The Elaine massacre and the subsequent theft of Black owned land

Reparations are clearly in order in this case. The perpetrators are all dead but their descendents should not benefit from their savagery.
So when are you British pukes going to pay me restitution for all the injustices and brutality your lot inflicted on my Irish ancestors? ... :cool:
So you agree that reparations are in order . Great stuff.

Here is a story that is new to me. The effects of the slaughter are still being felt today. In the article they actually interview a bloke whose beloved grandfather was a lyncher.

There seem to be a number of these atrocities coming to light all the time. Perhaps President Joe should create a truth and reconciliation commission to investigate the massacres and deal with the theft. There seems to be a concerted effort to subjugate Black folk.

Not many movies get made about these stories.

And, when "these stories" are brought up, it is generally seen

Here is a story that is new to me. The effects of the slaughter are still being felt today. In the article they actually interview a bloke whose beloved grandfather was a lyncher.

There seem to be a number of these atrocities coming to light all the time. Perhaps President Joe should create a truth and reconciliation commission to investigate the massacres and deal with the theft. There seems to be a concerted effort to subjugate Black folk.

Not many movies get made about these stories.

And not many movies will be made about "these stories" being that a large segment of the population feels that discussing "these stories" is an attempt to direct hatred towards today's society, as opposed to discussing the effects of history on the present.

Just look at the generally defensive responses to your post.
Last edited:

Here is a story that is new to me. The effects of the slaughter are still being felt today. In the article they actually interview a bloke whose beloved grandfather was a lyncher.

There seem to be a number of these atrocities coming to light all the time. Perhaps President Joe should create a truth and reconciliation commission to investigate the massacres and deal with the theft. There seems to be a concerted effort to subjugate Black folk.

Not many movies get made about these stories.

And, when "these stories" are brought up, it is generally seen

Here is a story that is new to me. The effects of the slaughter are still being felt today. In the article they actually interview a bloke whose beloved grandfather was a lyncher.

There seem to be a number of these atrocities coming to light all the time. Perhaps President Joe should create a truth and reconciliation commission to investigate the massacres and deal with the theft. There seems to be a concerted effort to subjugate Black folk.

Not many movies get made about these stories.

And not many movies will be made about "these stories" being that a large segment of the population feels that discussing "these stories" is an attempt to direct hatred towards today's society, as opposed to discussing the effects of history on the present.

Just look at the generally defensive responses to your post.
Obviously killing folk and stealing land is central to the US story. But it is telling that not one of these dumbos has actually taken the trouble to discuss this episode.

Here is a story that is new to me. The effects of the slaughter are still being felt today. In the article they actually interview a bloke whose beloved grandfather was a lyncher.

There seem to be a number of these atrocities coming to light all the time. Perhaps President Joe should create a truth and reconciliation commission to investigate the massacres and deal with the theft. There seems to be a concerted effort to subjugate Black folk.

Not many movies get made about these stories.

And, when "these stories" are brought up, it is generally seen

Here is a story that is new to me. The effects of the slaughter are still being felt today. In the article they actually interview a bloke whose beloved grandfather was a lyncher.

There seem to be a number of these atrocities coming to light all the time. Perhaps President Joe should create a truth and reconciliation commission to investigate the massacres and deal with the theft. There seems to be a concerted effort to subjugate Black folk.

Not many movies get made about these stories.

And not many movies will be made about "these stories" being that a large segment of the population feels that discussing "these stories" is an attempt to direct hatred towards today's society, as opposed to discussing the effects of history on the present.

Just look at the generally defensive responses to your post.
Obviously killing folk and stealing land is central to the US story. But it is telling that not one of these dumbos has actually taken the trouble to discuss this episode.

Is that really surprising to you?
The story seems to be based on assumptions and unverified anecdotal tales. Hell, we saw tanks and poison gas used in Texas against a quirky religious sect a couple of decades ago on live T.V. and I doubt if any compensation is in the works for the Branch Dividian survivors.

Here is a story that is new to me. The effects of the slaughter are still being felt today. In the article they actually interview a bloke whose beloved grandfather was a lyncher.

There seem to be a number of these atrocities coming to light all the time. Perhaps President Joe should create a truth and reconciliation commission to investigate the massacres and deal with the theft. There seems to be a concerted effort to subjugate Black folk.

Not many movies get made about these stories.

And, when "these stories" are brought up, it is generally seen

Here is a story that is new to me. The effects of the slaughter are still being felt today. In the article they actually interview a bloke whose beloved grandfather was a lyncher.

There seem to be a number of these atrocities coming to light all the time. Perhaps President Joe should create a truth and reconciliation commission to investigate the massacres and deal with the theft. There seems to be a concerted effort to subjugate Black folk.

Not many movies get made about these stories.

And not many movies will be made about "these stories" being that a large segment of the population feels that discussing "these stories" is an attempt to direct hatred towards today's society, as opposed to discussing the effects of history on the present.

Just look at the generally defensive responses to your post.
Obviously killing folk and stealing land is central to the US story. But it is telling that not one of these dumbos has actually taken the trouble to discuss this episode.

Is that really surprising to you?
Not really. Without knowing these characters personally, I am guessing that they dont come from the educated part of America.
None of them can make a case defending this so I suppose personal abuse is all they have left.
In terms of reparations, it should be pretty straightforward in establishing ownership to the land. It should be done as soon as possible.
I wonder when the Brits are going to compensate the Irish for starving 1/4 of the population in the 1840's.
Don't the bloody Brits have enough on their plate without digging up obscure American atrocities? How about the Punjab massacre in 1919 in India where the Brits fired on unarmed locals until they ran out of ammunition?
Don't the bloody Brits have enough on their plate without digging up obscure American atrocities? How about the Punjab massacre in 1919 in India where the Brits fired on unarmed locals until they ran out of ammunition?
Again, why not start a thread about it. Then come back and discuss this one. You people deflect like crazy over something that nobody blame you for.
You should support your fellow Americans in their fight for justice.
That is patriotism.

Here is a story that is new to me. The effects of the slaughter are still being felt today. In the article they actually interview a bloke whose beloved grandfather was a lyncher.

There seem to be a number of these atrocities coming to light all the time. Perhaps President Joe should create a truth and reconciliation commission to investigate the massacres and deal with the theft. There seems to be a concerted effort to subjugate Black folk.

Not many movies get made about these stories.
I went straight to Wikipedia----------my gawd the race agitators and race hos AND SOCIALISTS/COMMUNISTS don't ever stop. Same chit, same lies, same tactics, then as now.

The Elaine massacre occurred on September 30–October 1, 1919 at Hoop Spur in the vicinity of Elaine in rural Phillips County, Arkansas. Some records of the time state that eleven black men and five white men were killed.[4] Estimates of deaths made in the immediate aftermath of the Elaine Massacre by eyewitnesses range from 50 to "more than a hundred".[5] Walter Francis White, an NAACP attorney who visited Elaine shortly after the incident stated "... twenty-five Negroes killed, although some place the Negro fatalities as high as one hundred".[6] More recent estimates of the number of black people killed during this violence are higher than estimates provided by the eyewitnesses, recently ranging into the hundreds.[2][1] The white mobs were aided by federal troops (requested by Arkansas governor Charles Hillman Brough) and terrorist organizations like the Ku Klux Klan.[7] According to the Encyclopedia of Arkansas, "the Elaine Massacre was by far the deadliest racial confrontation in Arkansas history and possibly the bloodiest racial conflict in the history of the United States".[8][9]

As with any good tall tale from idiots making shit up---the numbers change. 11 dead black men and 5 dead white men would eventually be changed over and over and over and over again---till the now new improved PROGRESSIVE story claims hundreds of black men, women and children were hunted down and slaughter. Just don't ask for the names or graves or any other evidence because well---race hos always lie. In about 10 years, the reported dead will become in the thousands at this rate.

After the massacre, state officials concocted an elaborate cover-up, falsely claiming that blacks were planning an insurrection.[7] The cover-up was successful, as national newspapers repeated the falsehood that blacks in Arkansas were staging an insurrection.[7] A New York Times headline read, "Planned Massacre of Whites Today," and the Arkansas Gazette (the leading newspaper in Arkansas) wrote that Elaine was "a zone of negro insurrection."[7] Subsequent to this reporting, more than 100 African-Americans were indicted, with 12 being sentenced to death by electrocution.[7] After a years-long legal battle by the NAACP, the 12 men were acquitted.[7]

False narrative of an insurrection? You mean like january 6, 2020? READ the rest of the article to see if this INSURRECTION of the early 1900's is even false. I prefer the term cold blooded murder of the white deputies and probably plotting to kill more like a Black Panthers plot to take over.

Because of the widespread attacks which white mobs committed against blacks during the Red Summer of 1919, the Equal Justice Initiative of Montgomery, Alabama classified the black deaths as lynchings in its 2015 report on the lynching of African Americans in the South.[10]

Lynching that weren't Lynching? WTF? Race hos making shit up AGAIN?

Located in the Arkansas Delta, Phillips County had historically been developed for cotton plantations, and its land was worked by enslaved African-Americans before the Civil War. In the early 20th century the county's population was still predominantly black, because most freedmen and their descendants had stayed on the land as illiterate farm workers and sharecroppers.

African Americans outnumbered whites in the area around Elaine by a ten-to-one ratio, and by three-to-one in the county overall.[8] White landowners controlled the economy, selling cotton on their own schedule, running high-priced plantation stores where farmers had to buy seed and supplies, and settling accounts with sharecroppers in lump sums, without listing items.[8]

The all-white legislature had disenfranchised most blacks and many poor whites in the 1890s by creating barriers to voter registration. It excluded them from the political system via the more complicated Election Law of 1891 and a poll tax amendment passed in 1892. The white-dominated legislature enacted Jim Crow laws that established racial segregation and institutionalized efforts to impose white supremacy. The decades around the turn of the century were the period of the highest rate of lynchings across the South.

Sharecropping, the African Americans had been having trouble in getting settlements for the cotton they raised on land owned by whites. Both the Negroes and the white owners were to share the profits when the crop was sold for the year. Between the time of planting and selling, the sharecroppers took up food, clothing, and necessities at excessive prices from the plantation store owned by the planter.
— O.A. Rogers Jr., President of the Arkansas Baptist College in Little Rock, Arkansas Historical Quarterly, Summer 1960 issue[4]
The landowner sold the crop whenever and however he saw fit. At the time of settlement, landowners generally never gave an itemized statement to the black sharecroppers of accounts owed, nor details of the money received for cotton and seed. The farmers were disadvantaged as many were illiterate. It was an unwritten law of the cotton country that the sharecroppers could not quit and leave a plantation until their debts were paid. The period of the year around accounts settlement was frequently the time of most lynchings of black people throughout the South, especially if times were poor economically. As an example, many black sharecroppers in Phillips County, whose cotton was sold in October 1918, did not get a settlement before July of the following year. They often amassed considerable debt at the plantation store before that time, as they had to buy supplies, including seed, to start the next season.

These people were unable to read or write----so an itemized statement would have been no good to them . But most should have been able to do simple math. I bought this much and I sold this much. If they can't handle this, they should be voting then or now. UNWRITTEN laws are NOT laws btw. Borrowing money fraudulently and then leaving town with the cash instead of planting the crops that you supposedly borrowed the money for is against the law though.

Black farmers began to organize in 1919 to try to negotiate better conditions, including fair accounting and timely payment of monies due them by white landowners. Robert L. Hill, a black farmer from Winchester, Arkansas, had founded the Progressive Farmers and Household Union of America. He worked with farmers throughout Phillips County. Its purpose was "to obtain better payments for their cotton crops from the white plantation owners who dominated the area during the Jim Crow era. Black sharecroppers were often exploited in their efforts to collect payment for their cotton crops."[8]

Hey, if you can organize a whole new union and get attorneys, can't you read and write and go negotiate your own cotton sales along with opening up your own stores to buy basic goods from? Wouldn't that be much easier and smarter if the land owners were really taking that much advantage? But then again TRUTH seems to an non existent in all the race ho stories since well forever.

Whites tried to disrupt such organizing and threatened farmers.[11] The union had hired a white law firm in the capital of Little Rock to represent the black farmers in getting fair settlements for their 1919 cotton crops before they were taken away for sale. The firm was headed by Ulysses S. Bratton, a native of Searcy County and former assistant federal district attorney.[11]

The postwar summer of 1919 had already been marked by deadly race massacres against black Americans in more than three dozen cities across the country, including Chicago, Knoxville, Washington, DC, and Omaha, Nebraska. Competition for jobs and housing in crowded markets following World War I as veterans returned to society resulted in outbreaks of racial violence, usually of ethnic whites against blacks. Having served their country in the Great War, African-American veterans resisted racial discrimination and violence. In 1919 black people vigorously fought back when their communities were attacked. Labor unrest and strikes took place in several cities as workers tried to organize. As industries hired blacks as strikebreakers in some cities, worker resentment against them increased.[8]

Remember this time frame would have been the time that Europe was spreading both Socialism and Communism-------and blacks were being seen as low lying fruit to agitate with the exploiting race wars as would be the common case for the next hundred years hence why especially in communism case, blacks have been targeted heavily for recruitment.


The Progressive Farmers and Household Union of America had organized chapters in the Elaine area in 1918-19.[12] On September 29, representatives met with about 100 black farmers at a church near Elaine to discuss how to obtain fairer settlements from landowners. Whites had resisted union organizing by the farmers and often spied on or disrupted such meetings. Approximately 100 African-American farmers, led by Robert L. Hill, the founder of the union, met at a church in Hoop Spur, near Elaine in Phillips County. Union advocates brought armed guards to protect the meeting. When two deputized white men and a black trustee arrived at the church, shots were exchanged. Railroad Policeman W.D. Adkins, employed by the Missouri Pacific Railroad, was killed[13][14] and the other white man wounded; it was never determined who shot first.

You mean this group went to a church ARMED? Doesn't sound very peaceful to me. Sounds more militant and like what happened with Greenwood and their ARMED hotel owner showing up to the jail all mob up as well....where white people just happened to get killed (but wink wink--no one really knows what happened if you listen to the shooters story.) 100 black armed black men---2 white cops and 1 black trustee. The two cops just happened to get shot and one killed? Really? Gee, I think I know who started firing because how fing stupid would two white cops have to be to start shooting a 100 armed black men especially when none of the armed black me is reported wounded or killed. I don't know how the railroad policemen got involved this though.

According to Revolution in the Land: Southern Agriculture in the 20th Century (2002), in a section called "The Changing Face of Sharecropping and Tenancy":[15]

The black trustee raced back to Helena, the county seat of Phillips County, and alerted officials. A posse was dispatched and within a few hours hundreds of white men, many of them the "low down" variety, began to comb the area for blacks they believed were launching an insurrection. In the end, over a hundred African Americans and five white men were killed. Some estimates of the black death toll range in the hundreds. Allegations surfaced that the white posse and even U.S. soldiers who were brought in to put down the so called "rebellion" had massacred defenseless black men, women and children.

The whites are the Low down variety? Based on what? Looking for blacks launching an insurrection? How about they were likely looking for the blacks who murdered one of the cops and shot the other one trying to kill him as well? Death toll in the hundreds? black men and 5 white men was the official toll. But hey race HOS like their lies upon lies.

The parish sheriff called for a posse to capture suspects in the killing. The county sheriff organized the posse and whites gathered to put down what was rumored as a "black insurrection".[8] Violence expanded beyond the church. Additional armed white men entered the county from outside to support the hunt and a mob formed of 500 to 1,000 armed men. They attacked black people on sight across the county. Local whites requested help from Arkansas Governor Charles Hillman Brough, citing a "Negro uprising". Sensational newspaper headlines published by the Little Rock Gazette and others reported that an "insurrection" was occurring, and that black people had planned to murder white leaders.[5][16]

Governor Brough contacted the War Department and requested Federal troops. After considerable delay, nearly 600 U.S. troops arrived, finding the area in chaos.[17] White men roamed the area randomly attacking and killing black people.[8] Fighting in the area lasted for three days before the troops ended the violence. The federal troops disarmed both parties and arrested 285 black residents, putting them in stockades for investigation and protection until they were vouched for by their employers.[8]

Although official records of the time count eleven black men and five white men killed,[4][18] there are estimates from 100 to 237 African Americans killed, and more wounded. At least two and possibly more victims were killed by Federal troops. The exact number of black people killed is unknown because of the wide rural area in which they were attacked.[2][3][9][8]

Dead body is a dead body---11 dead black men, 5 dead white men------with no reason to hide any bodies. Dead bodies don't just magically disappear.

The OP on this thread needs to stop propaganda and communism. It's gotten old and stupid. Most all these supposed whitey attacking blacks who dind' du nuffin is all bullshit then and now. Reseaching these articles only proves that people and communists haven't changed their tactics in 100 years.

Here is a story that is new to me. The effects of the slaughter are still being felt today. In the article they actually interview a bloke whose beloved grandfather was a lyncher.

There seem to be a number of these atrocities coming to light all the time. Perhaps President Joe should create a truth and reconciliation commission to investigate the massacres and deal with the theft. There seems to be a concerted effort to subjugate Black folk.

Not many movies get made about these stories.
I went straight to Wikipedia----------my gawd the race agitators and race hos AND SOCIALISTS/COMMUNISTS don't ever stop. Same chit, same lies, same tactics, then as now.

The Elaine massacre occurred on September 30–October 1, 1919 at Hoop Spur in the vicinity of Elaine in rural Phillips County, Arkansas. Some records of the time state that eleven black men and five white men were killed.[4] Estimates of deaths made in the immediate aftermath of the Elaine Massacre by eyewitnesses range from 50 to "more than a hundred".[5] Walter Francis White, an NAACP attorney who visited Elaine shortly after the incident stated "... twenty-five Negroes killed, although some place the Negro fatalities as high as one hundred".[6] More recent estimates of the number of black people killed during this violence are higher than estimates provided by the eyewitnesses, recently ranging into the hundreds.[2][1] The white mobs were aided by federal troops (requested by Arkansas governor Charles Hillman Brough) and terrorist organizations like the Ku Klux Klan.[7] According to the Encyclopedia of Arkansas, "the Elaine Massacre was by far the deadliest racial confrontation in Arkansas history and possibly the bloodiest racial conflict in the history of the United States".[8][9]

As with any good tall tale from idiots making shit up---the numbers change. 11 dead black men and 5 dead white men would eventually be changed over and over and over and over again---till the now new improved PROGRESSIVE story claims hundreds of black men, women and children were hunted down and slaughter. Just don't ask for the names or graves or any other evidence because well---race hos always lie. In about 10 years, the reported dead will become in the thousands at this rate.

After the massacre, state officials concocted an elaborate cover-up, falsely claiming that blacks were planning an insurrection.[7] The cover-up was successful, as national newspapers repeated the falsehood that blacks in Arkansas were staging an insurrection.[7] A New York Times headline read, "Planned Massacre of Whites Today," and the Arkansas Gazette (the leading newspaper in Arkansas) wrote that Elaine was "a zone of negro insurrection."[7] Subsequent to this reporting, more than 100 African-Americans were indicted, with 12 being sentenced to death by electrocution.[7] After a years-long legal battle by the NAACP, the 12 men were acquitted.[7]

False narrative of an insurrection? You mean like january 6, 2020? READ the rest of the article to see if this INSURRECTION of the early 1900's is even false. I prefer the term cold blooded murder of the white deputies and probably plotting to kill more like a Black Panthers plot to take over.

Because of the widespread attacks which white mobs committed against blacks during the Red Summer of 1919, the Equal Justice Initiative of Montgomery, Alabama classified the black deaths as lynchings in its 2015 report on the lynching of African Americans in the South.[10]

Lynching that weren't Lynching? WTF? Race hos making shit up AGAIN?

Located in the Arkansas Delta, Phillips County had historically been developed for cotton plantations, and its land was worked by enslaved African-Americans before the Civil War. In the early 20th century the county's population was still predominantly black, because most freedmen and their descendants had stayed on the land as illiterate farm workers and sharecroppers.

African Americans outnumbered whites in the area around Elaine by a ten-to-one ratio, and by three-to-one in the county overall.[8] White landowners controlled the economy, selling cotton on their own schedule, running high-priced plantation stores where farmers had to buy seed and supplies, and settling accounts with sharecroppers in lump sums, without listing items.[8]

The all-white legislature had disenfranchised most blacks and many poor whites in the 1890s by creating barriers to voter registration. It excluded them from the political system via the more complicated Election Law of 1891 and a poll tax amendment passed in 1892. The white-dominated legislature enacted Jim Crow laws that established racial segregation and institutionalized efforts to impose white supremacy. The decades around the turn of the century were the period of the highest rate of lynchings across the South.

Sharecropping, the African Americans had been having trouble in getting settlements for the cotton they raised on land owned by whites. Both the Negroes and the white owners were to share the profits when the crop was sold for the year. Between the time of planting and selling, the sharecroppers took up food, clothing, and necessities at excessive prices from the plantation store owned by the planter.
— O.A. Rogers Jr., President of the Arkansas Baptist College in Little Rock, Arkansas Historical Quarterly, Summer 1960 issue[4]
The landowner sold the crop whenever and however he saw fit. At the time of settlement, landowners generally never gave an itemized statement to the black sharecroppers of accounts owed, nor details of the money received for cotton and seed. The farmers were disadvantaged as many were illiterate. It was an unwritten law of the cotton country that the sharecroppers could not quit and leave a plantation until their debts were paid. The period of the year around accounts settlement was frequently the time of most lynchings of black people throughout the South, especially if times were poor economically. As an example, many black sharecroppers in Phillips County, whose cotton was sold in October 1918, did not get a settlement before July of the following year. They often amassed considerable debt at the plantation store before that time, as they had to buy supplies, including seed, to start the next season.

These people were unable to read or write----so an itemized statement would have been no good to them . But most should have been able to do simple math. I bought this much and I sold this much. If they can't handle this, they should be voting then or now. UNWRITTEN laws are NOT laws btw. Borrowing money fraudulently and then leaving town with the cash instead of planting the crops that you supposedly borrowed the money for is against the law though.

Black farmers began to organize in 1919 to try to negotiate better conditions, including fair accounting and timely payment of monies due them by white landowners. Robert L. Hill, a black farmer from Winchester, Arkansas, had founded the Progressive Farmers and Household Union of America. He worked with farmers throughout Phillips County. Its purpose was "to obtain better payments for their cotton crops from the white plantation owners who dominated the area during the Jim Crow era. Black sharecroppers were often exploited in their efforts to collect payment for their cotton crops."[8]

Hey, if you can organize a whole new union and get attorneys, can't you read and write and go negotiate your own cotton sales along with opening up your own stores to buy basic goods from? Wouldn't that be much easier and smarter if the land owners were really taking that much advantage? But then again TRUTH seems to an non existent in all the race ho stories since well forever.

Whites tried to disrupt such organizing and threatened farmers.[11] The union had hired a white law firm in the capital of Little Rock to represent the black farmers in getting fair settlements for their 1919 cotton crops before they were taken away for sale. The firm was headed by Ulysses S. Bratton, a native of Searcy County and former assistant federal district attorney.[11]

The postwar summer of 1919 had already been marked by deadly race massacres against black Americans in more than three dozen cities across the country, including Chicago, Knoxville, Washington, DC, and Omaha, Nebraska. Competition for jobs and housing in crowded markets following World War I as veterans returned to society resulted in outbreaks of racial violence, usually of ethnic whites against blacks. Having served their country in the Great War, African-American veterans resisted racial discrimination and violence. In 1919 black people vigorously fought back when their communities were attacked. Labor unrest and strikes took place in several cities as workers tried to organize. As industries hired blacks as strikebreakers in some cities, worker resentment against them increased.[8]

Remember this time frame would have been the time that Europe was spreading both Socialism and Communism-------and blacks were being seen as low lying fruit to agitate with the exploiting race wars as would be the common case for the next hundred years hence why especially in communism case, blacks have been targeted heavily for recruitment.


The Progressive Farmers and Household Union of America had organized chapters in the Elaine area in 1918-19.[12] On September 29, representatives met with about 100 black farmers at a church near Elaine to discuss how to obtain fairer settlements from landowners. Whites had resisted union organizing by the farmers and often spied on or disrupted such meetings. Approximately 100 African-American farmers, led by Robert L. Hill, the founder of the union, met at a church in Hoop Spur, near Elaine in Phillips County. Union advocates brought armed guards to protect the meeting. When two deputized white men and a black trustee arrived at the church, shots were exchanged. Railroad Policeman W.D. Adkins, employed by the Missouri Pacific Railroad, was killed[13][14] and the other white man wounded; it was never determined who shot first.

You mean this group went to a church ARMED? Doesn't sound very peaceful to me. Sounds more militant and like what happened with Greenwood and their ARMED hotel owner showing up to the jail all mob up as well....where white people just happened to get killed (but wink wink--no one really knows what happened if you listen to the shooters story.) 100 black armed black men---2 white cops and 1 black trustee. The two cops just happened to get shot and one killed? Really? Gee, I think I know who started firing because how fing stupid would two white cops have to be to start shooting a 100 armed black men especially when none of the armed black me is reported wounded or killed. I don't know how the railroad policemen got involved this though.

According to Revolution in the Land: Southern Agriculture in the 20th Century (2002), in a section called "The Changing Face of Sharecropping and Tenancy":[15]

The black trustee raced back to Helena, the county seat of Phillips County, and alerted officials. A posse was dispatched and within a few hours hundreds of white men, many of them the "low down" variety, began to comb the area for blacks they believed were launching an insurrection. In the end, over a hundred African Americans and five white men were killed. Some estimates of the black death toll range in the hundreds. Allegations surfaced that the white posse and even U.S. soldiers who were brought in to put down the so called "rebellion" had massacred defenseless black men, women and children.

The whites are the Low down variety? Based on what? Looking for blacks launching an insurrection? How about they were likely looking for the blacks who murdered one of the cops and shot the other one trying to kill him as well? Death toll in the hundreds? black men and 5 white men was the official toll. But hey race HOS like their lies upon lies.

The parish sheriff called for a posse to capture suspects in the killing. The county sheriff organized the posse and whites gathered to put down what was rumored as a "black insurrection".[8] Violence expanded beyond the church. Additional armed white men entered the county from outside to support the hunt and a mob formed of 500 to 1,000 armed men. They attacked black people on sight across the county. Local whites requested help from Arkansas Governor Charles Hillman Brough, citing a "Negro uprising". Sensational newspaper headlines published by the Little Rock Gazette and others reported that an "insurrection" was occurring, and that black people had planned to murder white leaders.[5][16]

Governor Brough contacted the War Department and requested Federal troops. After considerable delay, nearly 600 U.S. troops arrived, finding the area in chaos.[17] White men roamed the area randomly attacking and killing black people.[8] Fighting in the area lasted for three days before the troops ended the violence. The federal troops disarmed both parties and arrested 285 black residents, putting them in stockades for investigation and protection until they were vouched for by their employers.[8]

Although official records of the time count eleven black men and five white men killed,[4][18] there are estimates from 100 to 237 African Americans killed, and more wounded. At least two and possibly more victims were killed by Federal troops. The exact number of black people killed is unknown because of the wide rural area in which they were attacked.[2][3][9][8]

Dead body is a dead body---11 dead black men, 5 dead white men------with no reason to hide any bodies. Dead bodies don't just magically disappear.

The OP on this thread needs to stop propaganda and communism. It's gotten old and stupid. Most all these supposed whitey attacking blacks who dind' du nuffin is all bullshit then and now. Reseaching these articles only proves that people and communists haven't changed their tactics in 100 years.
In other words Blacks were doing too well.
Your post is written through the prism of your deep seated racism. You would have been in the lynch mob I suspect.
Don't the bloody Brits have enough on their plate without digging up obscure American atrocities? How about the Punjab massacre in 1919 in India where the Brits fired on unarmed locals until they ran out of ammunition?
Again, why not start a thread about it. Then come back and discuss this one. You people deflect like crazy over something that nobody blame you for.
You should support your fellow Americans in their fight for justice.
That is patriotism.
Americans don't care about British atrocities as much as left wing race baiters apparently seem to care about American atrocities.
Don't the bloody Brits have enough on their plate without digging up obscure American atrocities? How about the Punjab massacre in 1919 in India where the Brits fired on unarmed locals until they ran out of ammunition?
Again, why not start a thread about it. Then come back and discuss this one. You people deflect like crazy over something that nobody blame you for.
You should support your fellow Americans in their fight for justice.
That is patriotism.
Americans don't care about British atrocities as much as left wing race baiters apparently seem to care about American atrocities.
Americans dont seem to care about American atrocities either. Some of them anyway.

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