The Economy is Wavering and so am I.


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
I have been posting as a bleeding heart Liberal just for the fun of it.

As I have told all of you guys, I am Apolitical. I usually vote for myself because all of the political advertising annoys the shit out of me in the month before election time. I know, I should just turn off the TV and read a good book, but the election season is also Football Season, and I LOVE Football. Now that I am in my mid Sixties and my sex drive is starting to wane, Football is the only thing that I am passionate about.

Lately, I have let my wife cast my vote. She keeps up to date on all of the ridiculous promises the politicians make and continues to vote anyway. So now she can vote twice as much and feel that she has done good for the world.

I am bored with being a liberal. Yet, there appear to be too many conservatives on this board. What to do about that? In economic matters, I will just go back to pointing out what is really happening and expose all of the lies and distortions coming from either party.

In case you do not know it, the economy has been wallowing for the past two years. We fell and reached a plateau and have been bouncing around on that plateau for twenty months. Initially the outgoing Republicans were covering up the degree of the economic collapse, but now that the Democrats have been in office so long, they are starting to lie like hell, too.

The only positive I have seen as of late is that Initial Claims are going down. I chalk that up to the fact that so many people have lost their jobs and millions have "disappeared from the Labor Force." that everybody else is terrified of losing their job, so the degree of job swapping has gone way down. The less job hoping, the less chance that individuals are left somewhere inbetween without a job. Remember , the way the unemployment laws are written up in most states, you can quit a perfect job and work a temporary job for three months and when the temporary job peters out, you can file for Unemployment Insurance and they almost always give it to you without asking further questions.

When I retired from Pacific Bell in early 2001, I worked as a pool monitor for four months during the summer and then filed for Unemployment Insurance and received it. So, not only was I retired from Pacific Bell at the age of 51, but I was drawing unemployment compensation at the same time. It was legal and was one of my benefits that I earned by paying into the Unemployment Insurance fund for the previous 17 years that I worked for Pacific Bell as a manager.

Well, a lot of people now a days are holding on to those jobs. I get bored with sitting around the house and occasionally take part time jobs as a hobby. Believe me it is great to not have to work, but just work for the fun of it. The last fun job I had I "retired from" and have been doing the pool monitor thing again this summer. (If the pool is not in use, I swim and effectively get paid for it. I have a golden brown tan and the women all tell me that I look like I am forty. Damn good job! You get paid for exercising. The other day I went around to the various health clubs (six) within bicycling distance of my home, and not one of those organizations would pay me to ride their machines. So, I refused to join, even though there were a bevy of pretty girls all running around scantily clad.

I suppose I am eligible for Unemployment Insurance again, but this time I will not apply. I am beginning to feel guilty since I am actually retired. Should I do it?

Oh, the guy I was working for before the summer gig was 73 and still working. He was afraid of retiring because he thinks we are going into a massive Depression (I did not attempt to dissuade him.) and he feels that he will have to keep his job to support all of his children and grandchildren and even Greatgrandchildren.
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In case you do not know it, the economy has been wallowing for the past two years. We fell and reached a plateau and have been bouncing around on that plateau for twenty months.

I dunno, but it sure seems to me as if we have been wallowing and bouncing along a plateau for at least 8 years.

But retrospectively Bush is beginning to look smart for encouraging people to spend after the 9/11 economic shock. Too bad they had to borrow the money with which to shop......
We are in a period of economic flux....basically idling by shear momentum only.
The "gas" that powered the economy since the 80's was debt and debt service...nothing tangible.
We cannot go back there. Manufacturing is all but extinct...barely hanging on trying to compete against foreign owned sudo-slavery shops that have 1/4th the overhead cost of them as well.
I refer to a statement I find myself saying over and over of late - "who is going to employ all of these people?"
I never thought neubarth was a liberal.

What's with that?

Go back and read my posts as of late. Remember as I said a year ago, "Nothing is sacred."

Hell, that especially applies to religion. You can take the Bible (as I have done) and substantiate any position as I did recently when I was banned. All you have to do is quote the Bible word for word, and some of the insane fruitcake moderators on this board will ban you. Consider that passage in Revelation where Jesus promises to kill all of mankind. It is right there in black and white, but the fruitcakes ignore it because it offends their concept of an all loving God.

Oh well, it is all for fun. Life is supposed to be fun. I guess now, I will have to change my signature. Can't be bragging about Obama's Brave New World if I am no longer a Liberal.
On second thought on changing the signature, that "Socialist Utopia" could be seen as a threat. I think I will leave it for the time being.

When I was a liberal that was a beautiful promise for the future. It looks different now.

Funny how when you change your perspective blessings can become curses.:razz::eusa_whistle:
"who is going to employ all of these people?"

The government?

Just kidding!

Some kind of "service" sector, or "beyond manufacturing" sector.

For a time the architects of our economy had the world convinced that we could create an infinitely large financial industry out of nothing, literally, and that would be our new and globally national dominant cash cow.

That worked great!

The dot com bubble convinced most of the world to create industries based on information. Never mind that most of that industry amounts to little more than "make work" and self fulfilling prophecies.

There is always infrastructure to employ some of us, and a new energy platform some day....Gawd knows you have to replace your entire national infrastructure every 50 years now.

Military systems seem to be on the way out......

I think we are heading toward some kind of stratification. You will probably see a lot of underemployed Americans raising gardens and (shock) their own kids in the future. While they scrape by at part time work, side jobs, a cash economy. A spawning micro economy.

We will get by.

Say good bye to Obesity Nation.

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