The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K

Note to Paint. there are some sharp lawyers working on other cases and a rejection doesn't mean one cannot appeal higher.

The 1st & 9th Amendments on this question will have their day before SCOTUS...
All wedding cakes are gay, and the cake for this couple, no different.
If that couple wanted an S&M cake for their wedding I can guarantee you Christians could rightfully object to that too.
You blew it. You just made the point that it's about behaviors. Oops! :lmao: Thanks for making the legal argument for the Christian bakers vs the gay sex cult.
All wedding cakes are gay, and the cake for this couple, no different.

If that couple wanted an S&M cake for their wedding I can guarantee you Christians could rightfully object to that too.

You blew it. You just made the point that it's about behaviors. Oops! :lmao: Thanks for making the legal argument for the Christian bakers vs the gay sex cult.
No, I made the point that those two also ordered a perfectly standard wedding cake, and they are a lot more "perverse" than the average gay couple. You can turn down the kinky cake, just not the kinky couple. See how that works??
They don't give a shit about "the law".

This is about control, intimidation, submission.

They have no problem, among other things, with:



All of whom can be nailed, if one wishes to.
My point exactly, thanks.

You want to punish people, you don't have to.

Law enforcement is always about priorities and manpower. Not everyone who speeds gets a ticket. Stick you head up too far and it gets whacked. That's life.
yep. Conservatives seem to think that if you still have checks in your check book that there must be money there :dunno: Conz :laugh:
They don't give a shit about "the law".

This is about control, intimidation, submission.

They have no problem, among other things, with:



All of whom can be nailed, if one wishes to.
My point exactly, thanks.

You want to punish people, you don't have to.

Law enforcement is always about priorities and manpower. Not everyone who speeds gets a ticket. Stick you head up too far and it gets whacked. That's life.
yep. Conservatives seem to think that if you still have checks in your check book that there must be money there :dunno: Conz :laugh:
So it would seem...
Does the GLOATING ever stop with these people? having a Government FINE SOMEONE for not BAKING a cake and these people see nothing wrong with this.

that's fascism and Oppression of our Freedoms all over a gawddamn CAKE

JUST call us the USSR
Your brain on drugs.
Note to Paint. there are some sharp lawyers working on other cases and a rejection doesn't mean one cannot appeal higher.

The 1st & 9th Amendments on this question will have their day before SCOTUS...
What you want tested has already been tried, and failed.
Time to appeal to the courts, the fags suffered no harm, they got their fucking cake elsewhere.

That's not how the law works.

Really, they can challenge the constitutionality of the law, because the bakers can show actual harm.

When you start your own business, that means you work for government, didn't you know that?

Not really.

You need to click the needle on your sarcasm detector, I think it's stuck.

That's what the left is saying, correct? When you put out a shingle, you work for government. They set the rules for who you deal with, not you

Yes, they do. That is what government is supposed to do. You want a government of the People, this is what you get. You want some weird sort of libertarian anarchy, you have to move somewhere else.
exactly, is there a law there that says "must" or "shall" bake ?

and why are they not protected against such stupid actions by the
Fourteenth Amendment ? in addition, it forbids states from denying any person "life, liberty or property, without due process of law"

A phrase in the Fourteenth Amendment to the UnitedStates Constitution requiring that states guarantee thesame rights, privileges, and protections to all citizens.This doctrine reinforces that of due process of law and prevents states from passing or enforcing laws that arbitrarily discriminate against anyone.

can anyone right or left explain why those fags were given $135,000.00 by a discriminating court ?
And this is an example of the hate and ignorance that warrants public accommodations regulatory measures.

Those hostile to gay Americans in matters of commerce will find no relief in the courts, where public accommodations laws have been consistently upheld as necessary, proper, and Constitutional as authorized by the Commerce Clause (Heart of Atlanta Motel v. US), and such necessary, proper, and Constitutional laws cannot be ignored or violated with the notion of 'religious liberty' as an 'excuse' or 'justification' to do so.

As a fact of law the gay patrons were in fact harmed, and that they might find a similar product from another provider is irrelevant, as the issue concerns regulating the markets, that refusing to accommodate patrons because of sexual orientation is disruptive to the local market and all other related markets, subject to government regulation (Wickard v. Filburn).

Can the law force a Christian pastor to participate in a faghadist wedding?

If you understood the law you wouldn't have to ask that.

Answer the question, deflection doesn't work.

So you honestly don't know what the law is?

Or is it a trick question because there's no such thing as a faghadist?

I know the law, I asked the question to see if you do or should I say if clayton did. You butted in, so answer or go away.

Right after you admit you don't know the answer.
Yep, "consequences" have been served.

The gay couple chose to make these people pay; they didn't have to, but they chose to.

Yeah, this will certainly improve relations.

No doubt the Left will also want to enforce the laws on illegal immigration, pot smoking, and other law-breaking activities too.


the repeal public accommodation laws...this has been a statute for 30 years, so the reality is the law made them pay
Hey, maybe their supporters can help them out...

raise some money with a bake sale!!!!!!!!!!!

There are many ways to discourage unacceptable behavior. Gays should be subjected to all of them.

The bakery should bake the cake, then protest the forced labor at the wedding itself.

Forced labor at the wedding? Please explain.

If they are forced to provide labor and artistic talent for the wedding cake that's forced labor. The place to protest that is obviously not where the baker can be punished for it, it's where the baker still retains some free speech rights, at the wedding itself. Like any other protester, on the sidewalk. The baker, florist, photographer will always know where the wedding is, they are forced to participate. Take advantage of what they are given.

I'm such a bitch, that the couple could show up for the design appointment and find both the baker and designer picketing their own bakery. Sell them the cake, with a very high emotional price.
They are not forced. They can either provide the service at their normal price or be sued.
Rosa Parks should have sat at the back of the bus too. It was the law.

You libs have the morals of jello, it can take on any shape to accomplish the goal.
Compare a law that requires discrimination to one that bans it and you must be an ignorant right winger.
Your argument was the law is the law. Now you want to pretend that wasn't the issue, like I said...jello.

Marriage laws discriminate against all kinds of people, the problem is you want to define it your way, you must be a liberal.
This case is not about a wedding cake or a marriage," Avakian wrote. "It is about a business's refusal to serve someone because of their sexual orientation. Under Oregon law, that is illegal.

"Within Oregon's public accommodations law is the basic principle of human decency that every person, regardless of their sexual orientation, has the freedom to fully participate in society. The ability to enter public places, to shop, to dine, to move about unfettered by bigotry."

Oregon law violates,their right to religious freedom.....
Baking a cake is not a religious exercise. It is baking a cake.
A wedding is a religious exercise. Doofus.
Baking a cake is not, dumbass. Try to keep up.
It's a wedding, dumbshit. What part of that do you not get?

These people should defy the gag order. They should hold an interview with Fox News right in the courtroom of the judge who issued the gag, while its in session. That judge knows how illegal his/her order was. Maybe that judge should be turned into the commission in the state of Oregon responsible for judicial discipline. If unseated for suppression of someone's civil 1st Amendment rights, then the judge could be sued as a private citizen.
If you go before a judge for a traffic ticket, to get a divorce, or deal with a crime, you want to know the court system is clean. The Center for Public Integrity and Public Radio International have assembled a report card that rates judicial accountability. Oregon’s grade was a “D.” Oregon Earns D Grade In National Judicial Review . News OPB
Here's the link if this couple wants this judge removed for suppression of their civil rights. As I understand it, if the judge is successfully removed, the case for which s/he was found in violation on is subject to re-review/appeal.
CJFD Home - CJFD Home
The Commission on Judicial Fitness and Disability reviews complaints about Oregon state judges and justices of the peace and investigates when the alleged conduct might violate the state’s Code of Judicial Conduct or Article VII (amended), Section 8 of the state constitution. If the Commission files formal charges, a public hearing is held. The Commission then makes a recommendation to the Supreme Court which could be dismissal of the charges or censure, suspension or removal of the judge.
From the code of Judicial Conduct (link in text above)
(A) A judge shall observe high standards of conduct so that the integrity, impartiality and independence of the judiciary and access to justice are preserved and shall act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the judiciary and the judicial system.
(B) A judge shall not commit a criminal act.
(C) A judge shall not engage in conduct that reflects adversely on the judge's character, competence, temperament, or fitness to serve as a judge.
(D) A judge shall not engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation.
(C) A judge shall not convey or permit others to convey the impression that any person or organization is in a position to improperly influence a judge.
Suppressing someone's civil rights violates (A), (B) & (C) above and (C) in a lower category.

It's time to fight back mothafuckas :popcorn:
I love all of the non-lawyers and their ridiculously wrong description of the law. Do you also try to comment on other professions you have no education or experience in? Want to tell us the proper way to remove a gall bladder?
Ironic post is moronic.
Shout Shout, The Battle of Free--eeeee-dom. ANd we'll rally around flag, boys we'll rally once again, shout shout, the battle cry of freeeeeedom, And we'lll rally round the flag, boys we'll rally once again, shout shout, the battle cry of freedom.

So many libbies gonna get shanked nigga. Can't wait for SHTF. I don't even bother tlaking to these niggas anymore. Fuck them. C ya all in Valhalla niggas. By Odin's fury. Thor's hammer gonna drop on these bitches.

The Republic shall rise again. The Rule of the Law shall be restored, The Constitution the great Supreme, resurrected from ashes.

The time nigh, niggas getting high, shit gonna hit the fan and I'll be slapping some thighs and eating pie. Piggy pie, libbie pie, pussy pie. All kinds of pie.

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