The Election WAS Stolen

People can always ask questions, I know that many found Election Night 2016 and especially 2020 as confusing. Both sides cry wolf at times. Such are the pursuits of any kind where the results are unlike say a 100 metre dash where one can see the results in front of their eyes. A great deal of Faith in involved in elections.
People can always ask questions, I know that many found Election Night 2016 and especially 2020 as confusing. Both sides cry wolf at times. Such are the pursuits of any kind where the results are unlike say a 100 metre dash where one can see the results in front of their eyes. A great deal of Faith in involved in elections.
Yeah, but never in my life staying up late, have i seen at 2am nothing but Biden Ballots cast in so many numbers in just a few states.

The Marxists say it isnt widespread voter fraud, and it wasnt, just in 5 states was there voter fraud. Those 5 states had President Trump leading by 10s of thousands at 2am. When everyone was supposed to go home, then early the next morning Joe miraculously got more votes than the brown turd Obammy did his adoring boss.
I get so sick of the left calling out Trump and others for referring to elections as being stolen when they have done it themselves nonstop for over two decades. What's even more funny is Democrat's never ending attacks on voting machines.

They stole the nomination from Batshit Bernie, TWICE.
I get so sick of the left calling out Trump and others for referring to elections as being stolen when they have done it themselves nonstop for over two decades. What's even more funny is Democrat's never ending attacks on voting machines.

Diebold Voting Machines rigged the 2000 elections for Bush. And the owner of Diebold was a huge contributor to getting Bush Ohio in 2004. Another shady win that should have been investigated.
Yeah, but never in my life staying up late, have i seen at 2am nothing but Biden Ballots cast in so many numbers in just a few states.

The Marxists say it isnt widespread voter fraud, and it wasnt, just in 5 states was there voter fraud. Those 5 states had President Trump leading by 10s of thousands at 2am. When everyone was supposed to go home, then early the next morning Joe miraculously got more votes than the brown turd Obammy did his adoring boss.
The problem with your painting what happened is that the same exact picture happened for the presidential primaries. With republican in-person votes showing up early, and democratic mail in votes showing up late.
Diebold Voting Machines rigged the 2000 elections for Bush. And the owner of Diebold was a huge contributor to getting Bush Ohio in 2004. Another shady win that should have been investigated.
Glad to see ya'll admit again that the machines can be rigged & are not to be trusted.
Let's go back to photo ID, paper ballots, hand counts, no machines & transparency with same day election results.

I'm sure we can agree on something that's just basic common sense, right?
I guess it works for Crybaby Losers who prefer stolen election fantasies to admitting they lost
A lot of right wing election deniers won in 2022. They will be keeping a close eye on elections. I hope someone's keeping a close eye on them.

You know who tampered with voting machines? Trump's lawyer Sidney Powell.

Inside the secretive effort by Trump allies to access voting machines​

But in at least seven other counties in four states, including Coffee, local officials acting without a court order or subpoena allegedly gave outsiders access to the machines or their data, a Washington Post examination found.
Data copied from these machines has been misrepresented as empirical evidence for the false claims of fraud that have warped American political discourse and spurred violence, notably the storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Those claims have also undermined trust in election results, including in the upcoming midterm contests, which some candidates have already suggested they may not accept.

A Republican county official in Georgia escorted two operatives working with an attorney for former President Donald Trump into the county’s election offices on the same day a voting system there was breached, newly obtained video shows.

Glad to see ya'll admit again that the machines can be rigged & are not to be trusted.
Let's go back to photo ID, paper ballots, hand counts, no machines & transparency with same day election results.

I'm sure we can agree on something that's just basic common sense, right?
In 2000 machines did not include a paper ballot or even a receipt in many cases
I guess it works for Crybaby Losers who prefer stolen election fantasies to admitting they lost

The different votes, in-person vs mail-in came in at different times, because of the nature of the election laws, and the extra steps required to count mail-in votes. This was known well before election night, and Trump set up his voters with a tale of the expected vote result timing, was evidence of the election being stolen.
I get so sick of the left calling out Trump and others for referring to elections as being stolen when they have done it themselves nonstop for over two decades. What's even more funny is Democrat's never ending attacks on voting machines.

^^^ why Democrats stole the election in 2020, convinced that Trump stole it in 2016. The video makes clear the Dem leadership are election deniers and staged an insurrection against a sitting president for 4 years.

Democrats are MASTERS OF PROJECTION and the most dishonest liars you will ever meet.
^^^ why Democrats stole the election in 2020, convinced that Trump stole it in 2016. The video makes clear the Dem leadership are election deniers and staged an insurrection against a sitting president for 4 years.
The difference is the only democrats that showed up at the Capitol, were the ones that worked there.
People can always ask questions,

NO, they can't. That is the problem. During the 2020 election, Trump went from clear winner at 4AM the next morning to losing by a mile days later, then everyone was told no one could question it, anyone trying was shadow-banned, then Biden moved in and barricaded himself behind barbed wire fences and armed troops.
The difference is the only democrats that showed up at the Capitol, were the ones that worked there.
Stop lying. Dems not only showed up at the Capitol they conspired to fabricate a number of false insurrectionist charges against Trump and attempted to impeach him twice. Dems attacks on democracy are historic.
Stop lying. Dems not only showed up at the Capitol they conspired to fabricate a number of false insurrectionist charges against Trump and attempted to impeach him twice. Dems attacks on democracy are historic. don't even believe that stupid shit.

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