The DNC is a PRIVATE organization.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
So why is our government spending all this money to "investigate" who hacked them? Especially considering they refused to cooperate with investigators? Fuckem.

All the crying is just a diversion to cover their dirty laundry as well as the medias that was leaked.
So why is our government spending all this money to "investigate" who hacked them? Especially considering they refused to cooperate with investigators? Fuckem.

All the crying is just a diversion to cover their dirty laundry as well as the medias that was leaked.

Another "leave Russia alone" plea. It must be getting hot in that kitchen expecially since Trump Jr just admitted another "forgotten" contact with Russians.

They have to have the world record for convenient amnesia
So why is our government spending all this money to "investigate" who hacked them? Especially considering they refused to cooperate with investigators? Fuckem.

All the crying is just a diversion to cover their dirty laundry as well as the medias that was leaked.

Another "leave Russia alone" plea. It must be getting hot in that kitchen expecially since Trump Jr just admitted another "forgotten" contact with Russians.

They have to have the world record for convenient amnesia

Trump Jr admitted rushing to meet with a lawyer.

So why is our government spending all this money to "investigate" who hacked them? Especially considering they refused to cooperate with investigators? Fuckem.

All the crying is just a diversion to cover their dirty laundry as well as the medias that was leaked.

The police don't investigate crimes against private organizations?
So why is our government spending all this money to "investigate" who hacked them? Especially considering they refused to cooperate with investigators? Fuckem.

All the crying is just a diversion to cover their dirty laundry as well as the medias that was leaked.

The police don't investigate crimes against private organizations?
If the "victim" refuses to cooperate they don't. How many times have we heard about abusive husbands or boyfriends getting off because the female won't cooperate.
So why is our government spending all this money to "investigate" who hacked them? Especially considering they refused to cooperate with investigators? Fuckem.

All the crying is just a diversion to cover their dirty laundry as well as the medias that was leaked.

The police don't investigate crimes against private organizations?
If the "victim" refuses to cooperate they don't. How many times have we heard about abusive husbands or boyfriends getting off because the female won't cooperate.

Another righty lie . They have cooperated.

Why doesn't the GOP hand over their servers? Maybe they were hacked and the Russians didn't release the info because they wanted the Don to win .
The DNC is a private organization, the Presidential election is a federal process.

So, Trump is within his right to seize the DNC servers for evidence of Russian Hacking?

I uh, think that would be the FBI's job not the Rump's.
It would be unless you are James Comey and your only function is to sweep Obama's The DNC's and Clinton's crimes under the rug.
Then you Ignore THE DNC Server and instead go out of your way to tell The American People Clinton's Illegal Server was never hacked, and that Clinton was too stupid to know she was committing crimes so she can continue to Campaign.

Now subpoenaing THE DNC server is going to be very difficult because Comey tainted The Investigation by leaking privileged intel for the sole purpose of manipulating The Investigation to get Mueller appointed as Special Counsel.

And Mueller will never ask for it to be subpoenaed because his function is to make this all go away for The Democrat Party.
So why is our government spending all this money to "investigate" who hacked them? Especially considering they refused to cooperate with investigators? Fuckem.

All the crying is just a diversion to cover their dirty laundry as well as the medias that was leaked.

The DNC is a private organization like the Fed is a Private organization.

The DNC IS the federal government.
At this point, Republicans are basically just begging people to pretend Russia didn't actively try to get orange feces pile elected
So why is our government spending all this money to "investigate" who hacked them? Especially considering they refused to cooperate with investigators? Fuckem.

All the crying is just a diversion to cover their dirty laundry as well as the medias that was leaked.

The police don't investigate crimes against private organizations?
If the "victim" refuses to cooperate they don't. How many times have we heard about abusive husbands or boyfriends getting off because the female won't cooperate.

Another righty lie . They have cooperated.

Why doesn't the GOP hand over their servers? Maybe they were hacked and the Russians didn't release the info because they wanted the Don to win .

Fake Beacon Pings were planted by a Democrat Operative on a Trump Tower Server and Russian Alpha Bank Server. Both Trump Tower and Russian Alpha Bank gave full access to US Intelligence to look at their servers, and neither one was REQUIRED TO.

So how come THE DNC is refusing to cooperate?

Both Russia in UNPRECEDENTED FASHION and Trump tower gave full cooperation.
And neither of them BLEACH BITTED their servers before US Intelligence looked at them.

Why The Coverup? Why has no one been allowed to look at THE DNC SERVER?
So why is our government spending all this money to "investigate" who hacked them? Especially considering they refused to cooperate with investigators? Fuckem.

All the crying is just a diversion to cover their dirty laundry as well as the medias that was leaked.

The police don't investigate crimes against private organizations?
If the "victim" refuses to cooperate they don't. How many times have we heard about abusive husbands or boyfriends getting off because the female won't cooperate.

The DNC was not the only one hacked.
At this point, Republicans are basically just begging people to pretend Russia didn't actively try to get orange feces pile elected

Yep it is like moths to a flame. Every new story that comes out and a thread is posted on here, the same group of people flood the thread with denial and then deflection with stories about Obama and Clinton.

Even after CNN officials admitting that the story is pure trolling in the sake of ratings, these lunatics still believe it.
The DNC is a private organization, the Presidential election is a federal process.
That's nice now try answering the op, k....thanks

He just did answer it. If the DNC had not been running a major presidential candidate it wouldn't be a federal issue.

But the DNC is not empowered to conduct an investigation. Let's say that we catch one of the Hackers and go to extradite him. He denies the hacking, and the Federal Goverment is supposed to say what in the hearing? We were told it was him? First hand evidence is what is needed. Not take my word for it this is what happened, I swear to god.

That's the problem. It's always been the problem with this story. Turn it around. Pretend it was the Republicans who were hacked, and they conduct their own review of their servers, and swear it was the Chinese who hacked them and Hillary was behind it. What would you do? You would demand to know why the FBI hasn't been given the servers. You would snort and call the reports a lie from their own investigators. That's why we have theoretically impartial investigative agencies, to find out the truth.

But not in the case of the DNC servers. In that case, take my word for it is apparently enough. I wouldn't trust either Party saying that. Why do you?

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