The downside of carrying a firearm...

That was a woman actually.

The idea is not, and never has been, that "only" guns can kill. It's that (a) they make it so much easier, and (b) they're hawked continually by the testosterone-drowning NRA mentality to a culture already bent on violence. Guess where that combination leads.

That's not the one I was talking about.
Manslaughter Charge in Hockey Death:
A hockey father accused in the beating death of another hockey dad at a youth game pleaded innocent today to a manslaughter charge.

Thomas Junta, 42, of Reading, Mass. was charged with manslaughter for allegedly beating 40-year-old Michael Costin of nearby Lynnfield unconscious on Wednesday in a dispute over rough play in a youth hockey game.

You're missing the point anyway. Whether it's a gun or a fist, it's the person that is the problem.

That's twelve years ago, but yes, it just underscores my point that we live in a culture of violence. As well as a culture of gun fetishism, even if the latter wasn't involved in this case.

I agree that violence is the problem. It will continue to exist even if guns go away. A culture of "gun fetishism" doesn't cause violence. The problem is what needs to be fixed.
Right, a culture of "gun fetishism" doesn't cause violence. Given that society's fascination with violence, it causes gun violence specifically.
Police: Texting argument in movie theater sparks fatal shooting -

It is more of a mental health issue. This was a retired cop, but it could have been anyone with a carry permit. Pretty sad

Damn, that was a stupid premise if I ever saw one.

Every single state exempts cops and ex cops from the gun control laws. In other words, even if all your gun control measures were in place, this guy would still have had a gun. Until you are willing to apply the exact same standards to everyone, including cops, don't even talk to me about gun control.
Some of your wittier wags here want to blame it on "gun free zone" signs.

You tell me which makes sense.

They stab each other to death in the gun-free societies.

As a mass stabbing as well. or find the other way to cause massive damage.

if the steam pressure is generated - the valve might have a different shape and construction, but it still would be found and yanked off one way or the other.

True. If we had a sword-fetish society, we'd have sword murders and occasional mass swordings.

The unfortunate difference is, you can't sit in a tower, or in an upper floor of a mall, or in the trunk of a car, and sword people.

For that matter, you couldn't mass-assault a roomful of Amish girls with the firearm technology of the 18th century either.

No, but you can take fertilizer, diesel fuel, and make a bomb that would kill 168 people and injury 680. No gun needed.

They stab each other to death in the gun-free societies.

As a mass stabbing as well. or find the other way to cause massive damage.

if the steam pressure is generated - the valve might have a different shape and construction, but it still would be found and yanked off one way or the other.

True. If we had a sword-fetish society, we'd have sword murders and occasional mass swordings.

The unfortunate difference is, you can't sit in a tower, or in an upper floor of a mall, or in the trunk of a car, and sword people.

For that matter, you couldn't mass-assault a roomful of Amish girls with the firearm technology of the 18th century either.

No, but you can take fertilizer, diesel fuel, and make a bomb that would kill 168 people and injury 680. No gun needed.

Diesel fuel? In the 18th century?
The left needs to get over the fear of guns. The chances of one of you getting hurt in a movie theatre, or in any place where people congregate is extremely low.

Do you feel lucky?

We have three times the murder rate of any other industrialized nation
True. If we had a sword-fetish society, we'd have sword murders and occasional mass swordings.

The unfortunate difference is, you can't sit in a tower, or in an upper floor of a mall, or in the trunk of a car, and sword people.

For that matter, you couldn't mass-assault a roomful of Amish girls with the firearm technology of the 18th century either.

No, but you can take fertilizer, diesel fuel, and make a bomb that would kill 168 people and injury 680. No gun needed.

Diesel fuel? In the 18th century?

Upper floor of a mall in the 18th century?

Trunk of a car in the 18th century?
Well if everyone in the theater was armed, they could have shot the cop

Instead, an unarmed person relieved the nutter of his weapon.

Too bad it was AFTER a bad guy with a gun stopped a good guy with a phone.

Implying that everyone with a carry permit is a potential murderer and then using that false statement for a argument for gun control is the same as saying every driver is a potential drunk driver who will kill someone so we should suspend everyone's license.
I'll do more than "imply". I will state outright that anyone with a gun is a potential killer/murderer. Being ready and able to kill is the only reason to carry a gun.

The silly ass comparison to cars is just nonsense because, among other reasons, we pass laws to mitigate the damages that can be done by cars and drunks. We also require that drivers have insurance or can prove they can pay for the damage they cause.

I want to rephrase this so it reflects the actual facts in this case. Doing it this way so that assholes cannot accuse me of misquoting Dudley doWrong.

Too bad it was AFTER a asshole cop with a gun stopped an innocent citizen with a phone.

Police: Texting argument in movie theater sparks fatal shooting -

It is more of a mental health issue. This was a retired cop, but it could have been anyone with a carry permit. Pretty sad

Saying it could have been anyone as a reason for policy is ridiculous.

And before you deny any alternative motive for posting this other than some gun control argument to ban concealed carry weapons let's cut to the chase.

Implying that everyone with a carry permit is a potential murderer and then using that false statement for a argument for gun control is the same as saying every driver is a potential drunk driver who will kill someone so we should suspend everyone's license.

Adding a firearm to the equation turned what would have been a shoving and shouting match into a fatality

You support disarming police? If not, I suggest you think about how you want to rephrase your stupidity.

By the way, did anyone check to see if the theater has a no guns allowed sign? A cop, being above the law, would just flash a badge and get a pass, but most civilians would prefer to see the movie rather than argue the law.
Saying it could have been anyone as a reason for policy is ridiculous.

And before you deny any alternative motive for posting this other than some gun control argument to ban concealed carry weapons let's cut to the chase.

Implying that everyone with a carry permit is a potential murderer and then using that false statement for a argument for gun control is the same as saying every driver is a potential drunk driver who will kill someone so we should suspend everyone's license.

Adding a firearm to the equation turned what would have been a shoving and shouting match into a fatality

Yep. Up until the nutter pulled his gun, the worst damage was caused by thrown popcorn. Popcorn would not have made a three year old an orphan.

The nutters are defending in the indefensible.

I haven't seen you ever demand that cops not carry weapons. Until you do, I am not the one defending anything.
Adding a firearm to the equation turned what would have been a shoving and shouting match into a fatality

Yep. Up until the nutter pulled his gun, the worst damage was caused by thrown popcorn. Popcorn would not have made a three year old an orphan.

The nutters are defending in the indefensible.

The cop will now spend his remaining years in prison. All because he had to be "safe" by bringing a gun into a movie theater

I actually think it is because, being a cop, he thought he was above the law.
Tied in to this question of human nature:

>> In a regretful letter penned a few months before his death, Mikhail Kalashnikov, the designer of the AK-47 assault rifle, asked the head of the Russian Orthodox Church if he was to blame for the deaths of those killed by his weapon.

The Russian daily Izvestia on Monday published the letter, in which Kalashnikov, who died last month at 94, told Patriarch Kirill that he kept asking himself if he was responsible. The AK-47 is the world's most popular firearm, with an estimated 100 million spread around the world.

"The pain in my soul is unbearable. I keep asking myself the same unsolvable question: If my assault rifle took people's lives, it means that I, Mikhail Kalashnikov, ... son of a farmer and Orthodox Christian am responsible for people's deaths," he said in the letter.

Kalashnikov also shared his bitter thoughts about humankind.

"The longer I live, the more often that question gets into my brain, the deeper I go in my thoughts and guesses about why the Almighty allowed humans to have devilish desires of envy, greed and aggression," Kalashnikov continued. "Everything changes, only a man and his thinking remain unchanged: he's just as greedy, evil, heartless and restless as before!"

... The letter, which was sent in April, contrasted sharply with past statements by Kalashnikov, who had repeatedly said in interviews and public speeches that he created the weapon to protect his country and couldn't be blamed for other people's action. << (ABC Nooz)

ha. when death looks into your eyes...

He did not have any choice then, though.
It was 1945.
Saying it could have been anyone as a reason for policy is ridiculous.

And before you deny any alternative motive for posting this other than some gun control argument to ban concealed carry weapons let's cut to the chase.

Implying that everyone with a carry permit is a potential murderer and then using that false statement for a argument for gun control is the same as saying every driver is a potential drunk driver who will kill someone so we should suspend everyone's license.

Adding a firearm to the equation turned what would have been a shoving and shouting match into a fatality

You support disarming police? If not, I suggest you think about how you want to rephrase your stupidity.

By the way, did anyone check to see if the theater has a no guns allowed sign? A cop, being above the law, would just flash a badge and get a pass, but most civilians would prefer to see the movie rather than argue the law.

He is no cop......he is a an excop playing tough guy in a movie theater

His carrying a gun turned a minor disagreement into a fatality
Instead, an unarmed person relieved the nutter of his weapon.

Too bad it was AFTER a bad guy with a gun stopped a good guy with a phone.

I'll do more than "imply". I will state outright that anyone with a gun is a potential killer/murderer. Being ready and able to kill is the only reason to carry a gun.

The silly ass comparison to cars is just nonsense because, among other reasons, we pass laws to mitigate the damages that can be done by cars and drunks. We also require that drivers have insurance or can prove they can pay for the damage they cause.

Most hand carry firearms do not have the stopping power to afford a carrier the license to kill. Most are for self defense, you ignorant shit stain on society. That said, most who carry a gun reserve the right TO DEFEND themselves, not kill someone else. But to a moron, there is no difference between the initiation of violence and defending oneself.

Because you can not fix stupid. You just can not.

The real point is that guns are too far out of control in the US, and there are just too many around, to be able to do any real sort of gun control. The NRA has terrorized the populace so much for so long that there probably won't be any going back to a saner society where people don't feel the need to be packing.

Funny thing, since it was an ex cop that did this, even if you had exactly the gun control laws you want, IT WOULD NOT HAVE MADE A DIFFERENCE. Until the laws apply equally to everyone, with no exceptions because of job status, you are never going to win the gun control debate.

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