The DNC stole the election from Bernie last time and they killed Seth Rich to cover it up...

Right? Glitch? No, no, no. You know this because they blame the Iowan’s. How pathetic.

They even hate their own!
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They stole the caucus results this time as well by chjerry picking which precincts came in through the 'glitch'.

Most urban areas have not been decrypted yet and that is Bernie core area.


By only showing the earliest 62%, the Dems have robbed Bernie of his delegate win and the momentum that went with it.
...they will not be any less ruthless this time.
William Barr was in charge of the prison where Jeffery Epstein was "accidentally" killed.

What an amazing coincidence.

Funny how those things work out.
Mark my words. Bloomberg will be in the debate and the entire Democratic primaries will be rigged. They know they cannot win with the set of clowns running now. I think we will need an investigation of rigging the election if they get the billionaire to be the candidate....
Mark my words. Bloomberg will be in the debate and the entire Democratic primaries will be rigged. They know they cannot win with the set of clowns running now. I think we will need an investigation of rigging the election if they get the billionaire to be the candidate....
They wont win with the Soda Nazi either.
Mark my words. Bloomberg will be in the debate and the entire Democratic primaries will be rigged. They know they cannot win with the set of clowns running now. I think we will need an investigation of rigging the election if they get the billionaire to be the candidate....
They wont win with the Soda Nazi either.
He won't win in November but I bet he'll be the candidate.
...they will not be any less ruthless this time.

To be fair, they did not steal anything, because the people who are members of the party, are the ones who own the nomination. Bernie never owned the nomination. It is in fact their party. Just like the GOP members are the ones who own the GOP nomination.

The public does not control, or own, nor are owed anything by either party. Now I get it that you don't have much of a chance without the party support, but that still doesn't mean Bernie was owed anything, or had the nomination "stolen" from him.

That said.....

Bernie never had a chance of being elected, now, or then. The DNC knows this. That's why they are working against him. If Bernie gets the nomination, then Trump already won the election, because Bernie doesn't stand a chance. Bernie is an avowed communist, and none of the old generation of Democrats, no matter how hard core democrat they are, will vote for a Communist, because they were alive when Communists were slaughtering millions of people. Bernie doesn't have a prayer. DNC knows this. If Bernie gets the nomination (and I hope he does), the Trump automatically wins.

I myself didn't vote for Trump in 2016. If Bernie is on the other ticket, and guarantee you I'll vote Trump. No way I'll have a socialist nightmare in my life time, if I can help it.

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