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The Election Ain't Over Folks

Everyone (on both sides) needs to wake the hell up. All of this is a charade, in order to bring about as much chaos and division as possible, because their goal is Order out of Chaos.

In case anyone wasn't aware, numerous scenarios were "wargamed" out in simulations or drills, long before this election.

This article talks about that: Darktrace and Cybereason: The Intelligence Front Companies Seeking to Subjugate the World with the A.I. Singularity - unlimitedhangout.com

Also, look into the Transition Integrity Project.

I don't support either Biden or Trump, because they're both puppets and I don't trust any of this, so I'm not saying this as someone who wants to see this happen. But a very likely scenario (based on their own drills) is that Trump will contest this and there very well could be a reversal, which of course will bring about exactly what the PTSB want - an eruption of outrage, chaos, rioting, civil unrest, etc, which will give them the pretext they need for their power grabs and destroying this country as we know it.

But at the end of the day it doesn't matter who "wins" because at the higher levels they're all on the same team, no one gets to that level of power without first being "approved." So as I said, both sides need to wake up and realize you all are being manipulated and played. You'll see, eventually. :dunno:

This is actually the best post on this thread,sad that it was overlooked by so many.I don’t think the majority here understand that both parties are corrupt and one in the same thst there’s no difference in the two,thst it’s a one party system disguised as two so the sheep think they have a choice in who gets elected.

Like you said so very well,you don’t get to be president unless you are APPROVED by the establishment.not just anybody can run and be president,you got to have extreme high connections of people in high positions of power to be elected. I have been critical of trump in the past myself. The Trump lovers here have never been able to answer a simple question i posed them that if he IS for us,then WHY has he not gotten rid of the evil CIA,FBI,or the fed if he is for the people,I can’t get an answer from them.He had an entire four years to do so and he never lifted one finger to do so.

I had hopes that he was going to be our first real president sense jfk not a puppet for the establishment,he keeps saying he will drain the swamp but how come again,he has not Even tried to get rid of those evil organizations?

why has he not told the media to stop lying about the jfk assassination,why has he not told them to tell the truth the CIA killed him? Why has he not ordered a new independent investigation into the 9/11 investigation,the biggest joke of an investigation sense the jfk assassination? That doesn’t sound like draining the swamp to me.

that is because it looks like same as biden,he is part of the corrupt two party system. He was friends with the clintons st one time even.

people here can’t seem to figure out thst the REASON an independent like Gary Johnson never gets in office is because they are not part of the new world order corrupt two party system.that is why an independent won’t ever get elected,the elite are afraid to have a president who follows the constitution and serves the people.the last one that did paid the deadly price for it on nov 22nd 1963. He for sure was not part of the corrupt two party system that’s been in place for decades now.
Everyone (on both sides) needs to wake the hell up. All of this is a charade, in order to bring about as much chaos and division as possible, because their goal is Order out of Chaos.

In case anyone wasn't aware, numerous scenarios were "wargamed" out in simulations or drills, long before this election.

This article talks about that: Darktrace and Cybereason: The Intelligence Front Companies Seeking to Subjugate the World with the A.I. Singularity - unlimitedhangout.com

Also, look into the Transition Integrity Project.

I don't support either Biden or Trump, because they're both puppets and I don't trust any of this, so I'm not saying this as someone who wants to see this happen. But a very likely scenario (based on their own drills) is that Trump will contest this and there very well could be a reversal, which of course will bring about exactly what the PTSB want - an eruption of outrage, chaos, rioting, civil unrest, etc, which will give them the pretext they need for their power grabs and destroying this country as we know it.

But at the end of the day it doesn't matter who "wins" because at the higher levels they're all on the same team, no one gets to that level of power without first being "approved." So as I said, both sides need to wake up and realize you all are being manipulated and played. You'll see, eventually. :dunno:

Trump is on my team and that's all that matters.
Buttercup, the content of the video you posted turned out to be incorrect. If Jeb Bush had won the Republican primary in 2016 as the Deep State wanted, then it would make some sense maybe. :dunno: Don't tell me you think President Trump was in on the Russia Hoax, the Unkraine Hoax, the Kung Flu Hoax? :icon_rolleyes: The Kung Flu Hoax enabled "mail in" voting which is one of the primary means of voter fraud the democrats are using. And it is the democrat governors who are currently inflicting martial law also supposedly because of the Kung Flu. How bad can it get with restaurants, bars, schools, corporate offices, public gatherings (unless democrats) etc., still basically half closed with limited hours because of unconstitutional, mainly democrat government decrees at the state level? :laugh:

How will dems react if Republicans will the House, Senate and Presidency which is possible if the dems do not successfully destroy our democracy? Soy boys and lesbians with vagina hats might take to the streets and threaten to burn down the White House again, but that is probably the extent of it. If the dems get away with attacking our democracy, patriotic Americans will realize they have no voice in government. Then who knows. That would be the troubling scenario since the Deep State has made it clear they have contempt for Whitey. President Trump is the "bug in the Deep State system" so to speak.
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No matter how hard the leftists here will declare it to be so, until the Court actions are over the election isn't over. Bush V Gore wasn't resolved for 38 days IIRC. This is going to drag on for probably longer. Keep your hats on.
If MalcomX was alive today you think he would've joined trump and his cult?

Yep........the democrat party was founded by the slave owners, and is filled at the top with racists............
You are right but you traded spots, so?

Wow...you are stupid....the democrats did not become the party of Civil Rights, they never changed....the core groups of the democrat party and it's leadership are as racist as they were in the 1960s.....
Hummmm is that why we see the KKK, neo nazis, proud boys all in the GOP camp....their GPS is messed up?
Everyone (on both sides) needs to wake the hell up. All of this is a charade, in order to bring about as much chaos and division as possible, because their goal is Order out of Chaos.

In case anyone wasn't aware, numerous scenarios were "wargamed" out in simulations or drills, long before this election.

This article talks about that: Darktrace and Cybereason: The Intelligence Front Companies Seeking to Subjugate the World with the A.I. Singularity - unlimitedhangout.com

Also, look into the Transition Integrity Project.

I don't support either Biden or Trump, because they're both puppets and I don't trust any of this, so I'm not saying this as someone who wants to see this happen. But a very likely scenario (based on their own drills) is that Trump will contest this and there very well could be a reversal, which of course will bring about exactly what the PTSB want - an eruption of outrage, chaos, rioting, civil unrest, etc, which will give them the pretext they need for their power grabs and destroying this country as we know it.

But at the end of the day it doesn't matter who "wins" because at the higher levels they're all on the same team, no one gets to that level of power without first being "approved." So as I said, both sides need to wake up and realize you all are being manipulated and played. You'll see, eventually. :dunno:

Trump is on my team and that's all that matters.

No that's not all that matters. Cupcake. Crybaby. Here's a tissue.
No matter how hard the leftists here will declare it to be so, until the Court actions are over the election isn't over. Bush V Gore wasn't resolved for 38 days IIRC. This is going to drag on for probably longer. Keep your hats on.
If MalcomX was alive today you think he would've joined trump and his cult?

Yep........the democrat party was founded by the slave owners, and is filled at the top with racists............
You are right but you traded spots, so?

Wow...you are stupid....the democrats did not become the party of Civil Rights, they never changed....the core groups of the democrat party and it's leadership are as racist as they were in the 1960s.....
Hummmm is that why we see the KKK, neo nazis, proud boys all in the GOP camp....their GPS is messed up?

You still at it Trollboi ?
Biden won...so please, for Satan's sake...DON'T DO A RECOUNT!
Yep, that's Liberal logic...
get a grip, if you can. stop lying as well. but you most probably can't.
Show me where I'm lying.
ah. you care, liar.
I presume your nation sucks away at US tax dollars because it can't generate prosperity on it's own.
as usual, your input is laughable. i am having a lot of fun mocking you bombastic liars and tards.
Everyone (on both sides) needs to wake the hell up. All of this is a charade, in order to bring about as much chaos and division as possible, because their goal is Order out of Chaos.

In case anyone wasn't aware, numerous scenarios were "wargamed" out in simulations or drills, long before this election.

This article talks about that: Darktrace and Cybereason: The Intelligence Front Companies Seeking to Subjugate the World with the A.I. Singularity - unlimitedhangout.com

Also, look into the Transition Integrity Project.

I don't support either Biden or Trump, because they're both puppets and I don't trust any of this, so I'm not saying this as someone who wants to see this happen. But a very likely scenario (based on their own drills) is that Trump will contest this and there very well could be a reversal, which of course will bring about exactly what the PTSB want - an eruption of outrage, chaos, rioting, civil unrest, etc, which will give them the pretext they need for their power grabs and destroying this country as we know it.

But at the end of the day it doesn't matter who "wins" because at the higher levels they're all on the same team, no one gets to that level of power without first being "approved." So as I said, both sides need to wake up and realize you all are being manipulated and played. You'll see, eventually. :dunno:

Trump is on my team and that's all that matters.

No matter how hard the leftists here will declare it to be so, until the Court actions are over the election isn't over. Bush V Gore wasn't resolved for 38 days IIRC. This is going to drag on for probably longer. Keep your hats on.
For people who have intelligence, you get the feeling that there is so much corruption from the deep state, because the NY slimes says Bite Me is the 46th president. I thought it was the election commission not the slimes who decides who the winner is?

Again, because Trumpers are so fucking stupid....the Secretary of State of each state is in charge of their state's election process and vote counting. You're trying to create a conspiracy because Trump lost. Fifty secretaries of state, many of them Republican, did not conspire to rig this election.

The courts are going to turn Trump down on these frivolous lawsuits.
/—-/ You don’t need 50 SOS to conspire, only a handful of swing states.
Hope y'all have money to donate to him, because he will need it, for the cost of all of the recounts....which gets charged to the candidate requesting them....unless maybe if it is in the range of a State automatic recount?

Trump does not want a recount. He knows he will still lose.

He wants the clock reset to Election Night with him in the lead. He wants every vote tabulated after Election Day to be voided
Well that is just bat shit crazy! Millions and millions and millions of Americans would be disenfranchised of their vote, the only participation we have, in our democracy/ Democratic Republic :eek:

Looks to me like he wants to delay, delay, delay, so that somehow the Congress will have to choose our President.... something the news has reported on as a plan of Fuer Trump's for months.....

That appears to be Trumps plan all along. That is why in speech after speech he told followers to vote in person.

He wanted to leave Election Night with the lead. He declared victory on Election Night. Republicans in Pennsylvania State House blocked attempts to count mail in votes early. Now, Trump wants votes tabulated after Election Day thrown out.

His ace in the hole is he thinks he owns the courts and they will do his bidding.

I think he will be disappointed
From your mouth to God's ears!!!!!

The courts should continue to disappoint him....mainly because he hasn't been able to produce any fraud, that would change the results of him losing...

but I have no problem with recounts etc.... an awful lot of citizens have been bamboozled in to believing his lies and unverified fraud, and they need to see the recounts to make them believe the truth... that Donald is just making shit up.
Along with looking into any irregularities (such as checking the legality of votes, deciding whether to count any precincts which broke the law by excluding poll watchers or pulling other illegal shit, and doing COMPLETE RECOUNTS of ANY precincts or states which used the Dominion system (which has already been caught flipping votes))!!!

If you can show us that Biden won without using fraud, I'm perfectly willing to admit that he has met your standards, proven his innocence, and I will accept him as President...
Just the opposite. The election was fair and square. YOUR SIDE has to PROVE beyond a reasonable doubt that there was fraud, that surmounted the results of the election. Accusations, and speculations, and partisan manufactured propaganda....just don't cut it, in the United States of America....we are not Russia, or China, or North Korea.... here, we the voters choose our President, the President does NOT choose the voters....and THAT is what this Despot and his followers are trying to do.... YOU creating these bull crap accusations without proof, is what is attempted FRAUD on the American people and their right to choose their leaders and representatives....YOUR ILK, are the ones TRYING TO STEAL AN ELECTION, from the American voter, the American people....and weaken our democracy.

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