The Effective Cause of Hillary Clinton's Defeat


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
What was the effective, predominant, main-most cause by which an arrested development jackass beat Hillary Clinton out for President?

We are not sure yet.

So many causes have been thrown out already! So many wait in line! So many are yet to be conceived or invented and tried out a dubious public.

There has not been time at Pinhead Factories like Harvard & Yale, and for Propagandists like the New York Times to digest it all and produce what us Rustics will be told is Accepted Political Science.

We know this already...this much has been settled by the Educated Loons & Pinheads who think for us:

It was definitely not the fault of Hillary Clinton, or any other member of the Democratic Party, or any of its Grievance Constituencies.

But the Spin is currently evolving at a dizzying pace.

It seems Mrs. Clinton's instinctive genuflection was to blame Podesta, being as how the word on the internet....which is at least as reliable as the New York Times or CNN...was that she was throwing Vases and Vodka bottles at him as the dismaying tally came in.

But, Democrats stood aghast at blaming Democrats.

So, the first official person they wanted to hang was the obvious culprit--Don Trump. But, he and his folks (from places like Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania) didn't co-operate worth a shit. He's proven difficult to hang. He fights back....unlike the Republican Caucus in Congress under Obama....which had more Pussies than 20 Bunny Ranches.

Then they wanted to hang Putin, but he's an even tougher Hang than Trump....he laughed at them, as he has been laughing for 8 years...during which time the Eighties Called Obama and informed him that he had brought the Cold War back.

Today, the F. B. I. Director Comey seems headed to the Gallows. They'll find out he's hard to hang too.

I think in the end, after the Pinheads get through scratching their asses, it'll be back to the old tried and true blame that the craven old coat-tail rider came up with herself....after she fucked up the first job her husband got her, like she has fucked up every one he ever got her...which is all the jobs she's ever had:

It was a vast Right-Wing Conspiracy.

Then they can get back to the business of re-capturing the Government. They have Pelosi in harness, with her sub-reptilian intellect... and that Lying Loon Pocahontas in the Senate....and they are about to hire a Muslim Bigot to run the Democratic Party.

That's a good bunch to tell us Rubes in the Heartland what's good for us. We certainly can't tell ourselves.

We just think she was the shittiest candidate ever.
What was the effective, predominant, main-most cause by which an arrested development jackass beat Hillary Clinton out for President?

We are not sure yet.

So many causes have been thrown out already! So many wait in line! So many are yet to be conceived or invented and tried out a dubious public.

There has not been time at Pinhead Factories like Harvard & Yale, and for Propagandists like the New York Times to digest it all and produce what us Rustics will be told is Accepted Political Science.

We know this already...this much has been settled by the Educated Loons & Pinheads who think for us:

It was definitely not the fault of Hillary Clinton, or any other member of the Democratic Party, or any of its Grievance Constituencies.

But the Spin is currently evolving at a dizzying pace.

It seems Mrs. Clinton's instinctive genuflection was to blame Podesta, being as how the word on the internet....which is at least as reliable as the New York Times or CNN...was that she was throwing Vases and Vodka bottles at him as the dismaying tally came in.

But, Democrats stood aghast at blaming Democrats.

So, the first official person they wanted to hang was the obvious culprit--Don Trump. But, he and his folks (from places like Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania) didn't co-operate worth a shit. He's proven difficult to hang. He fights back....unlike the Republican Caucus in Congress under Obama....which had more Pussies than 20 Bunny Ranches.

Then they wanted to hang Putin, but he's an even tougher Hang than Trump....he laughed at them, as he has been laughing for 8 years...during which time the Eighties Called Obama and informed him that he had brought the Cold War back.

Today, the F. B. I. Director Comey seems headed to the Gallows. They'll find out he's hard to hang too.

I think in the end, after the Pinheads get through scratching their asses, it'll be back to the old tried and true blame that the craven old coat-tail rider came up with herself....after she fucked up the first job her husband got her, like she has fucked up every one he ever got her...which is all the jobs she's ever had:

It was a vast Right-Wing Conspiracy.

Then they can get back to the business of re-capturing the Government. They have Pelosi in harness, with her sub-reptilian intellect... and that Lying Loon Pocahontas in the Senate....and they are about to hire a Muslim Bigot to run the Democratic Party.

That's a good bunch to tell us Rubes in the Heartland what's good for us. We certainly can't tell ourselves.

We just think she was the shittiest candidate ever.
Well Hillary herself blames Comey.

And all Comey did was report to Congress that the Wife Of Wiener had emails from Hillary on her laptop -- a finding of fact.

And therefore Comey would need to investigate them also -- a finding of law.

And had Hillary not had her own email server while Sec State this would not have been an issue -- a finding of cause and effect.

And had Hillary not mentioned her email server nobody would have found out about it -- a finding of psychology.

And had Hillary not botched Libya and Benghazi she would not have been under investigation in the first place -- a finding of cause and effect.

So according to Hillary, it was Hillary's fault that she lost, because although she blames Comey, everything she did to cause Comey to investigate her twice was her own fault.

The effective cause of Hillary Clinton's defeat


She was pushing legislation that forced law-abiding people to buy things they didn't want, do things they didn't want to do, and doing it with an air of condescension and contempt toward them that they didn't like.

Plus, she kept obstructing justice, concealing evidence, and flat-out lying about what she had done, in hopes that ignorant people would believe her.

They weren't as ignorant as she thought.
We just think she was the shittiest candidate ever.
I think both candidates were among the shittiest ever.

Trump won because he somehow tapped into the rage and frustration that is out there.

When you have a Cult of Personality candidate, his followers will forgive pretty much anything.

And Hillary was just a shitty candidate, without a personality around which to form a cult.
hiLIARy lost because she is corrupt and a lousy, unlikable candidate.


End of Story.
Hillary was coasting. She played it too safe. She was arrogant to believe she could win just because her last name was Clinton.

Screwing over Bernie and his supporters didn't help.
Hillary lost because Americans are sexist, racist, islamophobic, homophobic, backwoods Hicks that are deplorable and irredeemable and can't accept what is in their best interest.

These uneducated rubes cling to Bibles and guns, in fear.

The progressives and Democrats have tried to bring these Neanderthals into the 21st century kicking and screaming and they just refuse.

To top it off these Degenerates then side with Russia and give the Presidency to Donald Trump, with the idea that he even remotely cares that they live from check to check while our Representatives become wealthy beyond comprehension.

If you would have elected Hillary we could have taken the assets of the rich and gave some to everyone, making every one equally poor.

Damned Americans. Damned United States.

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