The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K

Nobody ever accused black men of being odd because they wanted to sleep with women.

Sleeping with your own gender........

Dude, that's strange.

That's strange to you. That might even be strange to me.

It's not strange to the people who are attracted to their own sex.

It's also none of your business.

It's always funny how people get this "This is personal! It's none of your business!" and yet walk down the middle of the street publicly flaunting their "persona, none-of-your-busines" in front of everyone.... then cry bitterly "why are people in my personal business??!?".

Do you not see the idiotic contradiction there?

You know how many people know about my personal life? Zero. Because I don't tell them. That's why it's "personal".

I certainly don't walk into a cake store asking for a cake that says "I screwed Tammy for 3 years, until I dumped her and found Brenda who I've been screwing ever since", and then complain bitter "why are people judging my sex life! It's none of their business!"

If it's personal....... if it's private..... then......> SHUT UP ABOUT IT <..... and no one will judge, stupid. Seriously..... Forest Gump can figure this out, but the left-wing in America can not.
Sharing the reason for a wedding cake to be ordered, gay or straight, is not over-sharing however refusing to bake a cake for one kind of wedding versus another is over-caring, so don't.

What you deem 'over-caring', is none of your business :D

Again, we're not going to violate our faith. Too bad.
Nobody ever accused black men of being odd because they wanted to sleep with women.

Sleeping with your own gender........

Dude, that's strange.

That's strange to you. That might even be strange to me.

It's not strange to the people who are attracted to their own sex.

It's also none of your business.

It's always funny how people get this "This is personal! It's none of your business!" and yet walk down the middle of the street publicly flaunting their "persona, none-of-your-busines" in front of everyone.... then cry bitterly "why are people in my personal business??!?".

Do you not see the idiotic contradiction there?

You know how many people know about my personal life? Zero. Because I don't tell them. That's why it's "personal".

I certainly don't walk into a cake store asking for a cake that says "I screwed Tammy for 3 years, until I dumped her and found Brenda who I've been screwing ever since", and then complain bitter "why are people judging my sex life! It's none of their business!"

If it's personal....... if it's private..... then......> SHUT UP ABOUT IT <..... and no one will judge, stupid. Seriously..... Forest Gump can figure this out, but the left-wing in America can not.
Sharing the reason for a wedding cake to be ordered, gay or straight, is not over-sharing however refusing to bake a cake for one kind of wedding versus another is over-caring, so don't.

What you deem 'over-caring', is none of your business :D

Again, we're not going to violate our faith. Too bad.
Either follow the law, our secular laws, or face the consequences. Your call, Jesus-freak...
Nobody ever accused black men of being odd because they wanted to sleep with women.

Sleeping with your own gender........

Dude, that's strange.

That's strange to you. That might even be strange to me.

It's not strange to the people who are attracted to their own sex.

It's also none of your business.

As long as they stay out of my face I would agree.

Seems they can't. So I will go on reminding them that it is they that are the oddities, not us.
In Canada where we've had gay marriage for 10 years, it's amazing how far we've come in accepting gay relationships.

We see gay couples in small towns and in rural settings now, and they're not looked upon as weird or abnormal.

I grew up in a small town and gays were deeply closeted. And they left town and moved to the city as soon as possible.

Now the behaviour of gays is more accepted as people see that their behaviour doesn't really have any impact on straights.
In Canada where we've had gay marriage for 10 years, it's amazing how far we've come in accepting gay relationships.

We see gay couples in small towns and in rural settings now, and they're not looked upon as weird or abnormal.

I grew up in a small town and gays were deeply closeted. And they left town and moved to the city as soon as possible.

Now the behaviour of gays is more accepted as people see that their behaviour doesn't really have any impact on straights.

Yeah, that's a reason to accept bizarre behavior. It really doesn't have an impact on me.

i know a few Canadians. They do not agree.
The behaviour of gays is not "bizarre". It's been hidden from view because for many years it was illegal and considered shameful. Gays have hidden themselves for fear of being fired, arrested, attacked.

When my husband and I were first married, we lived on Wellesley Street in Toronto, in the "gay ghetto". It was the 80's and The beginning of the AIDS epidemic. Many of our neighbours were gay and we became friends with our neighbours.

We came to see how difficult it was to be gay, not just because of AIDS but because of the lack of acceptance.

"Don't tell anyone I'm gay" was a common remark. The constant hiding takes a toll. The fear that they would be fired was real. One friend told us his mother thinks he just hasn't found the right girl. He's over 40.

Being gay isn't weird or creepy. It's just who they are. Being attracted to the same sex isn't a choice any more than dating boys was a choice I made. My sexuality was just innate, as is theirs.

I do know some gays who have never dated anyone. They aren't attracted to women, but for religious reasons, don't date men. I feel badly that they will spend their lives alone.

Since gays are now able to marry, there is a change. They don't have to live their lives hidden away. They can be open about who they are. My gay coworker complains his husband has a Honey Do list.

Far from being bizarre, the behaviour of married gays is quite ordinary.
In Canada where we've had gay marriage for 10 years, it's amazing how far we've come in accepting gay relationships.

We see gay couples in small towns and in rural settings now, and they're not looked upon as weird or abnormal.

I grew up in a small town and gays were deeply closeted. And they left town and moved to the city as soon as possible.

Now the behaviour of gays is more accepted as people see that their behaviour doesn't really have any impact on straights.

Exactly. I've been to gay weddings. There's the same joy, the same angst before the ceremony as they want everything to go perfectly, the same laughter and food, the same dancing.


And that's the best way to describe gay and lesbian parents. They're just folks. They do the same shit that everyone else does. They change diapers, they go to work, they watch netflix, they're forced to watch Frozen with their kids for the 100th time, they pay taxes, they go to funerals. It just regular life.

And folks seeing this compare it to the batshit hysterics of anti-gay bigots. And their experience doesn't match the hysterics.
Nobody ever accused black men of being odd because they wanted to sleep with women.

Sleeping with your own gender........

Dude, that's strange.

That's strange to you. That might even be strange to me.

It's not strange to the people who are attracted to their own sex.

It's also none of your business.

It's always funny how people get this "This is personal! It's none of your business!" and yet walk down the middle of the street publicly flaunting their "persona, none-of-your-busines" in front of everyone.... then cry bitterly "why are people in my personal business??!?".

Do you not see the idiotic contradiction there?

You know how many people know about my personal life? Zero. Because I don't tell them. That's why it's "personal".

I certainly don't walk into a cake store asking for a cake that says "I screwed Tammy for 3 years, until I dumped her and found Brenda who I've been screwing ever since", and then complain bitter "why are people judging my sex life! It's none of their business!"

If it's personal....... if it's private..... then......> SHUT UP ABOUT IT <..... and no one will judge, stupid. Seriously..... Forest Gump can figure this out, but the left-wing in America can not.
Sharing the reason for a wedding cake to be ordered, gay or straight, is not over-sharing however refusing to bake a cake for one kind of wedding versus another is over-caring, so don't.

What you deem 'over-caring', is none of your business :D

Again, we're not going to violate our faith. Too bad.

Then don't. If you find your faith is incompatible with your job, find a job that matches your religion.
$135,000 because of a cake and not going against your conscience. Welcome to Liberal Land!

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$135,000 because of a cake and not going against your conscience. Welcome to Liberal Land!
View attachment 45030

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Obey the law, or face the consequences, and not like a whiny little bitch either.
Whose the whiny one, the one that stood up for what they believed in or the ones suing cause they got there feeling hurt :) lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
$135,000 because of a cake and not going against your conscience. Welcome to Liberal Land!
View attachment 45030

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Obey the law, or face the consequences, and not like a whiny little bitch either.
Whose the whiny one, the one that stood up for what they believed in or the ones suing cause they got there feeling hurt :) lol
There was no suit. A complaint was filed because they broke the law. The state is the one that ruled and issued the fines. Read up first, then post your bullshit.
You're an imbecile. The law is clear and was clearly violated. If the law is unconstitutional, then the Kleins' should challenge it all the way to the Supreme Court and have it ruled unconstitutional. This is their chance.
The law is bad, the queers are fascists, and it is being challenged.

Apparently according to the Nazi Bible- Nazi Christians don't have to obey the law.

But according to actual Bible- Christians are supposed to follow the law.
Not when the law comes into conflict with their faith. Sorry. You didn't know that, and that explains why you are so inerringly stupid when it comes to your attacks on Christians.

Maybe in your Nazi Bible- but in the New Testament Paul is very clear- God is the one who give authority to the authorities- and Christians who oppose the authorities are opposing what God has done

Romans 13Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Obey Rulers
13 Obey the rulers who have authority over you. Only God can give authority to anyone, and he puts these rulers in their places of power.
2 People who oppose the authorities are opposing what God has done, and they will be punished
3 Rulers are a threat to evil people, not to good people. There is no need to be afraid of the authorities. Just do right, and they will praise you for it.
4 After all, they are God’s servants, and it is their duty to help you.

If you do something wrong, you ought to be afraid, because these rulers have the right to punish you. They are God’s servants who punish criminals to show how angry God is. 5 But you should obey the rulers because you know it is the right thing to do, and not just because of God’s anger.

Acts 5:29 - Then Peter and the [other] apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.

Then according to Paul- and the New Testament- Christians should obey authority- since all authority comes from God.

People who oppose the authorities are opposing what God has done, and they will be punished.
Do you really want to go back to the days where businesses put up signs saying "No Blacks Allowed?"

Your simplistic views are that of a 12 year old.

I suggest you get familiar with our laws.

View attachment 44802 Cakes FO.pdf

Nope, Carla_Danger
Race/Blacks are NOT the same as Orientation/Gays

* Race is proven to be genetic. Homosexuality remains faith-based,

Race is not sexual preference is not religion is not physical handicap is not gender.

Religion is faith based.

Sexual orientation is not.
$135,000 because of a cake and not going against your conscience. Welcome to Liberal Land!
View attachment 45030

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Obey the law, or face the consequences, and not like a whiny little bitch either.
Whose the whiny one, the one that stood up for what they believed in or the ones suing cause they got there feeling hurt :) lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The whiny ones are the ones who are whining because they broke the law- and now are facing the consequences.

No special exemption from the law just because you are Christian.
$135,000 because of a cake and not going against your conscience. Welcome to Liberal Land!
View attachment 45030

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Obey the law, or face the consequences, and not like a whiny little bitch either.
Whose the whiny one, the one that stood up for what they believed in or the ones suing cause they got there feeling hurt :) lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The whiny ones are the ones who are whining because they broke the law- and now are facing the consequences.

No special exemption from the law just because you are Christian.
Bigoted laws that are against freedom of religion you mean? I know liberals love those laws.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
$135,000 because of a cake and not going against your conscience. Welcome to Liberal Land!
View attachment 45030

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Obey the law, or face the consequences, and not like a whiny little bitch either.
Whose the whiny one, the one that stood up for what they believed in or the ones suing cause they got there feeling hurt :) lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The whiny ones are the ones who are whining because they broke the law- and now are facing the consequences.

No special exemption from the law just because you are Christian.
Bigoted laws that are against freedom of religion you mean? I know liberals love those laws.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The only bigot was the baker who wouldn't bake a cake because she's a bigot.
Nobody ever accused black men of being odd because they wanted to sleep with women.

Sleeping with your own gender........

Dude, that's strange.

That's strange to you. That might even be strange to me.

It's not strange to the people who are attracted to their own sex.

It's also none of your business.

It's always funny how people get this "This is personal! It's none of your business!" and yet walk down the middle of the street publicly flaunting their "persona, none-of-your-busines" in front of everyone.... then cry bitterly "why are people in my personal business??!?".

Do you not see the idiotic contradiction there?

You know how many people know about my personal life? Zero. Because I don't tell them. That's why it's "personal".

I certainly don't walk into a cake store asking for a cake that says "I screwed Tammy for 3 years, until I dumped her and found Brenda who I've been screwing ever since", and then complain bitter "why are people judging my sex life! It's none of their business!"

If it's personal....... if it's private..... then......> SHUT UP ABOUT IT <..... and no one will judge, stupid. Seriously..... Forest Gump can figure this out, but the left-wing in America can not.
Sharing the reason for a wedding cake to be ordered, gay or straight, is not over-sharing however refusing to bake a cake for one kind of wedding versus another is over-caring, so don't.

What you deem 'over-caring', is none of your business :D

Again, we're not going to violate our faith. Too bad.

Then don't. If you find your faith is incompatible with your job, find a job that matches your religion.

It's not incompatible at all. In fact I am a huge proponent of G-dly faith based heterosexual (moral) marriage.

It's only incompatible with that made up crap you call SSM.

So as much as I appreciate you giving me your permission to do a job I like... I really don't care much what a pagan says I can do.

Maybe you should find a business that's compatible with your faith values, instead of bothering others? Or is that concept of 'tolerance' apply to everyone but you people?
$135,000 because of a cake and not going against your conscience. Welcome to Liberal Land!
View attachment 45030

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Obey the law, or face the consequences, and not like a whiny little bitch either.

That's right you black slaves. Obey the law, and stop being whiny.

Once again, when something is wrong and immoral, moral people stand up to it, and fight it.

We intend to fight you on this immoral law, and we're not going away, and you won't stop us. Sorry.

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