The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K

It all comes down to a choice between gay weddings and gay hating bakers

Who does the constitution protect?
They were not gay haters. Another distortion by you.

would that be like they are white haters? Rwinger of all people going around spewing that nonsense

I don't care who the constitution protects, or doesn't. I intend to follow my faith. Period.

Because your religion is the only reality on Earth right.

Same view as IsiS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram...

Yes is it. In that regard, it is.

So what? Freedom of religion was supposed to be a fundamental foundation of our country.

Regardless.... Attempting to compare us to other religions doesn't matter to us.

We intend to follow our faith, no matter who you think we're like. So doing that is rather pointless. But if that makes you feel better about yourself... go ahead. But you are not stopping me with that. Too bad.
It all comes down to a choice between gay weddings and gay hating bakers

Who does the constitution protect?
They were not gay haters. Another distortion by you.

would that be like they are white haters? Rwinger of all people going around spewing that nonsense

I don't care who the constitution protects, or doesn't. I intend to follow my faith. Period.

Because your religion is the only reality on Earth right.

Same view as IsiS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram...
I'll say it before Irish gets a shot.....GFY.

Batshittians 3:42: "Because it was destiny that sweet cakes, Jeebus and 'ghey' would all belong within the same sentence one day in the land of Or, for the holy Spaghetti Monster foresaw it all with his longest noodle."​

Sweet Cakes final order Gresham bakery must pay 135 000 for denying service to same-sex couple

Oregon Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian on Thursday ordered the owners of a former Gresham bakery to pay $135,000 in damages to a lesbian couple for refusing to make them a wedding cake.

Avakian's ruling upheld a preliminary finding earlier this year that the owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa had discriminated against the women on the basis of their sexual orientation.

Bakery owners Melissa and Aaron Klein cited their Christian beliefs against same-sex marriage in denying service. The case ignited a long-running skirmish in the nation's culture wars, pitting civil rights advocates against religious freedom proponents who argued business owners should have the right to refuse services for gay and lesbian weddings.

Avakian's final order makes clear that serving potential customers equally trumps the Kleins' religious beliefs. Under Oregon law, businesses cannot discriminate or refuse service based on sexual orientation, just as they cannot turn customers away because of race, sex, disability, age or religion, the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries said in a news release.

"This case is not about a wedding cake or a marriage," Avakian wrote. "It is about a business's refusal to serve someone because of their sexual orientation. Under Oregon law, that is illegal.

"Within Oregon's public accommodations law is the basic principle of human decency that every person, regardless of their sexual orientation, has the freedom to fully participate in society. The ability to enter public places, to shop, to dine, to move about unfettered by bigotry."


So, when do the cries of evil, evil, evil ZOG persecution begin?
And when will this all be Obama's fault?
And when does the GoFundMe account go up?
Anyone know how much delicious icing 135 K can buy?

No mudslinging, folks! But you may throw delicious icing. :D

And when they come for you, Statisticalangst, who will you turn to?

"First they came ..." is a famous statement and provocative poem written by Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) about the cowardice of German intellectuals following the Nazis' rise to power and the subsequent purging of their chosen targets, group after group.

First they came ... - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


-Ahhhh, the good old, first they came for the percy's of the word tactic....


But a non sequitor.

Have you nothing better?
The liberals are playing to the wrong crowd.

Christians out way gays by 95%.

The legal immigrants out way illegal immigrants 95%.

Good luck with that. Lol

Which "way" is that?

Oh, you meant "outweigh!"

What are you, 6?
I did strongly suspect that this thread would attract the RWNJ frothing moonbats like honey on a boar's tit.

Well done!
Yep, "consequences" have been served.

The gay couple chose to make these people pay; they didn't have to, but they chose to.

Yeah, this will certainly improve relations.

No doubt the Left will also want to enforce the laws on illegal immigration, pot smoking, and other law-breaking activities too.



Apparently the right choice is to choose to ignore injustice.

I'm sure you don't.
If the government bans churches from marrying gay people, how is that not an example of the government interfering with a religious institution's beliefs/wishes?

It's hypocritical to get be for government interfering when it's something you support-and would be for it if it's something you disagree with.

It's called being consistent-some people need to try it.
This case is not about a wedding cake or a marriage," Avakian wrote. "It is about a business's refusal to serve someone because of their sexual orientation. Under Oregon law, that is illegal.

"Within Oregon's public accommodations law is the basic principle of human decency that every person, regardless of their sexual orientation, has the freedom to fully participate in society. The ability to enter public places, to shop, to dine, to move about unfettered by bigotry."

Oregon law violates,their right to religious freedom.....
Baking a cake is not a religious exercise. It is baking a cake.
A wedding is a religious exercise. Doofus.
Baking a cake is not, dumbass. Try to keep up.
It's a wedding, dumbshit. What part of that do you not get?
So, they actually bake the cake in the church?
Christians are just going to have to learn to play as dirty as gays. Really make it sting. If gays want to force Christians into unwilling labor, there will be a penalty, a price to pay.

Christian bakers should just stop making wedding cakes except to friends, family and the fully vetted. Sell gays all the pastries they want, just like always. Create barriers to wedding services that are at least uncomfortable.

You mean, Christians are going to have to learn to take it up the ass?

Christian bakers can go the exclusive route. They might lose a lot of profit from this route though. But I'm fine with that.
Sweet Cakes bakery must pay $135,000 to lesbian couple
Final order Sweet Cakes bakery must pay 135 000 to lesbian couple Local Regional - Portland News Sports Traffic Weather and Breaking News - Portland Oregon

"They've been ordered to pay $135,000 to make up for the emotional damage they caused by telling this couple no."

The Kleins can appeal the ruling. They've already closed their store and now work out of their home by order only, meaning they're no longer a "public accommodation."

The absurd way this order describes the emotional damage done to this couple.
I feel sorry for those fruiters who had their feelings hurt but I'm sure $135,000 will make the little faggots feel better.

And you just know they're huddling and deciding which church they want to target for a lawsuit first. One thing is for sure, it won't be a black church.

The old saying, "buckle up your chinstrap" doesn't apply in America anymore. In fact, many people don't even have a chinstrap to buckle up any more. Forty years of feminism and PCness has led to a whole lotta ghey.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::gay:
Sweet Cakes bakery must pay $135,000 to lesbian couple
Final order Sweet Cakes bakery must pay 135 000 to lesbian couple Local Regional - Portland News Sports Traffic Weather and Breaking News - Portland Oregon

"They've been ordered to pay $135,000 to make up for the emotional damage they caused by telling this couple no."

The Kleins can appeal the ruling. They've already closed their store and now work out of their home by order only, meaning they're no longer a "public accommodation."

The absurd way this order describes the emotional damage done to this couple.

They broke the laws of their state.

I find it amusing that the same wingnuts who want to send people of color to prison for the rest of their lives for stealing slices of pizza or tube socks are horrified that the law is being used to punish bigots when they break it.
Sweet Cakes bakery must pay $135,000 to lesbian couple
Final order Sweet Cakes bakery must pay 135 000 to lesbian couple Local Regional - Portland News Sports Traffic Weather and Breaking News - Portland Oregon

"They've been ordered to pay $135,000 to make up for the emotional damage they caused by telling this couple no."

The Kleins can appeal the ruling. They've already closed their store and now work out of their home by order only, meaning they're no longer a "public accommodation."

The absurd way this order describes the emotional damage done to this couple. don't like PA laws. What have you actively been doing to repeal your state's PA laws? They've been around for decades, you know.
"Not Baking a Wedding Cake Leads to $135,000 Fine for Hurting Couple's Feelings"

No, violating a just, proper, and Constitutional public accommodations law exposes a business owner to a civil suit he'll likely lose, and if he loses he has only himself to blame.
The liberals are playing to the wrong crowd.

Christians out way gays by 95%.

The legal immigrants out way illegal immigrants 95%.

Good luck with that. Lol

Which "way" is that?

Oh, you meant "outweigh!"

What are you, 6?

I do understand that in your barbie-doll-unicorn-Koch-brothers world, correct use of language is unimportant.
After all, why work at being good at a language when grunting out "Murkah, Murkah, fuckin-eh, Murkah!!" will do, righto?


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