The Dossier on Trump IS Believable, if the golden showers left out.

If I was accused of loving golden showers I'd be obsessed too. I only found out about them when I typed in Golden Sowers as a fabulous climbing rose but needless to say I couldn't believe people wanted to be pissed on.

To each their own, but Trump as a serious germaphope no way
Remember, Comey's FBI paid for the piece of shit dossier that made the claim about the golden shower. Somehow the snowflakes see no shame in that.
Lol, no they didn't.
Hmmm, yes they did.
Uses a Mike Huckabee quote for a siggy. Who's a bigger liar? He or his daughter? Tough call.
One of my favorite parts about Comey talking about this is "says Trump urged him to investigate the notorious dirty dossier"....

Trump was not aware that Comey was part of the 'Secret Society', that his (Comey's) FBIhad also paid money to the companyfworking for the Russians and to the foreign spy working with Russians, had accepted the report from the DNC Candidate and was basically working for Hillary - illegally using the report to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the GOP candidate during an election.

The President, without knowing it, was asking Comey to investigate himself and the treasonous FBI leadership partially behind / pushing / using the report....

I love how you post Putin’s lies and then all your Russian troll friends give you points for it.

There’s no “Secret Society” at the FBI that’s out to get Trump. The only person responsible for Trump’s legal problems is Trump.

Mueller isn’t investigating Clinton. It’s not in his job description. Mueller is investigating Russian interference in the US election, connections between the Trump campaign/White House and Russia, and last but not least, obstruction of justice.

Mueller is now ready to make a finding and issue his report on the Obstruction of Justice, since Trump has said he won’t sit for an interview. Mueller has four findings of obstruction:

1. The firing of Jim Comey;

2. Trump’s attempts to fire Jeff Sessions;

3. Trump’s role in drafting Junior’s letter of defence to the meeting at Trump Tower; and

4. Sending Dowd out to “dangle pardons” to those who were being called to testify before the Grand Jury.
Yes, investigating Clinton is in his job description. He's supposed to be investigating Russian collusion. All the evidence of collusion points at Hillary and the Obama administration. It doesn't point at Trump.

If I was accused of loving golden showers I'd be obsessed too. I only found out about them when I typed in Golden Sowers as a fabulous climbing rose but needless to say I couldn't believe people wanted to be pissed on.

To each their own, but Trump as a serious germaphope no way

I had a beautiful golden showers rosebush that I planted in my garden in Toronto.

Donald Trump is a germaphobe who had unprotected sex with a porn star. I’m no germaphobe but there is no way I’d be exchanging bodily fluids with sex trade workers.

I believe the golden showers story. First off, it’s so bizarre and off the wall that it’s unlikely someone would make it up. They might come up with a compromising story but not something like this.

But the main reason I believe the story is that Trump said it never happened. “Believe me!” Trump never says “Believe me” unless he’s lying. It’s his best and truest tell that this is a whopper!

I agree! I totally believe the "Golden Shower" story - especially because of the Obama connection. There is one thing that the news has been leaving out today:

The dossier contained allegations of collusion between Trump aides and Russian operatives during the 2016 election. It also alleges that the Russian government has incriminating information on the president that could make him susceptible to blackmail. Notably, it claims that Russia possesses a videotape featuring Trump getting prostitutes to urinate on a bed in a Moscow hotel room in which former President Barack Obama once stayed with first lady Michelle Obama. The allegation has earned the findings the nickname the “pee tape” dossier, or the “golden shower” dossier.

Trump-Russia “pee tape” dossier is now being investigated by special counsel Robert Mueller
You believe any piece of shit that some snowflake has fung against the wall. You are supremely gullible. If the video exists, then why haven't we seen it? The dossier is nothing but a collection of malicious gossip.
The Steele Dossier on Trump and Russia Is Looking More and More Real

You have to stop believing those orderlies that take care of you all day.
One of my favorite parts about Comey talking about this is "says Trump urged him to investigate the notorious dirty dossier"....

Trump was not aware that Comey was part of the 'Secret Society', that his (Comey's) FBIhad also paid money to the companyfworking for the Russians and to the foreign spy working with Russians, had accepted the report from the DNC Candidate and was basically working for Hillary - illegally using the report to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the GOP candidate during an election.

The President, without knowing it, was asking Comey to investigate himself and the treasonous FBI leadership partially behind / pushing / using the report....

I love how you post Putin’s lies and then all your Russian troll friends give you points for it.

There’s no “Secret Society” at the FBI that’s out to get Trump. The only person responsible for Trump’s legal problems is Trump.

Mueller isn’t investigating Clinton. It’s not in his job description. Mueller is investigating Russian interference in the US election, connections between the Trump campaign/White House and Russia, and last but not least, obstruction of justice.

Mueller is now ready to make a finding and issue his report on the Obstruction of Justice, since Trump has said he won’t sit for an interview. Mueller has four findings of obstruction:

1. The firing of Jim Comey;

2. Trump’s attempts to fire Jeff Sessions;

3. Trump’s role in drafting Junior’s letter of defence to the meeting at Trump Tower; and

4. Sending Dowd out to “dangle pardons” to those who were being called to testify before the Grand Jury.
Yes, investigating Clinton is in his job description. He's supposed to be investigating Russian collusion. All the evidence of collusion points at Hillary and the Obama administration. It doesn't point at Trump.
"It doesn't point to Trump."
fake news again! you are batting a thousand! ;)
...except I back up just about everything I say with something Mueller doesn't have - EVIDENCE...documented, reported EVIDENCE. And unlike YOU, I don't just say 'Uh-uh' and demand everyone believe it. :p


You post links to fake news sites and call that evidence.

You repeat the same lies endlessly and call that evidence.

You work for a man who just participated in the gassing and murder of innocents in Syria, who murders reporters.

You earn your living by lying and you participate in the troll farm disruptions of western governments politics.

Why would we believe a lying Russian troll?

All the MSM sources are fake news, dingbat. You post a pile of the most absurd lies and then accuse easyt65 of being a liar. Name calling is just about all you douchebag snowflakes have.

If I was accused of loving golden showers I'd be obsessed too. I only found out about them when I typed in Golden Sowers as a fabulous climbing rose but needless to say I couldn't believe people wanted to be pissed on.

To each their own, but Trump as a serious germaphope no way

I had a beautiful golden showers rosebush that I planted in my garden in Toronto.

Donald Trump is a germaphobe who had unprotected sex with a porn star. I’m no germaphobe but there is no way I’d be exchanging bodily fluids with sex trade workers.

I believe the golden showers story. First off, it’s so bizarre and off the wall that it’s unlikely someone would make it up. They might come up with a compromising story but not something like this.

But the main reason I believe the story is that Trump said it never happened. “Believe me!” Trump never says “Believe me” unless he’s lying. It’s his best and truest tell that this is a whopper!

I agree! I totally believe the "Golden Shower" story - especially because of the Obama connection. There is one thing that the news has been leaving out today:

The dossier contained allegations of collusion between Trump aides and Russian operatives during the 2016 election. It also alleges that the Russian government has incriminating information on the president that could make him susceptible to blackmail. Notably, it claims that Russia possesses a videotape featuring Trump getting prostitutes to urinate on a bed in a Moscow hotel room in which former President Barack Obama once stayed with first lady Michelle Obama. The allegation has earned the findings the nickname the “pee tape” dossier, or the “golden shower” dossier.

Trump-Russia “pee tape” dossier is now being investigated by special counsel Robert Mueller
You believe any piece of shit that some snowflake has fung against the wall. You are supremely gullible. If the video exists, then why haven't we seen it? The dossier is nothing but a collection of malicious gossip.
The Steele Dossier on Trump and Russia Is Looking More and More Real

You have to stop believing those orderlies that take care of you all day.

It looks "more real" only to deranged leftwing morons.
Haha ..the coward Dale Smith rates my post but is too scared to answer my question. Typical cult coward.

That's standard snowflake operating procedure. You and your sleazy komrades have done that to my posts many thousands of time. probably a quarter of my rating points are from that.
Comey's book is an indictment of T's presidency as well as his character. Each chapter can be interpreted as an elaborate trolling of T, starting with the title.

Higher Loyality: Truth Lies and Leadership.
Comey's book is a pile of lies that are going to get him indicted for lying to Congress.
Folks, Reasonable and Dragonlady are low info folks who what are commonly called, "triggered." :p

What is sad about low info folks is that they do not want to learn the facts, they actually relish being stupid and apparently retarded. Or is it something more as to why they hate realtiy.
Facts are what comes out of Trump's mouth according to you. Totally forgetting it's been documented he's lied over 2,000 times since he's been prez.

Nothing of the sort has been documented. MSM propaganda is not "documentation."
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View attachment 187657
View attachment 187651
Much of the dossier has been verified.

Again... that doesn't seem to make any difference if what is verified is stupid, or irrelevant.

You need to provide real clear proof of a violation of law. You know, like leaving a girl to drown in a car, and going home and going to bed, before calling police.
In due time my biased republican friend. mueller is working overtime on all the next indictments he'll be handing out with the pussygrabber's name on them.

There's another picture of proof of another of Trump's lies. He said he's 6'3". Obama is 6'1"
Is he two inches taller thanObama?
He's literally incapable of telling the truth.

Bring it on! I would love to have Mike Pence take over for Trump.

If Trump has in fact violated law.... I support justice being served. Take Trump down, put Mike Pence in his place... and I would cheer.

I never voted for Trump. I never liked Trump. He's better than Hillary, but only because Hillary is the most corrupt politician in recent US history.

You think I care if Trump is removed? He's a left-winger. Trump supported the Clintons. Trump supported government health care. By all means, put Mike Pence in his place.

But unlike you, I don't try and take people down without reason. I support justice and the rule of law. I can supply evidence of Hillary's crimes. And unlike you, I won't defend someone for partisan political reasons. Why? I'm better then you. I know i am, because you still support Hillary, which proves you have no morals or ethical values.

Just a fact. If you had even the slightest shred of value anywhere in your body, you would disown the Clintons, as the criminal scum they are. As long you refuse to do that, no one cares what you think. You are as much trash as they are.
You would cheer Pence getting in. Lol
Pence was a horrible governor and wouldn't have been reelected . Pence believes in gay conversion therapy. Pence has stated tobacco doesn't cause cancer while lining his pockets with Big Tobacco money.
Pence is even scarier and more backward than Trump.
And your Clinton hate is par for the course for a true Deplorable


If I was accused of loving golden showers I'd be obsessed too. I only found out about them when I typed in Golden Sowers as a fabulous climbing rose but needless to say I couldn't believe people wanted to be pissed on.

To each their own, but Trump as a serious germaphope no way
Remember, Comey's FBI paid for the piece of shit dossier that made the claim about the golden shower. Somehow the snowflakes see no shame in that.
Lol, no they didn't.
Hmmm, yes they did.

And not some RWNJ crap like Daily Caller either.

If I was accused of loving golden showers I'd be obsessed too. I only found out about them when I typed in Golden Sowers as a fabulous climbing rose but needless to say I couldn't believe people wanted to be pissed on.

To each their own, but Trump as a serious germaphope no way
Remember, Comey's FBI paid for the piece of shit dossier that made the claim about the golden shower. Somehow the snowflakes see no shame in that.
Lol, no they didn't.
Hmmm, yes they did.

And not some RWNJ crap like Daily Caller either.

So you'll only accept some "destroy Trump at all costs" media source?
If I was accused of loving golden showers I'd be obsessed too. I only found out about them when I typed in Golden Sowers as a fabulous climbing rose but needless to say I couldn't believe people wanted to be pissed on.

To each their own, but Trump as a serious germaphope no way
Remember, Comey's FBI paid for the piece of shit dossier that made the claim about the golden shower. Somehow the snowflakes see no shame in that.
Lol, no they didn't.
Hmmm, yes they did.

And not some RWNJ crap like Daily Caller either.

So you'll only accept some "destroy Trump at all costs" media source?

No, we accept media with a proven record of fact-based reporting, and which fires those who violate that standard.
Remember, Comey's FBI paid for the piece of shit dossier that made the claim about the golden shower. Somehow the snowflakes see no shame in that.
Lol, no they didn't.
Hmmm, yes they did.

And not some RWNJ crap like Daily Caller either.

So you'll only accept some "destroy Trump at all costs" media source?

No, we accept media with a proven record of fact-based reporting, and which fires those who violate that standard.
That would rule out all the media sources you always cite.
This thread is nothing but Troll Bait especially since The Dossier has been debunked as a work of fiction, and the work of Russian Bad Actors like Skirpal who was poisoned by a nerve agent, funded by Clinton and Obama who solicited the help of Vladimir Putin to keep Trump from becoming President.

Want to know how far people are willing to go to cover up what went on with Fusion GPS, COIE lawfirm and the money laundering scheme that sent millions in cash to Russia for their help against Trump in the election?

Spy vs. Spy: Skirpal, Strozk & Steele
Remember, Comey's FBI paid for the piece of shit dossier that made the claim about the golden shower. Somehow the snowflakes see no shame in that.
Lol, no they didn't.
Hmmm, yes they did.

And not some RWNJ crap like Daily Caller either.

So you'll only accept some "destroy Trump at all costs" media source?

No, we accept media with a proven record of fact-based reporting, and which fires those who violate that standard.

well then that excludes, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, NYT, CNN, MSNBC.......
If I was accused of loving golden showers I'd be obsessed too. I only found out about them when I typed in Golden Sowers as a fabulous climbing rose but needless to say I couldn't believe people wanted to be pissed on.

To each their own, but Trump as a serious germaphope no way
Remember, Comey's FBI paid for the piece of shit dossier that made the claim about the golden shower. Somehow the snowflakes see no shame in that.
Lol, no they didn't.
Hmmm, yes they did.

And not some RWNJ crap like Daily Caller either.

So you'll only accept some "destroy Trump at all costs" media source?
Lol, someone nice and middle of the road will be fine, it's not like I'm asking for quotes by the Palmer report or anything.
Lol, no they didn't.
Hmmm, yes they did.

And not some RWNJ crap like Daily Caller either.

So you'll only accept some "destroy Trump at all costs" media source?

No, we accept media with a proven record of fact-based reporting, and which fires those who violate that standard.

well then that excludes, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, NYT, CNN, MSNBC.......
Only if you are a Trumpkin and thus addicted to fake news.
View attachment 187656
Yeah, like a largely unknown video, caused an organized assault on an undefended diplomatic outpost.

You can't attack others for lying, when the person you tried to elect president, was the one of the most prolific liars in US political history.
Trump lies 5.5 times per day. Every day. All documented. Funny you're too much a pussy to tell the truth about that!

I don't know that your claim is true or false. It could be.

What I do know, is that Hillary is a prove consistent liar, and about legal matters.

Which is worse? Trump lying about a completely legal consensual affair with a disgusting porn star? Or Hillary lying about matters of national security?

Hillary lying about matters of national security are far more important.

Again, until you personally live out a moral standard in the people you choose to support, you are not going to convince anyone else, of anything.

No one cares about what you think, except other morally bankrupt people like yourself. You have to have credibility on the issue, or nothing you say about morals, matters to anyone.
Your claim about Hillary is a bald faced lie.
And your laughable example of trump lying about an affair shows you have no perspective or sensibility. Trump lies about EVERYTHING. Matters of national security and beyond.
One of the few times he's ever told the truth was when he told classified information to Russian spies he invited into the Oval Office.
Imagine that.

See, now you have just proved your partisan stupidity.

If you think that Hillary did not lie to the widows and relatives of the dead people in Benghazi, that they were killed by a 'spontaneous protest" over a unknown internet video, then you are not even worth talking to.

And if you think Hillary, did not lie about national security, when she said she had no idea that her private illegal email server had classified information on it, that the security authority told her she was not allowed to have.....

Then you are ignorant, and uniformed so badly, that you are not qualified to be talking about ANYTHING on this forum.

You need to learn something, before you speak. Foolish stupidity, is not worth our time.
Trump whore still focused on Hillary like a laser beam so he can ignore the corruption happening every day in the White House. Hilarious you're still talking about Benghazi like a true Fox stooge. 9 separate investigations exonerated her of any wrong doing... but here he is... still obsessed about it.

Did you actually read those investigations? Because I did. Fact, Hillary knew before the funerals that there was a coordinated attack on the Diplomatic outpost that killed Stevens. That is not debatable. That is a clear, prove, documented fact.

Fact, Hillary told the widows and relatives of the dead, that it was a spontaneous protest over a cheezy internet video, that killed Stevens and the others.

These are not debatable points. These are proven facts.

Now you can whine and cry about Fox news, but these are facts. And you tossing out every red herring you can grab, like a true DNC stooge, just makes you an ignorant, discredited, lying and mindless supporter of Hillary.

If you are ok with that being the sum total of your non-existent character... that's on you, not me.

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