The Effects of the Present El Nino

Congratulations. You're in the running for stupidest poster here. Did you make it into middle school before dropping out?

Do you have even a feeling for the general nature of a chaotic system? Do you know the difference between signal and noise? Has anyone ever taught you anything about statistics and probability? Calculus? Physics? Chemistry? Thermodynamics? Heat Transfer? How to know when you're out of your depth?

Global warming is real and its dominant cause is human GHG emissions and deforestation. That warming presents a threat that will grow with time. The cost of dealing with rising sea level will total into the hundreds of trillions of dollars. Do you actually think none of that is coming from YOUR pocket? Or your children's? Or their children's? Or theirs'?
Extreme weather events linked to climate change, study says

Does global warming make extreme weather worse? When there's a catastrophic flood, tornado or hurricane, people want to know if a warming world has contributed to the disaster.

A paper out Monday says yes, weather events are becoming more severe due to man-made climate change. (The science of this topic is known as "attribution studies.")

"We have a new normal," said lead author Kevin Trenberth, a scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colo., and two fellow scientists. "The environment in which all weather events occur is not what is used to be: all storms, without exception, are different."

The burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas release greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. This extra CO2 has caused temperatures of the atmosphere and oceans to rise, allowed the atmosphere to hold more water vapor (which can add extra fuel to storms), and caused global sea levels to rise.

Trenberth's study was published as a "Perspectives" piece in Nature Climate Change, a peer-reviewed U.K. journal. It said that human influence on weather events such as Superstorm Sandy, Super Typhoon Haiyan, or the 2013 floods in Colorado tends to be "underestimated."

He said that Sandy's and Haiyan's strength were both intensified due to warm ocean water, and that the primary cause of the Colorado floods "probably would not have occurred without human-caused warming," Trenberth said.

OK, you don't like Dr. Trenberth. But the people in power worldwide are listening to him, and not you. Wonder why?

It seems NOAA doesn't like his crap either.

One expert, Martin Hoerling of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, who was not involved in the study, criticized that there's no new research in Trenberth's study, and that it's basically an op-dd piece. "The issue of how climate change affects weather is much more complicated," than expressed in the piece, Hoerling said.
Congratulations. You're in the running for stupidest poster here. Did you make it into middle school before dropping out?

Do you have even a feeling for the general nature of a chaotic system? Do you know the difference between signal and noise? Has anyone ever taught you anything about statistics and probability? Calculus? Physics? Chemistry? Thermodynamics? Heat Transfer? How to know when you're out of your depth?

Global warming is real and its dominant cause is human GHG emissions and deforestation. That warming presents a threat that will grow with time. The cost of dealing with rising sea level will total into the hundreds of trillions of dollars. Do you actually think none of that is coming from YOUR pocket? Or your children's? Or their children's? Or theirs'?

Yes mr. propagandist. We KNOW you are long on opinion but desperately short of facts. Keep bleating. You have turned off anyone with a brain.
Ah, Silly Billy, reality putting your tit in a wringer again? Worldwide we are seeing some crazy weather, and the maps from the real meteorlogical agencies of various governments are showing a continuing very strong El Nino.

This weather is nothing compared to what has happened in the past. Count yourself lucky we are not enjoying an atmospheric river like what slammed the west coast back in 1862 and turned the entire central valley of California into a lake. The effects of that epic storm were felt from Washington state to New Mexico and all the way east to Colorado. The storms we are seeing today are nothing compared to that.

The fools are hoping no one will remind the general public of what has happened in the past and how today's events are mild in comparison. The empirical evidence shows that the current warm event is not having the "expected" alarmist outcome.

Old Rocks cant see beyond his blinders and his alarmist script.

Today I was very skeptical of the so called warming NASA and NOAA are claiming, so I looked at privately owned and maintained data buoy's in several sections of the pacific ocean and compared their data with the adjacent NOAA equipment. What I have found so far is stunning. Three pairs of data collection devices just 1,000 feet from one another in region 3-4 have discrepancies of over 1 deg C. In the next 24 hours, as satellites pass over other buoy stations, I expect to collect about 60 pairs of adjacent data sets for other non-NOAA buoy's to compare them with.. If the trend found with just a simple pass sampling is shown verified by the larger sampling, I'm thinking Senator Inhofe, among others, would be very interested in the findings, which would indicate intentional deception and fraud.

I just dont get what it is they think they will gain by deception when the earths systems are not reacting like they would if it were truly that warm on the ocean surface.with the way the Norther hemisphere temps have plummeted to almost zero anomaly in the last 20 days there isn't much latent heat being pushed into our atmosphere and that simply does not add up to what they are claiming.

global temp drop 12-25-15.jpg
Ah, Silly Billy, reality putting your tit in a wringer again? Worldwide we are seeing some crazy weather, and the maps from the real meteorlogical agencies of various governments are showing a continuing very strong El Nino.

This weather is nothing compared to what has happened in the past. Count yourself lucky we are not enjoying an atmospheric river like what slammed the west coast back in 1862 and turned the entire central valley of California into a lake. The effects of that epic storm were felt from Washington state to New Mexico and all the way east to Colorado. The storms we are seeing today are nothing compared to that.

The fools are hoping no one will remind the general public of what has happened in the past and how today's events are mild in comparison. The empirical evidence shows that the current warm event is not having the "expected" alarmist outcome.

Old Rocks cant see beyond his blinders and his alarmist script.

Today I was very skeptical of the so called warming NASA and NOAA are claiming, so I looked at privately owned and maintained data buoy's in several sections of the pacific ocean and compared their data with the adjacent NOAA equipment. What I have found so far is stunning. Three pairs of data collection devices just 1,000 feet from one another in region 3-4 have discrepancies of over 1 deg C. In the next 24 hours, as satellites pass over other buoy stations, I expect to collect about 60 pairs of adjacent data sets for other non-NOAA buoy's to compare them with.. If the trend found with just a simple pass sampling is shown verified by the larger sampling, I'm thinking Senator Inhofe, among others, would be very interested in the findings, which would indicate intentional deception and fraud.

I just dont get what it is they think they will gain by deception when the earths systems are not reacting like they would if it were truly that warm on the ocean surface.with the way the Norther hemisphere temps have plummeted to almost zero anomaly in the last 20 days there isn't much latent heat being pushed into our atmosphere and that simply does not add up to what they are claiming.


Billy, who wrote the highlighted text following "...his alarmist script"? It wasn't you, yet it is not in quotations and you have attributed no source.
Congratulations. You're in the running for stupidest poster here. Did you make it into middle school before dropping out?

Do you have even a feeling for the general nature of a chaotic system? Do you know the difference between signal and noise? Has anyone ever taught you anything about statistics and probability? Calculus? Physics? Chemistry? Thermodynamics? Heat Transfer? How to know when you're out of your depth?

Global warming is real and its dominant cause is human GHG emissions and deforestation. That warming presents a threat that will grow with time. The cost of dealing with rising sea level will total into the hundreds of trillions of dollars. Do you actually think none of that is coming from YOUR pocket? Or your children's? Or their children's? Or theirs'?

Yes mr. propagandist. We KNOW you are long on opinion but desperately short of facts. Keep bleating. You have turned off anyone with a brain.
So says the fellow claiming a Phd in Geology, but also claiming that 99% of the scientists do shit science. Now anyone reading that instantly realizes that what we have here is another one of those fellows that run around claiming they have disproved the Theory of Relativity, yet when questioned, don't even know the basics of calculus.

So, Mr. Westwall completely rejects the works of people that are supposed to be his peers. Both the AGU and the GSA have unequivacal statements concerning the reality of AGW. But Mr. Westwall states that both are totally wrong. LOL
Congratulations. You're in the running for stupidest poster here. Did you make it into middle school before dropping out?

Do you have even a feeling for the general nature of a chaotic system? Do you know the difference between signal and noise? Has anyone ever taught you anything about statistics and probability? Calculus? Physics? Chemistry? Thermodynamics? Heat Transfer? How to know when you're out of your depth?

Global warming is real and its dominant cause is human GHG emissions and deforestation. That warming presents a threat that will grow with time. The cost of dealing with rising sea level will total into the hundreds of trillions of dollars. Do you actually think none of that is coming from YOUR pocket? Or your children's? Or their children's? Or theirs'?

Yes mr. propagandist. We KNOW you are long on opinion but desperately short of facts. Keep bleating. You have turned off anyone with a brain.
So says the fellow claiming a Phd in Geology, but also claiming that 99% of the scientists do shit science. Now anyone reading that instantly realizes that what we have here is another one of those fellows that run around claiming they have disproved the Theory of Relativity, yet when questioned, don't even know the basics of calculus.

So, Mr. Westwall completely rejects the works of people that are supposed to be his peers. Both the AGU and the GSA have unequivacal statements concerning the reality of AGW. But Mr. Westwall states that both are totally wrong. LOL

No, I said 90% of the CLIMATOLOGISTS do shit science. Get your facts straight asshat! Climatology is a subjective science. Would you care to explain to the class the differences between a subjective science and an objective science? Please, use your own words...
Ah, Silly Billy, reality putting your tit in a wringer again? Worldwide we are seeing some crazy weather, and the maps from the real meteorlogical agencies of various governments are showing a continuing very strong El Nino.

This weather is nothing compared to what has happened in the past. Count yourself lucky we are not enjoying an atmospheric river like what slammed the west coast back in 1862 and turned the entire central valley of California into a lake. The effects of that epic storm were felt from Washington state to New Mexico and all the way east to Colorado. The storms we are seeing today are nothing compared to that.

The fools are hoping no one will remind the general public of what has happened in the past and how today's events are mild in comparison. The empirical evidence shows that the current warm event is not having the "expected" alarmist outcome.

Old Rocks cant see beyond his blinders and his alarmist script.

Today I was very skeptical of the so called warming NASA and NOAA are claiming, so I looked at privately owned and maintained data buoy's in several sections of the pacific ocean and compared their data with the adjacent NOAA equipment. What I have found so far is stunning. Three pairs of data collection devices just 1,000 feet from one another in region 3-4 have discrepancies of over 1 deg C. In the next 24 hours, as satellites pass over other buoy stations, I expect to collect about 60 pairs of adjacent data sets for other non-NOAA buoy's to compare them with.. If the trend found with just a simple pass sampling is shown verified by the larger sampling, I'm thinking Senator Inhofe, among others, would be very interested in the findings, which would indicate intentional deception and fraud.

I just dont get what it is they think they will gain by deception when the earths systems are not reacting like they would if it were truly that warm on the ocean surface.with the way the Norther hemisphere temps have plummeted to almost zero anomaly in the last 20 days there isn't much latent heat being pushed into our atmosphere and that simply does not add up to what they are claiming.

Billy, who wrote the highlighted text following "...his alarmist script"? It wasn't you, yet it is not in quotations and you have attributed no source.

And once again Crick, in his lack of wisdom, cant tell a real scientist from himself (a fake one). Those are my words moron and I typed them. You have proof of plagiarism or are you so engrossed in your lies that you will say anything? Put up or STFU!

Your inability to properly quote people is getting really old..
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Silly ass, eagle, I did not haul ass on that question, I simply thought it simply to dumb to answer. Since when has anyone denied there were prior extremes? It is you silly asses that are denying that the increased frequency of extreme weather events.

And any event you yell THE SKY IS FALLING......................which was the point of bringing up the extreme weather before the industrial age.............................which you go...........:lalala:

What is really funny, is when you place the cyclical climate on a graph? you get this:


Graph Source

The length of time at the top of each cycle is thermal maximum. We are now beyond it and cooling has started..
Why is it people can not grasp the concept of a long pause (upper limit) will alwasy be followed by rapid cooling? Our current pause of 18 years 11 months is twice the length of all other cyclical short term events in the cycle. Its called the TOP OF THE SIGN WAVE and anyone who has taken statistics understand this.
Was that an auto correct error that said you had a degree in atmospheric physics?
Why is it people can not grasp the concept of a long pause (upper limit) will alwasy be followed by rapid cooling? Our current pause of 18 years 11 months is twice the length of all other cyclical short term events in the cycle. Its called the TOP OF THE SIGN WAVE and anyone who has taken statistics understand this.

I've taken statistics and I disagree.

You've never demonstrated global temperatures are a simple periodic function. The data certainly don't back up such an idea. You'd think someone with a physics degree would realize that.
Some do, personally, but the party's position seems to be that the "real science" from the "real scientists" doesn't support it, that it's a liberal hoax to destroy capitalism and the world's economies, etc, etc, etc.

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