The Doom Coffin! Following Along The Wonderful World Of International Debt!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Recalling a Kinder, Gentler, Nation--Bill Clinton, President, 1995 and beyond--The U. S. Total Credit Market is shown at US Federal Reserve market tables, F1, to be about $11.5 tril. Personal Income was about $6.0 tril. Total Net Debt would triple in less than 10 years to about $30.0 tril. In the next ten years, largely of a Democratic White House, it would double to about $58.0 tril. Noting that the "Great Recession" had happened, and the sluggish recovery, then Personal Income in 2014 was about $14.75 tril. Households would be widely noted, as now becoming cash-strapped. A vanishing middle class would be said to be now set in motion. From Clinton to Obama, The total credit market had increased nearly six-fold. The repayment money, Personal Income, had barely doubled.

Of just the US federal debt, about $6.2 tril. is owed to foreigners--largely post-Mao China. The Greek public debt, by comparison, is owed to foreigners, exclusively. It can't float its own boat, or even rubber duckies in the local bathtubs, or the fountains. . . which may be in Rome(?). Seven of the United States have no fiscal year budgets, so far in July, 2015.

In Matthew 25::14-30, then one servant is shown to put five talents to usury, another only two, and one puts one into the earth, for safekeeping at least. Usury pays the fixed percentage. The rich get richer, the middle can't keep up. The poor get left out completely. So if there is an income scale, 1 to five, and usury at five pays five, then an upside-down right triangle can be created: To explain the rest. Two gets other two, and zero happens at the bottom. In Matthew 20:1-16 methodology, contrasting, five would get five, two would get five, and one would get five. An effective income floor of market participation gets created. Anyone can show that as a rectangle, and put the up-side down right triangle in it.

And what do we learn from this. Within 700 hundred years, Mohammed the Prophet would fail to note the stories. After another 1000 years, Adam Smith would fail to note the stories. Karl Marx would fail to note the stories, only 75 years later. After another 75 years, Gay Lord Keyynes would fail to note the stories, but would create a fixed percentage usury based economy. Every so often, anyone could bend over. . .and do Public Works(?)! The Monetarists, and Federal Reserve. therefore, would easily be said to be on board. An educated man of Imperial Egypt: Had set up the subjugation math in Deuteronomy 23:19-20.

In economies, the source of personal income is credit. So in the usury-based right-triangle, then little dots representing the increases of five, two, and zero could be said to represent credit. In the full rectangle, then the dots are about double the total required in the upside-down right triangle. The Clinton-era personal income level is about half the total. In the credit-expansion. Al Gore could go on to invent the internet(?). Recalling the older version of Silicon Valley stocks, real money could be pissed away with abandon!

Bubbles would happen!

And that was then. Greece would be said to have failed at public investment. The U. S. would effectively bless the dear little heart of Osama bin laden, and set itself to a multi-trillion dollar "defense budget," creating the Basis for the ISIS terror-state, of the Sunni. Soon there can even be a Shiite nuke, and people can be really careful about how they spell things.

And in the United States, even after July 4, 2015, there is a Middle Class and lower Income Class again facing subjugation. The Ivy League, Obama-Biden, had even taken what deficit there was, and sent it off to the bureaucrats and publically funded teachers instead. Reagan had created the aristocracy of the Defense Contractors. Obama-Biden, morely simply, just funded the all the government employees, as though they owned the whole thing.

The Credit Market would now be said expanding into quadrants outside the four of the Clinton-era box. There are easily now eight quadrants, with basis in only two, instead of only four.

It seems to show, and even world-wide. Even soon Iran may have a Nuke, just like Israel, soon like the Saudis, and just like the USA, and the land of Putin's-bucks! Also the English, and probably France. The Germans tend more to the harsh solutions, of the famous 20th century brand. Advocacy of harsh measures, is reportedly happening now! The Ivy League is likely on board!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great plains once thick with many herds of Great Spirit, originated Buffalo! White Eyes come, and many left to rot. Now Lands of Many Nations, thick with flies and vermin instead! It's a miracle(?)!!! Soon many papers of creditor around, to make sticky papers, of great value(?)!!!)
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Recalling a Kinder, Gentler, Nation--Bill Clinton, President, 1995 and beyond--The U. S. Total Credit Market is shown at US Federal Reserve market tables, F1, to be about $11.5 tril. Personal Income was about $6.0 tril. Total Net Debt would triple in less than 10 years to about $30.0 tril. In the next ten years, largely of a Democratic White House, it would double to about $58.0 tril. Noting that the "Great Recession" had happened, and the sluggish recovery, then Personal Income in 2014 was about $14.75 tril. Households would be widely noted, as now becoming cash-strapped. A vanishing middle class would be said to be now set in motion. From Clinton to Obama, The total credit market had increased nearly six-fold. The repayment money, Personal Income, had barely doubled.

Of just the US federal debt, about $6.2 tril. is owed to foreigners--largely post-Mao China. The Greek public debt, by comparison, is owed to foreigners, exclusively. It can't float its own boat, or even rubber duckies in the local bathtubs, or the fountains. . . which may be in Rome(?). Seven of the United States have no fiscal year budgets, so far in July, 2015.

In Matthew 25::14-30, then one servant is shown to put five talents to usury, another only two, and one puts one into the earth, for safekeeping at least. Usury pays the fixed percentage. The rich get richer, the middle can't keep up. The poor get left out completely. So if there is an income scale, 1 to five, and usury at five pays five, then an upside-down right triangle can be created: To explain the rest. Two gets other two, and zero happens at the bottom. In Matthew 20:1-16 methodology, contrasting, five would get five, two would get five, and one would get five. An effective income floor of market participation gets created. Anyone can show that as a rectangle, and put the up-side down right triangle in it.

And what do we learn from this. Within 700 hundred years, Mohammed the Prophet would fail to note the stories. After another 1000 years, Adam Smith would fail to note the stories. Karl Marx would fail to note the stories, only 75 years later. After another 75 years, Gay Lord Keyynes would fail to note the stories, but would create a fixed percentage usury based economy. Every so often, anyone could bend over. . .and do Public Works(?)! The Monetarists, and Federal Reserve. therefore, would easily be said to be on board. An educated man of Imperial Egypt: Had set up the subjugation math in Deuteronomy 23:19-20.

In economies, the source of personal income is credit. So in the usury-based right-triangle, then little dots representing the increases of five, two, and zero could be said to represent credit. In the full rectangle, then the dots are about double the total required in the upside-down right triangle. The Clinton-era personal income level is about half the total. In the credit-expansion. Al Gore could go on to invent the internet(?). Recalling the older version of Silicon Valley stocks, real money could be pissed away with abandon!

Bubbles would happen!

And that was then. Greece would be said to have failed at public investment. The U. S. would effectively bless the dear little heart of Osama bin laden, and set itself to a multi-trillion dollar "defense budget," creating the Basis for the ISIS terror-state, of the Sunni. Soon there can even be a Shiite nuke, and people can be really careful about how they spell things.

And in the United States, even after July 4, 2015, there is a Middle Class and lower Income Class again facing subjugation. The Ivy League, Obama-Biden, had even taken what deficit there was, and sent it off to the bureaucrats and publically funded teachers instead. Reagan had created the aristocracy of the Defense Contractors. Obama-Biden, morely simply, just funded the all the government employees, as though they owned the whole thing.

The Credit Market would now be said expanding into quadrants outside the four of the Clinton-era box. There are easily now eight quadrants, with basis in only two, instead of only four.

It seems to show, and even world-wide. Even soon Iran may have a Nuke, just like Israel, soon like the Saudis, and just like the USA, and the land of Putin's-bucks! Also the English, and probably France. The Germans tend more to the harsh solutions, of the famous 20th century brand. Advocacy of harsh measures, is reportedly happening now! The Ivy League is likely on board!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great plains once thick with many herds of Great Spirit, originated Buffalo! White Eyes come, and many left to rot. Now Lands of Many Nations, thick with flies and vermin instead! It's a miracle(?)!!! Soon many papers of creditor around, to make sticky papers, of great value(?)!!!)

do you have any idea what your point is???
Anyone sees a compare and contrast between the atheist and secular, v. the religious, superstitious, and maybe even Gay(?)! International Economics, and every national economy, is run on a usury-based computing method. It has long since between shown lethally flawed, with basis in the math of the greater deities of Greece and Rome. In the United States, anyone can read about the deities of Greece and Rome in the schoolbooks. The Stupid Superstitions of the Hebrews, Catholics, and Protestants--by comparison--are deemed be to religion, therein left to rot.

Inverse of Usury is clearly atheist, of the math of Greece and Roman origins, and is market-friendly to boot! The Inverse of Usury pays the greater basis percentage, to the lower incomes, and successively lower incomes. It is an equal amount. In the 1986 U. S. Tax Reform, the raised equal dollar amounts of the standard deduction and personal exemption were even indexed. Similarly, the raise of an increased Minimum Wage--to all incomes--would be market friendly, an equal-amount raise.

Some COLA's used to be like that, in the more sane world of Labor Economics, and unions. A $0.01 per hour raise was payable to all incomes, in a national CBA--and usually all such CBA's--for every 0.3 point raise of the Consumer Price Index.

Mostly, US Depart of Labor Statistics were the only editors to note those kinds of stories, in the past. Not all Americas were CBA covered, and not all CBA's are national in scope, even now.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many tune-in to replay of John Smith/Pochahontas story, on Syrian YouTube video: The Equal Rights Version! Religion forcing young boys to read from Torah Books, not about equal rights at all, or about Inverse Usury.)
Anyone sees a compare and contrast between the atheist and secular, v. the religious, superstitious, and maybe even Gay(?)! International Economics, and every national economy, is run on a usury-based computing method. It has long since between shown lethally flawed, with basis in the math of the greater deities of Greece and Rome. In the United States, anyone can read about the deities of Greece and Rome in the schoolbooks. The Stupid Superstitions of the Hebrews, Catholics, and Protestants--by comparison--are deemed be to religion, therein left to rot.

Inverse of Usury is clearly atheist, of the math of Greece and Roman origins, and is market-friendly to boot! The Inverse of Usury pays the greater basis percentage, to the lower incomes, and successively lower incomes. It is an equal amount. In the 1986 U. S. Tax Reform, the raised equal dollar amounts of the standard deduction and personal exemption were even indexed. Similarly, the raise of an increased Minimum Wage--to all incomes--would be market friendly, an equal-amount raise.

Some COLA's used to be like that, in the more sane world of Labor Economics, and unions. A $0.01 per hour raise was payable to all incomes, in a national CBA--and usually all such CBA's--for every 0.3 point raise of the Consumer Price Index.

Mostly, US Depart of Labor Statistics were the only editors to note those kinds of stories, in the past. Not all Americas were CBA covered, and not all CBA's are national in scope, even now.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many tune-in to replay of John Smith/Pochahontas story, on Syrian YouTube video: The Equal Rights Version! Religion forcing young boys to read from Torah Books, not about equal rights at all, or about Inverse Usury.)

dear, do you have any idea what your point is??
The matter is stated already, escaping the usual attention of the anti-intellectual, close-minded brand: Typical of the Ivy League. . .or of the Third German Republic, or the vanished Soviet Bloc. The Vatican, Her Majesty's government, and various Moslem and Jewish brands, can be included. Hollywood had to concede its brand, finally acknowledging the veracity of even Marlon Brando.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations not included in South of France, which itself is not in Kenya or other starvation-ridden East Africa. Much of USA West is also in drought.)
The matter is stated already, escaping the usual attention of the anti-intellectual, close-minded brand: Typical of the Ivy League. . .or of the Third German Republic, or the vanished Soviet Bloc. The Vatican, Her Majesty's government, and various Moslem and Jewish brands, can be included. Hollywood had to concede its brand, finally acknowledging the veracity of even Marlon Brando.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations not included in South of France, which itself is not in Kenya or other starvation-ridden East Africa. Much of USA West is also in drought.)

liberal idiot with no idea what his point is.
Schools and Universities often have endowment funds, which apparently they do not understand. They have money. Money is denominated with numbers amenable to use in the logical system, mathematics. So the schools keep the money, or spend it on themselves, and do not feed the poor, heal the sick, house the homeless, counsel the afflicted, or otherwise engage the total of humanity in what they do.

To correctly understand this, that is pointless. There would be said no value to it. They even let Nobel prize winners onto the properties. The pointless outcome is already stated in paragraph one.

Now in paragraph three, anyone further adds that the pointlessness is intentional. The use of the logical system, with the money: Is intentional, a matter of intent, and creates the intended outcome, noted in the first sentence of paragraph two.

Now in paragraph four, anyone notes that tourists on vacation in Greece, even today, are really unaware of anything unusual, happening at all.

And so in paragraph four, how like school are they really(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many wonder really, in fact, if Buffalo Chips will be coming out, tonight(?)!)
Schools and Universities often have endowment funds, which apparently they do not understand. They have money. Money is denominated with numbers amenable to use in the logical system, mathematics. So the schools keep the money, or spend it on themselves, and do not feed the poor, heal the sick, house the homeless, counsel the afflicted, or otherwise engage the total of humanity in what they do.

To correctly understand this, that is pointless. There would be said no value to it. They even let Nobel prize winners onto the properties. The pointless outcome is already stated in paragraph one.

Now in paragraph three, anyone further adds that the pointlessness is intentional. The use of the logical system, with the money: Is intentional, a matter of intent, and creates the intended outcome, noted in the first sentence of paragraph two.

Now in paragraph four, anyone notes that tourists on vacation in Greece, even today, are really unaware of anything unusual, happening at all.

And so in paragraph four, how like school are they really(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many wonder really, in fact, if Buffalo Chips will be coming out, tonight(?)!)

No one else seems to call any of the OP gibberish. Were the market place secure, then hoarding of funds in endowments, by the academics, would likely be said unnecessary. The hoarding is easily noted clear evidence of the failure of their brand. Not only do they not like other people, actually they seem to fear them. They appear to suggest that maybe no one will buy what they have to sell. They do not release their funding to the public at large.

Stupid people, aka Conservatives, aka Donald Trump or Bill Cosby--current newsmakers--claim that their hoarding is evidence of just how viable the market concept is when it works. Actually, it doesn't and it isn't(?). Mostly, anyone sees that instead of engaging free communities, the "market" is a place of refuge, only for the people with currency denominated worth. The communities with no such currency denominated worth, are not construed viable marketplace participants--see the hoarding kind. If the market were actually thought to be a viable concept, then the hoarding would not be necessary: No one notes.

And all of that tends to be backed by government. The Communist Chinese have even outlawed selling stock, the market is so viable. . .(?). . .or something. It is not a part of the Communist Plot(?). . .unless it is(?).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Spirit had intended use of great leaves, even from Peyote. Hoarding Leaves not even viable name, of persons on Lands of Many Nations! He-She-Or-It-Hoarding-Great-Plants: A viable name, not even. Hoarding of Great Plants not even viable path to riches--even before the growers--who do not hoard them, lush as they are(?).)
No one else seems to call any of the OP gibberish. Were the market place secure, then hoarding of funds in endowments, by the academics, would likely be said unnecessary. The hoarding is easily noted clear evidence of the failure of their brand. Not only do they not like other people, actually they seem to fear them. They appear to suggest that maybe no one will buy what they have to sell. They do not release their funding to the public at large.

Stupid people, aka Conservatives, aka Donald Trump or Bill Cosby--current newsmakers--claim that their hoarding is evidence of just how viable the market concept is when it works. Actually, it doesn't and it isn't(?). Mostly, anyone sees that instead of engaging free communities, the "market" is a place of refuge, only for the people with currency denominated worth. The communities with no such currency denominated worth, are not construed viable marketplace participants--see the hoarding kind. If the market were actually thought to be a viable concept, then the hoarding would not be necessary: No one notes.

And all of that tends to be backed by government. The Communist Chinese have even outlawed selling stock, the market is so viable. . .(?). . .or something. It is not a part of the Communist Plot(?). . .unless it is(?).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Spirit had intended use of great leaves, even from Peyote. Hoarding Leaves not even viable name, of persons on Lands of Many Nations! He-She-Or-It-Hoarding-Great-Plants: A viable name, not even. Hoarding of Great Plants not even viable path to riches--even before the growers--who do not hoard them, lush as they are(?).)
Recalling a Kinder, Gentler, Nation--Bill Clinton, President, 1995 and beyond--The U. S. Total Credit Market is shown at US Federal Reserve market tables, F1, to be about $11.5 tril. Personal Income was about $6.0 tril. Total Net Debt would triple in less than 10 years to about $30.0 tril. In the next ten years, largely of a Democratic White House, it would double to about $58.0 tril. Noting that the "Great Recession" had happened, and the sluggish recovery, then Personal Income in 2014 was about $14.75 tril. Households would be widely noted, as now becoming cash-strapped. A vanishing middle class would be said to be now set in motion. From Clinton to Obama, The total credit market had increased nearly six-fold. The repayment money, Personal Income, had barely doubled.

Of just the US federal debt, about $6.2 tril. is owed to foreigners--largely post-Mao China. The Greek public debt, by comparison, is owed to foreigners, exclusively. It can't float its own boat, or even rubber duckies in the local bathtubs, or the fountains. . . which may be in Rome(?). Seven of the United States have no fiscal year budgets, so far in July, 2015.

In Matthew 25::14-30, then one servant is shown to put five talents to usury, another only two, and one puts one into the earth, for safekeeping at least. Usury pays the fixed percentage. The rich get richer, the middle can't keep up. The poor get left out completely. So if there is an income scale, 1 to five, and usury at five pays five, then an upside-down right triangle can be created: To explain the rest. Two gets other two, and zero happens at the bottom. In Matthew 20:1-16 methodology, contrasting, five would get five, two would get five, and one would get five. An effective income floor of market participation gets created. Anyone can show that as a rectangle, and put the up-side down right triangle in it.

And what do we learn from this. Within 700 hundred years, Mohammed the Prophet would fail to note the stories. After another 1000 years, Adam Smith would fail to note the stories. Karl Marx would fail to note the stories, only 75 years later. After another 75 years, Gay Lord Keyynes would fail to note the stories, but would create a fixed percentage usury based economy. Every so often, anyone could bend over. . .and do Public Works(?)! The Monetarists, and Federal Reserve. therefore, would easily be said to be on board. An educated man of Imperial Egypt: Had set up the subjugation math in Deuteronomy 23:19-20.

In economies, the source of personal income is credit. So in the usury-based right-triangle, then little dots representing the increases of five, two, and zero could be said to represent credit. In the full rectangle, then the dots are about double the total required in the upside-down right triangle. The Clinton-era personal income level is about half the total. In the credit-expansion. Al Gore could go on to invent the internet(?). Recalling the older version of Silicon Valley stocks, real money could be pissed away with abandon!

Bubbles would happen!

And that was then. Greece would be said to have failed at public investment. The U. S. would effectively bless the dear little heart of Osama bin laden, and set itself to a multi-trillion dollar "defense budget," creating the Basis for the ISIS terror-state, of the Sunni. Soon there can even be a Shiite nuke, and people can be really careful about how they spell things.

And in the United States, even after July 4, 2015, there is a Middle Class and lower Income Class again facing subjugation. The Ivy League, Obama-Biden, had even taken what deficit there was, and sent it off to the bureaucrats and publically funded teachers instead. Reagan had created the aristocracy of the Defense Contractors. Obama-Biden, morely simply, just funded the all the government employees, as though they owned the whole thing.

The Credit Market would now be said expanding into quadrants outside the four of the Clinton-era box. There are easily now eight quadrants, with basis in only two, instead of only four.

It seems to show, and even world-wide. Even soon Iran may have a Nuke, just like Israel, soon like the Saudis, and just like the USA, and the land of Putin's-bucks! Also the English, and probably France. The Germans tend more to the harsh solutions, of the famous 20th century brand. Advocacy of harsh measures, is reportedly happening now! The Ivy League is likely on board!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great plains once thick with many herds of Great Spirit, originated Buffalo! White Eyes come, and many left to rot. Now Lands of Many Nations, thick with flies and vermin instead! It's a miracle(?)!!! Soon many papers of creditor around, to make sticky papers, of great value(?)!!!)

do you have any idea what your point is???
I'm waiting for the reviews to come out to see if I want to watch the whole thing. :thup:
Schools and Universities often have endowment funds, which apparently they do not understand. They have money. Money is denominated with numbers amenable to use in the logical system, mathematics. So the schools keep the money, or spend it on themselves, and do not feed the poor, heal the sick, house the homeless, counsel the afflicted, or otherwise engage the total of humanity in what they do.

To correctly understand this, that is pointless. There would be said no value to it. They even let Nobel prize winners onto the properties. The pointless outcome is already stated in paragraph one.

Now in paragraph three, anyone further adds that the pointlessness is intentional. The use of the logical system, with the money: Is intentional, a matter of intent, and creates the intended outcome, noted in the first sentence of paragraph two.

Now in paragraph four, anyone notes that tourists on vacation in Greece, even today, are really unaware of anything unusual, happening at all.

And so in paragraph four, how like school are they really(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many wonder really, in fact, if Buffalo Chips will be coming out, tonight(?)!)

More power to him. :thup:

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