The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K

Weddings are a particularly stressful time. Vendors can easily increase the stress, give gays an emotional price to pay that is higher than they would pay somewhere else.

Don't worry the ISIS flags on cakes have not been banned so they will be happy for a while..

Can not get a Confederate flag on a cake, but can get a gay themed cake or a cake supporting ISIS. So all is right in the far left world..

Is the far left world the same as a far left drone?

You should know it is your world, the far left matrix. You know that world that is not connected to reality?

But you have expressed why the far left posts the bunk they do on this board. At least you can admit to pleasuring yourself when posting far left debunked religious dogma..
By the way

How is baking a cake to be used in a gay wedding against any Christian principle?

I am asking because I really don't see how their religious right/belief are in conflict with making that cake. Is it a sin to bake a cake for sinners?
These people should defy the gag order. They should hold an interview with Fox News right in the courtroom of the judge who issued the gag, while its in session. That judge knows how illegal his/her order was. Maybe that judge should be turned into the commission in the state of Oregon responsible for judicial discipline. If unseated for suppression of someone's civil 1st Amendment rights, then the judge could be sued as a private citizen.

You really think a judge would put up with that and not throw the entire bunch in jail? Do you have to have a smoke after these fantasy's?
Weddings are a particularly stressful time. Vendors can easily increase the stress, give gays an emotional price to pay that is higher than they would pay somewhere else.

Don't worry the ISIS flags on cakes have not been banned so they will be happy for a while..

Can not get a Confederate flag on a cake, but can get a gay themed cake or a cake supporting ISIS. So all is right in the far left world..

Is the far left world the same as a far left drone?

You should know it is your world, the far left matrix. You know that world that is not connected to reality?

But you have expressed why the far left posts the bunk they do on this board. At least you can admit to pleasuring yourself when posting far left debunked religious dogma..

Oh shut up you dummy.
This case is not about a wedding cake or a marriage," Avakian wrote. "It is about a business's refusal to serve someone because of their sexual orientation. Under Oregon law, that is illegal.

"Within Oregon's public accommodations law is the basic principle of human decency that every person, regardless of their sexual orientation, has the freedom to fully participate in society. The ability to enter public places, to shop, to dine, to move about unfettered by bigotry."

Oregon law violates,their right to religious freedom.....
Baking a cake is not a religious exercise. It is baking a cake.
A wedding is a religious exercise. Doofus.
The more I think about it, the more I realize this has nothing to do with the bakers religious rights.

He may believe gays shouldn't get married, and that belief maybe influenced by his religion. However, his religion does not instruct him to refuse service to a gay couple. That is his decision, not his religious instructions.
Nice way to sugar coat disregarding other peoples beliefs..........

Obey............or else and say you are for Freedom......
This case needs to go to the Supremes.........

They may end up owing 500,000 if it does and the supremes may throw them in jail.

Hey, I am a Christian and I can tell people who are divorced and adulterers would also have to be treated the same as gay people...

So where have they show their tolerance to people those people..
Hey cowpoke, if the adulterers asked them to bake a cake celebrating adultery do you think they would have made one?
I'm sure they did. If you remarry after a divorce you are an adulterer...

Our church would not remarry someone if we knew they were doing this.

Granted some churches will... of course those churches likely don't have a problem with SSM.

As for the bakery and cake... I doubt it. They likely would not bake a cake for such a situation.

However, there is one difference. If a random couple walks into your bakery asking for a wedding cake.... you can tell the SSM problem pretty quick. Remarrying a divorcee would be a bit more difficult to tell.

Just like if only one person walked in, and bought a wedding cake, and left... I would never know that it was for an SSM.

But yeah, if you walk in Jan and Jill, asking for a cake for your lesbo wedding, I'm going to say no. Yeah, I'll pay the fine. But you are not getting a cake from me. Absolutely not.
At which point we have no problem closing you down. Baking cakes for money is not serving God.
You lose your rights when you open a business?
What you lose depends upon what kind of business you open. If it serves the public watch what you do, and say...

Herr speechmeister says so. Control all thought and speech. Dissent will be punished. The beatings will continue until moral improves.

1960s bumper sticker:

Time to grow up now, and understand that the We Reserve The Right To Refuse Service sign isn't actually true. If you don't like it, work for a church or a private club. They can do that.
Great way to go from suing a bakery, to owning one...
Just as a point of fact, the bakery was not sued by the couple they discriminates against, and the $135k isn't an award for them
Weddings are a particularly stressful time. Vendors can easily increase the stress, give gays an emotional price to pay that is higher than they would pay somewhere else.

Don't worry the ISIS flags on cakes have not been banned so they will be happy for a while..

Can not get a Confederate flag on a cake, but can get a gay themed cake or a cake supporting ISIS. So all is right in the far left world..

Is the far left world the same as a far left drone?

You should know it is your world, the far left matrix. You know that world that is not connected to reality?

But you have expressed why the far left posts the bunk they do on this board. At least you can admit to pleasuring yourself when posting far left debunked religious dogma..

Oh shut up you dummy.

See how the far left wants others silenced when their secrets are exposed..

Or does that mean you are finished with an unhappy ending?
The more I think about it, the more I realize this has nothing to do with the bakers religious rights.

He may believe gays shouldn't get married, and that belief maybe influenced by his religion. However, his religion does not instruct him to refuse service to a gay couple. That is his decision, not his religious instructions.
Nice of you to pass judgement. Now back to the real world. He had no problem serving gay people. He did have a problem being made to bake a cake for their gay wedding and having to transport it there etc etc.
His religion, his rules.
The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K
I think the title of this thread is incorrect. The word "ends" should be "begins". Hasn't the OP heard of the federal appeal system? Wait....of course he has! His cult just manipulated it all the way to the top.
There is no appeal to the federal court system for a case based solely on state law.
There is if it forces someone to abdicate their 1st Amendment rights. You betcha. Annnnndddd you're going to find that out in the coming weeks and months.
Pa laws are constitutional
This case is not about a wedding cake or a marriage," Avakian wrote. "It is about a business's refusal to serve someone because of their sexual orientation. Under Oregon law, that is illegal.

"Within Oregon's public accommodations law is the basic principle of human decency that every person, regardless of their sexual orientation, has the freedom to fully participate in society. The ability to enter public places, to shop, to dine, to move about unfettered by bigotry."

Oregon law violates,their right to religious freedom.....
Baking a cake is not a religious exercise. It is baking a cake.
A wedding is a religious exercise. Doofus.

It can be, but nothing says it has to be.

These people should defy the gag order. They should hold an interview with Fox News right in the courtroom of the judge who issued the gag, while its in session. That judge knows how illegal his/her order was. Maybe that judge should be turned into the commission in the state of Oregon responsible for judicial discipline. If unseated for suppression of someone's civil 1st Amendment rights, then the judge could be sued as a private citizen.
If you go before a judge for a traffic ticket, to get a divorce, or deal with a crime, you want to know the court system is clean. The Center for Public Integrity and Public Radio International have assembled a report card that rates judicial accountability. Oregon’s grade was a “D.” Oregon Earns D Grade In National Judicial Review . News OPB
Here's the link if this couple wants this judge removed for suppression of their civil rights. As I understand it, if the judge is successfully removed, the case for which s/he was found in violation on is subject to re-review/appeal.
CJFD Home - CJFD Home
The Commission on Judicial Fitness and Disability reviews complaints about Oregon state judges and justices of the peace and investigates when the alleged conduct might violate the state’s Code of Judicial Conduct or Article VII (amended), Section 8 of the state constitution. If the Commission files formal charges, a public hearing is held. The Commission then makes a recommendation to the Supreme Court which could be dismissal of the charges or censure, suspension or removal of the judge.
From the code of Judicial Conduct (link in text above)
(A) A judge shall observe high standards of conduct so that the integrity, impartiality and independence of the judiciary and access to justice are preserved and shall act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the judiciary and the judicial system.
(B) A judge shall not commit a criminal act.
(C) A judge shall not engage in conduct that reflects adversely on the judge's character, competence, temperament, or fitness to serve as a judge.
(D) A judge shall not engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation.
(C) A judge shall not convey or permit others to convey the impression that any person or organization is in a position to improperly influence a judge.
Suppressing someone's civil rights violates (A), (B) & (C) above and (C) in a lower category.

It's time to fight back mothafuckas :popcorn:
Weddings are a particularly stressful time. Vendors can easily increase the stress, give gays an emotional price to pay that is higher than they would pay somewhere else.

Don't worry the ISIS flags on cakes have not been banned so they will be happy for a while..

Can not get a Confederate flag on a cake, but can get a gay themed cake or a cake supporting ISIS. So all is right in the far left world..

Is the far left world the same as a far left drone?

You should know it is your world, the far left matrix. You know that world that is not connected to reality?

But you have expressed why the far left posts the bunk they do on this board. At least you can admit to pleasuring yourself when posting far left debunked religious dogma..

Oh shut up you dummy.

See how the far left wants others silenced when their secrets are exposed..

Or does that mean you are finished with an unhappy ending?

Now that's funny.
Don't worry the ISIS flags on cakes have not been banned so they will be happy for a while..

Can not get a Confederate flag on a cake, but can get a gay themed cake or a cake supporting ISIS. So all is right in the far left world..

Is the far left world the same as a far left drone?

You should know it is your world, the far left matrix. You know that world that is not connected to reality?

But you have expressed why the far left posts the bunk they do on this board. At least you can admit to pleasuring yourself when posting far left debunked religious dogma..

Oh shut up you dummy.

See how the far left wants others silenced when their secrets are exposed..

Or does that mean you are finished with an unhappy ending?

Now that's funny.

Just because you far left drones often have unhappy endings with your debunked religious dogma is no reason to take out on the rest of us..
Weddings are a particularly stressful time. Vendors can easily increase the stress, give gays an emotional price to pay that is higher than they would pay somewhere else.

Don't worry the ISIS flags on cakes have not been banned so they will be happy for a while..

Can not get a Confederate flag on a cake, but can get a gay themed cake or a cake supporting ISIS. So all is right in the far left world..

Is the far left world the same as a far left drone?

You should know it is your world, the far left matrix. You know that world that is not connected to reality?

But you have expressed why the far left posts the bunk they do on this board. At least you can admit to pleasuring yourself when posting far left debunked religious dogma..
It's not 'bunk,' it's settled and accepted Constitutional case law: the Commerce Clause authorizes public accommodations laws, those laws are Constitutional, and they in no way 'violate' religious liberty.

Consequently, it's only you and others on the angry, ridiculous right who reject that settled and accepted case law disconnected from reality.

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