The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K

Bake the cake. Protest at the wedding itself. Problem solved.

Yeah, protest, become an absolute moron for disrupting someone's wedding, then try and claim the moral high ground before heading down the slippery slope to hell.

Absolutely disrupt the wedding. Who knows maybe the florist and the photographer may even have someone show up. Bang drums, chant loudly. There is no such thing as moral high ground when someone must provide labor against their will. Disrupt enough weddings, all while following the letter of the law, gays will get the message.

Enjoy hell then.

They don't have to provide labor against their will. They could simply shut their shop down and never open it again. It's their power to do so.

They agree to do certain things when they set up a business. If they don't like this, then they don't have to set up a business.

Would you sign a contract that tells you that you might have to go around licking poor people's feet? No, you wouldn't.

So why would these people sign up to do something where you might have to serve gay people, who, because you're a completely retarded bigot, you think they have some kind of germs or something? Wait, sure you would. You see the dollar signs, chuuuuuu CHING!!! SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!!!

You're right though, too many people try and claim the higher moral ground, but the reality is their morals are down in the sewer.

We have the right to REFUSE service to anyone. PERIOD. But you'd look good in brownshirt and jackboots. You want people to close things down, then close down or call off your wedding. OR bake the frikken cake yourself
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Bake the cake. Protest at the wedding itself. Problem solved.

Yeah, protest, become an absolute moron for disrupting someone's wedding, then try and claim the moral high ground before heading down the slippery slope to hell.

Absolutely disrupt the wedding. Who knows maybe the florist and the photographer may even have someone show up. Bang drums, chant loudly. There is no such thing as moral high ground when someone must provide labor against their will. Disrupt enough weddings, all while following the letter of the law, gays will get the message.

Enjoy hell then.

They don't have to provide labor against their will. They could simply shut their shop down and never open it again. It's their power to do so.

They agree to do certain things when they set up a business. If they don't like this, then they don't have to set up a business.

Would you sign a contract that tells you that you might have to go around licking poor people's feet? No, you wouldn't.

So why would these people sign up to do something where you might have to serve gay people, who, because you're a completely retarded bigot, you think they have some kind of germs or something? Wait, sure you would. You see the dollar signs, chuuuuuu CHING!!! SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!!!

You're right though, too many people try and claim the higher moral ground, but the reality is their morals are down in the sewer.

We have the right to REFUSE service to anyone.
No, you do not...

Batshittians 3:42: "Because it was destiny that sweet cakes, Jeebus and 'ghey' would all belong within the same sentence one day in the land of Or, for the holy Spaghetti Monster foresaw it all with his longest noodle."​

Sweet Cakes final order Gresham bakery must pay 135 000 for denying service to same-sex couple

Oregon Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian on Thursday ordered the owners of a former Gresham bakery to pay $135,000 in damages to a lesbian couple for refusing to make them a wedding cake.

Avakian's ruling upheld a preliminary finding earlier this year that the owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa had discriminated against the women on the basis of their sexual orientation.

Bakery owners Melissa and Aaron Klein cited their Christian beliefs against same-sex marriage in denying service. The case ignited a long-running skirmish in the nation's culture wars, pitting civil rights advocates against religious freedom proponents who argued business owners should have the right to refuse services for gay and lesbian weddings.

Avakian's final order makes clear that serving potential customers equally trumps the Kleins' religious beliefs. Under Oregon law, businesses cannot discriminate or refuse service based on sexual orientation, just as they cannot turn customers away because of race, sex, disability, age or religion, the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries said in a news release.

"This case is not about a wedding cake or a marriage," Avakian wrote. "It is about a business's refusal to serve someone because of their sexual orientation. Under Oregon law, that is illegal.

"Within Oregon's public accommodations law is the basic principle of human decency that every person, regardless of their sexual orientation, has the freedom to fully participate in society. The ability to enter public places, to shop, to dine, to move about unfettered by bigotry."


So, when do the cries of evil, evil, evil ZOG persecution begin?
And when will this all be Obama's fault?
And when does the GoFundMe account go up?
Anyone know how much delicious icing 135 K can buy?

No mudslinging, folks! But you may throw delicious icing. :D
Fags demanding their last ounce of frosting...Libtard predictable.
It's fucking retarded................appeal to a higher court............

Which would be God.............You Homo Heathens................

Why isn't God helping them?

He is, $84,000 raised on ContinueToGive. They'll be fine with the Christian community behind them

Yep, it shows who has the more compassion for others. what's sad is this is ALL over some stinking CAKE by these homosexuals, who is the haters in my book
It's fucking retarded................appeal to a higher court............

Which would be God.............You Homo Heathens................

Why isn't God helping them?

He is, $84,000 raised on ContinueToGive. They'll be fine with the Christian community behind them

Yep, it shows who has the more compassion for others. what's sad is this is ALL over some stinking CAKE by these homosexuals, who is the haters in my book

Christians rise to the occasion when one of theirs is threatened, I've seen it over and over
It's fucking retarded................appeal to a higher court............

Which would be God.............You Homo Heathens................

Why isn't God helping them?

He is. G-d never promised life would be easy, or that we would win every single battle. Obviously Jesus Christ was killed. Nearly all the apostles were also killed.

In fact, the Bible says very clearly...

1 John 3:12
"Do not be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own actions were evil and his brother’s were righteous. Do not be surprised, my brothers and sisters, if the world hates you."

The world hates Christians. Just like Cain, hated Able his brother. And the world kills, and attacks, and persecutes Christians, for the same reason.

They are evil. Just like Cain was evil.

What is happening right now is expected, and proof the Bible is correct. G-d never promised us a walk in the park. And we know it won't be.

Matthew 10:22, Jesus himself said plainly....

"You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved."

And that's what we intend to do. Stand firm, even if you fine us, or jail us, or imprison us, or threaten us... oh well.. sucks to be you. :)
It all comes down to a choice between gay weddings and gay hating bakers

Who does the constitution protect?
They were not gay haters. Another distortion by you.

would that be like they are white haters? Rwinger of all people going around spewing that nonsense

I don't care who the constitution protects, or doesn't. I intend to follow my faith. Period.

Because your religion is the only reality on Earth right.

Same view as IsiS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram...

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