The downside of carrying a firearm...

Blame it on society. When all else fails. :lmao:

Some of your wittier wags here want to blame it on "gun free zone" signs.

You tell me which makes sense.

who do we blame for a screwed up society full of angry people who resort to violence???

How about Hollywood, the music industry, ghetto culture, fatherless families, Washington DC--------in other words--liberalism.
Blame it on society. When all else fails. :lmao:

Some of your wittier wags here want to blame it on "gun free zone" signs.

You tell me which makes sense.

who do we blame for a screwed up society full of angry people who resort to violence???

How about Hollywood, the music industry, ghetto culture, fatherless families, Washington DC--------in other words--liberalism.

There's also the frustration of living in a time of few jobs and increasing taxes.
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Blame it on society. When all else fails. :lmao:

Some of your wittier wags here want to blame it on "gun free zone" signs.

You tell me which makes sense.

who do we blame for a screwed up society full of angry people who resort to violence???

How about Hollywood, the music industry, ghetto culture, fatherless families, Washington DC--------in other words--liberalism.

None of those are political enities, Einstein.

No wonder some wags can't tell the difference between Liberalism and leftism. They can't even tell the difference between politics and culture. :rolleyes:
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I need my 9MM because there are some extrmely aggressive and vicius pack rats down here in the desert. Also, those prairie dogs run in packs, you know. A man has to vigilant.
Damned pesky militias

gun ownership is not connected to formation of militia.
Formation of the latter one should not be infringed as bearing arms should not be infringed.

TWO rights in ONE Amendment :D

You're actually comparing as aspect of our Constitution to Certs? :lol:

It doesn't mention a "right" to a militia. It just says it's "necessary". It's a basis for what follows.

it doesn't mention a right to a gun a s well.

It gives the right to ORGANIZE militia and to own and carry guns :)
No, I'm talking big picture, not just crimes. Our values are those of violence. We've been at war somewhere or other for my entire lifetime, and I'm way older than you. That's a culture of violence. We play video games involving blowing things up and chopping heads off. That's a culture of violence. Every prime time TV lineup and most movies involve some kind of killing or beating or dismemberment. That's a culture of violence. Ingrained values that just glorify death and destruction at every turn.

Hell we even pave over our wetlands and forests and extinguish the flora and fauna therein just as we exterminated Native Americans. If that's not a culture of testosterone-huffing violence I don't know what is. Just look at the very next post after yours:

This part I actually agree with.

However the need to violence is, most probably, dependent of the history of the nation.
If people are just sitting at one place for thousands years - their traditions and values will differ form the people who are constant warriors and nomads - a bit of colorful embellishment here, but essentially Americans as a nation ARE modern nomads and warriors.
gun ownership is not connected to formation of militia.
Formation of the latter one should not be infringed as bearing arms should not be infringed.

TWO rights in ONE Amendment :D

You're actually comparing as aspect of our Constitution to Certs? :lol:

It doesn't mention a "right" to a militia. It just says it's "necessary". It's a basis for what follows.

it doesn't mention a right to a gun a s well.

It gives the right to ORGANIZE militia and to own and carry guns :)

No, actually it doesn't say the former. It just says it's "necessary to the security of a free State". Doesn't say anything about whether that State can allow or not allow a militia. What was singled out specifically was "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms". The difference between expressed and implied.
Blame it on society. When all else fails. :lmao:

Some of your wittier wags here want to blame it on "gun free zone" signs.

You tell me which makes sense.


the gun free zone just enables the easy outlet for the release of the steam.

They stab each other to death in the gun-free societies.

As a mass stabbing as well. or find the other way to cause massive damage.

if the steam pressure is generated - the valve might have a different shape and construction, but it still would be found and yanked off one way or the other.
It's Florida. People know that anybody next to you can be packing.
And generally people are polite and self-restrained.



I can do without this kind of "polite", thanks. :eusa_hand:

Bullshit from the gun-free zone idiot caricaturist ( is it from New Yorker? )
The website list about firearms carries no legal authority. You may be asked to leave but no crime is committed.

Signs mean absolutely nothing in Florida.
As long as it is not a place that is on the NO CARRY list...

Places off-limits when carrying:

1. any place of nuisance as defined in s. 823.05
2. any police, sheriff, or highway patrol station
3. any detention facility, prison, or jail; any courthouse
4. any courtroom*
5. any polling place
6. any meeting of the governing body of a county, public school district, municipality, or special district
7. any meeting of the Legislature or a committee thereof
8. any school, college, or professional athletic event not related to firearms
9. any school administration building
10. any portion of an establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages for consumption*
11. any elementary or secondary school facility
12. any area technical center
13. any college or university facility*
14. inside the passenger terminal and sterile area of any airport*
15. any place where the carrying of firearms is prohibited by federal law

who said it was a crime

not me

however the theater as far as the owners are concerned

consider it a gun free zone

most folks would honor their wishes or go elsewhere

i would honor their wishes by going elsewhere

It doesn't matter what the owners consider it to be it's what the law considers it to be that matters. Their wishes are not going to protect me from a mad gunman. In a free society I am free to carry my firearm in any establishment that is not designated a "gun free" zone or is not displaying the proper signage that their respective laws require.

IN other words, I don't honor any signs that don't meet legal standards. In Texas a 30.06 sign and a 51% sign are the only signs I'm required to adhere to.

to each his own i guess

i rather just avoid going to places

with such attitudes

works out best for us
You're actually comparing as aspect of our Constitution to Certs? :lol:

It doesn't mention a "right" to a militia. It just says it's "necessary". It's a basis for what follows.

it doesn't mention a right to a gun a s well.

It gives the right to ORGANIZE militia and to own and carry guns :)

No, actually it doesn't say the former. It just says it's "necessary to the security of a free State". Doesn't say anything about whether that State can allow or not allow a militia. What was singled out specifically was "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms". The difference between expressed and implied.
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

both should not be infringed - a well regulated militia - which means you can organize militia for the security of the FREE state ( and if the government clenches its claws on you it is NOT a free state anymore) - and the right to keep and bear arms - that it TWO rights in one Amendment :D
It's Florida. People know that anybody next to you can be packing.
And generally people are polite and self-restrained.



I can do without this kind of "polite", thanks. :eusa_hand:

Bullshit from the gun-free zone idiot caricaturist ( is it from New Yorker? )

No. They're satire, a type of humor that exhibits how silly an argument is by taking it to its (il)logical conclusion. The second one is Tom Tomorrow. Not sure who drew the first one.
Blame it on society. When all else fails. :lmao:

Some of your wittier wags here want to blame it on "gun free zone" signs.

You tell me which makes sense.

They stab each other to death in the gun-free societies.

As a mass stabbing as well. or find the other way to cause massive damage.

if the steam pressure is generated - the valve might have a different shape and construction, but it still would be found and yanked off one way or the other.

True. If we had a sword-fetish society, we'd have sword murders and occasional mass swordings.

The unfortunate difference is, you can't sit in a tower, or in an upper floor of a mall, or in the trunk of a car, and sword people.

For that matter, you couldn't mass-assault a roomful of Amish girls with the firearm technology of the 18th century either.
No. They're satire, a type of humor that exhibits how silly an argument is by taking it to its (il)logical conclusion. The second one is Tom Tomorrow. Not sure who drew the first one.

That's what I meant.

That is what New Yorker is. Basically a satirical magazine - their tone is very special, not everybody likes it.

and they have a lot of caricatures of very similar taste . I don't mean guns only, just the spice of it
Like this one:

Some of your wittier wags here want to blame it on "gun free zone" signs.

You tell me which makes sense.

They stab each other to death in the gun-free societies.

As a mass stabbing as well. or find the other way to cause massive damage.

if the steam pressure is generated - the valve might have a different shape and construction, but it still would be found and yanked off one way or the other.

True. If we had a sword-fetish society, we'd have sword murders and occasional mass swordings.

The unfortunate difference is, you can't sit in a tower, or in an upper floor of a mall, or in the trunk of a car, and sword people.

For that matter, you couldn't mass-assault a roomful of Amish girls with the firearm technology of the 18th century either.

do you know that you can assemble means of mass murder in your basement, using the Home Depot and the internet?

I would not name the specific items and means, but it is not only pressure cookers and nails which can be used if somebody needs to release the pressure of the steam.

The question is - WHAT is the cause of the pressure buildup.

And why is it intensifying across the board and in the societies which are getting more affluent ( these types of problems do not exist that often in the poor countries)
The left needs to get over the fear of guns. The chances of one of you getting hurt in a movie theatre, or in any place where people congregate is extremely low.
Tied in to this question of human nature:

>> In a regretful letter penned a few months before his death, Mikhail Kalashnikov, the designer of the AK-47 assault rifle, asked the head of the Russian Orthodox Church if he was to blame for the deaths of those killed by his weapon.

The Russian daily Izvestia on Monday published the letter, in which Kalashnikov, who died last month at 94, told Patriarch Kirill that he kept asking himself if he was responsible. The AK-47 is the world's most popular firearm, with an estimated 100 million spread around the world.

"The pain in my soul is unbearable. I keep asking myself the same unsolvable question: If my assault rifle took people's lives, it means that I, Mikhail Kalashnikov, ... son of a farmer and Orthodox Christian am responsible for people's deaths," he said in the letter.

Kalashnikov also shared his bitter thoughts about humankind.

"The longer I live, the more often that question gets into my brain, the deeper I go in my thoughts and guesses about why the Almighty allowed humans to have devilish desires of envy, greed and aggression," Kalashnikov continued. "Everything changes, only a man and his thinking remain unchanged: he's just as greedy, evil, heartless and restless as before!"

... The letter, which was sent in April, contrasted sharply with past statements by Kalashnikov, who had repeatedly said in interviews and public speeches that he created the weapon to protect his country and couldn't be blamed for other people's action. << (ABC Nooz)

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