The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K

Time to appeal to the courts,

exactly, is there a law there that says "must" or "shall" bake ?

and why are they not protected against such stupid actions by the
Fourteenth Amendment ? in addition, it forbids states from denying any person "life, liberty or property, without due process of law"

A phrase in the Fourteenth Amendment to the UnitedStates Constitution requiring that states guarantee thesame rights, privileges, and protections to all citizens.This doctrine reinforces that of due process of law and prevents states from passing or enforcing laws that arbitrarily discriminate against anyone.

can anyone right or left explain why those fags were given $135,000.00 by a discriminating court ?
Time to appeal to the courts, the fags suffered no harm, they got their fucking cake elsewhere.
And this is an example of the hate and ignorance that warrants public accommodations regulatory measures.

Those hostile to gay Americans in matters of commerce will find no relief in the courts, where public accommodations laws have been consistently upheld as necessary, proper, and Constitutional as authorized by the Commerce Clause (Heart of Atlanta Motel v. US), and such necessary, proper, and Constitutional laws cannot be ignored or violated with the notion of 'religious liberty' as an 'excuse' or 'justification' to do so.

As a fact of law the gay patrons were in fact harmed, and that they might find a similar product from another provider is irrelevant, as the issue concerns regulating the markets, that refusing to accommodate patrons because of sexual orientation is disruptive to the local market and all other related markets, subject to government regulation (Wickard v. Filburn).

Can the law force a Christian pastor to participate in a faghadist wedding?

If you understood the law you wouldn't have to ask that.

Answer the question, deflection doesn't work.
how many small businesses having to close up shop over this shit will be ENOUGH for these people? don't even think they done. they are just GETTING STARTED

None. All they have to do is perform the advertised service.
Time to appeal to the courts,

exactly, is there a law there that says "must" or "shall" bake ?

and why are they not protected against such stupid actions by the
Fourteenth Amendment ? in addition, it forbids states from denying any person "life, liberty or property, without due process of law"

A phrase in the Fourteenth Amendment to the UnitedStates Constitution requiring that states guarantee thesame rights, privileges, and protections to all citizens.This doctrine reinforces that of due process of law and prevents states from passing or enforcing laws that arbitrarily discriminate against anyone.

can anyone right or left explain why those fags were given $135,000.00 by a discriminating court ?
Time to appeal to the courts, the fags suffered no harm, they got their fucking cake elsewhere.
And this is an example of the hate and ignorance that warrants public accommodations regulatory measures.

Those hostile to gay Americans in matters of commerce will find no relief in the courts, where public accommodations laws have been consistently upheld as necessary, proper, and Constitutional as authorized by the Commerce Clause (Heart of Atlanta Motel v. US), and such necessary, proper, and Constitutional laws cannot be ignored or violated with the notion of 'religious liberty' as an 'excuse' or 'justification' to do so.

As a fact of law the gay patrons were in fact harmed, and that they might find a similar product from another provider is irrelevant, as the issue concerns regulating the markets, that refusing to accommodate patrons because of sexual orientation is disruptive to the local market and all other related markets, subject to government regulation (Wickard v. Filburn).

Can the law force a Christian pastor to participate in a faghadist wedding?

If you understood the law you wouldn't have to ask that.

Answer the question, deflection doesn't work.

So you honestly don't know what the law is?

Or is it a trick question because there's no such thing as a faghadist?
Time to appeal to the courts, the fags suffered no harm, they got their fucking cake elsewhere.

That's not how the law works.

Really, they can challenge the constitutionality of the law, because the bakers can show actual harm.

When you start your own business, that means you work for government, didn't you know that?
No, it means there are rules, lots of them, so, obey them and we'll have no issues...
Time to appeal to the courts, the fags suffered no harm, they got their fucking cake elsewhere.

That's not how the law works.

Really, they can challenge the constitutionality of the law, because the bakers can show actual harm.

When you start your own business, that means you work for government, didn't you know that?

Not really.

You need to click the needle on your sarcasm detector, I think it's stuck.

That's what the left is saying, correct? When you put out a shingle, you work for government. They set the rules for who you deal with, not you
Time to appeal to the courts, the fags suffered no harm, they got their fucking cake elsewhere.

That's not how the law works.

Really, they can challenge the constitutionality of the law, because the bakers can show actual harm.

When you start your own business, that means you work for government, didn't you know that?
No, it means there are rules, lots of them, so, obey them and we'll have no issues...

I like how you started with "no" then agreed with my point
Time to appeal to the courts, the fags suffered no harm, they got their fucking cake elsewhere.

That's not how the law works.

Really, they can challenge the constitutionality of the law, because the bakers can show actual harm.

When you start your own business, that means you work for government, didn't you know that?
No, it means there are rules, lots of them, so, obey them and we'll have no issues...

I like how you started with "no" then agreed with my point
You aren't working for the government you little dumbass, you are following their rules. That's how it works.
Well, you break the law, you get fined.

Suppose socons get through a law that fines people $10K for getting an abortion, would you have the same answer?
Obey the law or face the consequences...

So what's your answer to the question I asked in the quote you responded to, Pointdexter?
Obey the law, and if it is unjust, get it changed. If you disobey, government spank...
Time to appeal to the courts,

exactly, is there a law there that says "must" or "shall" bake ?

and why are they not protected against such stupid actions by the
Fourteenth Amendment ? in addition, it forbids states from denying any person "life, liberty or property, without due process of law"

A phrase in the Fourteenth Amendment to the UnitedStates Constitution requiring that states guarantee thesame rights, privileges, and protections to all citizens.This doctrine reinforces that of due process of law and prevents states from passing or enforcing laws that arbitrarily discriminate against anyone.

can anyone right or left explain why those fags were given $135,000.00 by a discriminating court ?
Time to appeal to the courts, the fags suffered no harm, they got their fucking cake elsewhere.
And this is an example of the hate and ignorance that warrants public accommodations regulatory measures.

Those hostile to gay Americans in matters of commerce will find no relief in the courts, where public accommodations laws have been consistently upheld as necessary, proper, and Constitutional as authorized by the Commerce Clause (Heart of Atlanta Motel v. US), and such necessary, proper, and Constitutional laws cannot be ignored or violated with the notion of 'religious liberty' as an 'excuse' or 'justification' to do so.

As a fact of law the gay patrons were in fact harmed, and that they might find a similar product from another provider is irrelevant, as the issue concerns regulating the markets, that refusing to accommodate patrons because of sexual orientation is disruptive to the local market and all other related markets, subject to government regulation (Wickard v. Filburn).

Can the law force a Christian pastor to participate in a faghadist wedding?

If you understood the law you wouldn't have to ask that.

Answer the question, deflection doesn't work.

So you honestly don't know what the law is?

Or is it a trick question because there's no such thing as a faghadist?

I know the law, I asked the question to see if you do or should I say if clayton did. You butted in, so answer or go away.
That's not how the law works.

Really, they can challenge the constitutionality of the law, because the bakers can show actual harm.

When you start your own business, that means you work for government, didn't you know that?
No, it means there are rules, lots of them, so, obey them and we'll have no issues...

I like how you started with "no" then agreed with my point
You aren't working for the government you little dumbass, you are following their rules. That's how it works.

A distinction without a difference
Really, they can challenge the constitutionality of the law, because the bakers can show actual harm.

When you start your own business, that means you work for government, didn't you know that?
No, it means there are rules, lots of them, so, obey them and we'll have no issues...

I like how you started with "no" then agreed with my point
You aren't working for the government you little dumbass, you are following their rules. That's how it works.

A distinction without a difference
Anything but, my child...
Well, you break the law, you get fined.

Suppose socons get through a law that fines people $10K for getting an abortion, would you have the same answer?
Obey the law or face the consequences...

So what's your answer to the question I asked in the quote you responded to, Pointdexter?
Obey the law, and if it is unjust, get it changed. If you disobey, government spank...

Yes, you always listen to your mommy. You are a good boy. We know. You get an extra cookie today
When you start your own business, that means you work for government, didn't you know that?
No, it means there are rules, lots of them, so, obey them and we'll have no issues...

I like how you started with "no" then agreed with my point
You aren't working for the government you little dumbass, you are following their rules. That's how it works.

A distinction without a difference
Anything but, my child...

You got any content to go with that?

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