The Dossier on Trump IS Believable, if the golden showers left out.

Folks, Reasonable and Dragonlady are low info folks who what are commonly called, "triggered." :p

What is sad about low info folks is that they do not want to learn the facts, they actually relish being stupid and apparently retarded. Or is it something more as to why they hate realtiy.
Facts are what comes out of Trump's mouth according to you. Totally forgetting it's been documented he's lied over 2,000 times since he's been prez.

Yeah, like a largely unknown video, caused an organized assault on an undefended diplomatic outpost.

You can't attack others for lying, when the person you tried to elect president, was the one of the most prolific liars in US political history.
Trump lies 5.5 times per day. Every day. All documented. Funny you're too much a pussy to tell the truth about that!
Much of the dossier has been verified.

Again... that doesn't seem to make any difference if what is verified is stupid, or irrelevant.

You need to provide real clear proof of a violation of law. You know, like leaving a girl to drown in a car, and going home and going to bed, before calling police.
So funny Comey said Trump was obsessed with the dossier. That's why his colon Hannity never fails to mention on his show it's all fake.

Trump was " worried how it as affecting Melania"
Ain't that alaugh and a half since he never cared about her while schtupping any women that moved then paid hush money to silence them,

Not only is DT a horrendous president he's a horrible human being.

Tipsy: That's why I voted for him.
Folks, Reasonable and Dragonlady are low info folks who what are commonly called, "triggered." :p

What is sad about low info folks is that they do not want to learn the facts, they actually relish being stupid and apparently retarded. Or is it something more as to why they hate realtiy.
Facts are what comes out of Trump's mouth according to you. Totally forgetting it's been documented he's lied over 2,000 times since he's been prez.

Yeah, like a largely unknown video, caused an organized assault on an undefended diplomatic outpost.

You can't attack others for lying, when the person you tried to elect president, was the one of the most prolific liars in US political history.
Trump lies 5.5 times per day. Every day. All documented. Funny you're too much a pussy to tell the truth about that!

I don't know that your claim is true or false. It could be.

What I do know, is that Hillary is a prove consistent liar, and about legal matters.

Which is worse? Trump lying about a completely legal consensual affair with a disgusting porn star? Or Hillary lying about matters of national security?

Hillary lying about matters of national security are far more important.

Again, until you personally live out a moral standard in the people you choose to support, you are not going to convince anyone else, of anything.

No one cares about what you think, except other morally bankrupt people like yourself. You have to have credibility on the issue, or nothing you say about morals, matters to anyone.
Much of the dossier has been verified.

Again... that doesn't seem to make any difference if what is verified is stupid, or irrelevant.

You need to provide real clear proof of a violation of law. You know, like leaving a girl to drown in a car, and going home and going to bed, before calling police.
In due time my biased republican friend. mueller is working overtime on all the next indictments he'll be handing out with the pussygrabber's name on them.

There's another picture of proof of another of Trump's lies. He said he's 6'3". Obama is 6'1"
Is he two inches taller thanObama?
He's literally incapable of telling the truth.
Last edited:
Folks, Reasonable and Dragonlady are low info folks who what are commonly called, "triggered." :p

What is sad about low info folks is that they do not want to learn the facts, they actually relish being stupid and apparently retarded. Or is it something more as to why they hate realtiy.
Facts are what comes out of Trump's mouth according to you. Totally forgetting it's been documented he's lied over 2,000 times since he's been prez.

Yeah, like a largely unknown video, caused an organized assault on an undefended diplomatic outpost.

You can't attack others for lying, when the person you tried to elect president, was the one of the most prolific liars in US political history.
Trump lies 5.5 times per day. Every day. All documented. Funny you're too much a pussy to tell the truth about that!

I don't know that your claim is true or false. It could be.

What I do know, is that Hillary is a prove consistent liar, and about legal matters.

Which is worse? Trump lying about a completely legal consensual affair with a disgusting porn star? Or Hillary lying about matters of national security?

Hillary lying about matters of national security are far more important.

Again, until you personally live out a moral standard in the people you choose to support, you are not going to convince anyone else, of anything.

No one cares about what you think, except other morally bankrupt people like yourself. You have to have credibility on the issue, or nothing you say about morals, matters to anyone.
Your claim about Hillary is a bald faced lie.
And your laughable example of trump lying about an affair shows you have no perspective or sensibility. Trump lies about EVERYTHING. Matters of national security and beyond.
One of the few times he's ever told the truth was when he told classified information to Russian spies he invited into the Oval Office.
Imagine that.


I don't expect low information Dragonlady to actually be interested in the truth, but I figured I would put it out there. ;)

Assange is a criminal. Where's he hiding these days?
Of course you'd quote a criminal being a member of the Trump cult.

Help me out here, this the SAME Julian Assange that spilled the Downing Street memos that revealed that Bush and Blair and the intel agencies were playing hard and fast with information to justify the Iraq war that leftards were absolutely GIDDY over?????? THAT Julian Assange????

Seriously, you are a once proclaimed that CNN was the bastion of honest journalism....remember that?? (snicker)

Name a better news service thanCNN.
Now run away like you always do, headcase.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! I post proof that CNN was busted starting 27 years ago for using blue and green screens even then and nothing has changed and YOU proclaim that it is "better than any other news source!!!!"

Infowars (even though it's not 100% accurate), Zerohedge, the Hagmann and Hagmann Report, The Dave Hodges Show, Caravan To Midnight, Blackstone Intelligence Agency, Tucker Carlson.......every single one has been more accurate by a factor of a thousand over CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and the majority of Fox News anchors.I get my news from the alternative media using a system of channels and resources to do the proper vetting of information....that explains as to why I kick your ass to the cyber curb every time you poke that sloped, neanderthal skull up from the cyber bunker that I kick like the proverbial soccer ball........

"My sources has been more accurate than CNN, MSNBC etc by a factor of a 1000."


So, show me where the sources that I named have ever staged a news event? They have no left versus right bias and they are not owned by the six mega corporate entities that belong and attend the same exclusive and secretive societies like the CFR, Biilderburg or the Committee of 300. They call out the fabian socialists and the neocons equally. I know what I know because I have made it my mission to know the things that I do and I have spent the time and made the effort to constantly digest as much information and disseminate it when I am satisfied that the vetting has been done to the best of my ability . THAT is why I am a prolific blogger, why I do radio shows, podcasts and speak at gatherings when time allows.

This isn't a dick measuring contest or a competition where we "scoreboard"...this is about waking people up to what has been done to us in the past, how it pertains to the present and what the end game is. We have more in common than we realize and I can give you a perfect example. I have been engaging in a debate with a poster we all know as Bulldog. He has yanked my chain and I have yanked on his..insults galore... but he wanted an honest discussion and debate about geo-engineering/chemtrails. He is extremely articulate, he put in the time and effort to research the topic. He has been more than a worthy "pro" versus my "con" and he has been respectful and I have returned it in kind even though we have been rather insulting to each other over the past almost three years...but you know what? I respect the man because he was willing to meet me even more than half way and I reciprocated...that is all we asked of each other. I think that conflict is the reason as to why people post not only here but any forum. We drown each other out and are too focused on scoring partisan points to hear the other side.

I have folks here that would be considered "left leaning" like eddiew37, Slade3200, Camp and a few others that I enjoy reading what they have to say. They are insightful and give me a different perspective...they keep me from falling back into that left versus right paradigm/tribalism that keeps us divided and prevents us from seeing the other's viewpoint. I don't always agree with them but I hear them out and they do so in return.

We are in a very shitty position right now and at a tilting point. I see where we are heading and it scares me for the young people that we will leave behind to pick up after us. I don't give a shit about my fate...I have had a better life and fulfilled more than I ever could have hoped for but while we pursued our goals and reached for the proverbial brass ring, we took our eye off of the ball and simply placed a blind trust in our alleged leaders that are simply corporate officers of a corporate entity, criminal in nature,that makes the Mafia seem tame by comparison and at least they have some kind of code of honor...USA.INC? Not so much...hell, let's just be bluntly's not honorable and has been the military arm of the globalist agenda to make anyone that survives the "great culling" simply serfs much like the TV series "The Hunger Games" per Agenda 21 aka "sustainable development per the UN Rio conference of 1992. This is real and it is's called "predictive programming". It is not too late to turn things around but the window is closing ever so slightly by the day.

I implore anyone reading this post to invest three and a half hours of your time and go to youtube and watch "JFK To 9/11....Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick". We do not stand so much as snowball's chance in hell of changing things if we can't find common ground because the powers that be will pick us off one divided segment at a time.
Folks, Reasonable and Dragonlady are low info folks who what are commonly called, "triggered." :p

What is sad about low info folks is that they do not want to learn the facts, they actually relish being stupid and apparently retarded. Or is it something more as to why they hate realtiy.
Facts are what comes out of Trump's mouth according to you. Totally forgetting it's been documented he's lied over 2,000 times since he's been prez.

Yeah, like a largely unknown video, caused an organized assault on an undefended diplomatic outpost.

You can't attack others for lying, when the person you tried to elect president, was the one of the most prolific liars in US political history.
Trump lies 5.5 times per day. Every day. All documented. Funny you're too much a pussy to tell the truth about that!

I don't know that your claim is true or false. It could be.

What I do know, is that Hillary is a prove consistent liar, and about legal matters.

Which is worse? Trump lying about a completely legal consensual affair with a disgusting porn star? Or Hillary lying about matters of national security?

Hillary lying about matters of national security are far more important.

Again, until you personally live out a moral standard in the people you choose to support, you are not going to convince anyone else, of anything.

No one cares about what you think, except other morally bankrupt people like yourself. You have to have credibility on the issue, or nothing you say about morals, matters to anyone.
Your claim about Hillary is a bald faced lie.
And your laughable example of trump lying about an affair shows you have no perspective or sensibility. Trump lies about EVERYTHING. Matters of national security and beyond.
One of the few times he's ever told the truth was when he told classified information to Russian spies he invited into the Oval Office.
Imagine that.

See, now you have just proved your partisan stupidity.

If you think that Hillary did not lie to the widows and relatives of the dead people in Benghazi, that they were killed by a 'spontaneous protest" over a unknown internet video, then you are not even worth talking to.

And if you think Hillary, did not lie about national security, when she said she had no idea that her private illegal email server had classified information on it, that the security authority told her she was not allowed to have.....

Then you are ignorant, and uniformed so badly, that you are not qualified to be talking about ANYTHING on this forum.

You need to learn something, before you speak. Foolish stupidity, is not worth our time.
View attachment 187651
Much of the dossier has been verified.

Again... that doesn't seem to make any difference if what is verified is stupid, or irrelevant.

You need to provide real clear proof of a violation of law. You know, like leaving a girl to drown in a car, and going home and going to bed, before calling police.
In due time my biased republican friend. mueller is working overtime on all the next indictments he'll be handing out with the pussygrabber's name on them.

There's another picture of proof of another of Trump's lies. He said he's 6'3". Obama is 6'1"
Is he two inches taller thanObama?
He's literally incapable of telling the truth.

Bring it on! I would love to have Mike Pence take over for Trump.

If Trump has in fact violated law.... I support justice being served. Take Trump down, put Mike Pence in his place... and I would cheer.

I never voted for Trump. I never liked Trump. He's better than Hillary, but only because Hillary is the most corrupt politician in recent US history.

You think I care if Trump is removed? He's a left-winger. Trump supported the Clintons. Trump supported government health care. By all means, put Mike Pence in his place.

But unlike you, I don't try and take people down without reason. I support justice and the rule of law. I can supply evidence of Hillary's crimes. And unlike you, I won't defend someone for partisan political reasons. Why? I'm better then you. I know i am, because you still support Hillary, which proves you have no morals or ethical values.

Just a fact. If you had even the slightest shred of value anywhere in your body, you would disown the Clintons, as the criminal scum they are. As long you refuse to do that, no one cares what you think. You are as much trash as they are.
Facts are what comes out of Trump's mouth according to you. Totally forgetting it's been documented he's lied over 2,000 times since he's been prez.

Yeah, like a largely unknown video, caused an organized assault on an undefended diplomatic outpost.

You can't attack others for lying, when the person you tried to elect president, was the one of the most prolific liars in US political history.
Trump lies 5.5 times per day. Every day. All documented. Funny you're too much a pussy to tell the truth about that!

I don't know that your claim is true or false. It could be.

What I do know, is that Hillary is a prove consistent liar, and about legal matters.

Which is worse? Trump lying about a completely legal consensual affair with a disgusting porn star? Or Hillary lying about matters of national security?

Hillary lying about matters of national security are far more important.

Again, until you personally live out a moral standard in the people you choose to support, you are not going to convince anyone else, of anything.

No one cares about what you think, except other morally bankrupt people like yourself. You have to have credibility on the issue, or nothing you say about morals, matters to anyone.
Your claim about Hillary is a bald faced lie.
And your laughable example of trump lying about an affair shows you have no perspective or sensibility. Trump lies about EVERYTHING. Matters of national security and beyond.
One of the few times he's ever told the truth was when he told classified information to Russian spies he invited into the Oval Office.
Imagine that.

See, now you have just proved your partisan stupidity.

If you think that Hillary did not lie to the widows and relatives of the dead people in Benghazi, that they were killed by a 'spontaneous protest" over a unknown internet video, then you are not even worth talking to.

And if you think Hillary, did not lie about national security, when she said she had no idea that her private illegal email server had classified information on it, that the security authority told her she was not allowed to have.....

Then you are ignorant, and uniformed so badly, that you are not qualified to be talking about ANYTHING on this forum.

You need to learn something, before you speak. Foolish stupidity, is not worth our time.
Trump whore still focused on Hillary like a laser beam so he can ignore the corruption happening every day in the White House. Hilarious you're still talking about Benghazi like a true Fox stooge. 9 separate investigations exonerated her of any wrong doing... but here he is... still obsessed about it.
View attachment 187651
Much of the dossier has been verified.

Again... that doesn't seem to make any difference if what is verified is stupid, or irrelevant.

You need to provide real clear proof of a violation of law. You know, like leaving a girl to drown in a car, and going home and going to bed, before calling police.
In due time my biased republican friend. mueller is working overtime on all the next indictments he'll be handing out with the pussygrabber's name on them.

There's another picture of proof of another of Trump's lies. He said he's 6'3". Obama is 6'1"
Is he two inches taller thanObama?
He's literally incapable of telling the truth.

Bring it on! I would love to have Mike Pence take over for Trump.

If Trump has in fact violated law.... I support justice being served. Take Trump down, put Mike Pence in his place... and I would cheer.

I never voted for Trump. I never liked Trump. He's better than Hillary, but only because Hillary is the most corrupt politician in recent US history.

You think I care if Trump is removed? He's a left-winger. Trump supported the Clintons. Trump supported government health care. By all means, put Mike Pence in his place.

But unlike you, I don't try and take people down without reason. I support justice and the rule of law. I can supply evidence of Hillary's crimes. And unlike you, I won't defend someone for partisan political reasons. Why? I'm better then you. I know i am, because you still support Hillary, which proves you have no morals or ethical values.

Just a fact. If you had even the slightest shred of value anywhere in your body, you would disown the Clintons, as the criminal scum they are. As long you refuse to do that, no one cares what you think. You are as much trash as they are.
You would cheer Pence getting in. Lol
Pence was a horrible governor and wouldn't have been reelected . Pence believes in gay conversion therapy. Pence has stated tobacco doesn't cause cancer while lining his pockets with Big Tobacco money.
Pence is even scarier and more backward than Trump.
And your Clinton hate is par for the course for a true Deplorable
View attachment 187651
Much of the dossier has been verified.

Again... that doesn't seem to make any difference if what is verified is stupid, or irrelevant.

You need to provide real clear proof of a violation of law. You know, like leaving a girl to drown in a car, and going home and going to bed, before calling police.
In due time my biased republican friend. mueller is working overtime on all the next indictments he'll be handing out with the pussygrabber's name on them.

There's another picture of proof of another of Trump's lies. He said he's 6'3". Obama is 6'1"
Is he two inches taller thanObama?
He's literally incapable of telling the truth.

Bring it on! I would love to have Mike Pence take over for Trump.

If Trump has in fact violated law.... I support justice being served. Take Trump down, put Mike Pence in his place... and I would cheer.

I never voted for Trump. I never liked Trump. He's better than Hillary, but only because Hillary is the most corrupt politician in recent US history.

You think I care if Trump is removed? He's a left-winger. Trump supported the Clintons. Trump supported government health care. By all means, put Mike Pence in his place.

But unlike you, I don't try and take people down without reason. I support justice and the rule of law. I can supply evidence of Hillary's crimes. And unlike you, I won't defend someone for partisan political reasons. Why? I'm better then you. I know i am, because you still support Hillary, which proves you have no morals or ethical values.

Just a fact. If you had even the slightest shred of value anywhere in your body, you would disown the Clintons, as the criminal scum they are. As long you refuse to do that, no one cares what you think. You are as much trash as they are.
" I can supply EVIDENCE of Hillary's crimes."
Mr. Pretend lawyer thinks he's smarter than the entire DOJ.
Where do you psychos come from?

If I was accused of loving golden showers I'd be obsessed too. I only found out about them when I typed in Golden Sowers as a fabulous climbing rose but needless to say I couldn't believe people wanted to be pissed on.

To each their own, but Trump as a serious germaphope no way

I had a beautiful golden showers rosebush that I planted in my garden in Toronto.

Donald Trump is a germaphobe who had unprotected sex with a porn star. I’m no germaphobe but there is no way I’d be exchanging bodily fluids with sex trade workers.

I believe the golden showers story. First off, it’s so bizarre and off the wall that it’s unlikely someone would make it up. They might come up with a compromising story but not something like this.

But the main reason I believe the story is that Trump said it never happened. “Believe me!” Trump never says “Believe me” unless he’s lying. It’s his best and truest tell that this is a whopper!

I agree! I totally believe the "Golden Shower" story - especially because of the Obama connection. There is one thing that the news has been leaving out today:

The dossier contained allegations of collusion between Trump aides and Russian operatives during the 2016 election. It also alleges that the Russian government has incriminating information on the president that could make him susceptible to blackmail. Notably, it claims that Russia possesses a videotape featuring Trump getting prostitutes to urinate on a bed in a Moscow hotel room in which former President Barack Obama once stayed with first lady Michelle Obama. The allegation has earned the findings the nickname the “pee tape” dossier, or the “golden shower” dossier.

Trump-Russia “pee tape” dossier is now being investigated by special counsel Robert Mueller
You believe any piece of shit that some snowflake has fung against the wall. You are supremely gullible. If the video exists, then why haven't we seen it? The dossier is nothing but a collection of malicious gossip.
View attachment 187651
Much of the dossier has been verified.

Again... that doesn't seem to make any difference if what is verified is stupid, or irrelevant.

You need to provide real clear proof of a violation of law. You know, like leaving a girl to drown in a car, and going home and going to bed, before calling police.
In due time my biased republican friend. mueller is working overtime on all the next indictments he'll be handing out with the pussygrabber's name on them.

There's another picture of proof of another of Trump's lies. He said he's 6'3". Obama is 6'1"
Is he two inches taller thanObama?
He's literally incapable of telling the truth.

Bring it on! I would love to have Mike Pence take over for Trump.

If Trump has in fact violated law.... I support justice being served. Take Trump down, put Mike Pence in his place... and I would cheer.

I never voted for Trump. I never liked Trump. He's better than Hillary, but only because Hillary is the most corrupt politician in recent US history.

You think I care if Trump is removed? He's a left-winger. Trump supported the Clintons. Trump supported government health care. By all means, put Mike Pence in his place.

But unlike you, I don't try and take people down without reason. I support justice and the rule of law. I can supply evidence of Hillary's crimes. And unlike you, I won't defend someone for partisan political reasons. Why? I'm better then you. I know i am, because you still support Hillary, which proves you have no morals or ethical values.

Just a fact. If you had even the slightest shred of value anywhere in your body, you would disown the Clintons, as the criminal scum they are. As long you refuse to do that, no one cares what you think. You are as much trash as they are.
" I can supply EVIDENCE of Hillary's crimes."
Mr. Pretend lawyer thinks he's smarter than the entire DOJ.
Where do you psychos come from?
It's not a matter of being smart, shit for brains. It's a matter of not being totally corrupt as those in the DOJ under Obama are.
...Logic doesn't allow me to!

You should accept logic more. And reality. "Source E" in the Crooked Hillary paid for fake dossier states the DNC emails were hacked by Russia. Julian Assange, one of the world's best independent hackers with no political or state affiliation, says indirectly Seth Rich obtained the emails and they were delivered to him on a smartcard. Use logic. Which is more likely? Take your time. :p
Jullian Assange is a willing participant in distributing Russian stolen emails or CIA documents or manuals etc.... he is no hero, because he is one sided in his leaking, and has been for some years now....why is it he never leaks any Russian hacked material on their FSB or GRU or Putin emails or their famous actors, or even on Robert Mercer, the Republican billionaire equivalent to your boogeyman, Soros that we are always getting leaks on? Assange has turned in to a pawn, for the Russians and the extreme right wing....

About Seth Rich and Assange alluding to him....

THAT breaks every promise Assange has ever made on wikileaks about protecting and never ever revealing who the hackers are that give him the information that he leaks to the public... if he really did come out and reveal one of his hackers, jullian's business is as good as hacker would trust him anymore....

so I saw that as simply some kind of publicity stunt to play in to a conspiracy theory already out there to throw people off, of who the REAL hacker was that delivered the stolen goods....the DNC and Podesta emails.
Assange has said time after time that Russia did not supply him with the emails. You're repeating the same old shopword Hillary lies.

If I was accused of loving golden showers I'd be obsessed too. I only found out about them when I typed in Golden Sowers as a fabulous climbing rose but needless to say I couldn't believe people wanted to be pissed on.

To each their own, but Trump as a serious germaphope no way
Remember, Comey's FBI paid for the piece of shit dossier that made the claim about the golden shower. Somehow the snowflakes see no shame in that.
Lol, no they didn't.
Hmmm, yes they did.
View attachment 187651
Much of the dossier has been verified.

Again... that doesn't seem to make any difference if what is verified is stupid, or irrelevant.

You need to provide real clear proof of a violation of law. You know, like leaving a girl to drown in a car, and going home and going to bed, before calling police.
In due time my biased republican friend. mueller is working overtime on all the next indictments he'll be handing out with the pussygrabber's name on them.

There's another picture of proof of another of Trump's lies. He said he's 6'3". Obama is 6'1"
Is he two inches taller thanObama?
He's literally incapable of telling the truth.

Bring it on! I would love to have Mike Pence take over for Trump.

If Trump has in fact violated law.... I support justice being served. Take Trump down, put Mike Pence in his place... and I would cheer.

I never voted for Trump. I never liked Trump. He's better than Hillary, but only because Hillary is the most corrupt politician in recent US history.

You think I care if Trump is removed? He's a left-winger. Trump supported the Clintons. Trump supported government health care. By all means, put Mike Pence in his place.

But unlike you, I don't try and take people down without reason. I support justice and the rule of law. I can supply evidence of Hillary's crimes. And unlike you, I won't defend someone for partisan political reasons. Why? I'm better then you. I know i am, because you still support Hillary, which proves you have no morals or ethical values.

Just a fact. If you had even the slightest shred of value anywhere in your body, you would disown the Clintons, as the criminal scum they are. As long you refuse to do that, no one cares what you think. You are as much trash as they are.
" I can supply EVIDENCE of Hillary's crimes."
Mr. Pretend lawyer thinks he's smarter than the entire DOJ.
Where do you psychos come from?
It's not a matter of being smart, shit for brains. It's a matter of not being totally corrupt as those in the DOJ under Obama are.
Here we go again. Everyone in the Obama Admistratiin was corrupt but everyone in this administration is honest and a true patriot ... says no sane person.
...Logic doesn't allow me to!

You should accept logic more. And reality. "Source E" in the Crooked Hillary paid for fake dossier states the DNC emails were hacked by Russia. Julian Assange, one of the world's best independent hackers with no political or state affiliation, says indirectly Seth Rich obtained the emails and they were delivered to him on a smartcard. Use logic. Which is more likely? Take your time. :p
Jullian Assange is a willing participant in distributing Russian stolen emails or CIA documents or manuals etc.... he is no hero, because he is one sided in his leaking, and has been for some years now....why is it he never leaks any Russian hacked material on their FSB or GRU or Putin emails or their famous actors, or even on Robert Mercer, the Republican billionaire equivalent to your boogeyman, Soros that we are always getting leaks on? Assange has turned in to a pawn, for the Russians and the extreme right wing....

About Seth Rich and Assange alluding to him....

THAT breaks every promise Assange has ever made on wikileaks about protecting and never ever revealing who the hackers are that give him the information that he leaks to the public... if he really did come out and reveal one of his hackers, jullian's business is as good as hacker would trust him anymore....

so I saw that as simply some kind of publicity stunt to play in to a conspiracy theory already out there to throw people off, of who the REAL hacker was that delivered the stolen goods....the DNC and Podesta emails.
Assange has said time after time that Russia did not supply him with the emails. You're repeating the same old shopword Hillary lies.
Figures you'd believe the word of a criminal like Assange. You do he's a criminal don't you?

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