The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K

$135,000 because of a cake and not going against your conscience. Welcome to Liberal Land!
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Obey the law, or face the consequences, and not like a whiny little bitch either.
Whose the whiny one, the one that stood up for what they believed in or the ones suing cause they got there feeling hurt :) lol
There was no suit. A complaint was filed because they broke the law. The state is the one that ruled and issued the fines. Read up first, then post your bullshit.

Ok......... they filed a complaint because their poor widdle feelings gawt herrt.

:blahblah: Well that changed the point a ton, didn't it.
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The law is bad, the queers are fascists, and it is being challenged.

Apparently according to the Nazi Bible- Nazi Christians don't have to obey the law.

But according to actual Bible- Christians are supposed to follow the law.
Not when the law comes into conflict with their faith. Sorry. You didn't know that, and that explains why you are so inerringly stupid when it comes to your attacks on Christians.

Maybe in your Nazi Bible- but in the New Testament Paul is very clear- God is the one who give authority to the authorities- and Christians who oppose the authorities are opposing what God has done

Romans 13Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Obey Rulers
13 Obey the rulers who have authority over you. Only God can give authority to anyone, and he puts these rulers in their places of power.
2 People who oppose the authorities are opposing what God has done, and they will be punished
3 Rulers are a threat to evil people, not to good people. There is no need to be afraid of the authorities. Just do right, and they will praise you for it.
4 After all, they are God’s servants, and it is their duty to help you.

If you do something wrong, you ought to be afraid, because these rulers have the right to punish you. They are God’s servants who punish criminals to show how angry God is. 5 But you should obey the rulers because you know it is the right thing to do, and not just because of God’s anger.

Acts 5:29 - Then Peter and the [other] apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.

Then according to Paul- and the New Testament- Christians should obey authority- since all authority comes from God.

People who oppose the authorities are opposing what God has done, and they will be punished.

Yes, we all agree on that. We should obey the law as much as is possible. But that doesn't change that there is a limit. The limit, is when the law violates G-d's word. Acts 5:29, is exactly that point.

Think about what you are suggesting, pagan.....

Using your bonkers pagan logic, the proper thing for a Christian to do, in order to follow Christian doctrine you pointed to in Romans 13, is to renounce their Christian faith if they live in the dozen countries that have laws against Christianity.

In China for example, for decades, being a Christian was illegal. By your fruit loop perspective, the only way a Christian could be a good Christian, was to renounce being a Christian. After all, Christians must obey the law, and the laws says they can't be Christian.

Any rational person can figure out that doesn't make logical sense. That's where Acts 5:29 comes into play. When the laws of man, violates the laws of G-d, whose law do you follow? Well obviously, G-d has a higher authority than man. Thus when push comes to shove, forget your dumb laws. Forget your rules, forget your constitution.

If I have to choose between following G-d, and following your gaystapo laws.... forget all of you. I'm going to follow G-d's laws. And you are not going to stop me, no matter what laws you put in place.
$135,000 because of a cake and not going against your conscience. Welcome to Liberal Land!
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Obey the law, or face the consequences, and not like a whiny little bitch either.
Whose the whiny one, the one that stood up for what they believed in or the ones suing cause they got there feeling hurt :) lol

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The whiny ones are the ones who are whining because they broke the law- and now are facing the consequences.

No special exemption from the law just because you are Christian.
Bigoted laws that are against freedom of religion you mean? I know liberals love those laws.

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The only bigot was the baker who wouldn't bake a cake because she's a bigot.

Proud to be a bigot.
That's strange to you. That might even be strange to me.

It's not strange to the people who are attracted to their own sex.

It's also none of your business.

It's always funny how people get this "This is personal! It's none of your business!" and yet walk down the middle of the street publicly flaunting their "persona, none-of-your-busines" in front of everyone.... then cry bitterly "why are people in my personal business??!?".

Do you not see the idiotic contradiction there?

You know how many people know about my personal life? Zero. Because I don't tell them. That's why it's "personal".

I certainly don't walk into a cake store asking for a cake that says "I screwed Tammy for 3 years, until I dumped her and found Brenda who I've been screwing ever since", and then complain bitter "why are people judging my sex life! It's none of their business!"

If it's personal....... if it's private..... then......> SHUT UP ABOUT IT <..... and no one will judge, stupid. Seriously..... Forest Gump can figure this out, but the left-wing in America can not.
Sharing the reason for a wedding cake to be ordered, gay or straight, is not over-sharing however refusing to bake a cake for one kind of wedding versus another is over-caring, so don't.

What you deem 'over-caring', is none of your business :D

Again, we're not going to violate our faith. Too bad.

Then don't. If you find your faith is incompatible with your job, find a job that matches your religion.

It's not incompatible at all. In fact I am a huge proponent of G-dly faith based heterosexual (moral) marriage.

It's only incompatible with that made up crap you call SSM.

If you're in a State that has PA laws that protect gays and you're serving the public, then its your job to serve gays the same way you would heteros. If you can't......there's community college.
It's always funny how people get this "This is personal! It's none of your business!" and yet walk down the middle of the street publicly flaunting their "persona, none-of-your-busines" in front of everyone.... then cry bitterly "why are people in my personal business??!?".

Do you not see the idiotic contradiction there?

You know how many people know about my personal life? Zero. Because I don't tell them. That's why it's "personal".

I certainly don't walk into a cake store asking for a cake that says "I screwed Tammy for 3 years, until I dumped her and found Brenda who I've been screwing ever since", and then complain bitter "why are people judging my sex life! It's none of their business!"

If it's personal....... if it's private..... then......> SHUT UP ABOUT IT <..... and no one will judge, stupid. Seriously..... Forest Gump can figure this out, but the left-wing in America can not.
Sharing the reason for a wedding cake to be ordered, gay or straight, is not over-sharing however refusing to bake a cake for one kind of wedding versus another is over-caring, so don't.

What you deem 'over-caring', is none of your business :D

Again, we're not going to violate our faith. Too bad.

Then don't. If you find your faith is incompatible with your job, find a job that matches your religion.

It's not incompatible at all. In fact I am a huge proponent of G-dly faith based heterosexual (moral) marriage.

It's only incompatible with that made up crap you call SSM.

If you're in a State that has PA laws that protect gays and you're serving the public, then its your job to serve gays the same way you would heteros. If you can't......there's community college.
Point being, it's only "your job" by mandate of the law in question. Circular much?
Sharing the reason for a wedding cake to be ordered, gay or straight, is not over-sharing however refusing to bake a cake for one kind of wedding versus another is over-caring, so don't.

What you deem 'over-caring', is none of your business :D

Again, we're not going to violate our faith. Too bad.

Then don't. If you find your faith is incompatible with your job, find a job that matches your religion.

It's not incompatible at all. In fact I am a huge proponent of G-dly faith based heterosexual (moral) marriage.

It's only incompatible with that made up crap you call SSM.

If you're in a State that has PA laws that protect gays and you're serving the public, then its your job to serve gays the same way you would heteros. If you can't......there's community college.
Point being, it's only "your job" by mandate of the law in question. Circular much?

How does a mandate of law make it any more or less a job requirement? Remember, whether or not you feel PA laws should exist doesn't really change the fact that they do.
MY bigotry and hatred? :lol: You are nuts, but then most people here already know this. You are now amongst the Silhouettes and Where are my keys crowd.

People who want all tax paying American citizens to have equal rights and privileges are not the bigots here, dummy.

[big-uh t]
a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

There it is. You demand that everyone accept and accommodate homosexuals, not tolerating any disagreement or dissent.

That makes you a bigot.

It is ironic, that these people in their own actions, make themselves into the very thing they claim to be opposing.

Yes they could bowed to public pressure and violated their religious beliefs. We already know they could have done that, under the gun of public demand.

Like blaming a woman for rape. Should have just agreed to have sex. It's her fault for not just doing what she was told.

Lying is also not an option. That defeats the entire purpose. The point is to follow their religious views.

Nor should they need to come up with lies to practice their faith, in a country supposedly founded on religious freedom.

Yeah, they could have left the cake business... that's your version of religious freedom eh? You have the freedom to leave whenever we decide to violate your freedom?

In short, you came up with a dozen rationalizations to violate these people's religious freedom, and blame them for it.

Thanks, but you are dismissed.

They have religious freedom. their business does not. their business broke the laws of Oregon. Which are more important that God's Laws because Oregon actually has a real enforcement arm.

That's your opinion. We fear the living G-d more than your secular laws. Again, if Christian are willing to die for their faith, as we've seen around the world.... what exactly do you think you are going to do to stop us?


PLENTY of good Christian people open businesses and do not discriminate against others. MOST Christians aren't like you. They are nice and good people.
We don't know that. So far, instances of bigots like you targeting Christian businesses for financial ruin have been limited. Christians don't believe it's right to accommodate the homosexual lifestyle even if they tolerate it and any practicing Christian will act according to their conscience. Most are lying low hoping that hateful, intolerant bigot assholes like you won't find them.

Why won't Christians follow the Bible? Why won't Christians obey the authority put in place by God?

Romans 13
13 Every person should place themselves under the authority of the government. There isn’t any authority unless it comes from God, and the authorities that are there have been put in place by God.
2 So anyone who opposes the authority is standing against what God has established. People who take this kind of stand will get punished.
3 The authorities don’t frighten people who are doing the right thing. Rather, they frighten people who are doing wrong. Would you rather not be afraid of authority? Do what’s right, and you will receive its approval.
4 It is God’s servant given for your benefit. But if you do what’s wrong, be afraid because it doesn’t have weapons to enforce the law for nothing. It is God’s servant put in place to carry out his punishment on those who do what is wrong.
5 That is why it is necessary to place yourself under the government’s authority, not only to avoid God’s punishment but also for the sake of your conscience. 6 You should also pay taxes for the same reason, because the authorities are God’s assistants, concerned with this very thing.
7 So pay everyone what you owe them. Pay the taxes you owe, pay the duties you are charged, give respect to those you should respect, and honor those you should honor.
We had this discussion before, 50 first dates.

I showed you in Acts where the apostles disobeyed the law when it conflicted with God's commandments. Perhaps I need to make you a video to watch every morning you wake up.
What you deem 'over-caring', is none of your business :D

Again, we're not going to violate our faith. Too bad.

Then don't. If you find your faith is incompatible with your job, find a job that matches your religion.

It's not incompatible at all. In fact I am a huge proponent of G-dly faith based heterosexual (moral) marriage.

It's only incompatible with that made up crap you call SSM.

If you're in a State that has PA laws that protect gays and you're serving the public, then its your job to serve gays the same way you would heteros. If you can't......there's community college.
Point being, it's only "your job" by mandate of the law in question. Circular much?

How does a mandate of law make it any more or less a job requirement?

Well, it wasn't required before the law required it. I'm missing the point of the question?

Remember, whether or not you feel PA laws should exist doesn't really change the fact that they do.

There is some truth to that, but not for the reasons you think.

Purity before marriage is the highest predictor of a happy, and life long marriage. Statistically the absolute lowest chance of divorce is with a couple that are virgins on their wedding night.

Yes, the kind of girl who gets browbeaten into not enjoying herself is the kind that will stay in a shitty marriage.

Actually, what you Christian nutters have accomplished is created a perverse generation. A lot of these "Christian" girls are doing anal and oral so they have their precious cherries intact on their wedding nights.
It's always funny how people get this "This is personal! It's none of your business!" and yet walk down the middle of the street publicly flaunting their "persona, none-of-your-busines" in front of everyone.... then cry bitterly "why are people in my personal business??!?".

Do you not see the idiotic contradiction there?

You know how many people know about my personal life? Zero. Because I don't tell them. That's why it's "personal".

That and no one wants to hear your idea of "foreplay" is an hour of begging.

I certainly don't walk into a cake store asking for a cake that says "I screwed Tammy for 3 years, until I dumped her and found Brenda who I've been screwing ever since", and then complain bitter "why are people judging my sex life! It's none of their business!"

The gays didn't ask for that, either. They just asked for - get this - the product that the bakery said they sold.

There's is a large body of research now, which shows very clearly that Blacks in the US, were more integrated and accepted in society, prior to the 1960s. They had more positions in government. Held more positions in business. And had a higher (though only by a small margin), economic standing.

are you fucking retarded? Hey, go back and watch movies from the 1950's, see how many black characters you see in them. Then see how many of them played something other than maids and butlers.

In the last few years, a small group of government politicians have started to try and push for laws that institute a quota system for education, and already they are seeing anti-minority groups popping up. Already, race-based-hate is starting to be created.

Uh, guy. the Ku Klux Klan dates back to the 1870's American Nazi Groups date back to the 1930's. Racist groups exist because minorities exist, not because they are winning a few rights. Just like homophobes existed when gays were in the closet.
Then don't. If you find your faith is incompatible with your job, find a job that matches your religion.

It's not incompatible at all. In fact I am a huge proponent of G-dly faith based heterosexual (moral) marriage.

It's only incompatible with that made up crap you call SSM.

If you're in a State that has PA laws that protect gays and you're serving the public, then its your job to serve gays the same way you would heteros. If you can't......there's community college.
Point being, it's only "your job" by mandate of the law in question. Circular much?

How does a mandate of law make it any more or less a job requirement?

Well, it wasn't required before the law required it. I'm missing the point of the question?

And then the law changed and it does. What is your point?

Remember, whether or not you feel PA laws should exist doesn't really change the fact that they do.


So......a law can establish a job requirement.
It's not incompatible at all. In fact I am a huge proponent of G-dly faith based heterosexual (moral) marriage.

It's only incompatible with that made up crap you call SSM.

If you're in a State that has PA laws that protect gays and you're serving the public, then its your job to serve gays the same way you would heteros. If you can't......there's community college.
Point being, it's only "your job" by mandate of the law in question. Circular much?

How does a mandate of law make it any more or less a job requirement?

Well, it wasn't required before the law required it. I'm missing the point of the question?

And then the law changed and it does. What is your point?

My point is that the claim that PA laws are merely requiring people to "do their job" is specious. It's not an argument, or a justification for the law. Yet people keep posting it as though it is.
My point is that the claim that PA laws are merely requiring people to "do their job" is specious. It's not an argument, or a justification for the law. Yet people keep posting it as though it is.

No, the point of PA laws is to make sure that services are available to everyone. If you are a racist or a homophobe, you can not be in a business that caters to the public.
My point is that the claim that PA laws are merely requiring people to "do their job" is specious. It's not an argument, or a justification for the law. Yet people keep posting it as though it is.

No, the point of PA laws is to make sure that services are available to everyone. If you are a racist or a homophobe, you can not be in a business that caters to the public.

Well, not everyone. Just those who enjoy protected class status.
Well, not everyone. Just those who enjoy protected class status.

Who isn't covered by PA laws? Come on, tell us who it's okay for a business to discriminate against?

Wow, really? Ok.. lessee.... I can't keep up with the state PC lists, but the federal lists don't cover:

Ugly people.
Dumb people.
Fat people.
Sick people.
Poor people.
Short people.
Smelly people.


There's really no end to the irrational biases people can dream up.
Obey the law, or face the consequences, and not like a whiny little bitch either.
Whose the whiny one, the one that stood up for what they believed in or the ones suing cause they got there feeling hurt :) lol

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The whiny ones are the ones who are whining because they broke the law- and now are facing the consequences.

No special exemption from the law just because you are Christian.
Bigoted laws that are against freedom of religion you mean? I know liberals love those laws.

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The only bigot was the baker who wouldn't bake a cake because she's a bigot.

Proud to be a bigot.

I wonder if she's proud about trashing her own business?
Apparently according to the Nazi Bible- Nazi Christians don't have to obey the law.

But according to actual Bible- Christians are supposed to follow the law.
Not when the law comes into conflict with their faith. Sorry. You didn't know that, and that explains why you are so inerringly stupid when it comes to your attacks on Christians.

Maybe in your Nazi Bible- but in the New Testament Paul is very clear- God is the one who give authority to the authorities- and Christians who oppose the authorities are opposing what God has done

Romans 13Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Obey Rulers
13 Obey the rulers who have authority over you. Only God can give authority to anyone, and he puts these rulers in their places of power.
2 People who oppose the authorities are opposing what God has done, and they will be punished
3 Rulers are a threat to evil people, not to good people. There is no need to be afraid of the authorities. Just do right, and they will praise you for it.
4 After all, they are God’s servants, and it is their duty to help you.

If you do something wrong, you ought to be afraid, because these rulers have the right to punish you. They are God’s servants who punish criminals to show how angry God is. 5 But you should obey the rulers because you know it is the right thing to do, and not just because of God’s anger.

Acts 5:29 - Then Peter and the [other] apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.

Then according to Paul- and the New Testament- Christians should obey authority- since all authority comes from God.

People who oppose the authorities are opposing what God has done, and they will be punished.

Yes, we all agree on that. We should obey the law as much as is possible. But that doesn't change that there is a limit. The limit, is when the law violates G-d's word. Acts 5:29, is exactly that point.

Think about what you are suggesting, pagan.....

Using your bonkers pagan logic, the proper thing for a Christian to do, in order to follow Christian doctrine you pointed to in Romans 13, is to renounce their Christian faith if they live in the dozen countries that have laws against Christianity.

In China for example, for decades, being a Christian was illegal. By your fruit loop perspective, the only way a Christian could be a good Christian, was to renounce being a Christian. After all, Christians must obey the law, and the laws says they can't be Christian.

Any rational person can figure out that doesn't make logical sense. That's where Acts 5:29 comes into play. When the laws of man, violates the laws of G-d, whose law do you follow? Well obviously, G-d has a higher authority than man. Thus when push comes to shove, forget your dumb laws. Forget your rules, forget your constitution.

If I have to choose between following G-d, and following your gaystapo laws.... forget all of you. I'm going to follow G-d's laws. And you are not going to stop me, no matter what laws you put in place.

We don't make laws according to Gawd's word.
Well, not everyone. Just those who enjoy protected class status.

Who isn't covered by PA laws? Come on, tell us who it's okay for a business to discriminate against?

Most gyms deny entry into locker / shower rooms for both members of straight married couples while allowing entry to same for gay married couples.

I would point out, a gay female is sexually attracted to the female member of a straight married couple in the same manner as a male.

Sounds like discrimination to me.

Sounds like this discrimination is based on ........

Obey the law, or face the consequences, and not like a whiny little bitch either.
Whose the whiny one, the one that stood up for what they believed in or the ones suing cause they got there feeling hurt :) lol

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The whiny ones are the ones who are whining because they broke the law- and now are facing the consequences.

No special exemption from the law just because you are Christian.
Bigoted laws that are against freedom of religion you mean? I know liberals love those laws.

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The only bigot was the baker who wouldn't bake a cake because she's a bigot.

Proud to be a bigot.
Which is exactly why we have laws to protect peoples' rights from bigots like you.

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