The DNC just wants to make the public "safe".

Actually they just want their commissars to be safe.

They are right, I don't want or need an AR 15For reaching out a touchingsomeone

Actually they just want their commissars to be safe.

Semi auto assault rifle, plastic gun that can go through airport security, Saturday night special, criminals and terrorist favored gun, .50 caliber semi automatic rifle used to shoot passenger jet out of the sky also the criminal and terrorist favored gun. All these scare words ,were made up in the back room of the Brady center to prevent gun ownership. and every time a pro Second Amendment person uses these words they play right into this lying group, A Saturday Night Special is a weapon a poor man can afford and God and the left know the poor should not be armed. My father had 6 of these ,50's on a P 51 in WWII and had a hard time shooting fire bomb Zeros out of the sky and never has a semi automatic 50 shot any plane out of the sky. Plastic Guns are Glock pistols and could never go through airport security. You might think I'm making this up but the Brady center lie their dishonest mouths off because it takes a lot of fear to have the donations pay dead Sarah $900.000 a year to run this lying organization and $5,000 to have Sarah show up with Side Show James Brady and her machine gun toting security guards to sling their total lies. . The leftist clowns pay big bucks to have tyrants lie to them. What is really crazy is they allow these scabs to vote. One year Brady put out a statement Gun deaths among children is sky rocketing To obtain this 'stat she took the age one becomes an adult, 18 and changed it to 26. Now just about every gang and drug shooting was a child. Like I said it took a lot of donations to keep Sarah living in the lavish life style she was a custom

Any other thing besides gun grabbing would have had this group doing time for fraud but Sarah was the darlin of DC. The Fort Hood terrorist attack the statement they put out said if a mass shooting can happen at an army fort then the saying 'more guns less crime is a lie. No the lie is Bill Clinton's security team had to much trouble making sure all bolts were removed from rifles and slides removed from pistols every time Bill came on a military base so all bases were made gun free zones and remain that way today. I have follow this group since way back when it was called hand gun control. It is the most lying and dishonest group I have ever seen.

Remember when they changed the name telling everyone they did it to honor the Bradys. Another bold face lie. The reason they changed the name is some smarter pro Second Amendment group bought up all the domain names for the group oh how they bitched but all for not. Those web sights had the real facts not the crap these wastes of dirt tried to play on their donors and the sights were, funny, how block watch will show up and watch or if you are ever dealing with a home invasion just remain limp and make no aggressive move. Soon your attackers will get tired of beating you and move on to other family members. This group has never changed. If you ever need a good laugh just go to their sight, the brady center to prevent gun violence and you will have some good laughs. You will also realize just because you are a big star or sports player doesn't make you immune to stupid. They are there to. There was never a way to contact them until one day they put up an e-mail address incase you had any trouble donating any cash or gold teeth. I MUST OF BEEN ONE OF THE MILLIONS THAT DIDN'T PASS THAT OPPERTUNITY UP BECAUSE THE ADDRESS LASTED ABOUT 10 HOURS BEFORE IT WAS PULLED DOWN. but I got my 2 cents donated with a lot more.

types of gun grabbers: The Sarah Bradys- Only in it for the money.
The Feinstein monster- I CAN HAVE GUNS YOU CAN'T BECAUSE I'M BETTER and way uglyer THAN YOU
little beto unable to own firearms from some felony convictions so neither should you
biden to stupid to ever be ignorant and wares a dipper that he removes to crap especially when the Pope is within shitting range
obama because he enjoys genocides and you don't
eric holder-same as above.

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