The downside of carrying a firearm...

'The downside of carrying a firearm...'

You have no idea how to use it.


The PJ Tatler » PHOTO: Wendy Davis Awkwardly Holds Ann Richards? Shotgun For Some Reason

At least someone was smart enough to hand it to her open so everyone could see it's unloaded. I seriously doubt she'd think to check.
So much for the argument that "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun".

This guy was a good guy with a gun - a retired officer.

Another complete failure for the Gun Nut Lobby.

So you believe retired officers can't be bad guys? Not too bright are ya?
Hey Idiot let's get this straight

I have never once in any post talked about taking down the government.

My only concern is self defense and allowing people the absolute inalienable right to protect their own lives or the lives of their loved ones from those that would do them harm.

A firearm whether it be a shotgun rifle or handgun is THE most effective tool for that.

Period, end of story.
You defend the 2nd for any reason, you're defending all of it.

You do realize that even if there wasn't a 2nd amendment that the people in this country would still have the right to keep and bear arms?

No they wouldn't. Just look at other countries where they didn't have one.
So much for the argument that "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun".

This guy was a good guy with a gun - a retired officer.

Another complete failure for the Gun Nut Lobby.

No, fascist, one case doesn't disprove a general truth.

More guns = less crime, no matter how many times you libtards deny it, and the rest of the country is waking up to that fact as well.
You defend the 2nd for any reason, you're defending all of it.

You do realize that even if there wasn't a 2nd amendment that the people in this country would still have the right to keep and bear arms?

No they wouldn't. Just look at other countries where they didn't have one.

Lol, yes they would, dude.

The Constitution itself says that these rights are not granted but enumerated.

Shit, go read a damned book on the topic or something.
Ohio National Guard Training Envisions Right-Wing Terrorism

The ONG 52nd Civil Support Team training scenario involved a plot from local school district employees to use biological weapons in order to advance their beliefs about “protecting Gun Rights and Second Amendment rights.”

Portsmouth Chief of Police Bill Raisin told NBC 3 WSAZ-TV in Huntington, West Virginia that the drill accurately represented “the reality of the world we live in,” adding that such training “helps us all be prepared.”

Internal ONG documents provided to Media Trackers after repeated delays provide further context to what WSAZ-TV reported last winter.

Friends, the proverbial fodder is about to hit the fan...guessing within the next two years or so, but that is only if things continue to move in that direction. Things could still change DEPENDING ON WHAT WE DO ABOUT IT.
You do realize that even if there wasn't a 2nd amendment that the people in this country would still have the right to keep and bear arms?

No they wouldn't. Just look at other countries where they didn't have one.

Lol, yes they would, dude.

The Constitution itself says that these rights are not granted but enumerated.

Shit, go read a damned book on the topic or something.

Lol alrighty then. I am sure the people in Australia agree with you.
Well you guys can disagree with the 2nd Amendment if you want to, but this law:
Keeps the government in check
Helps against the Muslim Jihad movement we are seeing
It is the reason that other countries don't invade us
It is a right to protection of the individual citizen

Tell me Liberals, since illegal immigration, heroin, cocaine, and murder are all illegal, then why do we still have murders, illegal immigration, and access to these drugs??
Exactly the point, it would be the same with Gun Control, therefore the law abiding citizens would be screwed over. Criminals would be the only ones with possession of illegal guns that aren't registered.
No they wouldn't. Just look at other countries where they didn't have one.

Lol, yes they would, dude.

The Constitution itself says that these rights are not granted but enumerated.

Shit, go read a damned book on the topic or something.

Lol alrighty then. I am sure the people in Australia agree with you.

That a bunch of people do not realize that they have God given rights has ZERO impact or relevance to those who DO realize these rights are from God and inalienable.
Well you guys can disagree with the 2nd Amendment if you want to, but this law:
Keeps the government in check
Helps against the Muslim Jihad movement we are seeing
It is the reason that other countries don't invade us
It is a right to protection of the individual citizen

Tell me Liberals, since illegal immigration, heroin, cocaine, and murder are all illegal, then why do we still have murders, illegal immigration, and access to these drugs??
Exactly the point, it would be the same with Gun Control, therefore the law abiding citizens would be screwed over. Criminals would be the only ones with possession of illegal guns that aren't registered.

I suspect that most current gun owning, law abiding citizens would cease to be law abiding.

Doesn't matter anyway; we are all criminals these days anyway, in violation of the law three times daily on average. Why not violate the law and gain something from it if your going to be a criminal anyway?
Speak for yourself. Just because you break the law every day doesn't mean everyone else does.

Who said that everyone is breaking the law because I do?

You really need a course in reading comprehension, dude.

Experts in their field have pointed this out, that EVERYONE on average is breaking around 3 laws every day that are stupid laws, unheard of and have no impact on reducing criminal behavior.

They are there to ensnare everyone so when the oligarchs want to snag your ass and put you in jail, they have something to charge you with.

That might be OK with jack-boot licking peasants like you, but it is not with most of us here in the USA.

“Did you really think we want those laws observed?" said Dr. Ferris. "We want them to be broken. You'd better get it straight that it's not a bunch of boy scouts you're up against... We're after power and we mean it... There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt. Now that's the system, Mr. Reardon, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with.”

― Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
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No they wouldn't. Just look at other countries where they didn't have one.

Lol, yes they would, dude.

The Constitution itself says that these rights are not granted but enumerated.

Shit, go read a damned book on the topic or something.

Lol alrighty then. I am sure the people in Australia agree with you.

We are talking about the United States, where our nation was founded to acknowledge and protect our rights, not a nation that considered it's people subjects until 1987 and still doesn't acknowledge the full scope of Human Rights.
So much for the argument that "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun".

This guy was a good guy with a gun - a retired officer.

Another complete failure for the Gun Nut Lobby.

So you believe retired officers can't be bad guys? Not too bright are ya?

If a retired police officer isn't the good guy, who is?

Who are they referring to, then, when they say "good guy"?
So much for the argument that "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun".

This guy was a good guy with a gun - a retired officer.

Another complete failure for the Gun Nut Lobby.

No, fascist, one case doesn't disprove a general truth.

More guns = less crime, no matter how many times you libtards deny it, and the rest of the country is waking up to that fact as well.

^^^ fucking idiot who doesn't have the first clue what 'fascist' means.
So much for the argument that "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun".

This guy was a good guy with a gun - a retired officer.

Another complete failure for the Gun Nut Lobby.

So you believe retired officers can't be bad guys? Not too bright are ya?

The problem is that labels are being assigned without all the facts. We don't know if the guy was a good guy being attacked or a bad guy who committed a crime.
So much for the argument that "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun".

This guy was a good guy with a gun - a retired officer.

Another complete failure for the Gun Nut Lobby.

No, fascist, one case doesn't disprove a general truth.

More guns = less crime, no matter how many times you libtards deny it, and the rest of the country is waking up to that fact as well.

^^^ fucking idiot who doesn't have the first clue what 'fascist' means.

I know exactly what it means, you stupid fascist boob.

Lol, and even if I didn't, a quick google would yield text for me to copy and paste, nitwit.

But in short, the corporate crony, crypto police state we now have combined with the executive order rule by decree POTUS and cowardly Congress and universal spying of legal US citizens who are subject to an assassinating government that we have now is FASCIST something you are totally OK with.


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