The Dossier on Trump IS Believable, if the golden showers left out.

If I was accused of loving golden showers I'd be obsessed too. I only found out about them when I typed in Golden Sowers as a fabulous climbing rose but needless to say I couldn't believe people wanted to be pissed on.

To each their own, but Trump as a serious germaphope no way

I had a beautiful golden showers rosebush that I planted in my garden in Toronto.

Donald Trump is a germaphobe who had unprotected sex with a porn star. I’m no germaphobe but there is no way I’d be exchanging bodily fluids with sex trade workers.

I believe the golden showers story. First off, it’s so bizarre and off the wall that it’s unlikely someone would make it up. They might come up with a compromising story but not something like this.

But the main reason I believe the story is that Trump said it never happened. “Believe me!” Trump never says “Believe me” unless he’s lying. It’s his best and truest tell that this is a whopper!

I believe that Bill "drop trou" and the Hildbeast participated in pedophilia on Jeffery Epstein's pedo island. What Trump did before he was recruited to run for the presidency doesn't faze me...I don't participate in the elections of this banana republic but I would have to fight the urge to punch out my ear drums every time the Hildebeast talked to the was bad enough with the Barrypuppet for eight years.

.....after all, since the "If it feels good, do it" mantra of the fabian socialist left that has made faggotry a "normal" and acceptable thing? Why is Trump having sampled the wares of a porn star suddenly causing leftards to become puritans???

If I was accused of loving golden showers I'd be obsessed too. I only found out about them when I typed in Golden Sowers as a fabulous climbing rose but needless to say I couldn't believe people wanted to be pissed on.

To each their own, but Trump as a serious germaphope no way
I wasn't sure either! Ya learn something new every day! :D

See Tiny....I have never believed the golden showers bit....especially when I first heard the story....I couldn't figure out why the Russians would let this get out in to the open, if they wanted to black mail him and have kompromat on him....? why be so loose as a goose and let it get out there for Steele to find....unless they wanted it to be found so to lead who ever was searching like a Steele, the FBI, or a Hillary or the Free Beacon spend all their time trying to chase the story and off of the interference in our election process? Or most likely to try to discredit any other information that Steele or anyone doing opposition research on Donald Trump was collecting...?

but since then we have learned of Stormy Daniels tryst, and Karen some of the stuff Comey is reporting that Pres. Trump has said like "Do I seem like the kind of guy who would need a prostitute?" And of course he also said something like, "I don't know if you know it, but I'm a germaphobe"...

And like good little minions, all of his followers ran with that the following weeks and even this whole past year, and now with you and others....

but riddle me this:

If president Trump were truly a germaphobe, would he really be screwing a porn star, WITHOUT a RUBBER?


so both the excuse that he didn't need prostitutes, when both the playmate and porn star got offers of money or stormy feared he would offer because one of her girlfriends had already gotten an offer of money for it...., and Karen got the offer of payment after the dirty deed....though she turned it down.....

we now know that Trump frequents prostitutes so the Russia thingy of prostitutes, say minus the golden shower, could possibly be true....

and the whole bragging by Putin around the same time in the news about Russia having the BEST prostitutes was a little bizarre for him to even make a world wide announcement on it? What was that all about? A message to Trump? A threat to Trump that he could drop the kompromat at any time on him? Just plain weird!

And then on the germaphobe thing which was the second excuse, that just ain't can't be....Stormy said he did not use protection when they slept with each other....sleeping with her could be like getting the germs of all the men in her adult film movies and who they have slept with etc....could be a couple thousand people when adding in their other partners and then their partners....etc...

A germaphobe would never ever be able to get it up.... in that kind of situation, yet we know he is attracted to these type of women?

I just don't buy in to the germaphobe excuse...Logic doesn't allow me to! :eek:
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If I was accused of loving golden showers I'd be obsessed too. I only found out about them when I typed in Golden Sowers as a fabulous climbing rose but needless to say I couldn't believe people wanted to be pissed on.

To each their own, but Trump as a serious germaphope no way

I had a beautiful golden showers rosebush that I planted in my garden in Toronto.

Donald Trump is a germaphobe who had unprotected sex with a porn star. I’m no germaphobe but there is no way I’d be exchanging bodily fluids with sex trade workers.

I believe the golden showers story. First off, it’s so bizarre and off the wall that it’s unlikely someone would make it up. They might come up with a compromising story but not something like this.

But the main reason I believe the story is that Trump said it never happened. “Believe me!” Trump never says “Believe me” unless he’s lying. It’s his best and truest tell that this is a whopper!

I agree! I totally believe the "Golden Shower" story - especially because of the Obama connection. There is one thing that the news has been leaving out today:

The dossier contained allegations of collusion between Trump aides and Russian operatives during the 2016 election. It also alleges that the Russian government has incriminating information on the president that could make him susceptible to blackmail. Notably, it claims that Russia possesses a videotape featuring Trump getting prostitutes to urinate on a bed in a Moscow hotel room in which former President Barack Obama once stayed with first lady Michelle Obama. The allegation has earned the findings the nickname the “pee tape” dossier, or the “golden shower” dossier.

Trump-Russia “pee tape” dossier is now being investigated by special counsel Robert Mueller
...Logic doesn't allow me to!

You should accept logic more. And reality. "Source E" in the Crooked Hillary paid for fake dossier states the DNC emails were hacked by Russia. Julian Assange, one of the world's best independent hackers with no political or state affiliation, says indirectly Seth Rich obtained the emails and they were delivered to him on a smartcard. Use logic. Which is more likely? Take your time. :p

If I was accused of loving golden showers I'd be obsessed too. I only found out about them when I typed in Golden Sowers as a fabulous climbing rose but needless to say I couldn't believe people wanted to be pissed on.

To each their own, but Trump as a serious germaphope no way

I had a beautiful golden showers rosebush that I planted in my garden in Toronto.

Donald Trump is a germaphobe who had unprotected sex with a porn star. I’m no germaphobe but there is no way I’d be exchanging bodily fluids with sex trade workers.

I believe the golden showers story. First off, it’s so bizarre and off the wall that it’s unlikely someone would make it up. They might come up with a compromising story but not something like this.

But the main reason I believe the story is that Trump said it never happened. “Believe me!” Trump never says “Believe me” unless he’s lying. It’s his best and truest tell that this is a whopper!

I agree! I totally believe the "Golden Shower" story - especially because of the Obama connection. There is one thing that the news has been leaving out today:

The dossier contained allegations of collusion between Trump aides and Russian operatives during the 2016 election. It also alleges that the Russian government has incriminating information on the president that could make him susceptible to blackmail. Notably, it claims that Russia possesses a videotape featuring Trump getting prostitutes to urinate on a bed in a Moscow hotel room in which former President Barack Obama once stayed with first lady Michelle Obama. The allegation has earned the findings the nickname the “pee tape” dossier, or the “golden shower” dossier.

Trump-Russia “pee tape” dossier is now being investigated by special counsel Robert Mueller

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Mueller, Comey, the Hildebeast, Barrypuppet, Lynch and many more swamp critters were getting their palms greased with cash from Russian oligarchs via Uranium One along with covering up child trafficking and things that have been done to these children that made hardcore NYPD detectives break down.
One of my favorite parts about Comey talking about this is "says Trump urged him to investigate the notorious dirty dossier"....

Trump was not aware that Comey was part of the 'Secret Society', that his (Comey's) FBIhad also paid money to the companyfworking for the Russians and to the foreign spy working with Russians, had accepted the report from the DNC Candidate and was basically working for Hillary - illegally using the report to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the GOP candidate during an election.

The President, without knowing it, was asking Comey to investigate himself and the treasonous FBI leadership partially behind / pushing / using the report....
...Logic doesn't allow me to!

You should accept logic more. And reality. "Source E" in the Crooked Hillary paid for fake dossier states the DNC emails were hacked by Russia. Julian Assange, one of the world's best independent hackers with no political or state affiliation, says indirectly Seth Rich obtained the emails and they were delivered to him on a smartcard. Use logic. Which is more likely? Take your time. :p
Jullian Assange is a willing participant in distributing Russian stolen emails or CIA documents or manuals etc.... he is no hero, because he is one sided in his leaking, and has been for some years now....why is it he never leaks any Russian hacked material on their FSB or GRU or Putin emails or their famous actors, or even on Robert Mercer, the Republican billionaire equivalent to your boogeyman, Soros that we are always getting leaks on? Assange has turned in to a pawn, for the Russians and the extreme right wing....

About Seth Rich and Assange alluding to him....

THAT breaks every promise Assange has ever made on wikileaks about protecting and never ever revealing who the hackers are that give him the information that he leaks to the public... if he really did come out and reveal one of his hackers, jullian's business is as good as hacker would trust him anymore....

so I saw that as simply some kind of publicity stunt to play in to a conspiracy theory already out there to throw people off, of who the REAL hacker was that delivered the stolen goods....the DNC and Podesta emails.
...Logic doesn't allow me to!

You should accept logic more. And reality. "Source E" in the Crooked Hillary paid for fake dossier states the DNC emails were hacked by Russia. Julian Assange, one of the world's best independent hackers with no political or state affiliation, says indirectly Seth Rich obtained the emails and they were delivered to him on a smartcard. Use logic. Which is more likely? Take your time. :p
Jullian Assange is a willing participant in distributing Russian stolen emails or CIA documents or manuals etc.... he is no hero, because he is one sided in his leaking, and has been for some years now....why is it he never leaks any Russian hacked material on their FSB or GRU or Putin emails or their famous actors, or even on Robert Mercer, the Republican billionaire equivalent to your boogeyman, Soros that we are always getting leaks on? Assange has turned in to a pawn, for the Russians and the extreme right wing....

About Seth Rich and Assange alluding to him....

THAT breaks every promise Assange has ever made on wikileaks about protecting and never ever revealing who the hackers are that give him the information that he leaks to the public... if he really did come out and reveal one of his hackers, jullian's business is as good as hacker would trust him anymore....

so I saw that as simply some kind of publicity stunt to play in to a conspiracy theory already out there to throw people off, of who the REAL hacker was that delivered the stolen goods....the DNC and Podesta emails.
Assange did not pay a foreign spy working with Russians $12 million to acquire debunked propaganda and illegally use it in an election...
Trump was not aware that Comey was part of the 'Secret Society', that his (Comey's) FBIhad also paid money to the companyfworking for the Russians and to the foreign spy working with Russians, had accepted the report from the DNC Candidate and was basically working for Hillary - illegally using the report to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the GOP candidate during an election.
complete and utter bull crap. fake news! :rolleyes:
...Logic doesn't allow me to!

You should accept logic more. And reality. "Source E" in the Crooked Hillary paid for fake dossier states the DNC emails were hacked by Russia. Julian Assange, one of the world's best independent hackers with no political or state affiliation, says indirectly Seth Rich obtained the emails and they were delivered to him on a smartcard. Use logic. Which is more likely? Take your time. :p
Jullian Assange is a willing participant in distributing Russian stolen emails or CIA documents or manuals etc.... he is no hero, because he is one sided in his leaking, and has been for some years now....why is it he never leaks any Russian hacked material on their FSB or GRU or Putin emails or their famous actors, or even on Robert Mercer, the Republican billionaire equivalent to your boogeyman, Soros that we are always getting leaks on? Assange has turned in to a pawn, for the Russians and the extreme right wing....

About Seth Rich and Assange alluding to him....

THAT breaks every promise Assange has ever made on wikileaks about protecting and never ever revealing who the hackers are that give him the information that he leaks to the public... if he really did come out and reveal one of his hackers, jullian's business is as good as hacker would trust him anymore....

so I saw that as simply some kind of publicity stunt to play in to a conspiracy theory already out there to throw people off, of who the REAL hacker was that delivered the stolen goods....the DNC and Podesta emails.
Assange did not pay a foreign spy working with Russians $12 million to acquire debunked propaganda and illegally use it in an election...
:cuckoo: fake news again! you are batting a thousand! ;)
Trump was not aware that Comey was part of the 'Secret Society', that his (Comey's) FBIhad also paid money to the companyfworking for the Russians and to the foreign spy working with Russians, had accepted the report from the DNC Candidate and was basically working for Hillary - illegally using the report to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the GOP candidate during an election.
complete and utter bull crap. fake news! :rolleyes:
Whatever you say, snowflake. :p
fake news again! you are batting a thousand! ;)
...except I back up just about everything I say with something Mueller doesn't have - EVIDENCE...documented, reported EVIDENCE. And unlike YOU, I don't just say 'Uh-uh' and demand everyone believe it. :p

If I was accused of loving golden showers I'd be obsessed too. I only found out about them when I typed in Golden Sowers as a fabulous climbing rose but needless to say I couldn't believe people wanted to be pissed on.

To each their own, but Trump as a serious germaphope no way
Remember, Comey's FBI paid for the piece of shit dossier that made the claim about the golden shower. Somehow the snowflakes see no shame in that.
Lol, no they didn't.
...Logic doesn't allow me to!

You should accept logic more. And reality. "Source E" in the Crooked Hillary paid for fake dossier states the DNC emails were hacked by Russia. Julian Assange, one of the world's best independent hackers with no political or state affiliation, says indirectly Seth Rich obtained the emails and they were delivered to him on a smartcard. Use logic. Which is more likely? Take your time. :p

The Seth Rich story is a fiction promoted by Trump through FOX News. Trump used this lie because any suggestion that Russia helped him win delegitimizes his Presidency, which is already in shaky ground in his eyes because he lost the popular vote.

FOX News retracted the Seth Rich story as the fiction it is, and is now in the awkward position of defending two lawsuits over it: One from the private investigator who says his report was heavily edited to make it appear he said things which were untrue and not reflective of what he really said; and one from the Rich Family because even those FOX retracted the story, their commentators continue to say it’s true.

Russian hackers hacked the DNC - namely Guccifer, who was in contact with Roger Stone during the campaign. This has been verified by the both the CIA and Dutch security forces.

Not that the idiot Trumbots will believe it.
Trump was not aware that Comey was part of the 'Secret Society', that his (Comey's) FBIhad also paid money to the companyfworking for the Russians and to the foreign spy working with Russians, had accepted the report from the DNC Candidate and was basically working for Hillary - illegally using the report to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the GOP candidate during an election.
complete and utter bull crap. fake news! :rolleyes:

Easy is a Russian troll who will post whatever lie Putin is selling this week.
The Seth Rich story is a fiction promoted by Trump through FOX News.

Russian hackers hacked the DNC - namely Guccifer, who was in contact with Roger Stone during the campaign. This has been verified by the both the CIA and Dutch security forces.

I don't expect low information Dragonlady to actually be interested in the truth, but I figured I would put it out there. ;)
One of my favorite parts about Comey talking about this is "says Trump urged him to investigate the notorious dirty dossier"....

Trump was not aware that Comey was part of the 'Secret Society', that his (Comey's) FBIhad also paid money to the companyfworking for the Russians and to the foreign spy working with Russians, had accepted the report from the DNC Candidate and was basically working for Hillary - illegally using the report to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the GOP candidate during an election.

The President, without knowing it, was asking Comey to investigate himself and the treasonous FBI leadership partially behind / pushing / using the report....

I love how you post Putin’s lies and then all your Russian troll friends give you points for it.

There’s no “Secret Society” at the FBI that’s out to get Trump. The only person responsible for Trump’s legal problems is Trump.

Mueller isn’t investigating Clinton. It’s not in his job description. Mueller is investigating Russian interference in the US election, connections between the Trump campaign/White House and Russia, and last but not least, obstruction of justice.

Mueller is now ready to make a finding and issue his report on the Obstruction of Justice, since Trump has said he won’t sit for an interview. Mueller has four findings of obstruction:

1. The firing of Jim Comey;

2. Trump’s attempts to fire Jeff Sessions;

3. Trump’s role in drafting Junior’s letter of defence to the meeting at Trump Tower; and

4. Sending Dowd out to “dangle pardons” to those who were being called to testify before the Grand Jury.

If I was accused of loving golden showers I'd be obsessed too. I only found out about them when I typed in Golden Sowers as a fabulous climbing rose but needless to say I couldn't believe people wanted to be pissed on.

To each their own, but Trump as a serious germaphope no way

I had a beautiful golden showers rosebush that I planted in my garden in Toronto.

Donald Trump is a germaphobe who had unprotected sex with a porn star. I’m no germaphobe but there is no way I’d be exchanging bodily fluids with sex trade workers.

I believe the golden showers story. First off, it’s so bizarre and off the wall that it’s unlikely someone would make it up. They might come up with a compromising story but not something like this.

But the main reason I believe the story is that Trump said it never happened. “Believe me!” Trump never says “Believe me” unless he’s lying. It’s his best and truest tell that this is a whopper!

I believe that Bill "drop trou" and the Hildbeast participated in pedophilia on Jeffery Epstein's pedo island. What Trump did before he was recruited to run for the presidency doesn't faze me...I don't participate in the elections of this banana republic but I would have to fight the urge to punch out my ear drums every time the Hildebeast talked to the was bad enough with the Barrypuppet for eight years.

.....after all, since the "If it feels good, do it" mantra of the fabian socialist left that has made faggotry a "normal" and acceptable thing? Why is Trump having sampled the wares of a porn star suddenly causing leftards to become puritans???
The Seth Rich story is a fiction promoted by Trump through FOX News.

Russian hackers hacked the DNC - namely Guccifer, who was in contact with Roger Stone during the campaign. This has been verified by the both the CIA and Dutch security forces.

I don't expect low information Dragonlady to actually be interested in the truth, but I figured I would put it out there. ;)

Assange is a criminal. Where's he hiding these days?
Of course you'd quote a criminal being a member of the Trump cult.

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