London police tell people not to appear in public if they look "openly Jewish"

Murderer on stand:

Lawyer: “Is it not true that you knocked your wife unconscious, then carried her down to the Toyota you keep in the garage, put her on the front seat, rigged the gas exhaust to go back into the car, and locked all the windows, thereby suffocating her to death”?

Murderer: “Absolutely not! Why do you lie about it? I did no such thing!! It was a Honda.”
OMG. What difference does it make that Jews were not forced into literal gas ovens, but into large rooms with no escape and then gas turned on? They were GASSED TO DEATH!

What’s DISGUSTING - not “hurtful” - is that we have liberals trying to downplay the horror of what Hitler did to Jews by saying It wasn’t gas ovens but merely big concrete rooms they poured the gas into.

I bet the Libs will say it never happened...
I’m not the angry bitch, lousy. That’s you.

Try reality someday. 👍

You’re a rancid twat.

They have been very naughty , but if smart they should recant their silly ideas about being the chosen ones -- unless they think that means that they are heading for the waste tip but can , nevertheless , make it a paying concern .
You sound just like one yourself . Are you a naughty mystery identifier ? But beginning to be regretful ?

So cheer up and just try harder .
They have been very naughty , but if smart they should recant their silly ideas about being the chosen ones -- unless they think that means that they are heading for the waste tip but can , nevertheless , make it a paying concern .
You sound just like one yourself . Are you a naughty mystery identifier ? But beginning to be regretful ?

So cheer up and just try harder .
You’re a very sick-minded bitter failure of a human being, lousy.
I bet the Libs will say it never happened...
Or that the Jews deserved it.

They’re not even trying to hide their antisemitism. For years they insisted, with all the sanctimony they could muster, that their disgust with Israel had nothing to do with Jews. Now they’re going out of their way to show that’s what it’s been about all along (as if we didn’t know).
You’re a very sick-minded bitter failure of a human being, lousy.
Try an English type of cup of tea .
Perhaps you are suffering from Long Covid and later need a good swig of Donald's hydroxychloroquine .
Or that the Jews deserved it.

They’re not even trying to hide their antisemitism. For years they insisted, with all the sanctimony they could muster, that their disgust with Israel had nothing to do with Jews. Now they’re going out of their way to show that’s what it’s been about all along (as if we didn’t know).
You put your hand up at the auction .
You bought it
So stop whining and bleating
Now now Mrs Angry
Breathe in deeply when you find it impossible to be nice .

Far better for Jewish people to sit indoors examining their mistakes than to roam the streets with their little hats perched on their heads and the locals understandably out to shorten their lifespan .

Now I feel sure that they see that the Nazi route was a bad mistake and Ethnic Cleansing most unwise .
It will take them a few generations to atone for centuries of deceit and cunning, but then hopefully they might find a place again among decent people .

You sound like the average DemoKKKrat in 2024.
Try an English type of cup of tea .
Perhaps you are suffering from Long Covid and later need a good swig of Donald's hydroxychloroquine .
Trolling troll ^ trolls; but at least you’re still just a miserable rancid twat.
It is a creature.

And I suppose it should get relegated to the Pharom Zone. It’s not like it ever says much of value anyway. No loss.
Did not take long to grind you to dust .
Your post reads exactly as an admission of complete defeat .
We English put arrogant clowns exactly where they need putting --- in Queer Street , as we say .

Busy now . A quick dash to the shops for a non Nazi Pumpernickel and some Bratwurst .
Did not take long to grind you to dust .

Hateful twat, you couldn’t grind salt with an electric grinder.
Your post reads exactly as an admission of complete defeat .
In your deranged little mind. Only.
We English put arrogant clowns exactly where they need putting --- in Queer Street , as we say .
You couldn’t put a dot above a lower case “i” in the right spot.
Busy now . A quick dash to the shops for a non Nazi Pumpernickel and some Bratwurst .
You are a Nazi. Go practice holding your breath underwater.

You’re made it to the phantom zone, you completely worthless waste of oxygen.
It's in the fact that the world appears to once again be turning against the Jewish people.

You didn't understand what I said. I blame the Zionists and my reason is that they are guilty of purposeful genocide. I can't answer for others.

The Neanderthat Didn't Die Out; They Were Killed Off

Because of our weak, confused, and cowardly ruling classes, dangerous obsolete races have become an existential threat to the evolved races. Even in Israel, the constant efforts to appease the Paleonasties have only increased terrorism.

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