The Economics of American Super Imperialism

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Commie economists are awesome!!
That's why the USSR has such a huge, successful economy
I seriously doubt you read 7200 words in such a short amount of time- try reading the article and please stop being so insulting to yourself in public- it's not very flattering.
Commie economists are awesome!!
That's why the USSR has such a huge, successful economy
I seriously doubt you read 7200 words in such a short amount of time- try reading the article and please stop being so insulting to yourself in public- it's not very flattering.

I've seen that Commie's stuff before. Very impressive. LOL!
To hold US dollars, foreigners need to sell us stuff.
Then they have the choice of buying our stuff, or investing the dollars they hold.
No one is forcing them to invest in US stocks, bonds or companies.
So what's the problem again?
I didn't watch the video's I just read the transcript

How the US Makes Countries Pay for Its Wars

I've stated in numerous threads the US is building an Empire and colonizing the world (Military bases are just small colonies) this article touches on that-
It was a huge mistake, IMO, to switch from an economy based on intrinsic value to using American debt as value. It made our monetary system subject to the whims of political power. Good article BTW.
The World Economy was better off on Sept 1st, 1939 because? ... just 6 short years later, the United States was the only economy in the world ...

Well ... the world re-built in our image ... cultural imperialism ... whatever can be said about the American Dream, everybody else dreams of living in the United States ... everybody wants Free Speech, everybody wants to be able to own a gun, nobody likes quartering troops ... things we take for granted ...
I've seen that Commie's stuff before. Very impressive. LOL!
To hold US dollars, foreigners need to sell us stuff.
Then they have the choice of buying our stuff, or investing the dollars they hold.
No one is forcing them to invest in US stocks, bonds or companies.
So what's the problem again?

It's more a question of safety ... does the typical Russian put his money in a Russian bank (ha ha ha ha ha) ... or does he put in BofA? ... depends on if he ever wants to see his money again ... nah, if you got your money fair and square, you want US dollars ... California alone can bail out most entire countries without noticing ...
I seriously doubt you read 7200 words in such a short amount of time- try reading the article and please stop being so insulting to yourself in public- it's not very flattering.
Read my propaganda or you will get the hose again.....Buuuaahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
I seriously doubt you read 7200 words in such a short amount of time- try reading the article and please stop being so insulting to yourself in public- it's not very flattering.

These arguments are not new ... I remember this kind of rhetoric 50 years ago pulling troops back home ... tariffs instead of income taxes ... building walls on our southern border ... I admit just glancing through the article, nothing popped out at me that was anything but isolationism ... is there something I missed? ...
I seriously doubt you read 7200 words in such a short amount of time- try reading the article and please stop being so insulting to yourself in public- it's not very flattering.

These arguments are not new ... I remember this kind of rhetoric 50 years ago pulling troops back home ... tariffs instead of income taxes ... building walls on our southern border ... I admit just glancing through the article, nothing popped out at me that was anything but isolationism ... is there something I missed? ...

I think Hudson's "argument" is more along the lines of, "America sucks and we tricked(forced?) the world into supporting our suckishness by tricking(forcing?) them to hold sucky US dollars instead of their own, suckier, currency"
These arguments are not new ... I remember this kind of rhetoric 50 years ago pulling troops back home ... tariffs instead of income taxes ... building walls on our southern border ... I admit just glancing through the article, nothing popped out at me that was anything but isolationism ... is there something I missed? ...
I don't remember seeing those in the article- and, using the word isolationism is akin to using conspiracy theory by those who think they disagree with whatever they think they see.

BTW, Jefferson and Washington believed it better to trade with all and ally with none- Washington specifically spoke to foreign entanglements.

And maybe you saw that rhetoric 50 years ago- I don't recall seeing it.

The article, for those of you too lazy to read explains why and how the US has become not only a Military Super Power but a financial Super Power.

But, I suppose ignorance remains blissful.
Michael Hudson has written some great stuff. This interview did not show him at his best, in my opinion. Hudson often writes as if the debt crisis of capitalist-imperialism leads to inevitable disaster. I generally agree with him. But I think his weakness is he sometimes seems to think this will happen spontaneously and inevitably, that U.S. capitalism thus dooms itself without any external force needed, that the crisis can be more or less purely economic, and that capitalism can’t recover from such crisis. I exaggerate here a bit.

The truth is that criticisms of imperialism and/or capitalism do go back a long way, but since reality keeps changing, explanations must evolve. Hudson has emphasized that today financial “rentier” capitalism is the Achilles’ tendon of the U.S. empire. I’m not saying he’s wrong. If and when the dollar loses its primacy, our empire goes kaput, because then the U.S. must start living within its real means. This eventuality may (or may not) occur. It is at least conceivable (very unlikely in my opinion) that the U.S. empire can triumph in the whole world, overcoming and subordinating all competitors, just as it has more or less managed to subordinate and integrate Western Europe and Japan.

Personally, I think the U.S. empire is in decline and has proven itself a danger to the world and to its own people. If it succeeds I think it will only do so as a horrific dystopia over the bones of most of the world’s people, abandoning its own ideals, destroying traditional American freedoms in the process.
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I didn't watch the video's I just read the transcript

How the US Makes Countries Pay for Its Wars

I've stated in numerous threads the US is building an Empire and colonizing the world (Military bases are just small colonies) this article touches on that- America is into hegemony...not China?

Thanks for the useless input and the Kung Flu....
Think for a moment of a very different empire in a very different time: Rome. As it expanded and became a master state based on slavery and looting the whole Mediterranean it undercut its own ancient Republican institutions, destroyed its own free farmers and artisans, turned its citizens into a rabble demanding “Bread & Circuses.”

Its great triumph over its main competitor Carthage was the beginning of the end of the Republic. It lasted hundreds of years more — as an Empire. It integrated new peoples until it reached its natural limits, was led by madmen and a few good emperors too, but its internal life decayed and became ever more degenerate, until it could not even defend itself from “barbarians.”

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