The Donald to repeal ACA .. ??

OK fine, take health insurance away from millions of people.

enter the accounting fiasco ...

where does the $$$ for refunds for those millions of people come from ?

what happens to the major Ins carriers after that?

where do the the employees go that the insurance companies hired to handle those people go and get jobs?

and that is just the tip of the unanswered question iceberg ...
And as usual republicans have nothing to replace the ACA with, their only 'plan' is to return to the days of millions of Americans having no access to affordable healthcare, no access to routine health maintenance for chronic conditions, and being denied health insurance because of preexisting conditions.

Republicans have clearly earned the contempt of the American people.


And I will be directly affected by that.

I had cancer and was in an accident that caused a serious spine injury with nerve damage to my hands and arms.

I've had insurance all my life. I've been on my husband's insurance since we got married in 1988. I've always had access to proper health care which is why I'm still alive.

I'm in the middle of divorcing that husband. I will be allowed to stay on Cobra for 3 years. After that I'm on my own.

If Obamacare is repealed I don't the proper medication that prevents the cancer from returning and killing me so I it returns and I die.

There is absolutely no insurance company that will cover me if Obamacare is repealed.

I'm not alone. There are millions of Americans just like me. Before Obamacare people like me went without healthcare. As happened to a friend of mine when she got divorced. She nearly died from diverticulitis and the infection from it. She had 3 surgeries and was in the hospital for a total of a couple months. She was left with hundreds of thousands of dollars in hospital bills and the condition she had wasn't fixed.

Then she got Obamacare and finally got the condition properly fixed. She will be back to where she was if Obamacare is repealed.

I can't wrap my brain around the fact that millions of Americans want to take healthcare from their fellow Americans. What kind of people are they? How did they become so cruel and selfish? I honestly don't get it.

Yet these same people scream they're pro life.

I've been posting on this board for a couple of years. I don't understand why anyone on this board wants to take my insurance from me which will cause cancer to return and kill me. I won't be able to get it properly treated so I'll die quicker.

I honestly don't get those people.
Somehow it all worked before Obamacare.
Not even close. In reality, it still doesn't work but it's better.

Always worked fine for me. I've had major medical since I was eighteen years old. I'm now 72 and still have major medical. Never had a problem with it. Kept my premiums paid.
Goodie for you. And that matters fuck all in this case? Oh right, it doesn't.

Yes. I'm in no way responsible for you and the choices you make.
So you believe, and are wrong of course.

Have you ever been required or even asked to make any choices for me? I don't think so. While it may be true that you would prefer to make my life's choices, you have no right to do so. Suck it up.
Not even close. In reality, it still doesn't work but it's better.

Always worked fine for me. I've had major medical since I was eighteen years old. I'm now 72 and still have major medical. Never had a problem with it. Kept my premiums paid.
Goodie for you. And that matters fuck all in this case? Oh right, it doesn't.

Yes. I'm in no way responsible for you and the choices you make.
So you believe, and are wrong of course.

Have you ever been required or even asked to make any choices for me? I don't think so. While it may be true that you would prefer to make my life's choices, you have no right to do so. Suck it up.

I find it extremely hypocritical of you to post the above.

Because you want to tell people like me you're tough out of luck. You want to tell me that all those premiums, deductibles and copayments I've been paying for decades means nothing. That just because I had cancer and beat it I should be denied health care for the rest of my life.

You also want to tell women what they can or can't do with their own bodies.

So for your to tell anyone they have no right to tell anyone what choices they can make is extremely hypocritical.

You have no right to tell anyone what choices they can make nor to tell someone they can't have health care because they were sick at one time in their life.

Look in the mirror and tell that to yourself.
Always worked fine for me. I've had major medical since I was eighteen years old. I'm now 72 and still have major medical. Never had a problem with it. Kept my premiums paid.
Goodie for you. And that matters fuck all in this case? Oh right, it doesn't.

Yes. I'm in no way responsible for you and the choices you make.
So you believe, and are wrong of course.

Have you ever been required or even asked to make any choices for me? I don't think so. While it may be true that you would prefer to make my life's choices, you have no right to do so. Suck it up.

I find it extremely hypocritical of you to post the above.

Because you want to tell people like me you're tough out of luck. You want to tell me that all those premiums, deductibles and copayments I've been paying for decades means nothing. That just because I had cancer and beat it I should be denied health care for the rest of my life.

You also want to tell women what they can or can't do with their own bodies.

So for your to tell anyone they have no right to tell anyone what choices they can make is extremely hypocritical.

You have no right to tell anyone what choices they can make nor to tell someone they can't have health care because they were sick at one time in their life.

Look in the mirror and tell that to yourself.

Lady, read my lips. I don't owe you one damned thing. I too have major health problems but I will never burden you with a sob story.

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