The eldest of the Duggar children resigns from FRC: Child Molestation Charges

This is completely and utterly disgusting in every possible way:


Josh Dugger: paragon of "Christian Virtue" by day, Child-molester by night.
Here he is, all wrapped in the flag, because that make him better or something. Go figure.​

Josh Duggar, the eldest of the 19 Duggar children from the very well known Duggar family, who worked for the "FRC" (Family Research Center), has resigned because of child molestation charges being leveled against him. He has already admitted that the charges are true.

The Dugga family became famous for the TV-reality show called "19 Kids and Counting".

First link:

Josh Duggar Responds to Child Molestation Allegations Yahoo Celebrity - Yahoo Celebrity

A stunning and very alarming report has emerged involving the Duggar family.

According to a recently uncovered police report,
Josh Duggar, one of the many stars of TLC's 19 Kids and Counting, allegedly molested five girls — some of whom, were reportedly his sisters — starting in 2002. He was around 14 at the time.

Josh, 27, issued a statement to People in response to the allegations: "Twelve years ago, as a young teenager, I acted inexcusably for which I am extremely sorry and deeply regret. I hurt others, including my family and close friends. I confessed this to my parents who took several steps to help me address the situation. We spoke with the authorities where I confessed my wrongdoing, and my parents arranged for me and those affected by my actions to receive counseling. I understood that if I continued down this wrong road that I would end up ruining my life."

He continued, "I would do anything to go back to those teen years and take different actions. I sought forgiveness from those I had wronged and asked Christ to forgive me and come into my life. In my life today, I am so very thankful for God's grace, mercy and redemption."

Josh has resigned as Executive Director of the Family Research Council.

This gets worse, much, much worse. His father knew about it, and did not inform the authorities.

Second link:

Duggar Family Spawn Family Research Council Top Lobbyist Resigns over Molestation Charges

The Duggars apparently told the elders of their church about the incidents in question but not local police authorities.

Later they claimed that they had sent Josh to a Christian counseling program to cure him of whatever was driving his abusive behavior. But under police questioning, Michele Duggar admitted that it wasn't a counseling program at all but rather "a guy they know in Little Rock that is remodeling a building."

The interviewing detective asked if the remodeling guy was a "mentor" and Duggar said "kind of."


When Josh returned from his time with the mentor in Little Rock, father Jim Bob along with a group of church elders took Josh to talk to Arkansas State Trooper, Jim Hutchens, a personal friend of Jim Bob's. Hutchens took no official action and apparently made no report of the incident but rather had a "stern talk" with Josh.

Alas, former state trooper Hutchens is now serving hard time on child pornography charges. He was originally sent to prison two years after the stern talk, released and then convicted again in 2010. He is currently serving a 56 year term. So he may not have been the best person to have Josh talk to.

So, instead of reporting the sexual molestation to the authorities and then having LIED about sending him to a "christian" counseling program, instead, they sent him to a "mentor", a man who is now serving 56 years in jail because of child porn.

The father waited an ENTIRE YEAR to make a police report and then the incidents were quietly swept under the rug.

Third link:

Bombshell Duggar Police Report Jim Bob Duggar Didn t Report Son Josh s Alleged Sex Offenses For More Than a Year - In Touch Weekly

Jim Bob Duggar waited more than a year after his son, Josh, confessed to sexually molesting several female minors before contacting police, In Touch Magazine is reporting exclusively, based on information contained in the official police report.

What’s more, Jim Bob informed the elders of his church about Joshua’s actions and they waited three months before contacting authorities. The explosive new information is contained in a Springdale, Ark., police report obtained by In Touch magazine.

The report has been hidden since 2006 and was just obtained by the mag through a Freedom of information Act request. Jim Bob also refused to allow police to interview Josh when they opened a felony investigation in 2006. The Duggars star on TLC’s hit show 19 Kids and Counting.

In Touch magazine first broke the news of the Duggars’ underage sexual molestation scandal in this week’s magazine. (Note: Josh’s name is redacted from the police report but In Touch has confirmed the passages that refer to him.)

The police report is at the link.

This is absofuckinglutely disgusting!

Remember, this is a family that is held up for it's high "Christian" values. And Josh Duggar was the HEAD of the FRC. So much for the credibility of the FRC.

There is more.

This is a link from a very left-leaning site, but the links within are valid and they are corroborated. Fourth link:

9 Times Josh Duggar Lectured People On Family Values Before He Admitted He Was A Child Molester ThinkProgress

At the link are 9 examples of Josh Duggar lecturing others about family values, that gays were destroying America, that gays were sexual deviants, etc.


The Duggar Family has been praised in many quarters for being a bastion of Christian Virtue and such, and yet, for the last 10 years, it has all been a big, fat lie.

Even here in USMB, the family has been praised to the high heavens above:

The Duggar Family Welcomes 18th Child US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

With comments like this:

They are an amazing family. They are one of the most loving and functional families I have ever seen. They are also very frugal and are financially secure (self-made).


The point is very clear. All too often, we hear from "Christian" charlatans that they take the higher moral road and then at the end of the day, we see yet again another sex scandal. Disgusting. And very, very predictable. If it's not a sex scandal, then it's a rip-off scheme. Go figure.

But I am not going to let The Right and The Christian Right conveniently forget about the many times it has claimed to take the high road, only to get caught in sexual perversions like this Dugger dude.

Here, to refresh our community's memory:

Category Christian sex abuse cases - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Category Christian clergy with criminal convictions - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

List of religious leaders convicted of crimes - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And with that third link, we see an enormous pattern:

  • Tony Alamo - Headed a Santa Clarita commune. Convicted of tax evasion in 1994 and then resided in a halfway house in Texarkana.[1] In 2009, he was convicted of ten federal counts of taking minors across state lines for sex, and sentenced to 150 years in federal prison.[2]
  • Wayne Bent (aka: Michael Travesser) - Founder of Lord Our Righteousness Church, sometimes called Strong City. Was convicted of one count of criminal sexual contact of a minor and two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor in 2008.[4] Was sentenced to 18 years with eight years suspended.[5]
  • William Kamm - An Australian religious sect leader and self-styled Pope Peter II who was sentenced to prison in October 2005 for a string of sexual attacks on a 15-year-old girl. In August 2007 his sentence was increased after being found guilty for a series of sexual abuses against another teenage girl over a five-year period.[10]
And then there's Jim and Tammy Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart (whores in his car), Ted Haggard (male prostitutes), George Rekers (rent boys!), not to mention hundreds and hundreds of catholic priests who have molested young boys.

Yes, we are seeing an enormous pattern. It is a pattern of sexual deviance and perversion, mostly swept under the rug, wrapped in the flag, "prayed away to Jesus" and all sorts of ridiculous shit, but at the end of the day, the story is the same: perversion committed by well-known so-called "Christians". And they are supposed to be 'better.' Yeah, right. My big toe has more morals than those yahoos.

I personally feel very, very sorry for "rank and file" Christians who really do try to live their lives according to the Bible, who go to church, who raise their families, who tithe, who are part of a community they care about - for they have to witness these charlatans and yahoos who abuse their religion for personal gain, all the while telling the rest of us that we are not moral enough.

Well, fuck that. I've had enough of that. I am personally sick and tired of being lectured by Christians by day over how morally superior they are, when they at night are either pumping pussy or sucking cock in a dark alley somewhere.


If Christians really, truly care about the message their faith us SUPPOSED to send, they should be screaming that the Duggars and the Robertsons and the Bakkers and the Swaggarts and the Haggards of the world get the hell out of their lives.


Discuss. Should the Duggars stay on TV, or should the show get canned?

Do you trust any Christian TV personalities at all?

I expect this will be a heated discussion and I do not apologize in the slightest for hitting on this Duggar asswipe so hard, because I bust my ass to teach my kid values and morals and I don't want a pervert like a Josh Duggar anywhere near my kid, to be sure.

Leave it to the OP and libs in general to be gleeful to see a traditional American family take a hit.
This is completely and utterly disgusting in every possible way:


Josh Dugger: paragon of "Christian Virtue" by day, Child-molester by night.
Here he is, all wrapped in the flag, because that make him better or something. Go figure.​

Josh Duggar, the eldest of the 19 Duggar children from the very well known Duggar family, who worked for the "FRC" (Family Research Center), has resigned because of child molestation charges being leveled against him. He has already admitted that the charges are true.

The Dugga family became famous for the TV-reality show called "19 Kids and Counting".

First link:

Josh Duggar Responds to Child Molestation Allegations Yahoo Celebrity - Yahoo Celebrity

A stunning and very alarming report has emerged involving the Duggar family.

According to a recently uncovered police report,
Josh Duggar, one of the many stars of TLC's 19 Kids and Counting, allegedly molested five girls — some of whom, were reportedly his sisters — starting in 2002. He was around 14 at the time.

Josh, 27, issued a statement to People in response to the allegations: "Twelve years ago, as a young teenager, I acted inexcusably for which I am extremely sorry and deeply regret. I hurt others, including my family and close friends. I confessed this to my parents who took several steps to help me address the situation. We spoke with the authorities where I confessed my wrongdoing, and my parents arranged for me and those affected by my actions to receive counseling. I understood that if I continued down this wrong road that I would end up ruining my life."

He continued, "I would do anything to go back to those teen years and take different actions. I sought forgiveness from those I had wronged and asked Christ to forgive me and come into my life. In my life today, I am so very thankful for God's grace, mercy and redemption."

Josh has resigned as Executive Director of the Family Research Council.

This gets worse, much, much worse. His father knew about it, and did not inform the authorities.

Second link:

Duggar Family Spawn Family Research Council Top Lobbyist Resigns over Molestation Charges

The Duggars apparently told the elders of their church about the incidents in question but not local police authorities.

Later they claimed that they had sent Josh to a Christian counseling program to cure him of whatever was driving his abusive behavior. But under police questioning, Michele Duggar admitted that it wasn't a counseling program at all but rather "a guy they know in Little Rock that is remodeling a building."

The interviewing detective asked if the remodeling guy was a "mentor" and Duggar said "kind of."


When Josh returned from his time with the mentor in Little Rock, father Jim Bob along with a group of church elders took Josh to talk to Arkansas State Trooper, Jim Hutchens, a personal friend of Jim Bob's. Hutchens took no official action and apparently made no report of the incident but rather had a "stern talk" with Josh.

Alas, former state trooper Hutchens is now serving hard time on child pornography charges. He was originally sent to prison two years after the stern talk, released and then convicted again in 2010. He is currently serving a 56 year term. So he may not have been the best person to have Josh talk to.

So, instead of reporting the sexual molestation to the authorities and then having LIED about sending him to a "christian" counseling program, instead, they sent him to a "mentor", a man who is now serving 56 years in jail because of child porn.

The father waited an ENTIRE YEAR to make a police report and then the incidents were quietly swept under the rug.

Third link:

Bombshell Duggar Police Report Jim Bob Duggar Didn t Report Son Josh s Alleged Sex Offenses For More Than a Year - In Touch Weekly

Jim Bob Duggar waited more than a year after his son, Josh, confessed to sexually molesting several female minors before contacting police, In Touch Magazine is reporting exclusively, based on information contained in the official police report.

What’s more, Jim Bob informed the elders of his church about Joshua’s actions and they waited three months before contacting authorities. The explosive new information is contained in a Springdale, Ark., police report obtained by In Touch magazine.

The report has been hidden since 2006 and was just obtained by the mag through a Freedom of information Act request. Jim Bob also refused to allow police to interview Josh when they opened a felony investigation in 2006. The Duggars star on TLC’s hit show 19 Kids and Counting.

In Touch magazine first broke the news of the Duggars’ underage sexual molestation scandal in this week’s magazine. (Note: Josh’s name is redacted from the police report but In Touch has confirmed the passages that refer to him.)

The police report is at the link.

This is absofuckinglutely disgusting!

Remember, this is a family that is held up for it's high "Christian" values. And Josh Duggar was the HEAD of the FRC. So much for the credibility of the FRC.

There is more.

This is a link from a very left-leaning site, but the links within are valid and they are corroborated. Fourth link:

9 Times Josh Duggar Lectured People On Family Values Before He Admitted He Was A Child Molester ThinkProgress

At the link are 9 examples of Josh Duggar lecturing others about family values, that gays were destroying America, that gays were sexual deviants, etc.


The Duggar Family has been praised in many quarters for being a bastion of Christian Virtue and such, and yet, for the last 10 years, it has all been a big, fat lie.

Even here in USMB, the family has been praised to the high heavens above:

The Duggar Family Welcomes 18th Child US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

With comments like this:

They are an amazing family. They are one of the most loving and functional families I have ever seen. They are also very frugal and are financially secure (self-made).


The point is very clear. All too often, we hear from "Christian" charlatans that they take the higher moral road and then at the end of the day, we see yet again another sex scandal. Disgusting. And very, very predictable. If it's not a sex scandal, then it's a rip-off scheme. Go figure.

But I am not going to let The Right and The Christian Right conveniently forget about the many times it has claimed to take the high road, only to get caught in sexual perversions like this Dugger dude.

Here, to refresh our community's memory:

Category Christian sex abuse cases - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Category Christian clergy with criminal convictions - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

List of religious leaders convicted of crimes - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And with that third link, we see an enormous pattern:

  • Tony Alamo - Headed a Santa Clarita commune. Convicted of tax evasion in 1994 and then resided in a halfway house in Texarkana.[1] In 2009, he was convicted of ten federal counts of taking minors across state lines for sex, and sentenced to 150 years in federal prison.[2]
  • Wayne Bent (aka: Michael Travesser) - Founder of Lord Our Righteousness Church, sometimes called Strong City. Was convicted of one count of criminal sexual contact of a minor and two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor in 2008.[4] Was sentenced to 18 years with eight years suspended.[5]
  • William Kamm - An Australian religious sect leader and self-styled Pope Peter II who was sentenced to prison in October 2005 for a string of sexual attacks on a 15-year-old girl. In August 2007 his sentence was increased after being found guilty for a series of sexual abuses against another teenage girl over a five-year period.[10]
And then there's Jim and Tammy Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart (whores in his car), Ted Haggard (male prostitutes), George Rekers (rent boys!), not to mention hundreds and hundreds of catholic priests who have molested young boys.

Yes, we are seeing an enormous pattern. It is a pattern of sexual deviance and perversion, mostly swept under the rug, wrapped in the flag, "prayed away to Jesus" and all sorts of ridiculous shit, but at the end of the day, the story is the same: perversion committed by well-known so-called "Christians". And they are supposed to be 'better.' Yeah, right. My big toe has more morals than those yahoos.

I personally feel very, very sorry for "rank and file" Christians who really do try to live their lives according to the Bible, who go to church, who raise their families, who tithe, who are part of a community they care about - for they have to witness these charlatans and yahoos who abuse their religion for personal gain, all the while telling the rest of us that we are not moral enough.

Well, fuck that. I've had enough of that. I am personally sick and tired of being lectured by Christians by day over how morally superior they are, when they at night are either pumping pussy or sucking cock in a dark alley somewhere.


If Christians really, truly care about the message their faith us SUPPOSED to send, they should be screaming that the Duggars and the Robertsons and the Bakkers and the Swaggarts and the Haggards of the world get the hell out of their lives.


Discuss. Should the Duggars stay on TV, or should the show get canned?

Do you trust any Christian TV personalities at all?

I expect this will be a heated discussion and I do not apologize in the slightest for hitting on this Duggar asswipe so hard, because I bust my ass to teach my kid values and morals and I don't want a pervert like a Josh Duggar anywhere near my kid, to be sure.

Leave it to the OP and libs in general to be gleeful to see a traditional American family take a hit.

And another RW steps over the children who were victimized in order to push their sick agenda.

Utterly and completely disgusting that you believe "traditional American families" molest children and protect the molesters.
Does this mean Bill Clinton is going to start flying around the world with this guy?
This is completely and utterly disgusting in every possible way:


Josh Dugger: paragon of "Christian Virtue" by day, Child-molester by night.
Here he is, all wrapped in the flag, because that make him better or something. Go figure.​

Josh Duggar, the eldest of the 19 Duggar children from the very well known Duggar family, who worked for the "FRC" (Family Research Center), has resigned because of child molestation charges being leveled against him. He has already admitted that the charges are true.

The Dugga family became famous for the TV-reality show called "19 Kids and Counting".

First link:

Josh Duggar Responds to Child Molestation Allegations Yahoo Celebrity - Yahoo Celebrity

A stunning and very alarming report has emerged involving the Duggar family.

According to a recently uncovered police report,
Josh Duggar, one of the many stars of TLC's 19 Kids and Counting, allegedly molested five girls — some of whom, were reportedly his sisters — starting in 2002. He was around 14 at the time.

Josh, 27, issued a statement to People in response to the allegations: "Twelve years ago, as a young teenager, I acted inexcusably for which I am extremely sorry and deeply regret. I hurt others, including my family and close friends. I confessed this to my parents who took several steps to help me address the situation. We spoke with the authorities where I confessed my wrongdoing, and my parents arranged for me and those affected by my actions to receive counseling. I understood that if I continued down this wrong road that I would end up ruining my life."

He continued, "I would do anything to go back to those teen years and take different actions. I sought forgiveness from those I had wronged and asked Christ to forgive me and come into my life. In my life today, I am so very thankful for God's grace, mercy and redemption."

Josh has resigned as Executive Director of the Family Research Council.

This gets worse, much, much worse. His father knew about it, and did not inform the authorities.

Second link:

Duggar Family Spawn Family Research Council Top Lobbyist Resigns over Molestation Charges

The Duggars apparently told the elders of their church about the incidents in question but not local police authorities.

Later they claimed that they had sent Josh to a Christian counseling program to cure him of whatever was driving his abusive behavior. But under police questioning, Michele Duggar admitted that it wasn't a counseling program at all but rather "a guy they know in Little Rock that is remodeling a building."

The interviewing detective asked if the remodeling guy was a "mentor" and Duggar said "kind of."


When Josh returned from his time with the mentor in Little Rock, father Jim Bob along with a group of church elders took Josh to talk to Arkansas State Trooper, Jim Hutchens, a personal friend of Jim Bob's. Hutchens took no official action and apparently made no report of the incident but rather had a "stern talk" with Josh.

Alas, former state trooper Hutchens is now serving hard time on child pornography charges. He was originally sent to prison two years after the stern talk, released and then convicted again in 2010. He is currently serving a 56 year term. So he may not have been the best person to have Josh talk to.

So, instead of reporting the sexual molestation to the authorities and then having LIED about sending him to a "christian" counseling program, instead, they sent him to a "mentor", a man who is now serving 56 years in jail because of child porn.

The father waited an ENTIRE YEAR to make a police report and then the incidents were quietly swept under the rug.

Third link:

Bombshell Duggar Police Report Jim Bob Duggar Didn t Report Son Josh s Alleged Sex Offenses For More Than a Year - In Touch Weekly

Jim Bob Duggar waited more than a year after his son, Josh, confessed to sexually molesting several female minors before contacting police, In Touch Magazine is reporting exclusively, based on information contained in the official police report.

What’s more, Jim Bob informed the elders of his church about Joshua’s actions and they waited three months before contacting authorities. The explosive new information is contained in a Springdale, Ark., police report obtained by In Touch magazine.

The report has been hidden since 2006 and was just obtained by the mag through a Freedom of information Act request. Jim Bob also refused to allow police to interview Josh when they opened a felony investigation in 2006. The Duggars star on TLC’s hit show 19 Kids and Counting.

In Touch magazine first broke the news of the Duggars’ underage sexual molestation scandal in this week’s magazine. (Note: Josh’s name is redacted from the police report but In Touch has confirmed the passages that refer to him.)

The police report is at the link.

This is absofuckinglutely disgusting!

Remember, this is a family that is held up for it's high "Christian" values. And Josh Duggar was the HEAD of the FRC. So much for the credibility of the FRC.

There is more.

This is a link from a very left-leaning site, but the links within are valid and they are corroborated. Fourth link:

9 Times Josh Duggar Lectured People On Family Values Before He Admitted He Was A Child Molester ThinkProgress

At the link are 9 examples of Josh Duggar lecturing others about family values, that gays were destroying America, that gays were sexual deviants, etc.


The Duggar Family has been praised in many quarters for being a bastion of Christian Virtue and such, and yet, for the last 10 years, it has all been a big, fat lie.

Even here in USMB, the family has been praised to the high heavens above:

The Duggar Family Welcomes 18th Child US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

With comments like this:

They are an amazing family. They are one of the most loving and functional families I have ever seen. They are also very frugal and are financially secure (self-made).


The point is very clear. All too often, we hear from "Christian" charlatans that they take the higher moral road and then at the end of the day, we see yet again another sex scandal. Disgusting. And very, very predictable. If it's not a sex scandal, then it's a rip-off scheme. Go figure.

But I am not going to let The Right and The Christian Right conveniently forget about the many times it has claimed to take the high road, only to get caught in sexual perversions like this Dugger dude.

Here, to refresh our community's memory:

Category Christian sex abuse cases - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Category Christian clergy with criminal convictions - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

List of religious leaders convicted of crimes - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And with that third link, we see an enormous pattern:

  • Tony Alamo - Headed a Santa Clarita commune. Convicted of tax evasion in 1994 and then resided in a halfway house in Texarkana.[1] In 2009, he was convicted of ten federal counts of taking minors across state lines for sex, and sentenced to 150 years in federal prison.[2]
  • Wayne Bent (aka: Michael Travesser) - Founder of Lord Our Righteousness Church, sometimes called Strong City. Was convicted of one count of criminal sexual contact of a minor and two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor in 2008.[4] Was sentenced to 18 years with eight years suspended.[5]
  • William Kamm - An Australian religious sect leader and self-styled Pope Peter II who was sentenced to prison in October 2005 for a string of sexual attacks on a 15-year-old girl. In August 2007 his sentence was increased after being found guilty for a series of sexual abuses against another teenage girl over a five-year period.[10]
And then there's Jim and Tammy Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart (whores in his car), Ted Haggard (male prostitutes), George Rekers (rent boys!), not to mention hundreds and hundreds of catholic priests who have molested young boys.

Yes, we are seeing an enormous pattern. It is a pattern of sexual deviance and perversion, mostly swept under the rug, wrapped in the flag, "prayed away to Jesus" and all sorts of ridiculous shit, but at the end of the day, the story is the same: perversion committed by well-known so-called "Christians". And they are supposed to be 'better.' Yeah, right. My big toe has more morals than those yahoos.

I personally feel very, very sorry for "rank and file" Christians who really do try to live their lives according to the Bible, who go to church, who raise their families, who tithe, who are part of a community they care about - for they have to witness these charlatans and yahoos who abuse their religion for personal gain, all the while telling the rest of us that we are not moral enough.

Well, fuck that. I've had enough of that. I am personally sick and tired of being lectured by Christians by day over how morally superior they are, when they at night are either pumping pussy or sucking cock in a dark alley somewhere.


If Christians really, truly care about the message their faith us SUPPOSED to send, they should be screaming that the Duggars and the Robertsons and the Bakkers and the Swaggarts and the Haggards of the world get the hell out of their lives.


Discuss. Should the Duggars stay on TV, or should the show get canned?

Do you trust any Christian TV personalities at all?

I expect this will be a heated discussion and I do not apologize in the slightest for hitting on this Duggar asswipe so hard, because I bust my ass to teach my kid values and morals and I don't want a pervert like a Josh Duggar anywhere near my kid, to be sure.

Leave it to the OP and libs in general to be gleeful to see a traditional American family take a hit.

And another RW steps over the children who were victimized in order to push their sick agenda.

Utterly and completely disgusting that you believe "traditional American families" molest children and protect the molesters.

Look you stupid fuck, I am not in any way approving of what has happened here. If this fuck is guilty of molestation, throw his ass in jail and throw away the key.

What I'm disgusted with is how you leftist assholes love to see this kind of a story come out, because you hate traditional American families.
Mike Huckabee DEFENDS the Duggar family after revelations Josh molested young girls when a teen and parents Jim Bob and Michelle covered it up - but who else from the family's decade of stumping for Christian conservatives will speak out?
  • The Duggar family's work stumping for Christian conservatives has come into question this week
  • It was discovered eldest son Josh molested five minors and parents Jim Bob and Michelle covered up these offenses
  • The family very publicly endorsed Mike Huckabee in his presidential run earlier this month
  • Huckabee stated that he is standing by the family and said that what Josh did is forgivable
  • In 2012 the family endorsed Rick Santorum, and traveled around the country in support of the politician
  • Josh frequently campaigned for political candidates as part of his job working as an executive at the Family Research Council
  • He stepped down from the job on Thursday after admitting the details of the molestation released in a police report were true

Read more: Political poison The Duggar family s decade of stumping for Christian conservatives in question after it is revealed lobbyist Josh molested young girls as a teenager and parents Jim Bob and Michelle covered it up Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Not just the Huckster. Also Jeb Bush, Sarah Palin, Scott Walker. But Huckster is the only one I"ve heard of defending them.
This is completely and utterly disgusting in every possible way:


Josh Dugger: paragon of "Christian Virtue" by day, Child-molester by night.
Here he is, all wrapped in the flag, because that make him better or something. Go figure.​

Josh Duggar, the eldest of the 19 Duggar children from the very well known Duggar family, who worked for the "FRC" (Family Research Center), has resigned because of child molestation charges being leveled against him. He has already admitted that the charges are true.

The Dugga family became famous for the TV-reality show called "19 Kids and Counting".

First link:

Josh Duggar Responds to Child Molestation Allegations Yahoo Celebrity - Yahoo Celebrity

A stunning and very alarming report has emerged involving the Duggar family.

According to a recently uncovered police report,
Josh Duggar, one of the many stars of TLC's 19 Kids and Counting, allegedly molested five girls — some of whom, were reportedly his sisters — starting in 2002. He was around 14 at the time.

Josh, 27, issued a statement to People in response to the allegations: "Twelve years ago, as a young teenager, I acted inexcusably for which I am extremely sorry and deeply regret. I hurt others, including my family and close friends. I confessed this to my parents who took several steps to help me address the situation. We spoke with the authorities where I confessed my wrongdoing, and my parents arranged for me and those affected by my actions to receive counseling. I understood that if I continued down this wrong road that I would end up ruining my life."

He continued, "I would do anything to go back to those teen years and take different actions. I sought forgiveness from those I had wronged and asked Christ to forgive me and come into my life. In my life today, I am so very thankful for God's grace, mercy and redemption."

Josh has resigned as Executive Director of the Family Research Council.

This gets worse, much, much worse. His father knew about it, and did not inform the authorities.

Second link:

Duggar Family Spawn Family Research Council Top Lobbyist Resigns over Molestation Charges

The Duggars apparently told the elders of their church about the incidents in question but not local police authorities.

Later they claimed that they had sent Josh to a Christian counseling program to cure him of whatever was driving his abusive behavior. But under police questioning, Michele Duggar admitted that it wasn't a counseling program at all but rather "a guy they know in Little Rock that is remodeling a building."

The interviewing detective asked if the remodeling guy was a "mentor" and Duggar said "kind of."


When Josh returned from his time with the mentor in Little Rock, father Jim Bob along with a group of church elders took Josh to talk to Arkansas State Trooper, Jim Hutchens, a personal friend of Jim Bob's. Hutchens took no official action and apparently made no report of the incident but rather had a "stern talk" with Josh.

Alas, former state trooper Hutchens is now serving hard time on child pornography charges. He was originally sent to prison two years after the stern talk, released and then convicted again in 2010. He is currently serving a 56 year term. So he may not have been the best person to have Josh talk to.

So, instead of reporting the sexual molestation to the authorities and then having LIED about sending him to a "christian" counseling program, instead, they sent him to a "mentor", a man who is now serving 56 years in jail because of child porn.

The father waited an ENTIRE YEAR to make a police report and then the incidents were quietly swept under the rug.

Third link:

Bombshell Duggar Police Report Jim Bob Duggar Didn t Report Son Josh s Alleged Sex Offenses For More Than a Year - In Touch Weekly

Jim Bob Duggar waited more than a year after his son, Josh, confessed to sexually molesting several female minors before contacting police, In Touch Magazine is reporting exclusively, based on information contained in the official police report.

What’s more, Jim Bob informed the elders of his church about Joshua’s actions and they waited three months before contacting authorities. The explosive new information is contained in a Springdale, Ark., police report obtained by In Touch magazine.

The report has been hidden since 2006 and was just obtained by the mag through a Freedom of information Act request. Jim Bob also refused to allow police to interview Josh when they opened a felony investigation in 2006. The Duggars star on TLC’s hit show 19 Kids and Counting.

In Touch magazine first broke the news of the Duggars’ underage sexual molestation scandal in this week’s magazine. (Note: Josh’s name is redacted from the police report but In Touch has confirmed the passages that refer to him.)

The police report is at the link.

This is absofuckinglutely disgusting!

Remember, this is a family that is held up for it's high "Christian" values. And Josh Duggar was the HEAD of the FRC. So much for the credibility of the FRC.

There is more.

This is a link from a very left-leaning site, but the links within are valid and they are corroborated. Fourth link:

9 Times Josh Duggar Lectured People On Family Values Before He Admitted He Was A Child Molester ThinkProgress

At the link are 9 examples of Josh Duggar lecturing others about family values, that gays were destroying America, that gays were sexual deviants, etc.


The Duggar Family has been praised in many quarters for being a bastion of Christian Virtue and such, and yet, for the last 10 years, it has all been a big, fat lie.

Even here in USMB, the family has been praised to the high heavens above:

The Duggar Family Welcomes 18th Child US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

With comments like this:

They are an amazing family. They are one of the most loving and functional families I have ever seen. They are also very frugal and are financially secure (self-made).


The point is very clear. All too often, we hear from "Christian" charlatans that they take the higher moral road and then at the end of the day, we see yet again another sex scandal. Disgusting. And very, very predictable. If it's not a sex scandal, then it's a rip-off scheme. Go figure.

But I am not going to let The Right and The Christian Right conveniently forget about the many times it has claimed to take the high road, only to get caught in sexual perversions like this Dugger dude.

Here, to refresh our community's memory:

Category Christian sex abuse cases - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Category Christian clergy with criminal convictions - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

List of religious leaders convicted of crimes - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And with that third link, we see an enormous pattern:

  • Tony Alamo - Headed a Santa Clarita commune. Convicted of tax evasion in 1994 and then resided in a halfway house in Texarkana.[1] In 2009, he was convicted of ten federal counts of taking minors across state lines for sex, and sentenced to 150 years in federal prison.[2]
  • Wayne Bent (aka: Michael Travesser) - Founder of Lord Our Righteousness Church, sometimes called Strong City. Was convicted of one count of criminal sexual contact of a minor and two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor in 2008.[4] Was sentenced to 18 years with eight years suspended.[5]
  • William Kamm - An Australian religious sect leader and self-styled Pope Peter II who was sentenced to prison in October 2005 for a string of sexual attacks on a 15-year-old girl. In August 2007 his sentence was increased after being found guilty for a series of sexual abuses against another teenage girl over a five-year period.[10]
And then there's Jim and Tammy Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart (whores in his car), Ted Haggard (male prostitutes), George Rekers (rent boys!), not to mention hundreds and hundreds of catholic priests who have molested young boys.

Yes, we are seeing an enormous pattern. It is a pattern of sexual deviance and perversion, mostly swept under the rug, wrapped in the flag, "prayed away to Jesus" and all sorts of ridiculous shit, but at the end of the day, the story is the same: perversion committed by well-known so-called "Christians". And they are supposed to be 'better.' Yeah, right. My big toe has more morals than those yahoos.

I personally feel very, very sorry for "rank and file" Christians who really do try to live their lives according to the Bible, who go to church, who raise their families, who tithe, who are part of a community they care about - for they have to witness these charlatans and yahoos who abuse their religion for personal gain, all the while telling the rest of us that we are not moral enough.

Well, fuck that. I've had enough of that. I am personally sick and tired of being lectured by Christians by day over how morally superior they are, when they at night are either pumping pussy or sucking cock in a dark alley somewhere.


If Christians really, truly care about the message their faith us SUPPOSED to send, they should be screaming that the Duggars and the Robertsons and the Bakkers and the Swaggarts and the Haggards of the world get the hell out of their lives.


Discuss. Should the Duggars stay on TV, or should the show get canned?

Do you trust any Christian TV personalities at all?

I expect this will be a heated discussion and I do not apologize in the slightest for hitting on this Duggar asswipe so hard, because I bust my ass to teach my kid values and morals and I don't want a pervert like a Josh Duggar anywhere near my kid, to be sure.

Leave it to the OP and libs in general to be gleeful to see a traditional American family take a hit.

And another RW steps over the children who were victimized in order to push their sick agenda.

Utterly and completely disgusting that you believe "traditional American families" molest children and protect the molesters.

Look you stupid fuck, I am not in any way approving of what has happened here. If this fuck is guilty of molestation, throw his ass in jail and throw away the key.

What I'm disgusted with is how you leftist assholes love to see this kind of a story come out, because you hate traditional American families.

Throw all the tantrums you want. Maybe this is representative of fundie "traditional American families" but its not for decent people.
Does this mean Bill Clinton is going to start flying around the world with this guy?

Here we go again with using consensual sex between adults in a sick attempt to deflect from the topic of the thread.

Start a new thread.

This guy, Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton should all head to Brazil and have a good ole time.
Mike Huckabee DEFENDS the Duggar family after revelations Josh molested young girls when a teen and parents Jim Bob and Michelle covered it up - but who else from the family's decade of stumping for Christian conservatives will speak out?
  • The Duggar family's work stumping for Christian conservatives has come into question this week
  • It was discovered eldest son Josh molested five minors and parents Jim Bob and Michelle covered up these offenses
  • The family very publicly endorsed Mike Huckabee in his presidential run earlier this month
  • Huckabee stated that he is standing by the family and said that what Josh did is forgivable
  • In 2012 the family endorsed Rick Santorum, and traveled around the country in support of the politician
  • Josh frequently campaigned for political candidates as part of his job working as an executive at the Family Research Council
  • He stepped down from the job on Thursday after admitting the details of the molestation released in a police report were true

Read more: Political poison The Duggar family s decade of stumping for Christian conservatives in question after it is revealed lobbyist Josh molested young girls as a teenager and parents Jim Bob and Michelle covered it up Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Not just the Huckster. Also Jeb Bush, Sarah Palin, Scott Walker. But Huckster is the only one I"ve heard of defending them.

Not sure what Jeb, Sarah and Scott have to do with it his.
Yesterday we covered Pastor Matt Makela, the anti-gay Michigan pastor who was outed on Grindr.

Today a young man and his mother have stepped forward with their own story about Pastor Matt Makela. Tyler Kish was a teenage boy struggling to come to terms with his sexuality and sought counsel from Pastor Makela. His advice nearly caused Tyler to commit suicide:

"If he was going to go to hell for being gay then he might as well go to hell by committing suicide," Jennifer Kish said, regarding what Makela told her son.
That Michigan pastor who was outed on Grindr? He nearly shamed a gay teen into committing suicide

Yeah :wtf: is that?

Damn, that is just plain old raw.
Mike Huckabee DEFENDS the Duggar family after revelations Josh molested young girls when a teen and parents Jim Bob and Michelle covered it up - but who else from the family's decade of stumping for Christian conservatives will speak out?
  • The Duggar family's work stumping for Christian conservatives has come into question this week
  • It was discovered eldest son Josh molested five minors and parents Jim Bob and Michelle covered up these offenses
  • The family very publicly endorsed Mike Huckabee in his presidential run earlier this month
  • Huckabee stated that he is standing by the family and said that what Josh did is forgivable
  • In 2012 the family endorsed Rick Santorum, and traveled around the country in support of the politician
  • Josh frequently campaigned for political candidates as part of his job working as an executive at the Family Research Council
  • He stepped down from the job on Thursday after admitting the details of the molestation released in a police report were true

Read more: Political poison The Duggar family s decade of stumping for Christian conservatives in question after it is revealed lobbyist Josh molested young girls as a teenager and parents Jim Bob and Michelle covered it up Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Not just the Huckster. Also Jeb Bush, Sarah Palin, Scott Walker. But Huckster is the only one I"ve heard of defending them.

Not sure what Jeb, Sarah and Scott have to do with it his.

Nor do I.

That's why I wrote "But Huckster is the only one I"ve heard of defending them."
No you and you kind show your ugly selves as judge and jury of all mankind. Your shits stinks the same as anyone else

You refer to children as FETUES

Deceleration Alert!!! Deceleration Alert!!!

Dot Com
Luddly Neddite


OMG OMG frikken frikken ugly selves ficken-schnicken, and you kind thayv gawt to gow FETUES deer leder GAWD!!!

Now, back to the OP: The dude diddled his own sisters and somehow Stephanie can only blame the Left for lambasting the asswipe for it.

"Christians" like this con-family sure got a good racket going.
Mike Huckabee DEFENDS the Duggar family after revelations Josh molested young girls when a teen and parents Jim Bob and Michelle covered it up - but who else from the family's decade of stumping for Christian conservatives will speak out?
  • The Duggar family's work stumping for Christian conservatives has come into question this week
  • It was discovered eldest son Josh molested five minors and parents Jim Bob and Michelle covered up these offenses
  • The family very publicly endorsed Mike Huckabee in his presidential run earlier this month
  • Huckabee stated that he is standing by the family and said that what Josh did is forgivable
  • In 2012 the family endorsed Rick Santorum, and traveled around the country in support of the politician
  • Josh frequently campaigned for political candidates as part of his job working as an executive at the Family Research Council
  • He stepped down from the job on Thursday after admitting the details of the molestation released in a police report were true

Read more: Political poison The Duggar family s decade of stumping for Christian conservatives in question after it is revealed lobbyist Josh molested young girls as a teenager and parents Jim Bob and Michelle covered it up Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Not just the Huckster. Also Jeb Bush, Sarah Palin, Scott Walker. But Huckster is the only one I"ve heard of defending them.

Not sure what Jeb, Sarah and Scott have to do with it his.

Nor do I.

That's why I wrote "But Huckster is the only one I"ve heard of defending them."

Then why did you post their names?
This is completely and utterly disgusting in every possible way:


Josh Dugger: paragon of "Christian Virtue" by day, Child-molester by night.
Here he is, all wrapped in the flag, because that make him better or something. Go figure.​

Josh Duggar, the eldest of the 19 Duggar children from the very well known Duggar family, who worked for the "FRC" (Family Research Center), has resigned because of child molestation charges being leveled against him. He has already admitted that the charges are true.

The Dugga family became famous for the TV-reality show called "19 Kids and Counting".

First link:

Josh Duggar Responds to Child Molestation Allegations Yahoo Celebrity - Yahoo Celebrity

A stunning and very alarming report has emerged involving the Duggar family.

According to a recently uncovered police report,
Josh Duggar, one of the many stars of TLC's 19 Kids and Counting, allegedly molested five girls — some of whom, were reportedly his sisters — starting in 2002. He was around 14 at the time.

Josh, 27, issued a statement to People in response to the allegations: "Twelve years ago, as a young teenager, I acted inexcusably for which I am extremely sorry and deeply regret. I hurt others, including my family and close friends. I confessed this to my parents who took several steps to help me address the situation. We spoke with the authorities where I confessed my wrongdoing, and my parents arranged for me and those affected by my actions to receive counseling. I understood that if I continued down this wrong road that I would end up ruining my life."

He continued, "I would do anything to go back to those teen years and take different actions. I sought forgiveness from those I had wronged and asked Christ to forgive me and come into my life. In my life today, I am so very thankful for God's grace, mercy and redemption."

Josh has resigned as Executive Director of the Family Research Council.

This gets worse, much, much worse. His father knew about it, and did not inform the authorities.

Second link:

Duggar Family Spawn Family Research Council Top Lobbyist Resigns over Molestation Charges

The Duggars apparently told the elders of their church about the incidents in question but not local police authorities.

Later they claimed that they had sent Josh to a Christian counseling program to cure him of whatever was driving his abusive behavior. But under police questioning, Michele Duggar admitted that it wasn't a counseling program at all but rather "a guy they know in Little Rock that is remodeling a building."

The interviewing detective asked if the remodeling guy was a "mentor" and Duggar said "kind of."


When Josh returned from his time with the mentor in Little Rock, father Jim Bob along with a group of church elders took Josh to talk to Arkansas State Trooper, Jim Hutchens, a personal friend of Jim Bob's. Hutchens took no official action and apparently made no report of the incident but rather had a "stern talk" with Josh.

Alas, former state trooper Hutchens is now serving hard time on child pornography charges. He was originally sent to prison two years after the stern talk, released and then convicted again in 2010. He is currently serving a 56 year term. So he may not have been the best person to have Josh talk to.

So, instead of reporting the sexual molestation to the authorities and then having LIED about sending him to a "christian" counseling program, instead, they sent him to a "mentor", a man who is now serving 56 years in jail because of child porn.

The father waited an ENTIRE YEAR to make a police report and then the incidents were quietly swept under the rug.

Third link:

Bombshell Duggar Police Report Jim Bob Duggar Didn t Report Son Josh s Alleged Sex Offenses For More Than a Year - In Touch Weekly

Jim Bob Duggar waited more than a year after his son, Josh, confessed to sexually molesting several female minors before contacting police, In Touch Magazine is reporting exclusively, based on information contained in the official police report.

What’s more, Jim Bob informed the elders of his church about Joshua’s actions and they waited three months before contacting authorities. The explosive new information is contained in a Springdale, Ark., police report obtained by In Touch magazine.

The report has been hidden since 2006 and was just obtained by the mag through a Freedom of information Act request. Jim Bob also refused to allow police to interview Josh when they opened a felony investigation in 2006. The Duggars star on TLC’s hit show 19 Kids and Counting.

In Touch magazine first broke the news of the Duggars’ underage sexual molestation scandal in this week’s magazine. (Note: Josh’s name is redacted from the police report but In Touch has confirmed the passages that refer to him.)

The police report is at the link.

This is absofuckinglutely disgusting!

Remember, this is a family that is held up for it's high "Christian" values. And Josh Duggar was the HEAD of the FRC. So much for the credibility of the FRC.

There is more.

This is a link from a very left-leaning site, but the links within are valid and they are corroborated. Fourth link:

9 Times Josh Duggar Lectured People On Family Values Before He Admitted He Was A Child Molester ThinkProgress

At the link are 9 examples of Josh Duggar lecturing others about family values, that gays were destroying America, that gays were sexual deviants, etc.


The Duggar Family has been praised in many quarters for being a bastion of Christian Virtue and such, and yet, for the last 10 years, it has all been a big, fat lie.

Even here in USMB, the family has been praised to the high heavens above:

The Duggar Family Welcomes 18th Child US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

With comments like this:

They are an amazing family. They are one of the most loving and functional families I have ever seen. They are also very frugal and are financially secure (self-made).


The point is very clear. All too often, we hear from "Christian" charlatans that they take the higher moral road and then at the end of the day, we see yet again another sex scandal. Disgusting. And very, very predictable. If it's not a sex scandal, then it's a rip-off scheme. Go figure.

But I am not going to let The Right and The Christian Right conveniently forget about the many times it has claimed to take the high road, only to get caught in sexual perversions like this Dugger dude.

Here, to refresh our community's memory:

Category Christian sex abuse cases - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Category Christian clergy with criminal convictions - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

List of religious leaders convicted of crimes - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And with that third link, we see an enormous pattern:

  • Tony Alamo - Headed a Santa Clarita commune. Convicted of tax evasion in 1994 and then resided in a halfway house in Texarkana.[1] In 2009, he was convicted of ten federal counts of taking minors across state lines for sex, and sentenced to 150 years in federal prison.[2]
  • Wayne Bent (aka: Michael Travesser) - Founder of Lord Our Righteousness Church, sometimes called Strong City. Was convicted of one count of criminal sexual contact of a minor and two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor in 2008.[4] Was sentenced to 18 years with eight years suspended.[5]
  • William Kamm - An Australian religious sect leader and self-styled Pope Peter II who was sentenced to prison in October 2005 for a string of sexual attacks on a 15-year-old girl. In August 2007 his sentence was increased after being found guilty for a series of sexual abuses against another teenage girl over a five-year period.[10]
And then there's Jim and Tammy Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart (whores in his car), Ted Haggard (male prostitutes), George Rekers (rent boys!), not to mention hundreds and hundreds of catholic priests who have molested young boys.

Yes, we are seeing an enormous pattern. It is a pattern of sexual deviance and perversion, mostly swept under the rug, wrapped in the flag, "prayed away to Jesus" and all sorts of ridiculous shit, but at the end of the day, the story is the same: perversion committed by well-known so-called "Christians". And they are supposed to be 'better.' Yeah, right. My big toe has more morals than those yahoos.

I personally feel very, very sorry for "rank and file" Christians who really do try to live their lives according to the Bible, who go to church, who raise their families, who tithe, who are part of a community they care about - for they have to witness these charlatans and yahoos who abuse their religion for personal gain, all the while telling the rest of us that we are not moral enough.

Well, fuck that. I've had enough of that. I am personally sick and tired of being lectured by Christians by day over how morally superior they are, when they at night are either pumping pussy or sucking cock in a dark alley somewhere.


If Christians really, truly care about the message their faith us SUPPOSED to send, they should be screaming that the Duggars and the Robertsons and the Bakkers and the Swaggarts and the Haggards of the world get the hell out of their lives.


Discuss. Should the Duggars stay on TV, or should the show get canned?

Do you trust any Christian TV personalities at all?

I expect this will be a heated discussion and I do not apologize in the slightest for hitting on this Duggar asswipe so hard, because I bust my ass to teach my kid values and morals and I don't want a pervert like a Josh Duggar anywhere near my kid, to be sure.

Leave it to the OP and libs in general to be gleeful to see a traditional American family take a hit.
Wait...they are a traditional American family now? Full support on your side, I see.

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