The Donald Trump Phenomenon

Yes we understand why trump is doing well. Many people are so tired of the same lame bullshit they'll vote for anyone that bucks that trend. I also would like to see an outsider win for a change.

trump is not the guy. He's a bloviating rich idiot. We need someone like this to come out of the middle class or from the poor. A true populist.

People glamming on to trump is just accepting the first widget that comes down the assembly line that looks different than the rest.

Unfortunately the quality is missing. He has the mind of an adolescent.

What you want is an outright commie, and Trump isn't that guy. That's why you hate him. That's the only reason. If he was proposing to nationalize all the banks you would love him.

Nah you want an outright communist like Ronald Reagan, that is why you hate yourself.

trump is a misguided bloviating weirdo who can't even comb his hair. You'd think that might be one of the first tenets of a candidate. Can you comb your hair?

it appears trump is soon to be another that will live the

rest of his days rent free in your head

Trump is neither a liberal or conservative, he's a pragmatist, and leans right or left by what HE considers to be the best outcome on individual problems. He uses emotion as a spearhead, sometimes to ones liking's, other times he rubs one the wrong way. BUT one can be assured that he has NO DONERS, or political ideology driving him.... He exaggerates, will act like a liberal on certain subjects, a raving right winger on others all to EXPAND his voting base... Looking at his continued climb in poll popularity, he's doing it right. Currently he's attacking his most closely ideologically similar opponent, Ted Cruz...if Cruz fails, do his followers go to the establishment candidate, Mr. Roboto, OR do they drift to someone that has the same positions on most of the issues. Trump is playing the long game for the win. Unfortunately few can see this.

good observation and I agree. I am a Cruz supporter myself. but if Trump clinches it I will vote for him over those two: old fogie debbie downers, liars, panderers from the Democrat party. I just hope if Trump wins he does what he says he will. He is tapping into the anger, the American people is fed up with these parties and this President especially.

IF he builds that wall, and STOPS terrorist muslims, and criminal Hispanics from coming to America, IU'm all for declaring him KING...He will have done MORE than any other President has done since WW II!!!!!

How easily you would give up what our Founders fought to create.
Trump is neither a liberal or conservative, he's a pragmatist, and leans right or left by what HE considers to be the best outcome on individual problems. He uses emotion as a spearhead, sometimes to ones liking's, other times he rubs one the wrong way. BUT one can be assured that he has NO DONERS, or political ideology driving him.... He exaggerates, will act like a liberal on certain subjects, a raving right winger on others all to EXPAND his voting base... Looking at his continued climb in poll popularity, he's doing it right. Currently he's attacking his most closely ideologically similar opponent, Ted Cruz...if Cruz fails, do his followers go to the establishment candidate, Mr. Roboto, OR do they drift to someone that has the same positions on most of the issues. Trump is playing the long game for the win. Unfortunately few can see this.

good observation and I agree. I am a Cruz supporter myself. but if Trump clinches it I will vote for him over those two: old fogie debbie downers, liars, panderers from the Democrat party. I just hope if Trump wins he does what he says he will. He is tapping into the anger, the American people is fed up with these parties and this President especially.

IF he builds that wall, and STOPS terrorist muslims, and criminal Hispanics from coming to America, IU'm all for declaring him KING...He will have done MORE than any other President has done since WW II!!!!!
You are why Trump is dangerous. You admitted that you are ready to support a dictator. I don't need to explain it to Illusionist. I only need to show him.

A BENEVOLENT DICTATOR that will "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN".... we desperately NEED one, especially one that will CANCEL all of the Manchurian muslim's Unconstitutional E.O.'s!!!!!
Fascinating how Viggie is so willing to give up our Republic with both hands.
Interesting and true


I am a Ted Cruz supporter, but I want to say a thing or too to my Republican brothers and sisters...indeed to all of my American brothers and sisters...about Donald Trump.
I hear many people, analysts, prgnosticators, and politicians trying to explain the Turmp "Phenomenon."
They go to great lengths about all sorts of things when it is really pretty easy and straight forward. It's a three bullet point explanation:
  1. Most American people have lost complete faith in career politians and the political establishment on both sides of the aisle.
  2. Most American pople are tired of the US getting a bad rap and bad deals, whether from our own people here, or from people or nations abroad.
  3. Most American people believe, irrespective of whatever else, that Donald Trump means what he says and will do all he can to make it happen.
It's really that simple.

Say what you will about the man. Call him irreverant. Call him angry. Call him a braggart. Call him whatever you want.

Most people already understand all those types of things about him...and they are getting behind him anyway because of those three very direct points I just mentioned.

He has opened the doors wide on issues that most Americans think about...and offering solutions that most American people have already thought to themselves.
Now those same Americans are finding out that the right person does not have to be politically correct.
The right person does not have to be politically spit and polished. The right person simply has to be believed.
Let's just look at five pretty big things real quickly:
  1. Trump knows we have to have a border...and he is going to create one and enforce it. Most Americans agree with that sentiment. Most Americans want that to happen.
all of it here:
What I find most amusing is the elites and the MSM do not understand why the voters are upset. They are clueless.
Why are the voters upset?

Because they keep electing people and then complaining about the people they elected, and then re-elect the same people, hoping for something different.

Stupidity makes people angry.
They complain about politicians getting re-elected and they keep re-electing their own.
Trump is neither a liberal or conservative, he's a pragmatist, and leans right or left by what HE considers to be the best outcome on individual problems. He uses emotion as a spearhead, sometimes to ones liking's, other times he rubs one the wrong way. BUT one can be assured that he has NO DONERS, or political ideology driving him.... He exaggerates, will act like a liberal on certain subjects, a raving right winger on others all to EXPAND his voting base... Looking at his continued climb in poll popularity, he's doing it right. Currently he's attacking his most closely ideologically similar opponent, Ted Cruz...if Cruz fails, do his followers go to the establishment candidate, Mr. Roboto, OR do they drift to someone that has the same positions on most of the issues. Trump is playing the long game for the win. Unfortunately few can see this.

good observation and I agree. I am a Cruz supporter myself. but if Trump clinches it I will vote for him over those two: old fogie debbie downers, liars, panderers from the Democrat party. I just hope if Trump wins he does what he says he will. He is tapping into the anger, the American people is fed up with these parties and this President especially.

The weird thing is, he's tapping into anger, but will he do anything to get rid of the anger?

Probably not. He's a populist, populists do what they do best, which is to convince people. They don't do things.

Populists of the past include the Kirchners of Argentina who used the Falkland Islands as a way of trying to make people ignore the realities of their country.

Milosevic in Serbia who used war to keep the people on his side.

Hugo Chavez, who took loads of oil money and tried to improve they country by destroying the economy.

Hitler... do I need to explain?

Berlusconi in Italy, well..... he lasted longer than most other leaders of Italy, but didn't exactly make the country a better place.

Populism is about people feeling good, it doesn't make the country a better place.

Huey Long.
The problem is that he's either lying about his solutions to problems, and playing you all for rubes, or he is crazy. Because every one of them is either impossible to do or would actually make it worse, and in come cases both.

Other than that, everything in the OP is true.
Trump is neither a liberal or conservative, he's a pragmatist, and leans right or left by what HE considers to be the best outcome on individual problems. He uses emotion as a spearhead, sometimes to ones liking's, other times he rubs one the wrong way. BUT one can be assured that he has NO DONERS, or political ideology driving him.... He exaggerates, will act like a liberal on certain subjects, a raving right winger on others all to EXPAND his voting base... Looking at his continued climb in poll popularity, he's doing it right. Currently he's attacking his most closely ideologically similar opponent, Ted Cruz...if Cruz fails, do his followers go to the establishment candidate, Mr. Roboto, OR do they drift to someone that has the same positions on most of the issues. Trump is playing the long game for the win. Unfortunately few can see this.

good observation and I agree. I am a Cruz supporter myself. but if Trump clinches it I will vote for him over those two: old fogie debbie downers, liars, panderers from the Democrat party. I just hope if Trump wins he does what he says he will. He is tapping into the anger, the American people is fed up with these parties and this President especially.

The weird thing is, he's tapping into anger, but will he do anything to get rid of the anger?

Probably not. He's a populist, populists do what they do best, which is to convince people. They don't do things.

Populists of the past include the Kirchners of Argentina who used the Falkland Islands as a way of trying to make people ignore the realities of their country.

Milosevic in Serbia who used war to keep the people on his side.

Hugo Chavez, who took loads of oil money and tried to improve they country by destroying the economy.

Hitler... do I need to explain?

Berlusconi in Italy, well..... he lasted longer than most other leaders of Italy, but didn't exactly make the country a better place.

Populism is about people feeling good, it doesn't make the country a better place.

Huey Long.

I thought that, but it's giving the Kingfisher a bad rap. I think P.T. Barnum.
Trump is neither a liberal or conservative, he's a pragmatist, and leans right or left by what HE considers to be the best outcome on individual problems. He uses emotion as a spearhead, sometimes to ones liking's, other times he rubs one the wrong way. BUT one can be assured that he has NO DONERS, or political ideology driving him.... He exaggerates, will act like a liberal on certain subjects, a raving right winger on others all to EXPAND his voting base... Looking at his continued climb in poll popularity, he's doing it right. Currently he's attacking his most closely ideologically similar opponent, Ted Cruz...if Cruz fails, do his followers go to the establishment candidate, Mr. Roboto, OR do they drift to someone that has the same positions on most of the issues. Trump is playing the long game for the win. Unfortunately few can see this.

I was going to post this as a separate thread but it seems to be quite appropriate here:

Paul Ryan GOP Nominee at a Brokered Convention?

Well, whatcha think? Although Washington insiders are sidling to support Rubio, maybe they'll be forced to try to ram Ryan down out throat if The Donald doesn't wrap up the nomination in the first vote at the GOP convention in July?

Read more about the differences between Trump and Ryan @

(I know this is going to sound crass, but here's my own take on Trump. To win the nomination, he's saying a lot of things people want to hear. The Donald is a salesman and wants to win the White House. That being the case, he will align himself with anyone who can help him beat whomever the Democrat nominee is – including GOP insiders like Ryan and others.

So, if he wins, what will happen then? I think he will fill his cabinet with experts in the various fields and will also end up working closely with whomever holds the majority in Congress so he can broker deals adding to his laurels – person fame. As he's padded both sides in the past, I don't expect him to change once elected.

It means we might see things actually get done in Washington!)
Yes we understand why trump is doing well. Many people are so tired of the same lame bullshit they'll vote for anyone that bucks that trend. I also would like to see an outsider win for a change.

trump is not the guy. He's a bloviating rich idiot. We need someone like this to come out of the middle class or from the poor. A true populist.

People glamming on to trump is just accepting the first widget that comes down the assembly line that looks different than the rest.

Unfortunately the quality is missing. He has the mind of an adolescent.

Unfortunately, Obama has assaulted America to such a degree that Trump rises from the ashes. Obama is the only POTUS Trump could come in behind, and look like the one. He couldn't have followed Clinton... mope... Not Carter either... nope or one of the Bush... nope...

But Obama? Ah, things are really just that bad... And now enter Trump

Easy to comprehend

Trump is feeding off of the fear of the white male demographic who is seeing their majority influence going away. That is happening was not happening yet when Clinton or Carter or Bush was President. It's happening now. Obama is President while this is happening and him being the first non-white male is only an indication of what is happening, not a cause of it.
Yes we understand why trump is doing well. Many people are so tired of the same lame bullshit they'll vote for anyone that bucks that trend. I also would like to see an outsider win for a change.

trump is not the guy. He's a bloviating rich idiot. We need someone like this to come out of the middle class or from the poor. A true populist.

People glamming on to trump is just accepting the first widget that comes down the assembly line that looks different than the rest.

Unfortunately the quality is missing. He has the mind of an adolescent.

Unfortunately, Obama has assaulted America to such a degree that Trump rises from the ashes. Obama is the only POTUS Trump could come in behind, and look like the one. He couldn't have followed Clinton... mope... Not Carter either... nope or one of the Bush... nope...

But Obama? Ah, things are really just that bad... And now enter Trump

Easy to comprehend


Yep, that right there should have the Democrat party shaking in their boots. Obama is not liked and hasn't been for a long time.
In your Far RW bubble only.
Yes we understand why trump is doing well. Many people are so tired of the same lame bullshit they'll vote for anyone that bucks that trend. I also would like to see an outsider win for a change.

trump is not the guy. He's a bloviating rich idiot. We need someone like this to come out of the middle class or from the poor. A true populist.

People glamming on to trump is just accepting the first widget that comes down the assembly line that looks different than the rest.

Unfortunately the quality is missing. He has the mind of an adolescent.

Unfortunately, Obama has assaulted America to such a degree that Trump rises from the ashes. Obama is the only POTUS Trump could come in behind, and look like the one. He couldn't have followed Clinton... mope... Not Carter either... nope or one of the Bush... nope...

But Obama? Ah, things are really just that bad... And now enter Trump

Easy to comprehend

Trump is feeding off of the fear of the white male demographic who is seeing their majority influence going away. That is happening was not happening yet when Clinton or Carter or Bush was President. It's happening now. Obama is President while this is happening and him being the first non-white male is only an indication of what is happening, not a cause of it.
IS NOT! (stamping foot)
Yes we understand why trump is doing well. Many people are so tired of the same lame bullshit they'll vote for anyone that bucks that trend. I also would like to see an outsider win for a change.

trump is not the guy. He's a bloviating rich idiot. We need someone like this to come out of the middle class or from the poor. A true populist.

People glamming on to trump is just accepting the first widget that comes down the assembly line that looks different than the rest.

Unfortunately the quality is missing. He has the mind of an adolescent.

What you want is an outright commie, and Trump isn't that guy. That's why you hate him. That's the only reason. If he was proposing to nationalize all the banks you would love him.

Nah you want an outright communist like Ronald Reagan, that is why you hate yourself.

trump is a misguided bloviating weirdo who can't even comb his hair. You'd think that might be one of the first tenets of a candidate. Can you comb your hair?

it appears trump is soon to be another that will live the

rest of his days rent free in your head


Cryptic nonsense that lives rent free in your head right now.

It is one of the absolute NEEDS of conservatives to project their mental distortions out onto other people.

Huey Long.

The Spartans were noted for their short or one-word replies and witticisms.

Such as when the Persians threatened to cover the Sun with their Arrows, one of Leonidas' Captains replied, "Then we shall fight in the shade"

Another time, Alexander the Great sent the Spartans a threatening communication that went something like, "If we take that part of Greece, we shall burn it and you to the ground."

The Spartans replied, "If"

It's called Laconic wit. Because Sparta was located in Laconia.

Another noted example of Laconic wit is when the 101st Airborne was surrounded by the National Socialists during WWII in Bastogne.

The National SOCIALIST German Commander sent them a note demanding their surrender and the General Commanding them at the time replied, "Nuts!"

That, my dear female person, is Laconic wit.

Your replies are not.

A little explanation with your non-laconic witlessness would be appreciated
Yes we understand why trump is doing well. Many people are so tired of the same lame bullshit they'll vote for anyone that bucks that trend. I also would like to see an outsider win for a change.

trump is not the guy. He's a bloviating rich idiot. We need someone like this to come out of the middle class or from the poor. A true populist.

People glamming on to trump is just accepting the first widget that comes down the assembly line that looks different than the rest.

Unfortunately the quality is missing. He has the mind of an adolescent.

Unfortunately, Obama has assaulted America to such a degree that Trump rises from the ashes. Obama is the only POTUS Trump could come in behind, and look like the one. He couldn't have followed Clinton... mope... Not Carter either... nope or one of the Bush... nope...

But Obama? Ah, things are really just that bad... And now enter Trump

Easy to comprehend


Yep, that right there should have the Democrat party shaking in their boots. Obama is not liked and hasn't been for a long time.

My inlaws are Hawaiian and they are disgusted with him. The Aloha Swap meet was awash with Obama T-shirts declaring his ties to the islands. Try and find one now... My inlaws are not so hot on the chosen one anymore either.

My mother in-law took the Isidewith test and it came up........ drum roll please.......

'I side with Trump'

It blew her mind

Anecdotes. You've got anecdotes.
Huey Long.

The Spartans were noted for their short or one-word replies and witticisms.

Such as when the Persians threatened to cover the Sun with their Arrows, one of Leonidas' Captains replied, "Then we shall fight in the shade"

Another time, Alexander the Great sent the Spartans a threatening communication that went something like, "If we take that part of Greece, we shall burn it and you to the ground."

The Spartans replied, "If"

It's called Laconic wit. Because Sparta was located in Laconia.

Another noted example of Laconic wit is when the 101st Airborne was surrounded by the National Socialists during WWII in Bastogne.

The National SOCIALIST German Commander sent them a note demanding their surrender and the General Commanding them at the time replied, "Nuts!"

That, my dear female person, is Laconic wit.

Your replies are not.

A little explanation with your non-laconic witlessness would be appreciated
Well, it's a darn good thing that I wasn't attempting Laconic wit with that post, isn't it? I was naming an American populist. You know...a person's name. Where you think my posting a person's name is an attempt at Laconic wit is.......puzzling to say the least.
Trump is no more a phenom than the Magic Neeeegro was. You knew Obabble had no credentials to be president but you voted for him on a whim of "change". Now we will elect a businessman hoping he is as aggressive and smart as he claims. It's the chance we take. Too bad we have no eject button if we are wrong.
"Magic Neeeegro"
"The One"
"Dear Leader"

All used by RWrs here....not by those in support of President Obama. That's the word that seems to stick in the RW craw......"President".
Well, it's a darn good thing that I wasn't attempting Laconic wit with that post, isn't it? I was naming an American populist. You know...a person's name. Where you think my posting a person's name is an attempt at Laconic wit is.......puzzling to say the least.

See what I mean??

It's hard to make fun of you when I don't understand what you're saying.

My bad.

I need a decoder ring. Maybe your fellow traveler, Tim Cook can fix me up :dunno:
Well, it's a darn good thing that I wasn't attempting Laconic wit with that post, isn't it? I was naming an American populist. You know...a person's name. Where you think my posting a person's name is an attempt at Laconic wit is.......puzzling to say the least.

See what I mean??

It's hard to make fun of you when I don't understand what you're saying.

My bad.

I need a decoder ring. Maybe your fellow traveler, Tim Cook can fix me up :dunno:
I'm actually surprised you've never heard of Huey Long. Huey Long - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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