The Economy is Booming Like Never Before !!

Personal and disposable income also decreased in large part due to less government benefits.

Inflation is not going to ease in 6 months and or course the higher prices are here to stay.

Biden wants to add more to the national debt with his Build Back Better nonsense.

Our only hope to save the economy is for the Democrats not to fix the elections, which they are hard at work attempting, and for Republicans to take back Congress and put a stop to his incompetence and recklessness. This is all assuming the idiot in chief doesn’t get us in a war.

Your tears make me happy.

Enjoy the booming economy that us much better and stronger than anything Trump or Bush gave us. The facts and data prove this.
Uh huh, and he also gave Russia Crimea.

We have cut US oil production you moron.
NO the oil companies cut production because demand disappeared after covid, you dumb fuckin retard.
Try to keep up

The US is still a leading producer and net exporter of energy, in addition we are bringing back supplies and wells, adding news wells every week...
I don't care aboiut elections, I care about America.

That is the difference between D and R, republicans only care about winning election not America. Republicans have destroyed America as Bush and Trump were failed presidents with failed results that gutted America.

Biden has rebuilt America back better. The economy is booming now and America is booming. No republican has ever had an economy this strong
Yeah you do. You're not a partisan hack at all.....
yea that's all you can do, post pathetic joke songs.

You have no facts to debate the issues, just garbage..

You look stupid AF

Let me guess, you are related to Baghdad Bob!
For the past 100 years the GOP record on the economy has been a total disgrace and failure (just like the presidencies of Bush and trump).

11 of the last 12 recessions happened under a GOP president. Every single GOP pres across the board has had at least 1 recession for the past 100 years. GDP growth, Jobs growth, and stock market gains have all been substantially greater under dems than GOP.

NOW this pattern is continuing yet again. Bill Clinton gave us the Golden Age of prosperity, the best economy maybe ever. The GOP followed that up with Bush, the worst president ever who inherited a balanced budget and then imploded the economy with the worst crash since the GOP gave us the Great Depression.

Obama fixed the Bush crash and gave Trump an economy with low growth and low 4.7% unemployment and Trump borrowed a fuck ton of $$ and then crashed the economy again as he totally mismanaged covid badly. Trump had mega, massive, record deficits.

NOW Biden has given us the Biden BOOOM. The best economy of the 21st century with mega booming jobs adding +470k this past month and mega booming GDP growth of +7% this past quarter. Trump never came close to that. (+2.13% in 2019 and only +200k jobs/month, same as Obama).

No republican has ever had an economy this good. Yet all the Trumpers can do is whine and cry and flail and squirm...

Free money fortunes?
Just what has Biden done that created this economy? I'll wait for your answer.
This should be good. :laughing0301:
I already told you, he passed much need covid relief to help struggling families that Trump turned his back on because Trump was too busy peddling the big lie.
He passed the infrastructure bill that will create millions of jobs and make America better and boost the economy a lot.
AND he has not fucked everything up like Bush and Trump did...
For the Dems, some CNN

Why inflation is a political nightmare for Biden

Joe Biden's next political nightmare is inflation, a force that can destroy family budgets and political careers and is being driven by domestic and global factors tough for a president to quickly fix.

Government data showing the cost of living rose 6.2% over the last 12 months -- the highest rate in 30 years -- set off White House alarm bells on Wednesday and offered a new opening for Republicans lambasting Biden over high energy prices.
Wages went up 5.7 and workers are needed every where. The FED is raising interest rates to cool inflation. 6.6 million jobs created in one year! The most, ever. Short term inflation but sales are getting back to normal.
Wages went up 5.7 and workers are needed every where. The FED is raising interest rates to cool inflation. 6.6 million jobs created in one year! The most, ever. Short term inflation but sales are getting back to normal.
Workers are always needed dumbass, when trump had 3.7% unemployment, there were still millions of jobs! Come on man edu fken cate yourself
Wages went up 5.7 and workers are needed every where. The FED is raising interest rates to cool inflation. 6.6 million jobs created in one year! The most, ever. Short term inflation but sales are getting back to normal.
Biden is fixing the Trump mess, the same way Obama had to clean up the Bush crash.
How come the GOP always fuck everything up? Its always them
An economy this good? Bidenism must be a freaking religion. You rely on government dogma and rigged statistics while you disregard your own senses about paying more for gas (and just about everything else) and empty shelves everywhere. Lefties used to spit on members of the Military and riot at the thought of another incursion and here they are cheering Biden for creating a mess in Ukraine and a possible shooting war with Russia.
Yea Bush gave us high gas and oil prices...

Obama gave us energy independence. Obama was the one that broke the oil markets. We had the cheapest gas under Obama. Gas was only cheap under Trump post covid because world demand plummeted.
Lmao dude when do you stop fucking lying?
Does anyone else see the irony in the op's use of the moniker "the banker" and his total lack of economic understanding? You just can't make this stuff up.
I already told you, he passed much need covid relief to help struggling families that Trump turned his back on because Trump was too busy peddling the big lie.
He passed the infrastructure bill that will create millions of jobs and make America better and boost the economy a lot.
AND he has not fucked everything up like Bush and Trump did...
The inflation says that it didn't work, the debt incurred says it didn't work.
It was the fed reserve created the 'wealth', and now we'll be paying for it.
I laugh at your manufactured success
Trump cut US oil production you moron.

Under Trump U.S. crude oil production fell by 8% in 2020, the largest annual decrease on record!!! (Ouch)!

Record Increase in US Oil Production under Obama / Biden!!!
Record Decrease in US Oil Production under Trump / Pence!!!
How did Biden do it, please be specific

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