The Donald Trump Phenomenon

Trump is no more a phenom than the Magic Neeeegro was. You knew Obabble had no credentials to be president but you voted for him on a whim of "change". Now we will elect a businessman hoping he is as aggressive and smart as he claims. It's the chance we take. Too bad we have no eject button if we are wrong.
Yeah, it's frustrating to a Cruz supporter that both Trump and Rubio are hitting Cruz so hard, calling him a liar (which in my opinion is a deserving title). I get that.

What's frustrating to me is, everyone who claims Cruz is a liar are completely unable to come up with any specific LIE he has told personally. I get websites which claim he said something that turned out to not be 100% accurate and a lot of things other people have said or done that is attributed to Cruz. I hear Trump and Cruz, 24/7 screaming "liar, liar, pants on fire...sick despicable liar Ted Cruz!" I see the media who is in the tank for the Establishment GOP, constantly promoting the narrative that Cruz is a liar.... but I am seeing NO EVIDENCE of said lies. NONE!

Boss and Stephanie, I too am for Cruz; problem is.............I know of the rest of the GOP field, he is the least likely to win the general-(

1. He would have less support from the GOP then Trump will, as far as the establishment goes.

2. His personality is wooden at best. Sometimes, very, very intelligent people have this problem. Pull up a campaign speech of his, then pull up one from Rubio, then Trump and listen with your eyes closed. It is frightening. You believe Rubio, Trump supporters believe him, but Cruz is wonky as hell; sort of like Paul Ryan. He tries to speak in monotones, and has done well with inflection in his voice, and yet he over inflects on many points, and under inflects on others. Remember, Obama got elected by speaking very well, and being convincing. If you are NOT already a conservative, Cruz could never convince you with his lack of passion at the wrong time, and over passionate at the most inopportune times.

3. The establishment and media have been working on him for much longer than they have any other candidate. I may know they are misleading, Boss may know they are misleading, and Stephanie may know they are misleading also, but if you repeat something long and often enough.....even if it is takes on a life of its own. In essence, the establishment has BORKED Cruz.

4. Ted Cruz is NOT a politician perse. His whole shtick is that he knows the constitution, (which he absolutely does) and follows it. No give and take with him. He won't/can't go against the constitution in any form to cut a deal. Not even if the area in question is grey. It is not in his character. That is a very good quality for a SCOTUS, but not a great quality to get yourself elected as the President of the United States when you need support of people you cut deals with to get elected.

5. Ted Cruz hung out many of his fellow senators in the GOP to dry. Was he correct to do so? Of course he was! The anger in the GOP due to inaction by their elected officials has created Trump. But, if he wanted to get elected POTUS he should have used.......ahem...........a little more panache instead of looking like a bull in a china shop. That is what is called politics, which makes you love him because he didn't, but is also what makes him persona non grata with his own party.

6. Is Ted Cruz a liar? No, I don't think so. Does most everyone in Washington honestly dislike him? Yes, I think that is true.

Were it not for the Trump phenomena, I believe Ted Cruz would be winning the GOP nomination hands down. He wouldn't be getting massive support from blue collar Democrats as Trump is, but the people who's number one issue is the border would flock to him like a moth attracted to light. The establishment would still be putting up Rubio as the foil, but I believe without Trump, the Cruz support would be massive.

So in essence Ted Cruz has been BORKED, and he is just in the wrong race in history for him to win. If Trump was smart, he would cut a deal to attempt to put him on the Supreme court if he is elected, which would mean we would have his knowledge and conservative skills for years to come. Problem is.........could even ANYONE get him confirmed as POTUS to SCOTUS?

After the establishment has successfully BORKED him, I don't know, I just don't know-(
Yeah, it's frustrating to a Cruz supporter that both Trump and Rubio are hitting Cruz so hard, calling him a liar (which in my opinion is a deserving title). I get that.

What's frustrating to me is, everyone who claims Cruz is a liar are completely unable to come up with any specific LIE he has told personally. I get websites which claim he said something that turned out to not be 100% accurate and a lot of things other people have said or done that is attributed to Cruz. I hear Trump and Cruz, 24/7 screaming "liar, liar, pants on fire...sick despicable liar Ted Cruz!" I see the media who is in the tank for the Establishment GOP, constantly promoting the narrative that Cruz is a liar.... but I am seeing NO EVIDENCE of said lies. NONE!

Boss and Stephanie, I too am for Cruz; problem is.............I know of the rest of the GOP field, he is the least likely to win the general-(

1. He would have less support from the GOP then Trump will, as far as the establishment goes.

2. His personality is wooden at best. Sometimes, very, very intelligent people have this problem. Pull up a campaign speech of his, then pull up one from Rubio, then Trump and listen with your eyes closed. It is frightening. You believe Rubio, Trump supporters believe him, but Cruz is wonky as hell; sort of like Paul Ryan. He tries to speak in monotones, and has done well with inflection in his voice, and yet he over inflects on many points, and under inflects on others. Remember, Obama got elected by speaking very well, and being convincing. If you are NOT already a conservative, Cruz could never convince you with his lack of passion at the wrong time, and over passionate at the most inopportune times.

3. The establishment and media have been working on him for much longer than they have any other candidate. I may know they are misleading, Boss may know they are misleading, and Stephanie may know they are misleading also, but if you repeat something long and often enough.....even if it is takes on a life of its own. In essence, the establishment has BORKED Cruz.

4. Ted Cruz is NOT a politician perse. His whole shtick is that he knows the constitution, (which he absolutely does) and follows it. No give and take with him. He won't/can't go against the constitution in any form to cut a deal. Not even if the area in question is grey. It is not in his character. That is a very good quality for a SCOTUS, but not a great quality to get yourself elected as the President of the United States when you need support of people you cut deals with to get elected.

5. Ted Cruz hung out many of his fellow senators in the GOP to dry. Was he correct to do so? Of course he was! The anger in the GOP due to inaction by their elected officials has created Trump. But, if he wanted to get elected POTUS he should have used.......ahem...........a little more panache instead of looking like a bull in a china shop. That is what is called politics, which makes you love him because he didn't, but is also what makes him persona non grata with his own party.

6. Is Ted Cruz a liar? No, I don't think so. Does most everyone in Washington honestly dislike him? Yes, I think that is true.

Were it not for the Trump phenomena, I believe Ted Cruz would be winning the GOP nomination hands down. He wouldn't be getting massive support from blue collar Democrats as Trump is, but the people who's number one issue is the border would flock to him like a moth attracted to light. The establishment would still be putting up Rubio as the foil, but I believe without Trump, the Cruz support would be massive.

So in essence Ted Cruz has been BORKED, and he is just in the wrong race in history for him to win. If Trump was smart, he would cut a deal to attempt to put him on the Supreme court if he is elected, which would mean we would have his knowledge and conservative skills for years to come. Problem is.........could even ANYONE get him confirmed as POTUS to SCOTUS?

After the establishment has successfully BORKED him, I don't know, I just don't know-(

I can't disagree with anything you are saying here but I still believe Cruz is the only candidate who can possibly defeat Trump. Rubio is not going to beat Trump.... no way, no how. If Rubio, Kasich and Carson dropped out... there might be a chance that Cruz could pull off the upset but it would be an upset as he would have to endure the non-stop attacks from Trump, Trump's supporters, the mainstream media, the establishment GOP, etc. It's just too overwhelming and he doesn't have the charisma to pull it off.

I think Trump is going to be the nominee and nothing is going to stop him now. I also think, if he continues to humiliate and trash his GOP opponents and the conservative base, he will lose the general election to Hillary Clinton.
Yeah, it's frustrating to a Cruz supporter that both Trump and Rubio are hitting Cruz so hard, calling him a liar (which in my opinion is a deserving title). I get that.

What's frustrating to me is, everyone who claims Cruz is a liar are completely unable to come up with any specific LIE he has told personally. I get websites which claim he said something that turned out to not be 100% accurate and a lot of things other people have said or done that is attributed to Cruz. I hear Trump and Cruz, 24/7 screaming "liar, liar, pants on fire...sick despicable liar Ted Cruz!" I see the media who is in the tank for the Establishment GOP, constantly promoting the narrative that Cruz is a liar.... but I am seeing NO EVIDENCE of said lies. NONE!

Boss and Stephanie, I too am for Cruz; problem is.............I know of the rest of the GOP field, he is the least likely to win the general-(

1. He would have less support from the GOP then Trump will, as far as the establishment goes.

2. His personality is wooden at best. Sometimes, very, very intelligent people have this problem. Pull up a campaign speech of his, then pull up one from Rubio, then Trump and listen with your eyes closed. It is frightening. You believe Rubio, Trump supporters believe him, but Cruz is wonky as hell; sort of like Paul Ryan. He tries to speak in monotones, and has done well with inflection in his voice, and yet he over inflects on many points, and under inflects on others. Remember, Obama got elected by speaking very well, and being convincing. If you are NOT already a conservative, Cruz could never convince you with his lack of passion at the wrong time, and over passionate at the most inopportune times.

3. The establishment and media have been working on him for much longer than they have any other candidate. I may know they are misleading, Boss may know they are misleading, and Stephanie may know they are misleading also, but if you repeat something long and often enough.....even if it is takes on a life of its own. In essence, the establishment has BORKED Cruz.

4. Ted Cruz is NOT a politician perse. His whole shtick is that he knows the constitution, (which he absolutely does) and follows it. No give and take with him. He won't/can't go against the constitution in any form to cut a deal. Not even if the area in question is grey. It is not in his character. That is a very good quality for a SCOTUS, but not a great quality to get yourself elected as the President of the United States when you need support of people you cut deals with to get elected.

5. Ted Cruz hung out many of his fellow senators in the GOP to dry. Was he correct to do so? Of course he was! The anger in the GOP due to inaction by their elected officials has created Trump. But, if he wanted to get elected POTUS he should have used.......ahem...........a little more panache instead of looking like a bull in a china shop. That is what is called politics, which makes you love him because he didn't, but is also what makes him persona non grata with his own party.

6. Is Ted Cruz a liar? No, I don't think so. Does most everyone in Washington honestly dislike him? Yes, I think that is true.

Were it not for the Trump phenomena, I believe Ted Cruz would be winning the GOP nomination hands down. He wouldn't be getting massive support from blue collar Democrats as Trump is, but the people who's number one issue is the border would flock to him like a moth attracted to light. The establishment would still be putting up Rubio as the foil, but I believe without Trump, the Cruz support would be massive.

So in essence Ted Cruz has been BORKED, and he is just in the wrong race in history for him to win. If Trump was smart, he would cut a deal to attempt to put him on the Supreme court if he is elected, which would mean we would have his knowledge and conservative skills for years to come. Problem is.........could even ANYONE get him confirmed as POTUS to SCOTUS?

After the establishment has successfully BORKED him, I don't know, I just don't know-(

I can't disagree with anything you are saying here but I still believe Cruz is the only candidate who can possibly defeat Trump. Rubio is not going to beat Trump.... no way, no how. If Rubio, Kasich and Carson dropped out... there might be a chance that Cruz could pull off the upset but it would be an upset as he would have to endure the non-stop attacks from Trump, Trump's supporters, the mainstream media, the establishment GOP, etc. It's just too overwhelming and he doesn't have the charisma to pull it off.

I think Trump is going to be the nominee and nothing is going to stop him now. I also think, if he continues to humiliate and trash his GOP opponents and the conservative base, he will lose the general election to Hillary Clinton.

Well, if you believe Trump will win the nomination, (unless Cruz pulls off a surprise) then Trump has some fence mending to do.

Of all the candidates left, if Cruz drops, he is the only one I can see endorsing Trump, and vice-versa as far as Trump endorsing Cruz. That will help to mend the fences somewhat I believe.

I am also of the opinion (not positive, but reasonably sure) that if Cruz does not overtake Trump, but in fact it is someone else, Trump would run 3rd party unless he lost on a 1v1 basis. His logic would be that his votes were siphoned off by it being 3, instead of just 2 to pick from. He knows he would have no chance to win, so would spend little; and yet it would sink any GOP nominee.

The tale of Cruz V Trump's final chapter will be written in Texas I believe. If Cruz loses or under performs there, it is over. If he smashes Trump and holds serve everywhere else, this will be a 3 man race to the finish. The spotlight will then shift to Florida where it is winner take all. That will certainly be the GOP's OK Corral. The question will then be------>can the establishment finance their people enough to get a brokered convention if Trump wins by denying him the delegate votes to win outright, meaning we will get Rubio if I had to bet the farm!

It is going to be interesting, but I still feel we have been denied the most conservative candidate since Reagan because of circumstances beyond our control, if more than likely, Cruz is out in the cold. I am pretty confidant if we pull together, the Republican will be installed as the next POTUS, but oh my, what could have been may haunt us for years to come-(
Yeah, it's frustrating to a Cruz supporter that both Trump and Rubio are hitting Cruz so hard, calling him a liar (which in my opinion is a deserving title). I get that.

What's frustrating to me is, everyone who claims Cruz is a liar are completely unable to come up with any specific LIE he has told personally. I get websites which claim he said something that turned out to not be 100% accurate and a lot of things other people have said or done that is attributed to Cruz. I hear Trump and Cruz, 24/7 screaming "liar, liar, pants on fire...sick despicable liar Ted Cruz!" I see the media who is in the tank for the Establishment GOP, constantly promoting the narrative that Cruz is a liar.... but I am seeing NO EVIDENCE of said lies. NONE!

Boss and Stephanie, I too am for Cruz; problem is.............I know of the rest of the GOP field, he is the least likely to win the general-(

1. He would have less support from the GOP then Trump will, as far as the establishment goes.

2. His personality is wooden at best. Sometimes, very, very intelligent people have this problem. Pull up a campaign speech of his, then pull up one from Rubio, then Trump and listen with your eyes closed. It is frightening. You believe Rubio, Trump supporters believe him, but Cruz is wonky as hell; sort of like Paul Ryan. He tries to speak in monotones, and has done well with inflection in his voice, and yet he over inflects on many points, and under inflects on others. Remember, Obama got elected by speaking very well, and being convincing. If you are NOT already a conservative, Cruz could never convince you with his lack of passion at the wrong time, and over passionate at the most inopportune times.

3. The establishment and media have been working on him for much longer than they have any other candidate. I may know they are misleading, Boss may know they are misleading, and Stephanie may know they are misleading also, but if you repeat something long and often enough.....even if it is takes on a life of its own. In essence, the establishment has BORKED Cruz.

4. Ted Cruz is NOT a politician perse. His whole shtick is that he knows the constitution, (which he absolutely does) and follows it. No give and take with him. He won't/can't go against the constitution in any form to cut a deal. Not even if the area in question is grey. It is not in his character. That is a very good quality for a SCOTUS, but not a great quality to get yourself elected as the President of the United States when you need support of people you cut deals with to get elected.

5. Ted Cruz hung out many of his fellow senators in the GOP to dry. Was he correct to do so? Of course he was! The anger in the GOP due to inaction by their elected officials has created Trump. But, if he wanted to get elected POTUS he should have used.......ahem...........a little more panache instead of looking like a bull in a china shop. That is what is called politics, which makes you love him because he didn't, but is also what makes him persona non grata with his own party.

6. Is Ted Cruz a liar? No, I don't think so. Does most everyone in Washington honestly dislike him? Yes, I think that is true.

Were it not for the Trump phenomena, I believe Ted Cruz would be winning the GOP nomination hands down. He wouldn't be getting massive support from blue collar Democrats as Trump is, but the people who's number one issue is the border would flock to him like a moth attracted to light. The establishment would still be putting up Rubio as the foil, but I believe without Trump, the Cruz support would be massive.

So in essence Ted Cruz has been BORKED, and he is just in the wrong race in history for him to win. If Trump was smart, he would cut a deal to attempt to put him on the Supreme court if he is elected, which would mean we would have his knowledge and conservative skills for years to come. Problem is.........could even ANYONE get him confirmed as POTUS to SCOTUS?

After the establishment has successfully BORKED him, I don't know, I just don't know-(

I can't disagree with anything you are saying here but I still believe Cruz is the only candidate who can possibly defeat Trump. Rubio is not going to beat Trump.... no way, no how. If Rubio, Kasich and Carson dropped out... there might be a chance that Cruz could pull off the upset but it would be an upset as he would have to endure the non-stop attacks from Trump, Trump's supporters, the mainstream media, the establishment GOP, etc. It's just too overwhelming and he doesn't have the charisma to pull it off.

I think Trump is going to be the nominee and nothing is going to stop him now. I also think, if he continues to humiliate and trash his GOP opponents and the conservative base, he will lose the general election to Hillary Clinton.

Well, if you believe Trump will win the nomination, (unless Cruz pulls off a surprise) then Trump has some fence mending to do.

Of all the candidates left, if Cruz drops, he is the only one I can see endorsing Trump, and vice-versa as far as Trump endorsing Cruz. That will help to mend the fences somewhat I believe.

I am also of the opinion (not positive, but reasonably sure) that if Cruz does not overtake Trump, but in fact it is someone else, Trump would run 3rd party unless he lost on a 1v1 basis. His logic would be that his votes were siphoned off by it being 3, instead of just 2 to pick from. He knows he would have no chance to win, so would spend little; and yet it would sink any GOP nominee.

The tale of Cruz V Trump's final chapter will be written in Texas I believe. If Cruz loses or under performs there, it is over. If he smashes Trump and holds serve everywhere else, this will be a 3 man race to the finish. The spotlight will then shift to Florida where it is winner take all. That will certainly be the GOP's OK Corral. The question will then be------>can the establishment finance their people enough to get a brokered convention if Trump wins by denying him the delegate votes to win outright, meaning we will get Rubio if I had to bet the farm!

It is going to be interesting, but I still feel we have been denied the most conservative candidate since Reagan because of circumstances beyond our control, if more than likely, Cruz is out in the cold. I am pretty confidant if we pull together, the Republican will be installed as the next POTUS, but oh my, what could have been may haunt us for years to come-(

I think the only way Trump would run 3rd party is if the establishment pulls some shenanigans and nominates Rubio in a brokered convention. I have been saying that it wouldn't surprise me to see the establishment put up a 3rd party candidate just to spite Trump or Cruz if they won the nomination... but I am now starting to think there could be a possibility of a 3rd party candidate who is a constitutional conservative, fed up with the smears and insults from Trump and Rubio.

I mean, we are all grown up enough to know a 3rd party candidate gives the race to Hillary but that's what happens when you cannot unify the party. I have supported Trump along the way, defended him from the attacks by the left and establishment, made the case for why he wouldn't be that bad or might even be a good president... but I've backed off that in the past few weeks because he has become Morton Downey, Jr. He is not talking about his policies and ideas anymore... that stopped about 5 weeks ago... he has been on a pure personal and nasty smear campaign of some really fine men who deserved better.

In MY opinion, "what could have been" includes a more cordial Donald Trump who respected Reagan's 11th Commandment and limited his criticisms to policies and issues rather than the dirty personal smear and jeer. UNIFY the party! Not ALIENATE them!
However, I don't think he is "a good man" or "a man of integrity and honor". As a matter of fact, I have drawn an opposite conclusion. I believe he is willing to do whatever to reach his goals, including despicable tricks that a lot of people hate. This is, believe it or not, my true feelings about him. That's why I don't blame Trump for calling him "a liar" or "a sick man", especially considering the fierce competition between the two in Texas.

Despicable tricks? Like speaking in Spanish to Univision and telling them you will not rescind Obama's amnesty EO (DOCA) if you're elected... then turning around to your English-speaking audience and claiming you've never taken that position... knowing that you co-sponsored an amnesty bill yourself... and when that is pointed out by your competition, calling them a liar? You mean "despicable tricks" like denying you said to Chris Matthews on MSNBC that you think Planned Parenthood does some wonderful things for women and you wouldn't defund them and when your opposition points this out, you call them the "single biggest liar."? OR maybe you're talking about "despicable tricks" like taking a comment in a book from 15 years ago out of context to smear the reputation of a great neurosurgeon who you happen to be running against... calling him a "damaged person with pathological disease?"

A few weeks ago, while running in Iowa, someone asked Trump about Federal land grabs... the issue in Oregon was heating up at the time... This is where the Federal government is taking land from state control under the National Parks Act and a good many people are fiercely opposed to this... So they ask Trump directly, do you think the Federal government ought to be doing this and he said YES... They do a wonderful job with the land...blah blah blah... Jump ahead a few weeks and the Cruz campaign runs a commercial taking Trump to task for his unorthodox, non-conservative, statist Big Government answer... and Trump acts like he never said this and doesn't know what the hell they're talking about... Cruz is just a sick liar! No... Cruz is telling the truth! Rubio and Trump are lying.
Apparently we have quite different standards when it comes to evaluating the "integrity" of a candidate and his campaign. In my opinion, everybody, Cruz included, lies about the issues (note that I define "giving false information intentionally" as "lying"), but it's fine. I don't blame them for changing their words a little bit -- all politicians do that. They all LIE (maybe you believe Cruz does not lie, but again, that's you and probably you only).

However, if a candidate or his campaign dare to cheat votes directly, it's a red flag to me. The moment that news about the Carson emails and the voter violation nonsense came out, Cruz was OVER in my mind. There is no way that I vote for someone whose campaign did these dirty tricks. I know you want to defend him by saying he has no control over it, and you've made your point pretty clear on that, but it doesn't change anything. No matter what you say, I along with a great number of people blame Cruz for what happened -- that's probably why he didn't do well among evangelicals in SC. Even if he didn't have control over what happened in Iowa, he has to blame his "friends" for doing those awful tricks. They dare to fool us like that, I will make them pay with my vote. I think a lot of people share my views on this.

I can tolerate a politician lying 100 times on issues (sadly they all do it), but I can't forgive anyone who cheat my vote directly like the Cruz campaign did, not even once. You do it, you pay for it. Recently, Cruz fired his communication director because of a fraud he made. You could argue that it's not Cruz himself, but guess what, nobody's buying it, except for the Cruz supporters. Like it or not, it's true. People hate these tricks, far more than lying about issues. I'm not trying to argue with you here. I just want you to understand what is going on and how others think.

ALL you are saying to me here is... I buy the propaganda being pumped out by Mitch McConnell and the Establishment elite! I had rather believe that propaganda than to think for myself! I had rather hold Cruz accountable for the actions of political action committees he has absolutely no control over and give a complete and total pass to the actions and words of Rubio and Trump because... well, everyone lies!
Mitch McConnell and the Establishment elite? Not even a little bit! If so, I'd probably go with Rubio. I think for myself, therefore I choose Trump.
Save your breaths in defending Cruz and his campaign though, it's not gonna work. That I can assure you.

Yes, Mitch and the Senatorial Campaign Fund who is now backing Rubio. You've demonstrated that you don't think for yourself, you are believing the propaganda spoon-fed to you by the establishment and reinforced by Donald Trump because he wants to ultimately face Rubio instead of Cruz because he knows Rubio will be a piece of cake to beat.

The Cruz campaign did not do the mailers... again... that was a political action committee... a 501c group that Cruz has NO control over under FEC law! NONE! He can't have... it's illegal for him to instruct them in ANY WAY! They operate on their own accord as do the PACS for every candidate in the race. You naively act like you don't have a clue what a PAC is or what they do and I don't know, maybe you're just that dumb or something... we've had them around for years since McCain-Feingold CFR.

The Cruz campaign did not do the mailers... again... that was a political action committee

well that maybe the case but it hurt him anyhow

looked like his very own progressive form of card check

any republican pac should have known how badly that would look

which pac was it anyway the one the Mitch McConnells attorney set up
Yeah, it's frustrating to a Cruz supporter that both Trump and Rubio are hitting Cruz so hard, calling him a liar (which in my opinion is a deserving title). I get that.

What's frustrating to me is, everyone who claims Cruz is a liar are completely unable to come up with any specific LIE he has told personally. I get websites which claim he said something that turned out to not be 100% accurate and a lot of things other people have said or done that is attributed to Cruz. I hear Trump and Cruz, 24/7 screaming "liar, liar, pants on fire...sick despicable liar Ted Cruz!" I see the media who is in the tank for the Establishment GOP, constantly promoting the narrative that Cruz is a liar.... but I am seeing NO EVIDENCE of said lies. NONE!

Boss and Stephanie, I too am for Cruz; problem is.............I know of the rest of the GOP field, he is the least likely to win the general-(

1. He would have less support from the GOP then Trump will, as far as the establishment goes.

2. His personality is wooden at best. Sometimes, very, very intelligent people have this problem. Pull up a campaign speech of his, then pull up one from Rubio, then Trump and listen with your eyes closed. It is frightening. You believe Rubio, Trump supporters believe him, but Cruz is wonky as hell; sort of like Paul Ryan. He tries to speak in monotones, and has done well with inflection in his voice, and yet he over inflects on many points, and under inflects on others. Remember, Obama got elected by speaking very well, and being convincing. If you are NOT already a conservative, Cruz could never convince you with his lack of passion at the wrong time, and over passionate at the most inopportune times.

3. The establishment and media have been working on him for much longer than they have any other candidate. I may know they are misleading, Boss may know they are misleading, and Stephanie may know they are misleading also, but if you repeat something long and often enough.....even if it is takes on a life of its own. In essence, the establishment has BORKED Cruz.

4. Ted Cruz is NOT a politician perse. His whole shtick is that he knows the constitution, (which he absolutely does) and follows it. No give and take with him. He won't/can't go against the constitution in any form to cut a deal. Not even if the area in question is grey. It is not in his character. That is a very good quality for a SCOTUS, but not a great quality to get yourself elected as the President of the United States when you need support of people you cut deals with to get elected.

5. Ted Cruz hung out many of his fellow senators in the GOP to dry. Was he correct to do so? Of course he was! The anger in the GOP due to inaction by their elected officials has created Trump. But, if he wanted to get elected POTUS he should have used.......ahem...........a little more panache instead of looking like a bull in a china shop. That is what is called politics, which makes you love him because he didn't, but is also what makes him persona non grata with his own party.

6. Is Ted Cruz a liar? No, I don't think so. Does most everyone in Washington honestly dislike him? Yes, I think that is true.

Were it not for the Trump phenomena, I believe Ted Cruz would be winning the GOP nomination hands down. He wouldn't be getting massive support from blue collar Democrats as Trump is, but the people who's number one issue is the border would flock to him like a moth attracted to light. The establishment would still be putting up Rubio as the foil, but I believe without Trump, the Cruz support would be massive.

So in essence Ted Cruz has been BORKED, and he is just in the wrong race in history for him to win. If Trump was smart, he would cut a deal to attempt to put him on the Supreme court if he is elected, which would mean we would have his knowledge and conservative skills for years to come. Problem is.........could even ANYONE get him confirmed as POTUS to SCOTUS?

After the establishment has successfully BORKED him, I don't know, I just don't know-(

I can't disagree with anything you are saying here but I still believe Cruz is the only candidate who can possibly defeat Trump. Rubio is not going to beat Trump.... no way, no how. If Rubio, Kasich and Carson dropped out... there might be a chance that Cruz could pull off the upset but it would be an upset as he would have to endure the non-stop attacks from Trump, Trump's supporters, the mainstream media, the establishment GOP, etc. It's just too overwhelming and he doesn't have the charisma to pull it off.

I think Trump is going to be the nominee and nothing is going to stop him now. I also think, if he continues to humiliate and trash his GOP opponents and the conservative base, he will lose the general election to Hillary Clinton.

Well, if you believe Trump will win the nomination, (unless Cruz pulls off a surprise) then Trump has some fence mending to do.

Of all the candidates left, if Cruz drops, he is the only one I can see endorsing Trump, and vice-versa as far as Trump endorsing Cruz. That will help to mend the fences somewhat I believe.

I am also of the opinion (not positive, but reasonably sure) that if Cruz does not overtake Trump, but in fact it is someone else, Trump would run 3rd party unless he lost on a 1v1 basis. His logic would be that his votes were siphoned off by it being 3, instead of just 2 to pick from. He knows he would have no chance to win, so would spend little; and yet it would sink any GOP nominee.

The tale of Cruz V Trump's final chapter will be written in Texas I believe. If Cruz loses or under performs there, it is over. If he smashes Trump and holds serve everywhere else, this will be a 3 man race to the finish. The spotlight will then shift to Florida where it is winner take all. That will certainly be the GOP's OK Corral. The question will then be------>can the establishment finance their people enough to get a brokered convention if Trump wins by denying him the delegate votes to win outright, meaning we will get Rubio if I had to bet the farm!

It is going to be interesting, but I still feel we have been denied the most conservative candidate since Reagan because of circumstances beyond our control, if more than likely, Cruz is out in the cold. I am pretty confidant if we pull together, the Republican will be installed as the next POTUS, but oh my, what could have been may haunt us for years to come-(

I think the only way Trump would run 3rd party is if the establishment pulls some shenanigans and nominates Rubio in a brokered convention. I have been saying that it wouldn't surprise me to see the establishment put up a 3rd party candidate just to spite Trump or Cruz if they won the nomination... but I am now starting to think there could be a possibility of a 3rd party candidate who is a constitutional conservative, fed up with the smears and insults from Trump and Rubio.

I mean, we are all grown up enough to know a 3rd party candidate gives the race to Hillary but that's what happens when you cannot unify the party. I have supported Trump along the way, defended him from the attacks by the left and establishment, made the case for why he wouldn't be that bad or might even be a good president... but I've backed off that in the past few weeks because he has become Morton Downey, Jr. He is not talking about his policies and ideas anymore... that stopped about 5 weeks ago... he has been on a pure personal and nasty smear campaign of some really fine men who deserved better.

In MY opinion, "what could have been" includes a more cordial Donald Trump who respected Reagan's 11th Commandment and limited his criticisms to policies and issues rather than the dirty personal smear and jeer. UNIFY the party! Not ALIENATE them!

Excellent points Boss, let us see what happens. As the candidates dwindle, so does our chances of a huge surprise diminish. Still, in 2016, anything is possible, and a surprise from either side of the aisle is not out of the question.

I feel and understand your disdain at this moment, I honestly do. It is frustrating to say the least. In the end, it is up to all the candidates to pull us all together. It is their moral duty as the loyal opposition to do so. If they can't stand up if they do not get the nomination, regardless of if it is Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Bush, Kasich, or Carson and support the one that is left and convince all of us, then they are doing a dis-service to our country. What they would be basically saying should they not do this is----------> I was trying to save you from the GOP, not Hillary or Bernie!

Want to do what the Democrats say and destroy the Republican party for many elections to come? Do that, and they will have fulfilled the Democratic prophecy.

Good luck Boss, hope we have more conversations. Nice to communicate with someone that doesn't say fu** you, racist, homophobe, or claim you are are wingnut for supporting this person, or that person.

Have a great day, and remember--------------> the Democrats are sweating far more than we are, it is just they will never admit it-) In the world according to them, we are supposed to have no path to the White House. Much to their chagrin, they discovered we do, and probably much easier than anyone thinks. It is like a rich kid thinking his grand parents were just going to leave them all their money, only to discover, he/she might be cut out of the will-) And that my friend is the honest, and brutal truth!
The Cruz campaign did not do the mailers... again... that was a political action committee

well that maybe the case but it hurt him anyhow

looked like his very own progressive form of card check

any republican pac should have known how badly that would look

which pac was it anyway the one the Mitch McConnells attorney set up

Hey, I don't like the PACs either but that's what John McCain and the liberal left thought we needed to get the influence of money out of politics. Listen to what you are saying here... you acknowledge Cruz doesn't control what the PAC does but you seem to think he is somehow responsible and should be held accountable.

I don't know which PAC it was, I am sure you can find out... McConnell's PAC, the Senatorial Campaign Fund, is currently sending Cruz supporters an email where they can order a Cruz 2016 t-shirt and the proceeds go to the PAC, which is actively trying to destroy Ted Cruz!

But look... the mailer itself wasn't that godawful. It was basically saying "you are in violation" or not being a patriotic American if you don't get out and vote. Yeah, it was a little unethical in presentation and looked bad... but how was that worse than any of the 5,000 insurance companies who send me mailers ever day telling me how I am violating the law if I don't call them immediately and sign up for health care coverage? We get inundated with this kind of stuff every day.... it's a sales tactic.

That said, under U.S. Federal Election law, Ted Cruz cannot instruct the PAC to do something like this. It's illegal! He has absolutely no control over what they did. Yet.. over and over again, you hear people saying "his campaign" when they speak of this... it WASN'T his campaign!

We're trying to elect a President of The United States

NOT a Class President.

What's with all the Cult of Personality bullshit.

I think Trump is dangerous to the Party and to the Country for one reason and one reason only --

He is the weakest against the Ubercunt in the General Election.

He is the ONLY Republican Candidate with higher negatives than Ubercunt. He is who the Ubercunt wants to face.

dimocraps are scared SHITLESS of Rubio.

H'es not your cup of tea? I don't give a flying fuck. I don't care about his personality, Trump's or anybody else's personality.

I care about getting the dimocrap SCUM CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION out of the Halls of Power in this Country.

It's the Party that runs the Country, people. It's the Party that recommends the THOUSANDS of Presidential Appointments. Some of whom (around 1,400) have to be approved by the Senate but most of them don't

It's the Party.

Do you think Trump has a CLue who his Attorney General or Sec Def or Sec Ag or Sec State or Sec Treas or EPA Head or any of the other countless appointments are going to be?

He might have a dozen or so in mind but that still leaves THOUSANDS of positions to fill.

That's where The Party steps in.

You people are too caught up in personalities for my taste.

If Trump wins the nomination I will back him.

Will you say the same thing?

liberturdian scum won't. We already know that.

They are why we're in such bad shape right now. Because they're disloyal scum.

Backstabbing filth.

So forgive TRUE Conservatives if we don't fall in love with your man-child, Trump.

But, unlike liberturdians, we'll back him if he's the nominee
Donnie has a long way to go. His simpleton base will always buy his crapola, but keeping the country from getting bored of his bs could turn against him in the longrun.
The Cruz campaign did not do the mailers... again... that was a political action committee

well that maybe the case but it hurt him anyhow

looked like his very own progressive form of card check

any republican pac should have known how badly that would look

which pac was it anyway the one the Mitch McConnells attorney set up

Hey, I don't like the PACs either but that's what John McCain and the liberal left thought we needed to get the influence of money out of politics. Listen to what you are saying here... you acknowledge Cruz doesn't control what the PAC does but you seem to think he is somehow responsible and should be held accountable.

I don't know which PAC it was, I am sure you can find out... McConnell's PAC, the Senatorial Campaign Fund, is currently sending Cruz supporters an email where they can order a Cruz 2016 t-shirt and the proceeds go to the PAC, which is actively trying to destroy Ted Cruz!

But look... the mailer itself wasn't that godawful. It was basically saying "you are in violation" or not being a patriotic American if you don't get out and vote. Yeah, it was a little unethical in presentation and looked bad... but how was that worse than any of the 5,000 insurance companies who send me mailers ever day telling me how I am violating the law if I don't call them immediately and sign up for health care coverage? We get inundated with this kind of stuff every day.... it's a sales tactic.

That said, under U.S. Federal Election law, Ted Cruz cannot instruct the PAC to do something like this. It's illegal! He has absolutely no control over what they did. Yet.. over and over again, you hear people saying "his campaign" when they speak of this... it WASN'T his campaign!

think about the people supporting cruz is all am saying

they all want something in the end

i believe cruz is nothing more then a player

i also believe cruz is much less then truthful
The Cruz campaign did not do the mailers... again... that was a political action committee

well that maybe the case but it hurt him anyhow

looked like his very own progressive form of card check

any republican pac should have known how badly that would look

which pac was it anyway the one the Mitch McConnells attorney set up

Hey, I don't like the PACs either but that's what John McCain and the liberal left thought we needed to get the influence of money out of politics. Listen to what you are saying here... you acknowledge Cruz doesn't control what the PAC does but you seem to think he is somehow responsible and should be held accountable.

I don't know which PAC it was, I am sure you can find out... McConnell's PAC, the Senatorial Campaign Fund, is currently sending Cruz supporters an email where they can order a Cruz 2016 t-shirt and the proceeds go to the PAC, which is actively trying to destroy Ted Cruz!

But look... the mailer itself wasn't that godawful. It was basically saying "you are in violation" or not being a patriotic American if you don't get out and vote. Yeah, it was a little unethical in presentation and looked bad... but how was that worse than any of the 5,000 insurance companies who send me mailers ever day telling me how I am violating the law if I don't call them immediately and sign up for health care coverage? We get inundated with this kind of stuff every day.... it's a sales tactic.

That said, under U.S. Federal Election law, Ted Cruz cannot instruct the PAC to do something like this. It's illegal! He has absolutely no control over what they did. Yet.. over and over again, you hear people saying "his campaign" when they speak of this... it WASN'T his campaign!

think about the people supporting cruz is all am saying

they all want something in the end

i believe cruz is nothing more then a player

i also believe cruz is much less then truthful

I am one of the people supporting Cruz and I've been supporting him since he came onto the political scene because he is a man of integrity and honor who stands up for the Constitution and core conservative values. I also supported Rubio until he sold out with the Gang of 8. I even supported Trump until he turned into Morton Downey, Jr. and began smearing respectable men.
The Cruz campaign did not do the mailers... again... that was a political action committee

well that maybe the case but it hurt him anyhow

looked like his very own progressive form of card check

any republican pac should have known how badly that would look

which pac was it anyway the one the Mitch McConnells attorney set up

Hey, I don't like the PACs either but that's what John McCain and the liberal left thought we needed to get the influence of money out of politics. Listen to what you are saying here... you acknowledge Cruz doesn't control what the PAC does but you seem to think he is somehow responsible and should be held accountable.

I don't know which PAC it was, I am sure you can find out... McConnell's PAC, the Senatorial Campaign Fund, is currently sending Cruz supporters an email where they can order a Cruz 2016 t-shirt and the proceeds go to the PAC, which is actively trying to destroy Ted Cruz!

But look... the mailer itself wasn't that godawful. It was basically saying "you are in violation" or not being a patriotic American if you don't get out and vote. Yeah, it was a little unethical in presentation and looked bad... but how was that worse than any of the 5,000 insurance companies who send me mailers ever day telling me how I am violating the law if I don't call them immediately and sign up for health care coverage? We get inundated with this kind of stuff every day.... it's a sales tactic.

That said, under U.S. Federal Election law, Ted Cruz cannot instruct the PAC to do something like this. It's illegal! He has absolutely no control over what they did. Yet.. over and over again, you hear people saying "his campaign" when they speak of this... it WASN'T his campaign!

think about the people supporting cruz is all am saying

they all want something in the end

i believe cruz is nothing more then a player

i also believe cruz is much less then truthful

I am one of the people supporting Cruz and I've been supporting him since he came onto the political scene because he is a man of integrity and honor who stands up for the Constitution and core conservative values. I also supported Rubio until he sold out with the Gang of 8. I even supported Trump until he turned into Morton Downey, Jr. and began smearing respectable men.

in the beginning i was all in for cruz

even donated

now i am not interested in him

i think he is a phony
Yes we understand why trump is doing well. Many people are so tired of the same lame bullshit they'll vote for anyone that bucks that trend. I also would like to see an outsider win for a change.

trump is not the guy. He's a bloviating rich idiot. We need someone like this to come out of the middle class or from the poor. A true populist.

People glamming on to trump is just accepting the first widget that comes down the assembly line that looks different than the rest.

Unfortunately the quality is missing. He has the mind of an adolescent.

What you want is an outright commie, and Trump isn't that guy. That's why you hate him. That's the only reason. If he was proposing to nationalize all the banks you would love him.

Nah you want an outright communist like Ronald Reagan, that is why you hate yourself.

trump is a misguided bloviating weirdo who can't even comb his hair. You'd think that might be one of the first tenets of a candidate. Can you comb your hair?
Yes we understand why trump is doing well. Many people are so tired of the same lame bullshit they'll vote for anyone that bucks that trend. I also would like to see an outsider win for a change.

trump is not the guy. He's a bloviating rich idiot. We need someone like this to come out of the middle class or from the poor. A true populist.

People glamming on to trump is just accepting the first widget that comes down the assembly line that looks different than the rest.

Unfortunately the quality is missing. He has the mind of an adolescent.

What you want is an outright commie, and Trump isn't that guy. That's why you hate him. That's the only reason. If he was proposing to nationalize all the banks you would love him.

Nah you want an outright communist like Ronald Reagan, that is why you hate yourself.

trump is a misguided bloviating weirdo who can't even comb his hair. You'd think that might be one of the first tenets of a candidate. Can you comb your hair?

Anyone who says Reagan was a communist can be ignored because it's obvious you're a fool who has no contact with reality.

So do you think Bernie can comb his hair?
Yes we understand why trump is doing well. Many people are so tired of the same lame bullshit they'll vote for anyone that bucks that trend. I also would like to see an outsider win for a change.

trump is not the guy. He's a bloviating rich idiot. We need someone like this to come out of the middle class or from the poor. A true populist.

People glamming on to trump is just accepting the first widget that comes down the assembly line that looks different than the rest.

Unfortunately the quality is missing. He has the mind of an adolescent.

What you want is an outright commie, and Trump isn't that guy. That's why you hate him. That's the only reason. If he was proposing to nationalize all the banks you would love him.

Nah you want an outright communist like Ronald Reagan, that is why you hate yourself.

trump is a misguided bloviating weirdo who can't even comb his hair. You'd think that might be one of the first tenets of a candidate. Can you comb your hair?

Anyone who says Reagan was a communist can be ignored because it's obvious you're a fool who has no contact with reality.

So do you think Bernie can comb his hair?

Ronald Reagan was a flaming communist and the most criminal person to ever hold high office in the US. 138 people in his administration were indicted or convicted of crimes.

Even Nixon was a saint compared to Reagan. 8 of Nixon's administration were indicted or convicted.

Conservatives vote for criminals on a regular basis. Birds of a feather you know.

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