The Economy is Booming Like Never Before !!

For the past 100 years the GOP record on the economy has been a total disgrace and failure (just like the presidencies of Bush and trump).

11 of the last 12 recessions happened under a GOP president. Every single GOP pres across the board has had at least 1 recession for the past 100 years. GDP growth, Jobs growth, and stock market gains have all been substantially greater under dems than GOP.

NOW this pattern is continuing yet again. Bill Clinton gave us the Golden Age of prosperity, the best economy maybe ever. The GOP followed that up with Bush, the worst president ever who inherited a balanced budget and then imploded the economy with the worst crash since the GOP gave us the Great Depression.

Obama fixed the Bush crash and gave Trump an economy with low growth and low 4.7% unemployment and Trump borrowed a fuck ton of $$ and then crashed the economy again as he totally mismanaged covid badly. Trump had mega, massive, record deficits.

NOW Biden has given us the Biden BOOOM. The best economy of the 21st century with mega booming jobs adding +470k this past month and mega booming GDP growth of +7% this past quarter. Trump never came close to that. (+2.13% in 2019 and only +200k jobs/month, same as Obama).

No republican has ever had an economy this good. Yet all the Trumpers can do is whine and cry and flail and squirm...

you'll never convince me that covid wasn't invented and disseminated in america other than to get trump out of office.
NOW Biden has given us the Biden BOOOM. The best economy of the 21st century with mega booming jobs adding +470k this past month and mega booming GDP growth of +7% this past quarter. Trump never came close to that. (+2.13% in 2019 and only +200k jobs/month, same as Obama).
You go ahead and hang on to that.

Remember when the impeached rapist Bill Clinton changed the mortage lending laws so that the deadbeat bad credit Dem voters could buy a home that they could not afford?
That is what caused the Great Recession.
Democrats always wreck the economy.
Yes Bush and Trump gave us mega deficits.
Bush inherited a balanced budget then crashed the economy.
Trump spent like a drunken sailor and had the biggest deficts ever in US history...

Biden has given us the best economy in the 21st century.
Enjoy your inflation morphing soon into recession. Coming soon: Biden's full-blown recession
If the Crazy Cultural Marxist Democrats knew what they were doing in economics, they would not have 100% of the slums and ghettos.
The Democrat economic motto is: Your paycheck is our paycheck
Remember when the impeached rapist Bill Clinton changed the mortage lending laws so that the deadbeat bad credit Dem voters could buy a home that they could not afford?
That is what caused the Great Recession.
Democrats always wreck the economy.
Subprime Housing Lending Bubble was a direct action of Bush!

In 2003 President Bush Signed American Dream Downpayment Act!

It was Al Gore's High Performance Computing Act of 1991 (HPCA) that funded the creation of the internet we use today. Republicans never invent anything useful. Republicans only create BS campaign slogans.
The internet was once again around before Al gore was VP
The inflation says that it didn't work, the debt incurred says it didn't work.
It was the fed reserve created the 'wealth', and now we'll be paying for it.
I laugh at your manufactured success
You mean the mega debt that Trump incurred. Trump has the record debt, not Biden...
The booming GDP and jobs numbers say it all.
A substantial amount of inflation is directly due to covid/ports/supply chain and will ease, you just don't want to admit that because you are a partisan hack.
Remember when the impeached rapist Bill Clinton changed the mortage lending laws so that the deadbeat bad credit Dem voters could buy a home that they could not afford?
That is what caused the Great Recession.
Democrats always wreck the economy.
Translation, lets blame the Dems for Bush's failure.

Republicans always blame everybody for their problems and failures. Republicans never take personal responsibility for anything in life.
Remember when Bill Clinton took credit for the Tech Stock bull market, but when it crashed the idiot Democrats blamed it on Bush.
Democrats never take responsibility for their wrecked economies.
Clinton gave us the Golden Age of Prosperity. the best economy ever.
Bush inherited a balanced budget and then crashed the economy in the worst crash in 100 years.
Then Trump crashed the economy after he mismanaged covid
11 of the last 12 recessions all under GOP.
The Idiot GOP always crash the economy.
Every single GOP pres for the past 100 years has crashed the economy.
Facts crush you
Back in the late 1990s – yes, under Bill Clinton – the feds were pushing mortgage lenders – specifically Fannie Mae – to lower the credit requirements so more minorities and low-income Americans could sell houses. The New York Times reported on this in 1999.
Even back then, there were skeptics. Specifically, the American Enterprise Institute raised alarms, saying if all these “low-income” mortgages fail, there would be a crisis.
Fannie Mae, the nation’s biggest underwriter of home mortgages, has been under increasing pressure from the Clinton Administration to expand mortgage loans among low and moderate income people and felt pressure from stock holders to maintain its phenomenal growth in profits.
In addition, banks, thrift institutions and mortgage companies have been pressing Fannie Mae to help them make more loans to so-called subprime borrowers. These borrowers whose incomes, credit ratings and savings are not good enough to qualify for conventional loans, can only get loans from finance companies that charge much higher interest rates — anywhere from three to four percentage points higher than conventional loans.

Millions of hard working mainstream American suffered because of Bill Clinton's mortgage lending policy that caused the Great Recession.
People lost their jobs, homes and life savings.
Democrats always wreck the economy.
Biden's greedy spending is really a world record Left Wing looting spree that is causing inflation and that has us on the brink of an economic depression.

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