London police tell people not to appear in public if they look "openly Jewish"

GOOD PEOPLE ON BOTH SIDES of the issue of removing statues. THAT was what was going on at the time, and your beloved news media purposely left out Trumps words also condeming white supremecists in that same breath.

Its the media who was trying to divide the country.

They do it because they know folks like MarcATL are WAY too dumb to question it.
I beg to differ OP, this is Trump's world, as HE'S the one who said "there's good people on BOTH sides" when ONE side was spewing "Jews will NOT replace us!" in the streets of America...

It was only a matter of time before it manifested what you're reporting now.

GOOD PEOPLE ON BOTH SIDES of the issue of removing statues. THAT was what was going on at the time, and your beloved news media purposely left out Trumps words also condeming white supremecists in that same breath.

Its the media who was trying to divide the country.
Were those white supremacist chanters not on the side of keeping the statues?

They look like freaks to me. If they were on the side of keeping the statues, it has no connection to regular Americans who have another viewpoint of whether statues should be kept around. In trying to connect the most radical people with narrow viewpoints who show up to a mass event, to everyone on one side of a wider issue, where thousands show up..... That IS trying to divide people

What Trump actually attempted to do was calm things down and make peace, but the Media purposly took his own words away from him when they misquoted, and ran ONE LINE over and over again. If the Media actually wanted peace between people, WHY did they purposely OMIT Trumps other words at every given opportunity. You know why. They are political radicals in charge who hate Trump.
You do realize that's like asking "can you be friends w/a law breaker?"

What if they only stole a loaf of bread, literally, to feed their family?

Well, it depends on the position.
I do realize that you’re quite illogical.

The question remains. If a person supports leaving old monuments up despite the fact that they are monuments to a losing side which held offensive political views, is it or is it not possible that such a person is nevertheless a good person?
I do realize that you’re quite illogical.

The question remains. If a person supports leaving old monuments up despite the fact that they are monuments to a losing side which held offensive political views, is it or is it not possible that such a person is nevertheless a good person?

Not if your someone who wants to promote racial war and to try hard to keep people idealogicaly divided. Democrats wouldnt know what to do if Americans ever found common ground, I guess thats why they dont want to let it happen.
I do realize that you’re quite illogical.

The question remains. If a person supports leaving old monuments up despite the fact that they are monuments to a losing side which held offensive political views, is it or is it not possible that such a person is nevertheless a good person?
Yeah, I like history. For example, I went on a tour of Lee’s boyhood home in Old Town Alexandria. I guess that makes me bad.
I guess all the liberals who kept insisting that being against Israel has nothing to do with being antisemitic will shut up now.

I see that story of the Jewish guy wanting to cross the road in London has reached Fox News.

There’s a huge furore about it in Britain. Mostly against the police.
I see that story of the Jewish guy wanting to cross the road in London has reached Fox News.

There’s a huge furore about it in Britain. Mostly against the police.
They’re upset that the police blocked him? I think he was just afraid for the Jewish man’s safety, and was well-intended.

What is horrific is that it took Hitler 10 years to ferment the degree of antisemitism that the Palestinians have created in six months. Scary stuff.

And what’s just as scary is that we have some liberal Jews on the side of those who want them dead.
Yeah, I like history. For example, I went on a tour of Lee’s boyhood home in Old Town Alexandria. I guess that makes me bad.
Well. That’s the point of the tragically limited “thinking” of jokers like Malcolm ExLax.

Such dweebs cannot fathom (or admit) that even significant differences of opinion on weighty social issues do not amount to a valid distinction between “good” people and “bad” people.
Well. That’s the point of the tragically limited “thinking” of jokers like Malcolm ExLax.

Such dweebs cannot fathom (or admit) that even significant differences of opinion on weighty social issues do not amount to a valid distinction between “good” people and “bad” people.
Libs have limited thinking:

”Agree with me and you’re good; disagree and you’re a racist.”
I do realize that you’re quite illogical.

The question remains. If a person supports leaving old monuments up despite the fact that they are monuments to a losing side which held offensive political views, is it or is it not possible that such a person is nevertheless a good person?
Not in this instance. No.
The US is not far behind. Jews are no longer safe on most college campuses. It's only a matter of time until it spills over into other public places, as it already has in Europe.

Unless we do something about it.

This is Joe Biden's world.

Misleading headline… learn to be honest
Not if your someone who wants to promote racial war and to try hard to keep people idealogicaly divided. Democrats wouldnt know what to do if Americans ever found common ground, I guess thats why they dont want to let it happen.
When have you ever been for unity in differing ideologies?
There were oven, there is lots of evidence and you conspiracy nuts just don’t like the truth. I know people that were in the camps and my father during WWII went into such camps.
Of course there were ovens and your father would know that they were crematoriums. The nonsensical claim of 'gas ovens' has been repeated so often by completely ignorant, but well meaning people that it's become an honestly believed legend. And fwiw, it's damaging to the real story and should be understood as being a lie and stopped now.

The conversation here serves to facilitate that! Don't let it go!

The facts are only going to serve to do justice to the true story on the Holocaust.
GOOD PEOPLE ON BOTH SIDES of the issue of removing statues. THAT was what was going on at the time, and your beloved news media purposely left out Trumps words also condeming white supremecists in that same breath.

Its the media who was trying to divide the country.

They look like freaks to me. If they were on the side of keeping the statues, it has no connection to regular Americans who have another viewpoint of whether statues should be kept around. In trying to connect the most radical people with narrow viewpoints who show up to a mass event, to everyone on one side of a wider issue, where thousands show up..... That IS trying to divide people

What Trump actually attempted to do was calm things down and make peace, but the Media purposly took his own words away from him when they misquoted, and ran ONE LINE over and over again. If the Media actually wanted peace between people, WHY did they purposely OMIT Trumps other words at every given opportunity. You know why. They are political radicals in charge who hate Trump.
So are you going to argue against your current party that most, if not all, the pro-Palestinian protesters are for stopping the killing of Palestinians and not the eradication of Jews, including those who say "From the river to the sea" which doesn't mean what the critics are saying it means.

Hell Netanyahu himself is saying that phrase.
Of course there were ovens and your father would know that they were crematoriums. The nonsensical claim of 'gas ovens' has been repeated so often by completely ignorant, but well meaning people that it's become an honestly believed legend. And fwiw, it's damaging to the real story and should be understood as being a lie and stopped now.

The conversation here serves to facilitate that! Don't let it go!

The facts are only going to serve to do justice to the true story on the Holocaust.
Splitting hairs. They were gassed with poisonous gases, then moved to crematoriums which were massive ovens.

Has nothing to do with Jews having to hide in Supposed Free countries from HARM BECAUSE THEY ARE JEWS.

Its downright sickening and the greatest generation are rolling overin their graves. They fought to end BS like this.
So are you going to argue against your current party that most, if not all, the pro-Palestinian protesters are for stopping the killing of Palestinians and not the eradication of Jews, including those who say "From the river to the sea" which doesn't mean what the critics are saying it means.

Hell Netanyahu himself is saying that phrase.
Of course it means the destruction of Israel. The Muslim Brotherhood made that Slogan. Its in the Charter if Hamas.

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