The Dossier on Trump IS Believable, if the golden showers left out.

The Seth Rich story is a fiction promoted by Trump through FOX News.

Russian hackers hacked the DNC - namely Guccifer, who was in contact with Roger Stone during the campaign. This has been verified by the both the CIA and Dutch security forces.

I don't expect low information Dragonlady to actually be interested in the truth, but I figured I would put it out there. ;)

If you believe anything that Julian Assange says, you’re even dumber that you seem. The man hates Hillary Clinton with a hate so bright it would block out the sun. He’s about as creditable as Putin or Trump, which is to say he’s a fucking liar.
...Logic doesn't allow me to!

You should accept logic more. And reality. "Source E" in the Crooked Hillary paid for fake dossier states the DNC emails were hacked by Russia. Julian Assange, one of the world's best independent hackers with no political or state affiliation, says indirectly Seth Rich obtained the emails and they were delivered to him on a smartcard. Use logic. Which is more likely? Take your time. :p
" with no political affiliation."
How did he try to hurt Trump like he did Hillary?
fake news again! you are batting a thousand! ;)
...except I back up just about everything I say with something Mueller doesn't have - EVIDENCE...documented, reported EVIDENCE. And unlike YOU, I don't just say 'Uh-uh' and demand everyone believe it. :p


You post links to fake news sites and call that evidence.

You repeat the same lies endlessly and call that evidence.

You work for a man who just participated in the gassing and murder of innocents in Syria, who murders reporters.

You earn your living by lying and you participate in the troll farm disruptions of western governments politics.

Why would we believe a lying Russian troll?
The Seth Rich story is a fiction promoted by Trump through FOX News.

Russian hackers hacked the DNC - namely Guccifer, who was in contact with Roger Stone during the campaign. This has been verified by the both the CIA and Dutch security forces.

I don't expect low information Dragonlady to actually be interested in the truth, but I figured I would put it out there. ;)

Assange is a criminal. Where's he hiding these days?
Of course you'd quote a criminal being a member of the Trump cult.

Trump was encouraging Assange during the campaign.
The Seth Rich story is a fiction promoted by Trump through FOX News.

Russian hackers hacked the DNC - namely Guccifer, who was in contact with Roger Stone during the campaign. This has been verified by the both the CIA and Dutch security forces.

I don't expect low information Dragonlady to actually be interested in the truth, but I figured I would put it out there. ;)

Assange is a criminal. Where's he hiding these days?
Of course you'd quote a criminal being a member of the Trump cult.

Help me out here, this the SAME Julian Assange that spilled the Downing Street memos that revealed that Bush and Blair and the intel agencies were playing hard and fast with information to justify the Iraq war that leftards were absolutely GIDDY over?????? THAT Julian Assange????

Seriously, you are a once proclaimed that CNN was the bastion of honest journalism....remember that?? (snicker)

Thank you James Comey. Because of your book we're one step closer to seeing the real pee pee tape.
The Seth Rich story is a fiction promoted by Trump through FOX News.

Russian hackers hacked the DNC - namely Guccifer, who was in contact with Roger Stone during the campaign. This has been verified by the both the CIA and Dutch security forces.

I don't expect low information Dragonlady to actually be interested in the truth, but I figured I would put it out there. ;)

Assange is a criminal. Where's he hiding these days?
Of course you'd quote a criminal being a member of the Trump cult.

Help me out here, this the SAME Julian Assange that spilled the Downing Street memos that revealed that Bush and Blair and the intel agencies were playing hard and fast with information to justify the Iraq war that leftards were absolutely GIDDY over?????? THAT Julian Assange????

Seriously, you are a once proclaimed that CNN was the bastion of honest journalism....remember that?? (snicker)

Name a better news service thanCNN.
Now run away like you always do, headcase.
The Seth Rich story is a fiction promoted by Trump through FOX News.

Russian hackers hacked the DNC - namely Guccifer, who was in contact with Roger Stone during the campaign. This has been verified by the both the CIA and Dutch security forces.

I don't expect low information Dragonlady to actually be interested in the truth, but I figured I would put it out there. ;)

Assange is a criminal. Where's he hiding these days?
Of course you'd quote a criminal being a member of the Trump cult.

Trump was encouraging Assange during the campaign.

Everything he did during the campaign was dirty. Remember him imploring Putin to attack him political opponent?
Right there if anyone stuck by him showed they were not in their right minds.
Haha ..the coward Dale Smith rates my post but is too scared to answer my question. Typical cult coward.
Comey's book is an indictment of T's presidency as well as his character. Each chapter can be interpreted as an elaborate trolling of T, starting with the title.

Higher Loyality: Truth Lies and Leadership.
The Seth Rich story is a fiction promoted by Trump through FOX News.

Russian hackers hacked the DNC - namely Guccifer, who was in contact with Roger Stone during the campaign. This has been verified by the both the CIA and Dutch security forces.

I don't expect low information Dragonlady to actually be interested in the truth, but I figured I would put it out there. ;)

Assange is a criminal. Where's he hiding these days?
Of course you'd quote a criminal being a member of the Trump cult.

Help me out here, this the SAME Julian Assange that spilled the Downing Street memos that revealed that Bush and Blair and the intel agencies were playing hard and fast with information to justify the Iraq war that leftards were absolutely GIDDY over?????? THAT Julian Assange????

Seriously, you are a once proclaimed that CNN was the bastion of honest journalism....remember that?? (snicker)

Name a better news service thanCNN.
Now run away like you always do, headcase.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! I post proof that CNN was busted starting 27 years ago for using blue and green screens even then and nothing has changed and YOU proclaim that it is "better than any other news source!!!!"

Infowars (even though it's not 100% accurate), Zerohedge, the Hagmann and Hagmann Report, The Dave Hodges Show, Caravan To Midnight, Blackstone Intelligence Agency, Tucker Carlson.......every single one has been more accurate by a factor of a thousand over CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and the majority of Fox News anchors.I get my news from the alternative media using a system of channels and resources to do the proper vetting of information....that explains as to why I kick your ass to the cyber curb every time you poke that sloped, neanderthal skull up from the cyber bunker that I kick like the proverbial soccer ball........
The Seth Rich story is a fiction promoted by Trump through FOX News.

Russian hackers hacked the DNC - namely Guccifer, who was in contact with Roger Stone during the campaign. This has been verified by the both the CIA and Dutch security forces.

I don't expect low information Dragonlady to actually be interested in the truth, but I figured I would put it out there. ;)

Assange is a criminal. Where's he hiding these days?
Of course you'd quote a criminal being a member of the Trump cult.

Help me out here, this the SAME Julian Assange that spilled the Downing Street memos that revealed that Bush and Blair and the intel agencies were playing hard and fast with information to justify the Iraq war that leftards were absolutely GIDDY over?????? THAT Julian Assange????

Seriously, you are a once proclaimed that CNN was the bastion of honest journalism....remember that?? (snicker)

Name a better news service thanCNN.
Now run away like you always do, headcase.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! I post proof that CNN was busted starting 27 years ago for using blue and green screens even then and nothing has changed and YOU proclaim that it is "better than any other news source!!!!"

Infowars (even though it's not 100% accurate), Zerohedge, the Hagmann and Hagmann Report, The Dave Hodges Show, Caravan To Midnight, Blackstone Intelligence Agency, Tucker Carlson.......every single one has been more accurate by a factor of a thousand over CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and the majority of Fox News anchors.I get my news from the alternative media using a system of channels and resources to do the proper vetting of information....that explains as to why I kick your ass to the cyber curb every time you poke that sloped, neanderthal skull up from the cyber bunker that I kick like the proverbial soccer ball........

Infowars not 100% accurate?
That nutcase Jones admitted he makes up the shit on his program during a custody hearing He said it's for entertainment purposes only so of course that's one of your go to sites.
One phrase you're NEVER hear on any news station.
" Dave Hodges reports tonight...
Or Zerohedge reports tonight ...
Unlike real news organizations like
The Washington Post Reports tonight.
Now I know how you get your insanity.
The Seth Rich story is a fiction promoted by Trump through FOX News.

Russian hackers hacked the DNC - namely Guccifer, who was in contact with Roger Stone during the campaign. This has been verified by the both the CIA and Dutch security forces.

I don't expect low information Dragonlady to actually be interested in the truth, but I figured I would put it out there. ;)

Assange is a criminal. Where's he hiding these days?
Of course you'd quote a criminal being a member of the Trump cult.

Help me out here, this the SAME Julian Assange that spilled the Downing Street memos that revealed that Bush and Blair and the intel agencies were playing hard and fast with information to justify the Iraq war that leftards were absolutely GIDDY over?????? THAT Julian Assange????

Seriously, you are a once proclaimed that CNN was the bastion of honest journalism....remember that?? (snicker)

Name a better news service thanCNN.
Now run away like you always do, headcase.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! I post proof that CNN was busted starting 27 years ago for using blue and green screens even then and nothing has changed and YOU proclaim that it is "better than any other news source!!!!"

Infowars (even though it's not 100% accurate), Zerohedge, the Hagmann and Hagmann Report, The Dave Hodges Show, Caravan To Midnight, Blackstone Intelligence Agency, Tucker Carlson.......every single one has been more accurate by a factor of a thousand over CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and the majority of Fox News anchors.I get my news from the alternative media using a system of channels and resources to do the proper vetting of information....that explains as to why I kick your ass to the cyber curb every time you poke that sloped, neanderthal skull up from the cyber bunker that I kick like the proverbial soccer ball........

"My sources has been more accurate than CNN, MSNBC etc by a factor of a 1000."

Folks, Reasonable and Dragonlady are low info folks who what are commonly called, "triggered." :p

What is sad about low info folks is that they do not want to learn the facts, they actually relish being stupid and apparently retarded. Or is it something more as to why they hate realtiy.


I don't expect low information Dragonlady to actually be interested in the truth, but I figured I would put it out there. ;)

Assange is a criminal. Where's he hiding these days?
Of course you'd quote a criminal being a member of the Trump cult.

Help me out here, this the SAME Julian Assange that spilled the Downing Street memos that revealed that Bush and Blair and the intel agencies were playing hard and fast with information to justify the Iraq war that leftards were absolutely GIDDY over?????? THAT Julian Assange????

Seriously, you are a once proclaimed that CNN was the bastion of honest journalism....remember that?? (snicker)

Name a better news service thanCNN.
Now run away like you always do, headcase.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! I post proof that CNN was busted starting 27 years ago for using blue and green screens even then and nothing has changed and YOU proclaim that it is "better than any other news source!!!!"

Infowars (even though it's not 100% accurate), Zerohedge, the Hagmann and Hagmann Report, The Dave Hodges Show, Caravan To Midnight, Blackstone Intelligence Agency, Tucker Carlson.......every single one has been more accurate by a factor of a thousand over CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and the majority of Fox News anchors.I get my news from the alternative media using a system of channels and resources to do the proper vetting of information....that explains as to why I kick your ass to the cyber curb every time you poke that sloped, neanderthal skull up from the cyber bunker that I kick like the proverbial soccer ball........

Infowars not 100% accurate?
That nutcase Jones admitted he makes up the shit on his program during a custody hearing He said it's for entertainment purposes only so of course that's one of your go to sites.

Oddly enough, Infowars nailed the E.U/ Soros sponsored Ukraine coup d 'etat LONG before any other news sites covered it. Infowars was first to reveal that the chemical weapons false flag that Barrypuppet was blaming on Assad was a lie. I don't like the fact that Jones backtracked on Sandy Hoax and Pizzagate. I don't like the fact that he shies away from speaking about the Jesuits and the Vatican while kissing the ass of the Rothschild created Jewish state of that is why I have to do the proper vetting of any and all information I digest. I don't take any one source at face value until I connect the dots.

You? If it's on CNN, MSNBC, the Soros funded mediamatters, the dailykos, Huffingpuffingtonpost? It's the friggin gospel according to the every day, double digit IQ leftard...that is just one reason as to why kicking leftard ass is sooooo fucking easy. It's not a fair fight but it's a guilty pleasure of mine.

Hope this helps!
Assange is a criminal. Where's he hiding these days?
Of course you'd quote a criminal being a member of the Trump cult.

Help me out here, this the SAME Julian Assange that spilled the Downing Street memos that revealed that Bush and Blair and the intel agencies were playing hard and fast with information to justify the Iraq war that leftards were absolutely GIDDY over?????? THAT Julian Assange????

Seriously, you are a once proclaimed that CNN was the bastion of honest journalism....remember that?? (snicker)

Name a better news service thanCNN.
Now run away like you always do, headcase.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! I post proof that CNN was busted starting 27 years ago for using blue and green screens even then and nothing has changed and YOU proclaim that it is "better than any other news source!!!!"

Infowars (even though it's not 100% accurate), Zerohedge, the Hagmann and Hagmann Report, The Dave Hodges Show, Caravan To Midnight, Blackstone Intelligence Agency, Tucker Carlson.......every single one has been more accurate by a factor of a thousand over CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and the majority of Fox News anchors.I get my news from the alternative media using a system of channels and resources to do the proper vetting of information....that explains as to why I kick your ass to the cyber curb every time you poke that sloped, neanderthal skull up from the cyber bunker that I kick like the proverbial soccer ball........

Infowars not 100% accurate?
That nutcase Jones admitted he makes up the shit on his program during a custody hearing He said it's for entertainment purposes only so of course that's one of your go to sites.

Oddly enough, Infowars nailed the E.U/ Soros sponsored Ukraine coup d 'etat LONG before any other news sites covered it. Infowars was first to reveal that the chemical weapons false flag that Barrypuppet was blaming on Assad was a lie. I don't like the fact that Jones backtracked on Sandy Hoax and Pizzagate. I don't like the fact that he shies away from speaking about the Jesuits and the Vatican while kissing the ass of the Rothschild created Jewish state of that is why I have to do the proper vetting of any and all information I digest. I don't take any one source at face value until I connect the dots.

You? If it's on CNN, MSNBC, the Soros funded mediamatters, the dailykos, Huffingpuffingtonpost? It's the friggin gospel according to the every day, double digit IQ leftard...that is just one reason as to why kicking leftard ass is sooooo fucking easy. It's not a fair fight but it's a guilty pleasure of mine.

Hope this helps!

The fact you actually think you've ever kicked my ass by using far right conspiracy theory sites show you're not a well man.

Your whole world is tumbling down with the eminent fall of your russiantroll president. Can't wait to see you cry when he's indicted. Mueller is putting the final touches on his obstruction of justice indictment right now.
Can't wait to see your looney tunes media's heads explode either. It will be so sweet to watch. Tucker Carlson might literally have a heart attack.
Folks, Reasonable and Dragonlady are low info folks who what are commonly called, "triggered." :p

What is sad about low info folks is that they do not want to learn the facts, they actually relish being stupid and apparently retarded. Or is it something more as to why they hate realtiy.
Facts are what comes out of Trump's mouth according to you. Totally forgetting it's been documented he's lied over 2,000 times since he's been prez.
Everything in the dossier or diary of the M16 agent IS BELIEVABLE so far....I am only on page 11 and have a lot more to go, but every single thing in there, I thought and mentioned on this site, long before even knowing there was this dossier.

oh, and the dossier mentions those thirty and some diplomats being part of the spy team hacking the DNC/Podesta with the Trump team being informed by some of them.... that dossier was given to the FBI in July I believe.... so, it must have been proven true for them to be thrown out now by Obama....

AND the FBI obviously in these past 6 months of having this report was not able to DISPROVE the report/dossier.... the FBI would neither confirm or DISCREDIT the dossier...if they could have discredited it, they would have said they did.

I think we are a lot closer to LOCK HIM UP than we ever were on LOCK HER UP!

holy smokes! it all makes sense now, on ALL of Trump's statements and actions on this whole Russian hack thing....IT WAS coordinated with Trump/trump's team. IT FITS with what I have said all along....they had a MOLE within the DNC AND Russian hackers....both, and Trump's team, was in on it.

Trump Intelligence Allegations

No, not really. I'm not sure what you think in there is so damaging. There are tons of claims, but not much in the realm of hard cold facts.

Plus, some of the stuff is so unbelievably dumb.

"That the Trump camp became angry and resentful toward Putin when they realized he was not only aiming to weaken Clinton and bolster Trump, but was attempting to "undermine the US government and democratic system more generally"

.... wow....... Now that's a revelation. Trump was mad that Putin was trying to undermine the US government and democratic system more generally.

This is a shocker to who? This is some great revelation of ..... what exactly?

"That Putin feared and hated Hillary Clinton"

Yeah, of course. Much like most of the country hated Clinton. The fact Putin hated Clinton is not a revelation. Nor is it shocking. And the fact Putin didn't want Clinton to win isn't shocking. The US has promoted and opposed leaders all over the planet. Why would Putin be any different? But just because Putin hated Clinton, doesn't mean the rest of us didn't hate Clinton, or that Putin's opinion mattered to any of us.

I could spend the next hour going through this mindless crap, but why bother.

You should me some real clear evidence.... and I'll agree it matters. Making unsupported accusations, with no clear violation of law... is a waste of time. No, this doesn't get us closer to 'lock him up'.

At this point in time, the only clear criminal is Clinton. There is clear undeniable evidence of her law breaking past. Trump, you still need to prove something.
Folks, Reasonable and Dragonlady are low info folks who what are commonly called, "triggered." :p

What is sad about low info folks is that they do not want to learn the facts, they actually relish being stupid and apparently retarded. Or is it something more as to why they hate realtiy.
Facts are what comes out of Trump's mouth according to you. Totally forgetting it's been documented he's lied over 2,000 times since he's been prez.

Yeah, like a largely unknown video, caused an organized assault on an undefended diplomatic outpost.

You can't attack others for lying, when the person you tried to elect president, was the one of the most prolific liars in US political history.

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