The Dossier And The Democrats

Horowitz: “We find no documentary or testimonial evidence of bias.” Opinion | The Horowitz Horror Show

“We did not receive satisfactory explanations for the errors or problems we identified.” Opinion | What Horowitz Actually Debunked

Essentially, this is a means no one admitted it, and he refused to draw the clear and evident conclusion that we all observed in emails, and the selections Mueller made of Hillary donors as investigators.

"In the Inspector General's report, investigators said that while they found no evidence of political bias for the start of the FBI's investigation and that the investigation was justified, they did find 17 significant errors and instances of omissions in the Carter Page FISA applications.

Inspector General Michael Horowitz testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that the FISA applications the FBI used in their investigation into the Trump campaign were based "entirely" on the Steele Dossier."
Watch: Brutal Supercut of Media Pushing the Discredited Steele Dossier
There was no political bias in the investigation of the blob, jumbo

Another lie.

Watch me shred it:

Horowitz: “We find no documentary or testimonial evidence of bias.” Opinion | The Horowitz Horror Show

“We did not receive satisfactory explanations for the errors or problems we identified.” Opinion | What Horowitz Actually Debunked

Essentially, this is a means no one admitted it, and he refused to draw the clear and evident conclusion that we all observed in emails, and the selections Mueller made of Hillary donors as investigators.

"In the Inspector General's report, investigators said that while they found no evidence of political bias for the start of the FBI's investigation and that the investigation was justified, they did find 17 significant errors and instances of omissions in the Carter Page FISA applications.

Inspector General Michael Horowitz testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that the FISA applications the FBI used in their investigation into the Trump campaign were based "entirely" on the Steele Dossier."
Watch: Brutal Supercut of Media Pushing the Discredited Steele Dossier

You're much too easy....

....same thing all the boys said, huh?
Why did Democrats think they could get away with creating this dossier?

First, because their control of the schools and the media has always allowed them to lie.

The astute know Rule #1.

Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Second....they assumed this was true:

October 25, 2016...NYTimes gave Hillary 93% chance of winning the election.
2016 Election Forecast: Who Will Be President?
Horowitz found no evidence of bias in the email that stated "I hate Trump...I loathe the man".
MO from day one:. Get rid of trump. Libs could never accept they got beat. 2020 may be jonestown in the form of violence if trump wins. Get ready.
MO from day one:. Get rid of trump. Libs could never accept they got beat. 2020 may be jonestown in the form of violence if trump wins. Get ready.

Violence has always been the preferred method of discourse by the Left.

Historic review: every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

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