The downside of carrying a firearm...

My father was diagnosed has having the predisposition of a psychopath. Not only did he serve in Grenada and The Gulf War, he is a law abiding gun owner and NRA member. He's also a trained marksman. I mean he could have gone DC sniper on the entire neighborhood but he never did. He could have at any time turned his guns on me, my brother, his wife or my grandmother. To say that this culture is "bent on violence" is a misnomer. Criminals are "bent on violence" not law abiding gun owners (with the exception of a few very extenuating circumstances).

No, I'm talking big picture, not just crimes. Our values are those of violence. We've been at war somewhere or other for my entire lifetime, and I'm way older than you. That's a culture of violence. We play video games involving blowing things up and chopping heads off. That's a culture of violence. Every prime time TV lineup and most movies involve some kind of killing or beating or dismemberment. That's a culture of violence. Ingrained values that just glorify death and destruction at every turn.

Hell we even pave over our wetlands and forests and extinguish the flora and fauna therein just as we exterminated Native Americans. If that's not a culture of testosterone-huffing violence I don't know what is. Just look at the very next post after yours:

It's more than obvious you have no balls.

Your witness, counselor.

It’s more a matter of our society condoning violence as a legitimate means of conflict resolution – be it corporal punishment in our schools or capital punishment in our prisons.

Di you have another brain fart?
could have been any one with a carry permit, how ever the hundreds of millions with carry permits aren't out there killing people now are they? so I guess your assumption is a little flawed.
Upper floor of a mall in the 18th century?

Trunk of a car in the 18th century?

I didn't propose those comparisons. :dunno:
But they'll work to the same point.

What you actually said was: "True. If we had a sword-fetish society, we'd have sword murders and occasional mass swordings.

The unfortunate difference is, you can't sit in a tower, or in an upper floor of a mall, or in the trunk of a car, and sword people.

For that matter, you couldn't mass-assault a roomful of Amish girls with the firearm technology of the 18th century either."

I responded by pointing out that guns are not required to kill a large number of people.

My example is valid.

The points were not what is required to kill large numbers of people. The latter point was what the firearm technology (firearm specifically) that existed at the time the Second Amendment was writ, would not have been capable of what today's is. And the former point was that the cultural fetish feeds the cultural flaw, in this case gun violence.

It wouldn't have to be guns. As note it could be swords, but that would require a sword fetish culture. Which we don't have, which is why we don't have litanies of sword slaughter.
The only people that fuck guns are progressive assholes.

"Fuck guns"?

What in the wide world of fuck does that mean? :dunno:

People with a gun fetish get off sexually on guns.

Ummm... "fetish" doesn't necessarily mean anything sexual.

Full Definition of FETISH

>> 1
a : an object (as a small stone carving of an animal) believed to have magical power to protect or aid its owner; broadly : a material object regarded with superstitious or extravagant trust or reverence
b : an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion : prepossession

c : an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression << (M-W)

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Some of your wittier wags here want to blame it on "gun free zone" signs.

You tell me which makes sense.

They stab each other to death in the gun-free societies.

As a mass stabbing as well. or find the other way to cause massive damage.

if the steam pressure is generated - the valve might have a different shape and construction, but it still would be found and yanked off one way or the other.

True. If we had a sword-fetish society, we'd have sword murders and occasional mass swordings.

The unfortunate difference is, you can't sit in a tower, or in an upper floor of a mall, or in the trunk of a car, and sword people.

For that matter, you couldn't mass-assault a roomful of Amish girls with the firearm technology of the 18th century either.

Obviously your knowledge of history and weapons sucks.

The unfortunate difference is, you can't sit in a tower, or in an upper floor of a mall, or in the trunk of a car, and sword people.

But arrows, crossbow bolts, or bullets from bow or sling have been doing the job quite nicely for most of recorded history.

For that matter, you couldn't mass-assault a roomful of Amish girls with the firearm technology of the 18th century either

Of course you could. You never heard of fowling pieces, shotguns, muskets, multi-barreled weapons or cannons?
Never read about the Aztecs, Incas, or American Indians in the 15th and 16th centuries?
Afraid we do

Guns don't kill people.......people with guns kill people

I guess we have a different definition of industrialized. Feel free to explain yours in such a way that it actually excludes countries like Russia.

Oh I see......

We get to set our standards on Russia now

How the mighty have fallen

No, we set our standards by language. You claimed that we have the worst murder rate among industrialized nations, I want to know what the fuck that means to you. Did you mean civilized? Perhaps you meant Western, or White. How am I supposed to interpret your fucking point if you can't put it into fucking context? Should I just assume you are a racist douchebag?
I didn't propose those comparisons. :dunno:
But they'll work to the same point.

What you actually said was: "True. If we had a sword-fetish society, we'd have sword murders and occasional mass swordings.

The unfortunate difference is, you can't sit in a tower, or in an upper floor of a mall, or in the trunk of a car, and sword people.

For that matter, you couldn't mass-assault a roomful of Amish girls with the firearm technology of the 18th century either."

I responded by pointing out that guns are not required to kill a large number of people.

My example is valid.

The points were not what is required to kill large numbers of people. The latter point was what the firearm technology (firearm specifically) that existed at the time the Second Amendment was writ, would not have been capable of what today's is. And the former point was that the cultural fetish feeds the cultural flaw, in this case gun violence.

It wouldn't have to be guns. As note it could be swords, but that would require a sword fetish culture. Which we don't have, which is why we don't have litanies of sword slaughter.

What, exactly, do you think modern firearms can do that 18th century technology could not? Keep in mind that the fact that you are pathetically ignorant doesn't mean that I am.
I guess we have a different definition of industrialized. Feel free to explain yours in such a way that it actually excludes countries like Russia.

Oh I see......

We get to set our standards on Russia now

How the mighty have fallen

No, we set our standards by language. You claimed that we have the worst murder rate among industrialized nations, I want to know what the fuck that means to you. Did you mean civilized? Perhaps you meant Western, or White. How am I supposed to interpret your fucking point if you can't put it into fucking context? Should I just assume you are a racist douchebag?

What low standards you set

We no longer compare ourselves to Canada, Japan, Italy, France, Germany, Australia..........gun nuts brag we are doing better than Russia
"Fuck guns"?

What in the wide world of fuck does that mean? :dunno:

People with a gun fetish get off sexually on guns.

Ummm... "fetish" doesn't necessarily mean anything sexual.

Full Definition of FETISH

>> 1
a : an object (as a small stone carving of an animal) believed to have magical power to protect or aid its owner; broadly : a material object regarded with superstitious or extravagant trust or reverence
b : an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion : prepossession

c : an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression << (M-W)


If you think people worship guns, you haven't been paying attention.

Then again, you think that it was impossible to fire more than one round without reloading anything made before 1920, so I am not terribly surprised.
What you actually said was: "True. If we had a sword-fetish society, we'd have sword murders and occasional mass swordings.

The unfortunate difference is, you can't sit in a tower, or in an upper floor of a mall, or in the trunk of a car, and sword people.

For that matter, you couldn't mass-assault a roomful of Amish girls with the firearm technology of the 18th century either."

I responded by pointing out that guns are not required to kill a large number of people.

My example is valid.

The points were not what is required to kill large numbers of people. The latter point was what the firearm technology (firearm specifically) that existed at the time the Second Amendment was writ, would not have been capable of what today's is. And the former point was that the cultural fetish feeds the cultural flaw, in this case gun violence.

It wouldn't have to be guns. As note it could be swords, but that would require a sword fetish culture. Which we don't have, which is why we don't have litanies of sword slaughter.

What, exactly, do you think modern firearms can do that 18th century technology could not? Keep in mind that the fact that you are pathetically ignorant doesn't mean that I am.

Well, I know what "automatic" means, asshole.
Oh I see......

We get to set our standards on Russia now

How the mighty have fallen

No, we set our standards by language. You claimed that we have the worst murder rate among industrialized nations, I want to know what the fuck that means to you. Did you mean civilized? Perhaps you meant Western, or White. How am I supposed to interpret your fucking point if you can't put it into fucking context? Should I just assume you are a racist douchebag?

What low standards you set

We no longer compare ourselves to Canada, Japan, Italy, France, Germany, Australia..........gun nuts brag we are doing better than Russia

Is there a mouse in your pocket, or are you trying to put words in my mouth.

You claimed that we have a murder rate 3 times higher than any industrialized nation. What, exactly, does that mean to you?
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The points were not what is required to kill large numbers of people. The latter point was what the firearm technology (firearm specifically) that existed at the time the Second Amendment was writ, would not have been capable of what today's is. And the former point was that the cultural fetish feeds the cultural flaw, in this case gun violence.

It wouldn't have to be guns. As note it could be swords, but that would require a sword fetish culture. Which we don't have, which is why we don't have litanies of sword slaughter.

What, exactly, do you think modern firearms can do that 18th century technology could not? Keep in mind that the fact that you are pathetically ignorant doesn't mean that I am.

Well, I know what "automatic" means, asshole.

Are you aware that automatic weapons are, essentially, illegal in the United States?

Like I said, the fact that you are pathetically ignorant does not mean I am.
People with a gun fetish get off sexually on guns.

Ummm... "fetish" doesn't necessarily mean anything sexual.

Full Definition of FETISH

>> 1
a : an object (as a small stone carving of an animal) believed to have magical power to protect or aid its owner; broadly : a material object regarded with superstitious or extravagant trust or reverence
b : an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion : prepossession

c : an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression << (M-W)


If you think people worship guns, you haven't been paying attention.

Then again, you think that it was impossible to fire more than one round without reloading anything made before 1920, so I am not terribly surprised.

And if you think the Constitution was written in 1920 I'm even less surprised.

Absolutely it's a fetish, i.e. an irrational attachment to a neuter object. Check out the hissyfits that said fetishists lapse into at the mere suggestion that they have a problem. Like a toddler having his pacifier taken away. Read the thread, just today. Read any thread on these values. Read your own posts.
What, exactly, do you think modern firearms can do that 18th century technology could not? Keep in mind that the fact that you are pathetically ignorant doesn't mean that I am.

Well, I know what "automatic" means, asshole.

Are you aware that automatic weapons are, essentially, illegal in the United States?

Like I said, the fact that you are pathetically ignorant does not mean I am.

So we're moving from "can do" to "illegal"...


You're such a toy.
I'll do more than "imply". I will state outright that anyone with a gun is a potential killer/murderer. Being ready and able to kill is the only reason to carry a gun

You say that like it's a bad thing. He or she is also a potential savior, provider of food for the hungry, or prepared soldier.
Ummm... "fetish" doesn't necessarily mean anything sexual.

Full Definition of FETISH

>> 1
a : an object (as a small stone carving of an animal) believed to have magical power to protect or aid its owner; broadly : a material object regarded with superstitious or extravagant trust or reverence
b : an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion : prepossession

c : an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression << (M-W)


If you think people worship guns, you haven't been paying attention.

Then again, you think that it was impossible to fire more than one round without reloading anything made before 1920, so I am not terribly surprised.

And if you think the Constitution was written in 1920 I'm even less surprised.

Absolutely it's a fetish, i.e. an irrational attachment to a neuter object. Check out the hissyfits that said fetishists lapse into at the mere suggestion that they have a problem. Like a toddler having his pacifier taken away. Read the thread, just today. Read any thread on these values. Read your own posts.

You're a bore get's some more talking points.
Ummm... "fetish" doesn't necessarily mean anything sexual.

Full Definition of FETISH

>> 1
a : an object (as a small stone carving of an animal) believed to have magical power to protect or aid its owner; broadly : a material object regarded with superstitious or extravagant trust or reverence
b : an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion : prepossession

c : an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression << (M-W)


If you think people worship guns, you haven't been paying attention.

Then again, you think that it was impossible to fire more than one round without reloading anything made before 1920, so I am not terribly surprised.

And if you think the Constitution was written in 1920 I'm even less surprised.

Absolutely it's a fetish, i.e. an irrational attachment to a neuter object. Check out the hissyfits that said fetishists lapse into at the mere suggestion that they have a problem. Like a toddler having his pacifier taken away. Read the thread, just today. Read any thread on these values. Read your own posts.

The Constitution dates from late in the 18th century, but you keep blathering about 17th century technology, just saying.

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