The Dossier on Trump IS Believable, if the golden showers left out.

We haven't had good relations with Pakistan or Iran for 20-30 years. Who says Trump doesn't have good relations with Egypt?
The Iran Hostage Crisis is almost 40 years old, although I'm not sure about British-Iranian relations.

On the other hand Pakistan has had good relations with the US, including receiving military and non-military aid, except recently Trump announced he decided to stop some. I don't disagree with this, but he was probably talked into it by someone else, as I don't see him as knowledgeable.

Egypt was on Trump's list of countries with banned entry to the US.
We are still enemies with Iran, despite that stupid "agreement" Obama made with them. Our relations with Pakistan have always been testy. We gave them weapons and aid in exchange for allowing to use the country for a staging area in our war in Afghanistan, but it's been clear for a long time that they have been harboring Al Queda and ISIS terrorists the whole time.
Why leave out the golden showers? How does anyone know he doesn't like golden showers? After all, he is one sick f....



Not even women aren't safe:


You're a complete fucking douche bag, Deanr.
Russian politician calls for the release of Trump pee tape

On Monday, leader of the right-wing New Russia Movement went on state TV threatened to drop “kompromat” on President Trump in retaliation for the U.S. closing Russian consulates. “Let’s hit Trump with our kompromat!” the economist said on his Russia-24 appearance.

When asked by the news program’s host if the damaging material on Trump exists, Nikita Isaev said “Of course it does!”

In the Steele dossier, part of said kompromat was a reported tape wherein Trump supposedly hired two Russian sex workers to piss all over a bed in the Moscow Ritz-Carlton, in the same room where President and Michelle Obama once slept.

Russian politician calls for the release of Trump pee tape

Intel report claims Trump took part in golden shower video with Russian sex workers

Whoa, now things are getting interesting...

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I believe the golden showers story. It's not the kind of thing someone makes up. It's just too bizarre.

What sealed the deal for me was that I have noticed time and time again that when Trump tells a whopper of a lie, he always says "believe me!". When he denied the golden showers story he said "it never happened. Believe me!"
Russian politician calls for the release of Trump pee tape

On Monday, leader of the right-wing New Russia Movement went on state TV threatened to drop “kompromat” on President Trump in retaliation for the U.S. closing Russian consulates. “Let’s hit Trump with our kompromat!” the economist said on his Russia-24 appearance.

When asked by the news program’s host if the damaging material on Trump exists, Nikita Isaev said “Of course it does!”

In the Steele dossier, part of said kompromat was a reported tape wherein Trump supposedly hired two Russian sex workers to piss all over a bed in the Moscow Ritz-Carlton, in the same room where President and Michelle Obama once slept.

Russian politician calls for the release of Trump pee tape

Intel report claims Trump took part in golden shower video with Russian sex workers

Whoa, now things are getting interesting...


It's hard to understand why he hates the Obamas so much. It should be the Obamas who hate him.
Wow look, who is using foreign sources to "influence" an election - Dems!

I believe the golden showers story. It's not the kind of thing someone makes up. It's just too bizarre.

What sealed the deal for me was that I have noticed time and time again that when Trump tells a whopper of a lie, he always says "believe me!". When he denied the golden showers story he said "it never happened. Believe me!"
Wow, you believe it? I'm sure convinced!
Russian politician calls for the release of Trump pee tape

On Monday, leader of the right-wing New Russia Movement went on state TV threatened to drop “kompromat” on President Trump in retaliation for the U.S. closing Russian consulates. “Let’s hit Trump with our kompromat!” the economist said on his Russia-24 appearance.

When asked by the news program’s host if the damaging material on Trump exists, Nikita Isaev said “Of course it does!”

In the Steele dossier, part of said kompromat was a reported tape wherein Trump supposedly hired two Russian sex workers to piss all over a bed in the Moscow Ritz-Carlton, in the same room where President and Michelle Obama once slept.

Russian politician calls for the release of Trump pee tape

Intel report claims Trump took part in golden shower video with Russian sex workers

Whoa, now things are getting interesting...


Release the pee tape!

I want everyone to go after the dossier and those involved in the fairy tale. You have Steele and his firm on the ropes in two countries in a mega defamation suit. Ditto Buzzfeed.

And a new lawsuit was just launched against Fusion GPS for defamation.

Comey and Clapper are actually fighting supoenas to testify in the defamation lawsuits. AND John McCain is going to be in the hot seat to for passing a lying and defaming document along to not only the FBI but leaking to the media.

Bet he hopes he dies before they get that son of a bitch on the stand.
Yes yes yes get McCain!!!!!!

John McCain faces questions in Trump-Russia dossier case
By Kevin G. Hall

July 11, 2017 5:00 AM

Sen. John McCain faces questions in a defamation lawsuit about leaks leading to publication of the now-infamous dossier that alleged Donald Trump’s campaign had connections to Russian operatives, McClatchy has learned.

The dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele and his London firm, Orbis Business Intelligence Ltd., amounted to a collection of uncorroborated reports of collusion gathered as political research for sale to Trump’s opponents. It proved explosive when published by online news site BuzzFeed on Jan. 10.

Now, two lawsuits — one in the United States and a second in the U.K. — are being brought by lawyers for Aleksej Gubarev, a Cyprus-based Internet entrepreneur whom Steele’s Russian sources accused of cyber spying against the Democratic Party leadership.

According to a new court document in the British lawsuit, counsel for defendants Steele and Orbis repeatedly point to McCain, R-Ariz., a vocal Trump critic, and a former State Department official as two in a handful of people known to have had copies of the full document before it circulated among journalists and was published by BuzzFeed.

Read more here: John McCain faces questions in Trump-Russia dossier case
And Steele himself admits the dossier was a fairy tale. These are in court documents.

Ex-spy admits anti-Trump dossier unverified, blames Buzzfeed for publishing

Christopher Steele, the former British spy who wrote the infamous anti-Donald Trump dossier, acknowledges that a sensational charge his sources made about a tech company CEO and Democratic Party hacking is unverified.

In a court filing, Mr. Steele also says his accusations against the president and his aides about a supposed Russian hacking conspiracy were never supposed to be made public, much less posted in full on a website for the world to see on Jan. 10.

He defends himself by saying he was betrayed by his client and that he followed proper internal channels by giving the dossier to Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican, to alert the U.S. government.

Christopher Steele admits dossier charge unverified
Hey the story of Goldilocks is totally believable if you leave out the bears talking. And living in a house. And eating porridge. Oh, and porridge holding heat so long that it takes more than a minute to cool off, so a walk is totally reasonable.

So all you have to do is change the laws of thermodynamics. Get rid of the bears talking, living in a house, and eating porridge. Then you have a totally true story right? Of course, then it’s just a little girl lost in the woods, and that’s not much of a story.

Red Riding Hood is the same. All you have to do is drop the Wolf who talks, dresses up in grandma’s nightgown, presumably after eating her, and instead of running the stupid little girl down, sets up an ambush for her. Yeah, totally believable.
And Steele himself admits the dossier was a fairy tale. These are in court documents.

Ex-spy admits anti-Trump dossier unverified, blames Buzzfeed for publishing

Christopher Steele, the former British spy who wrote the infamous anti-Donald Trump dossier, acknowledges that a sensational charge his sources made about a tech company CEO and Democratic Party hacking is unverified.

In a court filing, Mr. Steele also says his accusations against the president and his aides about a supposed Russian hacking conspiracy were never supposed to be made public, much less posted in full on a website for the world to see on Jan. 10.

He defends himself by saying he was betrayed by his client and that he followed proper internal channels by giving the dossier to Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican, to alert the U.S. government.

Christopher Steele admits dossier charge unverified

No, he didn't. The Moonie Times? Why do post such fake bullshit?

A lot of the Steele dossier has since been corroborated.

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