The Donald Trump Phenomenon

I am a Cruz supporter myself. but if Trump clinches it I will vote for him over those two: old fogie debbie downers, liars, panderers from the Democrat party. I just hope if Trump wins he does what he says he will. He is tapping into the anger, the American people is fed up with these parties and this President especially.

Like you, I am a Cruz supporter and I have been saying, (and I have posted here), that I fully intend to vote for Trump if he wins the nomination. However, my sentiments have started to change in recent days due to what Trump is doing. Ted Cruz is a good man. He is a man of integrity and honor. Trump began saying just vicious and nasty things about him before the Iowa caucuses and he hasn't shut up. Now, I can excuse a little of this because it's politics and they're trying to win the primaries. At the time, Cruz and Trump were statistically tied in the polls and I could understand how Trump felt he needed to go negative. I didn't like it, but I understood it. We're beyond that now.

For Trump to continue this narrative of 'Ted Cruz is a nasty liar... a sick man... something's wrong with him... etc.' is turning me off in a big way. It reminds me of the shit stain liberals who can't run on the issues and just have to lob personal insults to win. And WHY? Trump has now won 3 of 4 primaries/caucuses with impressive numbers. He's leading across the board. Why keep smearing, insulting and denigrating Ted Cruz? He did the same thing with Ben Carson, who I also have great respect for. These are smart men who are great conservatives. They have loyal followings of supporters who admire them and respect them. Does Trump not understand that he has to win these people over in order to win in November?

He is doing things now that are going to cost us the election and it's not only classless and unnecessary, it's just plain stupid. For someone who prides himself in being a great deal maker and negotiator, he is certainly not demonstrating any strategical sense here. The first part of this is to win the nomination... looks like he is well on his way there... but the next part is to win the general election and he is doing things that are going to alienate the people he needs to win. It's Reagan's 11th Commandment and Trump is shitting all over it like he just doesn't care. And I come here and see his enthusiastic supporters jumping right in there to reinforce this nonsense. Attack, smear, denigrate, humiliate... like little Morton Downey, Jr.s! NOT against liberals or Hillary... but against Conservatives!

If he doesn't change this tone, I am not going to vote for him.. I will sit home and watch this nation elect another Socialist! I don't WANT to do that, but there is a limit to how much I can tolerate of this. I'm reasonable... go after Ted Cruz on his policy ideas... go after his tax plan or his position on trade... I'm fine with that... you don't even have to be "politically correct" but this relentless and vile foaming-at-the-mouth attacking and humiliating needs to stop now.... or it's over with for Trump, he WILL lose in November.
I am a Cruz supporter myself. but if Trump clinches it I will vote for him over those two: old fogie debbie downers, liars, panderers from the Democrat party. I just hope if Trump wins he does what he says he will. He is tapping into the anger, the American people is fed up with these parties and this President especially.

Like you, I am a Cruz supporter and I have been saying, (and I have posted here), that I fully intend to vote for Trump if he wins the nomination. However, my sentiments have started to change in recent days due to what Trump is doing. Ted Cruz is a good man. He is a man of integrity and honor. Trump began saying just vicious and nasty things about him before the Iowa caucuses and he hasn't shut up. Now, I can excuse a little of this because it's politics and they're trying to win the primaries. At the time, Cruz and Trump were statistically tied in the polls and I could understand how Trump felt he needed to go negative. I didn't like it, but I understood it. We're beyond that now.

For Trump to continue this narrative of 'Ted Cruz is a nasty liar... a sick man... something's wrong with him... etc.' is turning me off in a big way. It reminds me of the shit stain liberals who can't run on the issues and just have to lob personal insults to win. And WHY? Trump has now won 3 of 4 primaries/caucuses with impressive numbers. He's leading across the board. Why keep smearing, insulting and denigrating Ted Cruz? He did the same thing with Ben Carson, who I also have great respect for. These are smart men who are great conservatives. They have loyal followings of supporters who admire them and respect them. Does Trump not understand that he has to win these people over in order to win in November?

He is doing things now that are going to cost us the election and it's not only classless and unnecessary, it's just plain stupid. For someone who prides himself in being a great deal maker and negotiator, he is certainly not demonstrating any strategical sense here. The first part of this is to win the nomination... looks like he is well on his way there... but the next part is to win the general election and he is doing things that are going to alienate the people he needs to win. It's Reagan's 11th Commandment and Trump is shitting all over it like he just doesn't care. And I come here and see his enthusiastic supporters jumping right in there to reinforce this nonsense. Attack, smear, denigrate, humiliate... like little Morton Downey, Jr.s! NOT against liberals or Hillary... but against Conservatives!

If he doesn't change this tone, I am not going to vote for him.. I will sit home and watch this nation elect another Socialist! I don't WANT to do that, but there is a limit to how much I can tolerate of this. I'm reasonable... go after Ted Cruz on his policy ideas... go after his tax plan or his position on trade... I'm fine with that... you don't even have to be "politically correct" but this relentless and vile foaming-at-the-mouth attacking and humiliating needs to stop now.... or it's over with for Trump, he WILL lose in November.

He's LEARNED politics! You take out your closest competition (which is Cruz that shares 90% of the same ideology) and then do it to Mr. Roboto IF he needs to be taken out. NO ONE, and I repeat NO ONE can take out that CU*T Hillary the way the Donald will SLICE and DICE her over ALL the many scandals she's been involved in for over 30 years! He'll have ALL the women Blow Job raped up on stage with him, he'll have Gen. Petreaus with him to show that her e-mails scandals make others that were convicted of MUCH LESS OFFENSES with him, He'll be attacking her lesbian lover Huma, for her DUAL JOBS while employed by the State Dept. and collecting money from a LOBBYIST at the same time.... he will be RELENTLESS cutting her to pieces....I CAN'T WAIT, he's such a TYRANT!!!
Trump is neither a liberal or conservative, he's a pragmatist, and leans right or left by what HE considers to be the best outcome on individual problems. He uses emotion as a spearhead, sometimes to ones liking's, other times he rubs one the wrong way. BUT one can be assured that he has NO DONERS, or political ideology driving him.... He exaggerates, will act like a liberal on certain subjects, a raving right winger on others all to EXPAND his voting base... Looking at his continued climb in poll popularity, he's doing it right. Currently he's attacking his most closely ideologically similar opponent, Ted Cruz...if Cruz fails, do his followers go to the establishment candidate, Mr. Roboto, OR do they drift to someone that has the same positions on most of the issues. Trump is playing the long game for the win. Unfortunately few can see this.

good observation and I agree. I am a Cruz supporter myself. but if Trump clinches it I will vote for him over those two: old fogie debbie downers, liars, panderers from the Democrat party. I just hope if Trump wins he does what he says he will. He is tapping into the anger, the American people is fed up with these parties and this President especially.

IF he builds that wall, and STOPS terrorist muslims, and criminal Hispanics from coming to America, IU'm all for declaring him KING...He will have done MORE than any other President has done since WW II!!!!!
You are why Trump is dangerous. You admitted that you are ready to support a dictator. I don't need to explain it to Illusionist. I only need to show him.
I am a Cruz supporter myself. but if Trump clinches it I will vote for him over those two: old fogie debbie downers, liars, panderers from the Democrat party. I just hope if Trump wins he does what he says he will. He is tapping into the anger, the American people is fed up with these parties and this President especially.

Like you, I am a Cruz supporter and I have been saying, (and I have posted here), that I fully intend to vote for Trump if he wins the nomination. However, my sentiments have started to change in recent days due to what Trump is doing. Ted Cruz is a good man. He is a man of integrity and honor. Trump began saying just vicious and nasty things about him before the Iowa caucuses and he hasn't shut up. Now, I can excuse a little of this because it's politics and they're trying to win the primaries. At the time, Cruz and Trump were statistically tied in the polls and I could understand how Trump felt he needed to go negative. I didn't like it, but I understood it. We're beyond that now.

For Trump to continue this narrative of 'Ted Cruz is a nasty liar... a sick man... something's wrong with him... etc.' is turning me off in a big way. It reminds me of the shit stain liberals who can't run on the issues and just have to lob personal insults to win. And WHY? Trump has now won 3 of 4 primaries/caucuses with impressive numbers. He's leading across the board. Why keep smearing, insulting and denigrating Ted Cruz? He did the same thing with Ben Carson, who I also have great respect for. These are smart men who are great conservatives. They have loyal followings of supporters who admire them and respect them. Does Trump not understand that he has to win these people over in order to win in November?

He is doing things now that are going to cost us the election and it's not only classless and unnecessary, it's just plain stupid. For someone who prides himself in being a great deal maker and negotiator, he is certainly not demonstrating any strategical sense here. The first part of this is to win the nomination... looks like he is well on his way there... but the next part is to win the general election and he is doing things that are going to alienate the people he needs to win. It's Reagan's 11th Commandment and Trump is shitting all over it like he just doesn't care. And I come here and see his enthusiastic supporters jumping right in there to reinforce this nonsense. Attack, smear, denigrate, humiliate... like little Morton Downey, Jr.s! NOT against liberals or Hillary... but against Conservatives!

If he doesn't change this tone, I am not going to vote for him.. I will sit home and watch this nation elect another Socialist! I don't WANT to do that, but there is a limit to how much I can tolerate of this. I'm reasonable... go after Ted Cruz on his policy ideas... go after his tax plan or his position on trade... I'm fine with that... you don't even have to be "politically correct" but this relentless and vile foaming-at-the-mouth attacking and humiliating needs to stop now.... or it's over with for Trump, he WILL lose in November.
Now you arouse my curiosity... I'm a Texan and I don't hear people talking that positively about Cruz -- our own senator.
What makes you believe that he is "a good man", and "a man of integrity and honor"? Do you happen to know him personally? Explain your conclusion on Cruz, why is he good?
Trump is neither a liberal or conservative, he's a pragmatist, and leans right or left by what HE considers to be the best outcome on individual problems. He uses emotion as a spearhead, sometimes to ones liking's, other times he rubs one the wrong way. BUT one can be assured that he has NO DONERS, or political ideology driving him.... He exaggerates, will act like a liberal on certain subjects, a raving right winger on others all to EXPAND his voting base... Looking at his continued climb in poll popularity, he's doing it right. Currently he's attacking his most closely ideologically similar opponent, Ted Cruz...if Cruz fails, do his followers go to the establishment candidate, Mr. Roboto, OR do they drift to someone that has the same positions on most of the issues. Trump is playing the long game for the win. Unfortunately few can see this.

good observation and I agree. I am a Cruz supporter myself. but if Trump clinches it I will vote for him over those two: old fogie debbie downers, liars, panderers from the Democrat party. I just hope if Trump wins he does what he says he will. He is tapping into the anger, the American people is fed up with these parties and this President especially.

IF he builds that wall, and STOPS terrorist muslims, and criminal Hispanics from coming to America, IU'm all for declaring him KING...He will have done MORE than any other President has done since WW II!!!!!
You are why Trump is dangerous. You admitted that you are ready to support a dictator. I don't need to explain it to Illusionist. I only need to show him.

A BENEVOLENT DICTATOR that will "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN".... we desperately NEED one, especially one that will CANCEL all of the Manchurian muslim's Unconstitutional E.O.'s!!!!!
He unsurprisingly said he LOVES the uneducated.

Well I know that you libtards get all excited about that kind of thing but it doesn't bother me. Go look at his demographics and you'll see that he wins the college-educated vote, he wins the high school graduate vote, he wins in every demographic. He's winning by a larger percentage in Massachusetts than in Mississippi... are the people of Massachusetts uneducated?

My problem is that he's turned into Morton Downey, Jr. and he is attacking Conservatives in the most vile and insulting ways... who he needs if he expects to win in November.
Trump is neither a liberal or conservative, he's a pragmatist, and leans right or left by what HE considers to be the best outcome on individual problems. He uses emotion as a spearhead, sometimes to ones liking's, other times he rubs one the wrong way. BUT one can be assured that he has NO DONERS, or political ideology driving him.... He exaggerates, will act like a liberal on certain subjects, a raving right winger on others all to EXPAND his voting base... Looking at his continued climb in poll popularity, he's doing it right. Currently he's attacking his most closely ideologically similar opponent, Ted Cruz...if Cruz fails, do his followers go to the establishment candidate, Mr. Roboto, OR do they drift to someone that has the same positions on most of the issues. Trump is playing the long game for the win. Unfortunately few can see this.

good observation and I agree. I am a Cruz supporter myself. but if Trump clinches it I will vote for him over those two: old fogie debbie downers, liars, panderers from the Democrat party. I just hope if Trump wins he does what he says he will. He is tapping into the anger, the American people is fed up with these parties and this President especially.

IF he builds that wall, and STOPS terrorist muslims, and criminal Hispanics from coming to America, IU'm all for declaring him KING...He will have done MORE than any other President has done since WW II!!!!!
You are why Trump is dangerous. You admitted that you are ready to support a dictator. I don't need to explain it to Illusionist. I only need to show him.

A BENEVOLENT DICTATOR that will "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN".... we desperately NEED one, especially one that will CANCEL all of the Manchurian muslim's Unconstitutional E.O.'s!!!!!
A dictator who only temporarily uses his powers to save the nation, and then returns the nation to its previous democratic state, right?
Trump is neither a liberal or conservative, he's a pragmatist, and leans right or left by what HE considers to be the best outcome on individual problems. He uses emotion as a spearhead, sometimes to ones liking's, other times he rubs one the wrong way. BUT one can be assured that he has NO DONERS, or political ideology driving him.... He exaggerates, will act like a liberal on certain subjects, a raving right winger on others all to EXPAND his voting base... Looking at his continued climb in poll popularity, he's doing it right. Currently he's attacking his most closely ideologically similar opponent, Ted Cruz...if Cruz fails, do his followers go to the establishment candidate, Mr. Roboto, OR do they drift to someone that has the same positions on most of the issues. Trump is playing the long game for the win. Unfortunately few can see this.

good observation and I agree. I am a Cruz supporter myself. but if Trump clinches it I will vote for him over those two: old fogie debbie downers, liars, panderers from the Democrat party. I just hope if Trump wins he does what he says he will. He is tapping into the anger, the American people is fed up with these parties and this President especially.

IF he builds that wall, and STOPS terrorist muslims, and criminal Hispanics from coming to America, IU'm all for declaring him KING...He will have done MORE than any other President has done since WW II!!!!!
You are why Trump is dangerous. You admitted that you are ready to support a dictator. I don't need to explain it to Illusionist. I only need to show him.

A BENEVOLENT DICTATOR that will "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN".... we desperately NEED one, especially one that will CANCEL all of the Manchurian muslim's Unconstitutional E.O.'s!!!!!
A dictator who only temporarily uses his powers to save the nation, and then returns the nation to its previous democratic state, right?

Well, YOU can believe whatever blows your skirt up.... I see reality has NO PART of your logic!
I am a Cruz supporter myself. but if Trump clinches it I will vote for him over those two: old fogie debbie downers, liars, panderers from the Democrat party. I just hope if Trump wins he does what he says he will. He is tapping into the anger, the American people is fed up with these parties and this President especially.

Like you, I am a Cruz supporter and I have been saying, (and I have posted here), that I fully intend to vote for Trump if he wins the nomination. However, my sentiments have started to change in recent days due to what Trump is doing. Ted Cruz is a good man. He is a man of integrity and honor. Trump began saying just vicious and nasty things about him before the Iowa caucuses and he hasn't shut up. Now, I can excuse a little of this because it's politics and they're trying to win the primaries. At the time, Cruz and Trump were statistically tied in the polls and I could understand how Trump felt he needed to go negative. I didn't like it, but I understood it. We're beyond that now.

For Trump to continue this narrative of 'Ted Cruz is a nasty liar... a sick man... something's wrong with him... etc.' is turning me off in a big way. It reminds me of the shit stain liberals who can't run on the issues and just have to lob personal insults to win. And WHY? Trump has now won 3 of 4 primaries/caucuses with impressive numbers. He's leading across the board. Why keep smearing, insulting and denigrating Ted Cruz? He did the same thing with Ben Carson, who I also have great respect for. These are smart men who are great conservatives. They have loyal followings of supporters who admire them and respect them. Does Trump not understand that he has to win these people over in order to win in November?

He is doing things now that are going to cost us the election and it's not only classless and unnecessary, it's just plain stupid. For someone who prides himself in being a great deal maker and negotiator, he is certainly not demonstrating any strategical sense here. The first part of this is to win the nomination... looks like he is well on his way there... but the next part is to win the general election and he is doing things that are going to alienate the people he needs to win. It's Reagan's 11th Commandment and Trump is shitting all over it like he just doesn't care. And I come here and see his enthusiastic supporters jumping right in there to reinforce this nonsense. Attack, smear, denigrate, humiliate... like little Morton Downey, Jr.s! NOT against liberals or Hillary... but against Conservatives!

If he doesn't change this tone, I am not going to vote for him.. I will sit home and watch this nation elect another Socialist! I don't WANT to do that, but there is a limit to how much I can tolerate of this. I'm reasonable... go after Ted Cruz on his policy ideas... go after his tax plan or his position on trade... I'm fine with that... you don't even have to be "politically correct" but this relentless and vile foaming-at-the-mouth attacking and humiliating needs to stop now.... or it's over with for Trump, he WILL lose in November.

He's LEARNED politics! You take out your closest competition (which is Cruz that shares 90% of the same ideology) and then do it to Mr. Roboto IF he needs to be taken out. NO ONE, and I repeat NO ONE can take out that CU*T Hillary the way the Donald will SLICE and DICE her over ALL the many scandals she's been involved in for over 30 years! He'll have ALL the women Blow Job raped up on stage with him, he'll have Gen. Petreaus with him to show that her e-mails scandals make others that were convicted of MUCH LESS OFFENSES with him, He'll be attacking her lesbian lover Huma, for her DUAL JOBS while employed by the State Dept. and collecting money from a LOBBYIST at the same time.... he will be RELENTLESS cutting her to pieces....I CAN'T WAIT, he's such a TYRANT!!!

Take him out of where? He's winning the race comfortably... there is nowhere to take anyone out to. He has no more competition on the Republican side but he continues to insult and attack in the most vicious and humiliating way. Not over policy or substance but just nasty personal denigration that is so unbecoming and low class. No character, no leadership, no vision or inspiration.. just relentless attack, attack, attack.

If he continues as he has, he will lose the Cruz and Carson supporters and he won't get them back. He can't expect to fracture the party this way and still win in November.
Now you arouse my curiosity... I'm a Texan and I don't hear people talking that positively about Cruz -- our own senator.
What makes you believe that he is "a good man", and "a man of integrity and honor"? Do you happen to know him personally? Explain your conclusion on Cruz, why is he good?

The man went to Washington on the promise he would stand up to Obama and he did just that. Even when his party abandoned him and it was unpopular, he stood (nearly) alone... save for Mike Lee, Jeff Sessions and a couple of others. The man has integrity and does what he says he's going to do, which is to stand for conservative principles.
. how sad you can't post on this board without being stalked and harassed in every thread and post. Guano is the stalker in this thread: beware
asking something be done about them gets nowhere
I want to say a thing or too to my Republican brothers and sisters...

i am an Independent and lean a little right.., may i listen in ? :up:

sure can. anytime. that was the writer of the article talking, but like Him, I am also a Cruz supporter. but I thought the article interesting and gave good reasons for his rise and blowing away the field. :beer:
I am a Cruz supporter myself. but if Trump clinches it I will vote for him over those two: old fogie debbie downers, liars, panderers from the Democrat party. I just hope if Trump wins he does what he says he will. He is tapping into the anger, the American people is fed up with these parties and this President especially.

Like you, I am a Cruz supporter and I have been saying, (and I have posted here), that I fully intend to vote for Trump if he wins the nomination. However, my sentiments have started to change in recent days due to what Trump is doing. Ted Cruz is a good man. He is a man of integrity and honor. Trump began saying just vicious and nasty things about him before the Iowa caucuses and he hasn't shut up. Now, I can excuse a little of this because it's politics and they're trying to win the primaries. At the time, Cruz and Trump were statistically tied in the polls and I could understand how Trump felt he needed to go negative. I didn't like it, but I understood it. We're beyond that now.

For Trump to continue this narrative of 'Ted Cruz is a nasty liar... a sick man... something's wrong with him... etc.' is turning me off in a big way. It reminds me of the shit stain liberals who can't run on the issues and just have to lob personal insults to win. And WHY? Trump has now won 3 of 4 primaries/caucuses with impressive numbers. He's leading across the board. Why keep smearing, insulting and denigrating Ted Cruz? He did the same thing with Ben Carson, who I also have great respect for. These are smart men who are great conservatives. They have loyal followings of supporters who admire them and respect them. Does Trump not understand that he has to win these people over in order to win in November?

He is doing things now that are going to cost us the election and it's not only classless and unnecessary, it's just plain stupid. For someone who prides himself in being a great deal maker and negotiator, he is certainly not demonstrating any strategical sense here. The first part of this is to win the nomination... looks like he is well on his way there... but the next part is to win the general election and he is doing things that are going to alienate the people he needs to win. It's Reagan's 11th Commandment and Trump is shitting all over it like he just doesn't care. And I come here and see his enthusiastic supporters jumping right in there to reinforce this nonsense. Attack, smear, denigrate, humiliate... like little Morton Downey, Jr.s! NOT against liberals or Hillary... but against Conservatives!

If he doesn't change this tone, I am not going to vote for him.. I will sit home and watch this nation elect another Socialist! I don't WANT to do that, but there is a limit to how much I can tolerate of this. I'm reasonable... go after Ted Cruz on his policy ideas... go after his tax plan or his position on trade... I'm fine with that... you don't even have to be "politically correct" but this relentless and vile foaming-at-the-mouth attacking and humiliating needs to stop now.... or it's over with for Trump, he WILL lose in November.

He's LEARNED politics! You take out your closest competition (which is Cruz that shares 90% of the same ideology) and then do it to Mr. Roboto IF he needs to be taken out. NO ONE, and I repeat NO ONE can take out that CU*T Hillary the way the Donald will SLICE and DICE her over ALL the many scandals she's been involved in for over 30 years! He'll have ALL the women Blow Job raped up on stage with him, he'll have Gen. Petreaus with him to show that her e-mails scandals make others that were convicted of MUCH LESS OFFENSES with him, He'll be attacking her lesbian lover Huma, for her DUAL JOBS while employed by the State Dept. and collecting money from a LOBBYIST at the same time.... he will be RELENTLESS cutting her to pieces....I CAN'T WAIT, he's such a TYRANT!!!

Take him out of where? He's winning the race comfortably... there is nowhere to take anyone out to. He has no more competition on the Republican side but he continues to insult and attack in the most vicious and humiliating way. Not over policy or substance but just nasty personal denigration that is so unbecoming and low class. No character, no leadership, no vision or inspiration.. just relentless attack, attack, attack.

If he continues as he has, he will lose the Cruz and Carson supporters and he won't get them back. He can't expect to fracture the party this way and still win in November.

Cruz is winning Texas...If Trump can stop him there, it's over!

Recent problem for Cruz...

FIREWALL CRUMBLES: Cruz prepares for election day massacre by pulling out of Alabama events
Yellow Hammer ^
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — The “southern firewall” Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign has been building for months appears to be crumbling under the weight of Donald Trump’s staying power and Marco Rubio’s resurgence. The Cruz campaign told Yellowhammer Wednesday night they are pulling out of the Presidential Forum set to be held at Samford University in Birmingham on Saturday, and will not be holding any other events in Alabama ahead of election day. Senator Marco Rubio’s campaign, however, reiterated their commitment to the event. The move is one of the most open indicators to date that Cruz has failed to pick up.
Now you arouse my curiosity... I'm a Texan and I don't hear people talking that positively about Cruz -- our own senator.
What makes you believe that he is "a good man", and "a man of integrity and honor"? Do you happen to know him personally? Explain your conclusion on Cruz, why is he good?

The man went to Washington on the promise he would stand up to Obama and he did just that. Even when his party abandoned him and it was unpopular, he stood (nearly) alone... save for Mike Lee, Jeff Sessions and a couple of others. The man has integrity and does what he says he's going to do, which is to stand for conservative principles.
I understand it better now. If you argue that Cruz will never betray conservative values, I would certainly agree. I believe that's what brings him to his current position in the race.

However, I don't think he is "a good man" or "a man of integrity and honor". As a matter of fact, I have drawn an opposite conclusion. I believe he is willing to do whatever to reach his goals, including despicable tricks that a lot of people hate. This is, believe it or not, my true feelings about him. That's why I don't blame Trump for calling him "a liar" or "a sick man", especially considering the fierce competition between the two in Texas.

You have a point in saying that Trump may offend some Cruz supporters and lose their support, but so far, you are the only one who seriously attempt to defend Cruz's personality. I suspect you are an outlier (maybe I'm wrong, and we will see). As for Mr. Trump and his campaign... Unfortunately I don't think they will stop attacking Cruz unless he yields publicly. Trump is a ruthless fighter. Some people curse him for that, others admire his strengths. I personally believe he's the kind of leader we need right now for our country. Time will prove if I'm right.
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