden gets the nomination.
Meh … my sense is as many or even more Dems would not vote for Bernie if he wins the nomination (which he won't). Their reasons would differ but neither Biden nor Sanders can unite the Democrat Socialist Party faithful.
I guess Biden isn't red enough for Bernie supporters.
And Comrade Bernie is too red for at least as many Dems and way too red for most Americans:

Poll: Sanders Rises, But Socialism Isn't Popular With Most Americans
Looks like the Democrats are toast in November.
The House and Senate will be Republican.
It depends on the scope of the red tsunami. The President would get more votes if Sanders is the Dem roadkill, making Trump's coattails would be that much longer. Biden would do better than Comrade Bernie - not because he's better but because he's less prickly - which would shorten Trump's tailwind. I feel more confident - given the actions of our Hysterical House Dems - about the Repubs retaking the House than I do about them holding the Senate. Two-thirds of the Senate seats in play are currently held by Repubs with 4 retiring raising the odds that the Dems could flip 2-3 more than they'd lose. If Trump wins 40 states or more - and he very well might - both houses will be Repub.
Looks like the Democrats are toast in November.
The House and Senate will be Republican.
It depends on the scope of the red tsunami. The President would get more votes if Sanders is the Dem roadkill, making Trump's coattails would be that much longer. Biden would do better than Comrade Bernie - not because he's better but because he's less prickly - which would shorten Trump's tailwind. I feel more confident - given the actions of our Hysterical House Dems - about the Repubs retaking the House than I do about them holding the Senate. Two-thirds of the Senate seats in play are currently held by Repubs with 4 retiring raising the odds that the Dems could flip 2-3 more than they'd lose. If Trump wins 40 states or more - and he very well might - both houses will be Repub.

Presidential race: the dems will be split no matter if its Bernie or Biden (ref. OP). Trump should win comfortably
House race: Trump will carry the 31 districts he won in 2016 that the dems flipped in 2018, only need 20 to flip the House to GOP
Senate race:
Doug Jones is toast in AL, start with 54-46 GOP advantage
The only "tossup" senate races are:
Sue Collins ME
Tillis NC
Gardner CO
McSally AZ
So the dems would need to win all 4 tossups and flip one more to win the senate assuming Trump/Pence win.
Looks like the Democrats are toast in November.
The House and Senate will be Republican.
It depends on the scope of the red tsunami. The President would get more votes if Sanders is the Dem roadkill, making Trump's coattails would be that much longer. Biden would do better than Comrade Bernie - not because he's better but because he's less prickly - which would shorten Trump's tailwind. I feel more confident - given the actions of our Hysterical House Dems - about the Repubs retaking the House than I do about them holding the Senate. Two-thirds of the Senate seats in play are currently held by Repubs with 4 retiring raising the odds that the Dems could flip 2-3 more than they'd lose. If Trump wins 40 states or more - and he very well might - both houses will be Repub.

Presidential race: the dems will be split no matter if its Bernie or Biden (ref. OP). Trump should win comfortably
House race: Trump will carry the 31 districts he won in 2016 that the dems flipped in 2018, only need 20 to flip the House to GOP
Senate race:
Doug Jones is toast in AL, start with 54-46 GOP advantage
The only "tossup" senate races are:
Sue Collins ME
Tillis NC
Gardner CO
McSally AZ
So the dems would need to win all 4 tossups and flip one more to win the senate assuming Trump/Pence win.
The split between the party's "progressives" and less irrational people may well cause a 3rd party to emerge or a move by the latter into the Independent camp.

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