The Dreamers – Should Trump Exempt Them From Deportation ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
There are 750,000 illegal aliens currently in the status of exempt from deportation under Obama’s ruling >> DACA. That’s an awful lot of jobs to be removed from Americans, or welfare $$ to closed off from them. There are many other harms that any illegal aliens bring to the US, with the dreamer kids being no exception ? So why should these kids be allowed to stay if/when their parents are not ?

Maybe another question might be >> When dreamers’ parent s are deported, why don’t they just go with their parents ? For those who have gotten education here, they could return to their home countries and use their American-learned skills to benefit that country.

Up to now , Trump has expressed a preference for exempting the dreamers from deportation, but not everyone in the GOP is comfortable with that.
Notice how sympathetic we're all supposed to be for the children of foreign criminals (illegal aliens) who break and disrespect our laws ? (and therefore us as well)

I don't see that same sympathy being extended to the kids of American criminals, who are spending many years in prisons, or even who have gotten the death penalty. What about THOSE kids ? What are they ? Chopped liver ?
Notice how sympathetic we're all supposed to be for the children of foreign criminals (illegal aliens) who break and disrespect our laws ? (and therefore us as well)

I don't see that same sympathy being extended to the kids of American criminals, who are spending many years in prisons, or even who have gotten the death penalty. What about THOSE kids ? What are they ? Chopped liver ?
You're painting undocumented immigrants with a broad brush. Under your scope Melania is a criminal, as she came here with a visiting visa that did not permit her to work and she worked anyways, breaking our laws.
You're painting undocumented immigrants with a broad brush. Under your scope Melania is a criminal, as she came here with a visiting visa that did not permit her to work and she worked anyways, breaking our laws.
1. I see no source for your claim, so I don't accept it outright.

2. Even if it was a valid claim, what about the statue of limitations ? Might have expired long ago.

3. I don't know what you mean by "brush". I compared the SYMPATHY extended to dreamers vs that not extended to US kids.

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