The Donald Is Telling Bare Faced Lies Again!!!!


Gold Member
Aug 20, 2015
I can spot his lying.....his lips are moving!

Watch him in Biloxi, Ms. Just look at that crowd! Our next President:

LOL.....When Blacks, Hispanics, Gays, Lesbians, trans sexuals, young folks, poor people, most women show up at the polls George Romney will look like a winner. DickBreath will prove he's finally run into something his daddy's money couldn't cover.
I'm trying to imagine the length of the fact check sheet if Trump debates Hillary.

May set a new record
Watch him in Biloxi, Ms. Just look at that crowd! Our next President:

LOL.....When Blacks, Hispanics, Gays, Lesbians, trans sexuals, young folks, poor people, most women show up at the polls George Romney will look like a winner. DickBreath will prove he's finally run into something his daddy's money couldn't cover.

Hillary has never seen that many admirers in one place.
Watch him in Biloxi, Ms. Just look at that crowd! Our next President:

LOL.....When Blacks, Hispanics, Gays, Lesbians, trans sexuals, young folks, poor people, most women show up at the polls George Romney will look like a winner. DickBreath will prove he's finally run into something his daddy's money couldn't cover.

Hillary has never seen that many admirers in one place.

Wait till she meets the all lesbian chain gang in prison.
Libs are terrified of Trump.

Horse Shit! The only ones afraid of Trump are the people who owe the pushy son-of-a-bitch money. Hillary will slaughter his rich ass. Anyone who votes for that guy would call an electrician to install a commode.
Wait till the Blacks, Hispanics, Gays, Lesbians, Poor people, etc. come out to vote. The Results will be worse than 2012
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