The donations to democrats of muellers team of partisan witch hunters...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The Republican party is called the stupid party for a reason....they have allowed a partisan democrat supporter, comey, to get his best friend, mueller, appointed as lead witch hunter......and they have begun hiring a team of grand inquisitors who have ties to, not ties....they are joined at the hip with the democrat party.....

So.....the stupid party is going to allow an unlimited investigation against them by a team of democrats, with the unlimited resources of the government at their disposal.....

the only redeeming quality of the Republican party is that they are the stupid party......the democrats? are the racist, violent, hater party.....

Hmmm: Special Counsel Mueller's Team Sure is Stacked With Democrat Donors, Including a Hillary Supporter

But according to an assessment done by CNN, those hired so far are mostly Democrat donors. Two already on board gave the max amount to Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign.

Three members of the legal team known to have been hired so far by special counsel Robert Mueller to handle the Russia investigation have given political donations almost exclusively to Democrats, according to a CNN analysis of Federal Election Commission records.

More than half of the more than $56,000 came from just one lawyer and more than half of it was donated before the 2016 election, but two of the lawyers gave the maximum $2,700 donation to Hillary Clinton last year.While only five attorneys have been publicly identified as working on the Russia probe, there could be more on Mueller's team.

Three of the five lawyers have donations in FEC records.

They gave overwhelmingly to Democrats, totaling more than $53,000 since 1988.

More than half of the donations came from just one of the lawyers, James Quarles, whom Mueller brought over from his old firm, WilmerHale.Quarles has given nearly $33,000 to political campaigns over the years.

He gave money to Democratic presidential candidates Michael Dukakis, Al Gore, John Kerry, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

In addition, Quarles gave more than $10,000 to help Democrats get elected to the House and another $10,000 on the Senate side, including money to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.But Quarles is also the only lawyer among Mueller's team for which records were available who ever donated to Republicans. He gave $2,500 to Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz in 2015 and gave $250 to then-Sen. George Allen of Virginia in 2005.

This certainly raises questions about the impropriety of the investigation and fuels accusations the special investigation is simply a witch hunt. That being said, a few things to keep in mind.


2) From my own sources, I know conservative and Republican attorneys have been asked to apply for positions on Mueller's team. Whether or not they have applied to do the job is a different story and of course, being asked to apply is not the same as being handpicked (as the Democrats on the team seem to have been) for these important positions.

3) They better balance this out, quickly. Even if it means begging Republicans or conservative attorneys to come on board.
This is the second or third time today you posted this OP.

No...this details who the lawyers are....

In was just reported that the lawyer, hired by muelller, who worked for the clinton foundation was responsible for fighting off FOIA requests against the foundation about hilaries email scandal.... conflict of interest there....

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