The Donald Trump Phenomenon

However, I don't think he is "a good man" or "a man of integrity and honor". As a matter of fact, I have drawn an opposite conclusion. I believe he is willing to do whatever to reach his goals, including despicable tricks that a lot of people hate. This is, believe it or not, my true feelings about him. That's why I don't blame Trump for calling him "a liar" or "a sick man", especially considering the fierce competition between the two in Texas.

Despicable tricks? Like speaking in Spanish to Univision and telling them you will not rescind Obama's amnesty EO (DOCA) if you're elected... then turning around to your English-speaking audience and claiming you've never taken that position... knowing that you co-sponsored an amnesty bill yourself... and when that is pointed out by your competition, calling them a liar? You mean "despicable tricks" like denying you said to Chris Matthews on MSNBC that you think Planned Parenthood does some wonderful things for women and you wouldn't defund them and when your opposition points this out, you call them the "single biggest liar."? OR maybe you're talking about "despicable tricks" like taking a comment in a book from 15 years ago out of context to smear the reputation of a great neurosurgeon who you happen to be running against... calling him a "damaged person with pathological disease?"

A few weeks ago, while running in Iowa, someone asked Trump about Federal land grabs... the issue in Oregon was heating up at the time... This is where the Federal government is taking land from state control under the National Parks Act and a good many people are fiercely opposed to this... So they ask Trump directly, do you think the Federal government ought to be doing this and he said YES... They do a wonderful job with the land...blah blah blah... Jump ahead a few weeks and the Cruz campaign runs a commercial taking Trump to task for his unorthodox, non-conservative, statist Big Government answer... and Trump acts like he never said this and doesn't know what the hell they're talking about... Cruz is just a sick liar! No... Cruz is telling the truth! Rubio and Trump are lying.
Interesting and true


I am a Ted Cruz supporter, but I want to say a thing or too to my Republican brothers and sisters...indeed to all of my American brothers and sisters...about Donald Trump.
I hear many people, analysts, prgnosticators, and politicians trying to explain the Turmp "Phenomenon."
They go to great lengths about all sorts of things when it is really pretty easy and straight forward. It's a three bullet point explanation:
  1. Most American people have lost complete faith in career politians and the political establishment on both sides of the aisle.
  2. Most American pople are tired of the US getting a bad rap and bad deals, whether from our own people here, or from people or nations abroad.
  3. Most American people believe, irrespective of whatever else, that Donald Trump means what he says and will do all he can to make it happen.
It's really that simple.

Say what you will about the man. Call him irreverant. Call him angry. Call him a braggart. Call him whatever you want.

Most people already understand all those types of things about him...and they are getting behind him anyway because of those three very direct points I just mentioned.

He has opened the doors wide on issues that most Americans think about...and offering solutions that most American people have already thought to themselves.
Now those same Americans are finding out that the right person does not have to be politically correct.
The right person does not have to be politically spit and polished. The right person simply has to be believed.
Let's just look at five pretty big things real quickly:
  1. Trump knows we have to have a border...and he is going to create one and enforce it. Most Americans agree with that sentiment. Most Americans want that to happen.
all of it here:
What I find most amusing is the elites and the MSM do not understand why the voters are upset. They are clueless.
Why are the voters upset?

Because they keep electing people and then complaining about the people they elected, and then re-elect the same people, hoping for something different.

Stupidity makes people angry.
Trump is neither a liberal or conservative, he's a pragmatist, and leans right or left by what HE considers to be the best outcome on individual problems. He uses emotion as a spearhead, sometimes to ones liking's, other times he rubs one the wrong way. BUT one can be assured that he has NO DONERS, or political ideology driving him.... He exaggerates, will act like a liberal on certain subjects, a raving right winger on others all to EXPAND his voting base... Looking at his continued climb in poll popularity, he's doing it right. Currently he's attacking his most closely ideologically similar opponent, Ted Cruz...if Cruz fails, do his followers go to the establishment candidate, Mr. Roboto, OR do they drift to someone that has the same positions on most of the issues. Trump is playing the long game for the win. Unfortunately few can see this.

good observation and I agree. I am a Cruz supporter myself. but if Trump clinches it I will vote for him over those two: old fogie debbie downers, liars, panderers from the Democrat party. I just hope if Trump wins he does what he says he will. He is tapping into the anger, the American people is fed up with these parties and this President especially.

The weird thing is, he's tapping into anger, but will he do anything to get rid of the anger?

Probably not. He's a populist, populists do what they do best, which is to convince people. They don't do things.

Populists of the past include the Kirchners of Argentina who used the Falkland Islands as a way of trying to make people ignore the realities of their country.

Milosevic in Serbia who used war to keep the people on his side.

Hugo Chavez, who took loads of oil money and tried to improve they country by destroying the economy.

Hitler... do I need to explain?

Berlusconi in Italy, well..... he lasted longer than most other leaders of Italy, but didn't exactly make the country a better place.

Populism is about people feeling good, it doesn't make the country a better place.
However, I don't think he is "a good man" or "a man of integrity and honor". As a matter of fact, I have drawn an opposite conclusion. I believe he is willing to do whatever to reach his goals, including despicable tricks that a lot of people hate. This is, believe it or not, my true feelings about him. That's why I don't blame Trump for calling him "a liar" or "a sick man", especially considering the fierce competition between the two in Texas.

Despicable tricks? Like speaking in Spanish to Univision and telling them you will not rescind Obama's amnesty EO (DOCA) if you're elected... then turning around to your English-speaking audience and claiming you've never taken that position... knowing that you co-sponsored an amnesty bill yourself... and when that is pointed out by your competition, calling them a liar? You mean "despicable tricks" like denying you said to Chris Matthews on MSNBC that you think Planned Parenthood does some wonderful things for women and you wouldn't defund them and when your opposition points this out, you call them the "single biggest liar."? OR maybe you're talking about "despicable tricks" like taking a comment in a book from 15 years ago out of context to smear the reputation of a great neurosurgeon who you happen to be running against... calling him a "damaged person with pathological disease?"

A few weeks ago, while running in Iowa, someone asked Trump about Federal land grabs... the issue in Oregon was heating up at the time... This is where the Federal government is taking land from state control under the National Parks Act and a good many people are fiercely opposed to this... So they ask Trump directly, do you think the Federal government ought to be doing this and he said YES... They do a wonderful job with the land...blah blah blah... Jump ahead a few weeks and the Cruz campaign runs a commercial taking Trump to task for his unorthodox, non-conservative, statist Big Government answer... and Trump acts like he never said this and doesn't know what the hell they're talking about... Cruz is just a sick liar! No... Cruz is telling the truth! Rubio and Trump are lying.
Apparently we have quite different standards when it comes to evaluating the "integrity" of a candidate and his campaign. In my opinion, everybody, Cruz included, lies about the issues (note that I define "giving false information intentionally" as "lying"), but it's fine. I don't blame them for changing their words a little bit -- all politicians do that. They all LIE (maybe you believe Cruz does not lie, but again, that's you and probably you only).

However, if a candidate or his campaign dare to cheat votes directly, it's a red flag to me. The moment that news about the Carson emails and the voter violation nonsense came out, Cruz was OVER in my mind. There is no way that I vote for someone whose campaign did these dirty tricks. I know you want to defend him by saying he has no control over it, and you've made your point pretty clear on that, but it doesn't change anything. No matter what you say, I along with a great number of people blame Cruz for what happened -- that's probably why he didn't do well among evangelicals in SC. Even if he didn't have control over what happened in Iowa, he has to blame his "friends" for doing those awful tricks. They dare to fool us like that, I will make them pay with my vote. I think a lot of people share my views on this.

I can tolerate a politician lying 100 times on issues (sadly they all do it), but I can't forgive anyone who cheat my vote directly like the Cruz campaign did, not even once. You do it, you pay for it. Recently, Cruz fired his communication director because of a fraud he made. You could argue that it's not Cruz himself, but guess what, nobody's buying it, except for the Cruz supporters. Like it or not, it's true. People hate these tricks, far more than lying about issues. I'm not trying to argue with you here. I just want you to understand what is going on and how others think.
However, I don't think he is "a good man" or "a man of integrity and honor". As a matter of fact, I have drawn an opposite conclusion. I believe he is willing to do whatever to reach his goals, including despicable tricks that a lot of people hate. This is, believe it or not, my true feelings about him. That's why I don't blame Trump for calling him "a liar" or "a sick man", especially considering the fierce competition between the two in Texas.

Despicable tricks? Like speaking in Spanish to Univision and telling them you will not rescind Obama's amnesty EO (DOCA) if you're elected... then turning around to your English-speaking audience and claiming you've never taken that position... knowing that you co-sponsored an amnesty bill yourself... and when that is pointed out by your competition, calling them a liar? You mean "despicable tricks" like denying you said to Chris Matthews on MSNBC that you think Planned Parenthood does some wonderful things for women and you wouldn't defund them and when your opposition points this out, you call them the "single biggest liar."? OR maybe you're talking about "despicable tricks" like taking a comment in a book from 15 years ago out of context to smear the reputation of a great neurosurgeon who you happen to be running against... calling him a "damaged person with pathological disease?"

A few weeks ago, while running in Iowa, someone asked Trump about Federal land grabs... the issue in Oregon was heating up at the time... This is where the Federal government is taking land from state control under the National Parks Act and a good many people are fiercely opposed to this... So they ask Trump directly, do you think the Federal government ought to be doing this and he said YES... They do a wonderful job with the land...blah blah blah... Jump ahead a few weeks and the Cruz campaign runs a commercial taking Trump to task for his unorthodox, non-conservative, statist Big Government answer... and Trump acts like he never said this and doesn't know what the hell they're talking about... Cruz is just a sick liar! No... Cruz is telling the truth! Rubio and Trump are lying.
When asked about criticism of the Kelo ruling by Democratic presidential candidate Senator

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
, Trump argued, “the way they talk, people would say oh, it’s turned over. It’s turned over for four, five, six, ten times sometimes what it’s worth. People pay them a fortune. But sometimes you have people that want to hold out just for the — most of the time, I will say, I’ve done a lot of outparcels, I call them outparcels. Most of the time, they just want money, okay? It’s very rarely that they say ‘I love my house. I love my house. It’s the greatest thing there.’ Because these people can go buy a house now that’s five times bigger, in a better location, so eminent domain, when it comes to jobs, roads, the public good, I think it’s a wonderful thing, I’ll be honest with you, and remember, you’re not taking property, you know, the way you asked the question, the way other people — you’re paying a fortune for that property. Those people can move two blocks away into a much nicer house.”
Trump concluded, “I think it’s a great subject. It’s a very interesting subject. I fully understand the conservative approach. But I don’t think it was explained to most conservatives.”
Yes we understand why trump is doing well. Many people are so tired of the same lame bullshit they'll vote for anyone that bucks that trend. I also would like to see an outsider win for a change.

trump is not the guy. He's a bloviating rich idiot. We need someone like this to come out of the middle class or from the poor. A true populist.

People glamming on to trump is just accepting the first widget that comes down the assembly line that looks different than the rest.

Unfortunately the quality is missing. He has the mind of an adolescent.

What you want is an outright commie, and Trump isn't that guy. That's why you hate him. That's the only reason. If he was proposing to nationalize all the banks you would love him.
However, I don't think he is "a good man" or "a man of integrity and honor". As a matter of fact, I have drawn an opposite conclusion. I believe he is willing to do whatever to reach his goals, including despicable tricks that a lot of people hate. This is, believe it or not, my true feelings about him. That's why I don't blame Trump for calling him "a liar" or "a sick man", especially considering the fierce competition between the two in Texas.

Despicable tricks? Like speaking in Spanish to Univision and telling them you will not rescind Obama's amnesty EO (DOCA) if you're elected... then turning around to your English-speaking audience and claiming you've never taken that position... knowing that you co-sponsored an amnesty bill yourself... and when that is pointed out by your competition, calling them a liar? You mean "despicable tricks" like denying you said to Chris Matthews on MSNBC that you think Planned Parenthood does some wonderful things for women and you wouldn't defund them and when your opposition points this out, you call them the "single biggest liar."? OR maybe you're talking about "despicable tricks" like taking a comment in a book from 15 years ago out of context to smear the reputation of a great neurosurgeon who you happen to be running against... calling him a "damaged person with pathological disease?"

A few weeks ago, while running in Iowa, someone asked Trump about Federal land grabs... the issue in Oregon was heating up at the time... This is where the Federal government is taking land from state control under the National Parks Act and a good many people are fiercely opposed to this... So they ask Trump directly, do you think the Federal government ought to be doing this and he said YES... They do a wonderful job with the land...blah blah blah... Jump ahead a few weeks and the Cruz campaign runs a commercial taking Trump to task for his unorthodox, non-conservative, statist Big Government answer... and Trump acts like he never said this and doesn't know what the hell they're talking about... Cruz is just a sick liar! No... Cruz is telling the truth! Rubio and Trump are lying.
Apparently we have quite different standards when it comes to evaluating the "integrity" of a candidate and his campaign. In my opinion, everybody, Cruz included, lies about the issues (note that I define "giving false information intentionally" as "lying"), but it's fine. I don't blame them for changing their words a little bit -- all politicians do that. They all LIE (maybe you believe Cruz does not lie, but again, that's you and probably you only).

However, if a candidate or his campaign dare to cheat votes directly, it's a red flag to me. The moment that news about the Carson emails and the voter violation nonsense came out, Cruz was OVER in my mind. There is no way that I vote for someone whose campaign did these dirty tricks. I know you want to defend him by saying he has no control over it, and you've made your point pretty clear on that, but it doesn't change anything. No matter what you say, I along with a great number of people blame Cruz for what happened -- that's probably why he didn't do well among evangelicals in SC. Even if he didn't have control over what happened in Iowa, he has to blame his "friends" for doing those awful tricks. They dare to fool us like that, I will make them pay with my vote. I think a lot of people share my views on this.

I can tolerate a politician lying 100 times on issues (sadly they all do it), but I can't forgive anyone who cheat my vote directly like the Cruz campaign did, not even once. You do it, you pay for it. Recently, Cruz fired his communication director because of a fraud he made. You could argue that it's not Cruz himself, but guess what, nobody's buying it, except for the Cruz supporters. Like it or not, it's true. People hate these tricks, far more than lying about issues. I'm not trying to argue with you here. I just want you to understand what is going on and how others think.

ALL you are saying to me here is... I buy the propaganda being pumped out by Mitch McConnell and the Establishment elite! I had rather believe that propaganda than to think for myself! I had rather hold Cruz accountable for the actions of political action committees he has absolutely no control over and give a complete and total pass to the actions and words of Rubio and Trump because... well, everyone lies!
Last time the US was "tough" on Iran, Khatami lost and I'm a nut job won.

The current Iranian leadership wants peace and economic security. They do not want a nuclear weapon. The Ayatollah will continue to support these leaders so long as they produce positive results for Iran.

To weaken Rouhani by "tearing up" the deal would be infinitely stupid.

Cruz and Trump and their militaristic supporters do not understand this.
Anyone who wants to let the illegal stay is off the list of acceptable candidates. He also raised taxes in Ohio big time, so that's another major strike against him. I wouldn't trust Kasich as far as I could throw him. He's just another "business as usual" Republican who will sell out the voters. He already sold out the voters of Ohio.
However, I don't think he is "a good man" or "a man of integrity and honor". As a matter of fact, I have drawn an opposite conclusion. I believe he is willing to do whatever to reach his goals, including despicable tricks that a lot of people hate. This is, believe it or not, my true feelings about him. That's why I don't blame Trump for calling him "a liar" or "a sick man", especially considering the fierce competition between the two in Texas.

Despicable tricks? Like speaking in Spanish to Univision and telling them you will not rescind Obama's amnesty EO (DOCA) if you're elected... then turning around to your English-speaking audience and claiming you've never taken that position... knowing that you co-sponsored an amnesty bill yourself... and when that is pointed out by your competition, calling them a liar? You mean "despicable tricks" like denying you said to Chris Matthews on MSNBC that you think Planned Parenthood does some wonderful things for women and you wouldn't defund them and when your opposition points this out, you call them the "single biggest liar."? OR maybe you're talking about "despicable tricks" like taking a comment in a book from 15 years ago out of context to smear the reputation of a great neurosurgeon who you happen to be running against... calling him a "damaged person with pathological disease?"

A few weeks ago, while running in Iowa, someone asked Trump about Federal land grabs... the issue in Oregon was heating up at the time... This is where the Federal government is taking land from state control under the National Parks Act and a good many people are fiercely opposed to this... So they ask Trump directly, do you think the Federal government ought to be doing this and he said YES... They do a wonderful job with the land...blah blah blah... Jump ahead a few weeks and the Cruz campaign runs a commercial taking Trump to task for his unorthodox, non-conservative, statist Big Government answer... and Trump acts like he never said this and doesn't know what the hell they're talking about... Cruz is just a sick liar! No... Cruz is telling the truth! Rubio and Trump are lying.
Apparently we have quite different standards when it comes to evaluating the "integrity" of a candidate and his campaign. In my opinion, everybody, Cruz included, lies about the issues (note that I define "giving false information intentionally" as "lying"), but it's fine. I don't blame them for changing their words a little bit -- all politicians do that. They all LIE (maybe you believe Cruz does not lie, but again, that's you and probably you only).

However, if a candidate or his campaign dare to cheat votes directly, it's a red flag to me. The moment that news about the Carson emails and the voter violation nonsense came out, Cruz was OVER in my mind. There is no way that I vote for someone whose campaign did these dirty tricks. I know you want to defend him by saying he has no control over it, and you've made your point pretty clear on that, but it doesn't change anything. No matter what you say, I along with a great number of people blame Cruz for what happened -- that's probably why he didn't do well among evangelicals in SC. Even if he didn't have control over what happened in Iowa, he has to blame his "friends" for doing those awful tricks. They dare to fool us like that, I will make them pay with my vote. I think a lot of people share my views on this.

I can tolerate a politician lying 100 times on issues (sadly they all do it), but I can't forgive anyone who cheat my vote directly like the Cruz campaign did, not even once. You do it, you pay for it. Recently, Cruz fired his communication director because of a fraud he made. You could argue that it's not Cruz himself, but guess what, nobody's buying it, except for the Cruz supporters. Like it or not, it's true. People hate these tricks, far more than lying about issues. I'm not trying to argue with you here. I just want you to understand what is going on and how others think.

ALL you are saying to me here is... I buy the propaganda being pumped out by Mitch McConnell and the Establishment elite! I had rather believe that propaganda than to think for myself! I had rather hold Cruz accountable for the actions of political action committees he has absolutely no control over and give a complete and total pass to the actions and words of Rubio and Trump because... well, everyone lies!
Mitch McConnell and the Establishment elite? Not even a little bit! If so, I'd probably go with Rubio. I think for myself, therefore I choose Trump.
Save your breaths in defending Cruz and his campaign though, it's not gonna work. That I can assure you.
However, I don't think he is "a good man" or "a man of integrity and honor". As a matter of fact, I have drawn an opposite conclusion. I believe he is willing to do whatever to reach his goals, including despicable tricks that a lot of people hate. This is, believe it or not, my true feelings about him. That's why I don't blame Trump for calling him "a liar" or "a sick man", especially considering the fierce competition between the two in Texas.

Despicable tricks? Like speaking in Spanish to Univision and telling them you will not rescind Obama's amnesty EO (DOCA) if you're elected... then turning around to your English-speaking audience and claiming you've never taken that position... knowing that you co-sponsored an amnesty bill yourself... and when that is pointed out by your competition, calling them a liar? You mean "despicable tricks" like denying you said to Chris Matthews on MSNBC that you think Planned Parenthood does some wonderful things for women and you wouldn't defund them and when your opposition points this out, you call them the "single biggest liar."? OR maybe you're talking about "despicable tricks" like taking a comment in a book from 15 years ago out of context to smear the reputation of a great neurosurgeon who you happen to be running against... calling him a "damaged person with pathological disease?"

A few weeks ago, while running in Iowa, someone asked Trump about Federal land grabs... the issue in Oregon was heating up at the time... This is where the Federal government is taking land from state control under the National Parks Act and a good many people are fiercely opposed to this... So they ask Trump directly, do you think the Federal government ought to be doing this and he said YES... They do a wonderful job with the land...blah blah blah... Jump ahead a few weeks and the Cruz campaign runs a commercial taking Trump to task for his unorthodox, non-conservative, statist Big Government answer... and Trump acts like he never said this and doesn't know what the hell they're talking about... Cruz is just a sick liar! No... Cruz is telling the truth! Rubio and Trump are lying.
When asked about criticism of the Kelo ruling by Democratic presidential candidate Senator

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
, Trump argued, “the way they talk, people would say oh, it’s turned over. It’s turned over for four, five, six, ten times sometimes what it’s worth. People pay them a fortune. But sometimes you have people that want to hold out just for the — most of the time, I will say, I’ve done a lot of outparcels, I call them outparcels. Most of the time, they just want money, okay? It’s very rarely that they say ‘I love my house. I love my house. It’s the greatest thing there.’ Because these people can go buy a house now that’s five times bigger, in a better location, so eminent domain, when it comes to jobs, roads, the public good, I think it’s a wonderful thing, I’ll be honest with you, and remember, you’re not taking property, you know, the way you asked the question, the way other people — you’re paying a fortune for that property. Those people can move two blocks away into a much nicer house.”
Trump concluded, “I think it’s a great subject. It’s a very interesting subject. I fully understand the conservative approach. But I don’t think it was explained to most conservatives.”

Hold on... you and I are talking about two completely different things here. That is Trump talking about eminent domain. The Cruz ad was talking about Trump's stated position on Federal land grabs where they take land from States under the National Parks Act to prevent the STATE from using the land for hunting, fishing and sometimes even commercial development. So we are NOT talking about property falling under eminent domain here. We're talking about the liberal environmentalists who have been grabbing up land in the western states from the control of the states in order to "federalize" the land and make it off limits to anything other than habitat for the spotted tree frogs. Trump says he thinks that is great!
Yes we understand why trump is doing well. Many people are so tired of the same lame bullshit they'll vote for anyone that bucks that trend. I also would like to see an outsider win for a change.

trump is not the guy. He's a bloviating rich idiot. We need someone like this to come out of the middle class or from the poor. A true populist.

People glamming on to trump is just accepting the first widget that comes down the assembly line that looks different than the rest.

Unfortunately the quality is missing. He has the mind of an adolescent.

rich idiot. We need someone like this to come out of the middle class or from the poor.


JFK was one of the richest presidents ever

FDR was pretty wealthy as well

you lefties are always so into dividing folks by the classes

rich vs poor

man vs woman

white vs black

do you ever just see people as people
However, I don't think he is "a good man" or "a man of integrity and honor". As a matter of fact, I have drawn an opposite conclusion. I believe he is willing to do whatever to reach his goals, including despicable tricks that a lot of people hate. This is, believe it or not, my true feelings about him. That's why I don't blame Trump for calling him "a liar" or "a sick man", especially considering the fierce competition between the two in Texas.

Despicable tricks? Like speaking in Spanish to Univision and telling them you will not rescind Obama's amnesty EO (DOCA) if you're elected... then turning around to your English-speaking audience and claiming you've never taken that position... knowing that you co-sponsored an amnesty bill yourself... and when that is pointed out by your competition, calling them a liar? You mean "despicable tricks" like denying you said to Chris Matthews on MSNBC that you think Planned Parenthood does some wonderful things for women and you wouldn't defund them and when your opposition points this out, you call them the "single biggest liar."? OR maybe you're talking about "despicable tricks" like taking a comment in a book from 15 years ago out of context to smear the reputation of a great neurosurgeon who you happen to be running against... calling him a "damaged person with pathological disease?"

A few weeks ago, while running in Iowa, someone asked Trump about Federal land grabs... the issue in Oregon was heating up at the time... This is where the Federal government is taking land from state control under the National Parks Act and a good many people are fiercely opposed to this... So they ask Trump directly, do you think the Federal government ought to be doing this and he said YES... They do a wonderful job with the land...blah blah blah... Jump ahead a few weeks and the Cruz campaign runs a commercial taking Trump to task for his unorthodox, non-conservative, statist Big Government answer... and Trump acts like he never said this and doesn't know what the hell they're talking about... Cruz is just a sick liar! No... Cruz is telling the truth! Rubio and Trump are lying.
Apparently we have quite different standards when it comes to evaluating the "integrity" of a candidate and his campaign. In my opinion, everybody, Cruz included, lies about the issues (note that I define "giving false information intentionally" as "lying"), but it's fine. I don't blame them for changing their words a little bit -- all politicians do that. They all LIE (maybe you believe Cruz does not lie, but again, that's you and probably you only).

However, if a candidate or his campaign dare to cheat votes directly, it's a red flag to me. The moment that news about the Carson emails and the voter violation nonsense came out, Cruz was OVER in my mind. There is no way that I vote for someone whose campaign did these dirty tricks. I know you want to defend him by saying he has no control over it, and you've made your point pretty clear on that, but it doesn't change anything. No matter what you say, I along with a great number of people blame Cruz for what happened -- that's probably why he didn't do well among evangelicals in SC. Even if he didn't have control over what happened in Iowa, he has to blame his "friends" for doing those awful tricks. They dare to fool us like that, I will make them pay with my vote. I think a lot of people share my views on this.

I can tolerate a politician lying 100 times on issues (sadly they all do it), but I can't forgive anyone who cheat my vote directly like the Cruz campaign did, not even once. You do it, you pay for it. Recently, Cruz fired his communication director because of a fraud he made. You could argue that it's not Cruz himself, but guess what, nobody's buying it, except for the Cruz supporters. Like it or not, it's true. People hate these tricks, far more than lying about issues. I'm not trying to argue with you here. I just want you to understand what is going on and how others think.

ALL you are saying to me here is... I buy the propaganda being pumped out by Mitch McConnell and the Establishment elite! I had rather believe that propaganda than to think for myself! I had rather hold Cruz accountable for the actions of political action committees he has absolutely no control over and give a complete and total pass to the actions and words of Rubio and Trump because... well, everyone lies!
Mitch McConnell and the Establishment elite? Not even a little bit! If so, I'd probably go with Rubio. I think for myself, therefore I choose Trump.
Save your breaths in defending Cruz and his campaign though, it's not gonna work. That I can assure you.

Yes, Mitch and the Senatorial Campaign Fund who is now backing Rubio. You've demonstrated that you don't think for yourself, you are believing the propaganda spoon-fed to you by the establishment and reinforced by Donald Trump because he wants to ultimately face Rubio instead of Cruz because he knows Rubio will be a piece of cake to beat.

The Cruz campaign did not do the mailers... again... that was a political action committee... a 501c group that Cruz has NO control over under FEC law! NONE! He can't have... it's illegal for him to instruct them in ANY WAY! They operate on their own accord as do the PACS for every candidate in the race. You naively act like you don't have a clue what a PAC is or what they do and I don't know, maybe you're just that dumb or something... we've had them around for years since McCain-Feingold CFR.
However, I don't think he is "a good man" or "a man of integrity and honor". As a matter of fact, I have drawn an opposite conclusion. I believe he is willing to do whatever to reach his goals, including despicable tricks that a lot of people hate. This is, believe it or not, my true feelings about him. That's why I don't blame Trump for calling him "a liar" or "a sick man", especially considering the fierce competition between the two in Texas.

Despicable tricks? Like speaking in Spanish to Univision and telling them you will not rescind Obama's amnesty EO (DOCA) if you're elected... then turning around to your English-speaking audience and claiming you've never taken that position... knowing that you co-sponsored an amnesty bill yourself... and when that is pointed out by your competition, calling them a liar? You mean "despicable tricks" like denying you said to Chris Matthews on MSNBC that you think Planned Parenthood does some wonderful things for women and you wouldn't defund them and when your opposition points this out, you call them the "single biggest liar."? OR maybe you're talking about "despicable tricks" like taking a comment in a book from 15 years ago out of context to smear the reputation of a great neurosurgeon who you happen to be running against... calling him a "damaged person with pathological disease?"

A few weeks ago, while running in Iowa, someone asked Trump about Federal land grabs... the issue in Oregon was heating up at the time... This is where the Federal government is taking land from state control under the National Parks Act and a good many people are fiercely opposed to this... So they ask Trump directly, do you think the Federal government ought to be doing this and he said YES... They do a wonderful job with the land...blah blah blah... Jump ahead a few weeks and the Cruz campaign runs a commercial taking Trump to task for his unorthodox, non-conservative, statist Big Government answer... and Trump acts like he never said this and doesn't know what the hell they're talking about... Cruz is just a sick liar! No... Cruz is telling the truth! Rubio and Trump are lying.
Apparently we have quite different standards when it comes to evaluating the "integrity" of a candidate and his campaign. In my opinion, everybody, Cruz included, lies about the issues (note that I define "giving false information intentionally" as "lying"), but it's fine. I don't blame them for changing their words a little bit -- all politicians do that. They all LIE (maybe you believe Cruz does not lie, but again, that's you and probably you only).

However, if a candidate or his campaign dare to cheat votes directly, it's a red flag to me. The moment that news about the Carson emails and the voter violation nonsense came out, Cruz was OVER in my mind. There is no way that I vote for someone whose campaign did these dirty tricks. I know you want to defend him by saying he has no control over it, and you've made your point pretty clear on that, but it doesn't change anything. No matter what you say, I along with a great number of people blame Cruz for what happened -- that's probably why he didn't do well among evangelicals in SC. Even if he didn't have control over what happened in Iowa, he has to blame his "friends" for doing those awful tricks. They dare to fool us like that, I will make them pay with my vote. I think a lot of people share my views on this.

I can tolerate a politician lying 100 times on issues (sadly they all do it), but I can't forgive anyone who cheat my vote directly like the Cruz campaign did, not even once. You do it, you pay for it. Recently, Cruz fired his communication director because of a fraud he made. You could argue that it's not Cruz himself, but guess what, nobody's buying it, except for the Cruz supporters. Like it or not, it's true. People hate these tricks, far more than lying about issues. I'm not trying to argue with you here. I just want you to understand what is going on and how others think.

ALL you are saying to me here is... I buy the propaganda being pumped out by Mitch McConnell and the Establishment elite! I had rather believe that propaganda than to think for myself! I had rather hold Cruz accountable for the actions of political action committees he has absolutely no control over and give a complete and total pass to the actions and words of Rubio and Trump because... well, everyone lies!
Mitch McConnell and the Establishment elite? Not even a little bit! If so, I'd probably go with Rubio. I think for myself, therefore I choose Trump.
Save your breaths in defending Cruz and his campaign though, it's not gonna work. That I can assure you.

Yes, Mitch and the Senatorial Campaign Fund who is now backing Rubio. You've demonstrated that you don't think for yourself, you are believing the propaganda spoon-fed to you by the establishment and reinforced by Donald Trump because he wants to ultimately face Rubio instead of Cruz because he knows Rubio will be a piece of cake to beat.

The Cruz campaign did not do the mailers... again... that was a political action committee... a 501c group that Cruz has NO control over under FEC law! NONE! He can't have... it's illegal for him to instruct them in ANY WAY! They operate on their own accord as do the PACS for every candidate in the race. You naively act like you don't have a clue what a PAC is or what they do and I don't know, maybe you're just that dumb or something... we've had them around for years since McCain-Feingold CFR.
Yes, Mitch and the Senatorial Campaign Fund who is now backing Rubio. You've demonstrated that you don't think for yourself, you are believing the propaganda spoon-fed to you by the establishment and reinforced by Donald Trump because he wants to ultimately face Rubio instead of Cruz because he knows Rubio will be a piece of cake to beat.
Yeah, it's frustrating to a Cruz supporter that both Trump and Rubio are hitting Cruz so hard, calling him a liar (which in my opinion is a deserving title). I get that.

The Cruz campaign did not do the mailers... again... that was a political action committee... a 501c group that Cruz has NO control over under FEC law! NONE! He can't have... it's illegal for him to instruct them in ANY WAY! They operate on their own accord as do the PACS for every candidate in the race. You naively act like you don't have a clue what a PAC is or what they do and I don't know, maybe you're just that dumb or something... we've had them around for years since McCain-Feingold CFR.
Don't repeat yourself, and don't blame yourself for not being able to defend Cruz or maybe gain some support for him. I'm interested in your opinions because you look like a smart guy. You repeat your points again and again, that's no longer interesting.
Yeah, it's frustrating to a Cruz supporter that both Trump and Rubio are hitting Cruz so hard, calling him a liar (which in my opinion is a deserving title). I get that.

What's frustrating to me is, everyone who claims Cruz is a liar are completely unable to come up with any specific LIE he has told personally. I get websites which claim he said something that turned out to not be 100% accurate and a lot of things other people have said or done that is attributed to Cruz. I hear Trump and Cruz, 24/7 screaming "liar, liar, pants on fire...sick despicable liar Ted Cruz!" I see the media who is in the tank for the Establishment GOP, constantly promoting the narrative that Cruz is a liar.... but I am seeing NO EVIDENCE of said lies. NONE!
. how sad you can't post on this board without being stalked and harassed in every thread and post. Guano is the stalker in this thread: beware
asking something be done about them gets nowhere

block ignore is good.

they are on ignore. but they still run around sticking smilie faces on peoples postings for no reason. I'm just bringing them out for all to see.
Yes we understand why trump is doing well. Many people are so tired of the same lame bullshit they'll vote for anyone that bucks that trend. I also would like to see an outsider win for a change.

trump is not the guy. He's a bloviating rich idiot. We need someone like this to come out of the middle class or from the poor. A true populist.

People glamming on to trump is just accepting the first widget that comes down the assembly line that looks different than the rest.

Unfortunately the quality is missing. He has the mind of an adolescent.

Unfortunately, Obama has assaulted America to such a degree that Trump rises from the ashes. Obama is the only POTUS Trump could come in behind, and look like the one. He couldn't have followed Clinton... mope... Not Carter either... nope or one of the Bush... nope...

But Obama? Ah, things are really just that bad... And now enter Trump

Easy to comprehend

Yes we understand why trump is doing well. Many people are so tired of the same lame bullshit they'll vote for anyone that bucks that trend. I also would like to see an outsider win for a change.

trump is not the guy. He's a bloviating rich idiot. We need someone like this to come out of the middle class or from the poor. A true populist.

People glamming on to trump is just accepting the first widget that comes down the assembly line that looks different than the rest.

Unfortunately the quality is missing. He has the mind of an adolescent.

Unfortunately, Obama has assaulted America to such a degree that Trump rises from the ashes. Obama is the only POTUS Trump could come in behind, and look like the one. He couldn't have followed Clinton... mope... Not Carter either... nope or one of the Bush... nope...

But Obama? Ah, things are really just that bad... And now enter Trump

Easy to comprehend


Yep, that right there should have the Democrat party shaking in their boots. Obama is not liked and hasn't been for a long time.
Yes we understand why trump is doing well. Many people are so tired of the same lame bullshit they'll vote for anyone that bucks that trend. I also would like to see an outsider win for a change.

trump is not the guy. He's a bloviating rich idiot. We need someone like this to come out of the middle class or from the poor. A true populist.

People glamming on to trump is just accepting the first widget that comes down the assembly line that looks different than the rest.

Unfortunately the quality is missing. He has the mind of an adolescent.

Unfortunately, Obama has assaulted America to such a degree that Trump rises from the ashes. Obama is the only POTUS Trump could come in behind, and look like the one. He couldn't have followed Clinton... mope... Not Carter either... nope or one of the Bush... nope...

But Obama? Ah, things are really just that bad... And now enter Trump

Easy to comprehend


Yep, that right there should have the Democrat party shaking in their boots. Obama is not liked and hasn't been for a long time.

My inlaws are Hawaiian and they are disgusted with him. The Aloha Swap meet was awash with Obama T-shirts declaring his ties to the islands. Try and find one now... My inlaws are not so hot on the chosen one anymore either.

My mother in-law took the Isidewith test and it came up........ drum roll please.......

'I side with Trump'

It blew her mind

Yes we understand why trump is doing well. Many people are so tired of the same lame bullshit they'll vote for anyone that bucks that trend. I also would like to see an outsider win for a change.

trump is not the guy. He's a bloviating rich idiot. We need someone like this to come out of the middle class or from the poor. A true populist.

People glamming on to trump is just accepting the first widget that comes down the assembly line that looks different than the rest.

Unfortunately the quality is missing. He has the mind of an adolescent.

Unfortunately, Obama has assaulted America to such a degree that Trump rises from the ashes. Obama is the only POTUS Trump could come in behind, and look like the one. He couldn't have followed Clinton... mope... Not Carter either... nope or one of the Bush... nope...

But Obama? Ah, things are really just that bad... And now enter Trump

Easy to comprehend


Yep, that right there should have the Democrat party shaking in their boots. Obama is not liked and hasn't been for a long time.

My inlaws are Hawaiian and they are disgusted with him. The Aloha Swap meet was awash with Obama T-shirts declaring his ties to the islands. Try and find one now... My inlaws are not so hot on the chosen one anymore either.

My mother in-law took the Isidewith test and it came up........ drum roll please.......

'I side with Trump'

It blew her mind


that's say's something. they want everyone to believe he is still the ONE by the people. He is the one they can't wait for him to gone.

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