The Election WAS Stolen

^^^ why Democrats stole the election in 2020, convinced that Trump stole it in 2016. The video makes clear the Dem leadership are election deniers and staged an insurrection against a sitting president for 4 years.

Democrats are MASTERS OF PROJECTION and the most dishonest liars you will ever meet.
This is a lie.

The right’s war on democracy continues.
I get so sick of the left calling out Trump and others for referring to elections as being stolen when they have done it themselves nonstop for over two decades. What's even more funny is Democrat's never ending attacks on voting machines.

The entire country is a giant fire storm

We went from the best to the worst
The 2020 election wasn’t stolen, that’s a lie.

Conservatives continue to propagate that lie in an effort to destroy America’s democracy.

The 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy was just the beginning.

You are a lie. There was no terrorist attack on J6. There WAS an orchestrated attack engineered by pelousi and her minions.

Yet another reichstag fire. Morons, like you are either too blind, or too stupid to see it happening again.

So which are you?
You are a lie. There was no terrorist attack on J6. There WAS an orchestrated attack engineered by pelousi and her minions.
Yet another reichstag fire. Morons, like you are either too blind, or too stupid to see it happening again.
So which are you?

Neither. No one can be THAT stupid all the time. All that leaves left are paid subversive enemy traitors trying to undermine America to install their own brand of subversive enemy foreign control while labeling you a "threat" now to the depleted public rightfully groomed by misinformation and propaganda for daring to oppose their deceit.

You know, the kind of people we used to keep under control 80 years ago by putting a bullet into the back of their brains until progressivism started to take hold in the 1970s.
I get so sick of the left calling out Trump and others for referring to elections as being stolen when they have done it themselves nonstop for over two decades. What's even more funny is Democrat's never ending attacks on voting machines.

Prove it, and I'm in.

So far, you're 0 for 65.

It's possible that you've been conned by the most obvious con man the country has ever seen.
Biden had no support among the living; he'd hold a rally and have to offer blowjobs to get anyone to attend. What he had was the CCP/democrat Party/Sinaloa Dream Team working literally round the clock to make the votes for him

Oh and Biden's "win" was statistically near impossible

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I guess it works for Crybaby Losers who prefer stolen election fantasies to admitting they lost
They didn't lose. Kill each other. Stop dragging us into your depravities. There is enough of that from us all as there is. And we have added so many more and what is worse legislated acceptance of it by force.
I get so sick of the left calling out Trump and others for referring to elections as being stolen when they have done it themselves nonstop for over two decades. What's even more funny is Democrat's never ending attacks on voting machines.

I guess it works for Crybaby Losers who prefer stolen election fantasies to admitting they lost

Diebold Voting Machines rigged the 2000 elections for Bush. And the owner of Diebold was a huge contributor to getting Bush Ohio in 2004. Another shady win that should have been investigated.

Glad to see ya'll admit again that the machines can be rigged & are not to be trusted.
Let's go back to photo ID, paper ballots, hand counts, no machines & transparency with same day election results.

I'm sure we can agree on something that's just basic common sense, right?

In 2000 machines did not include a paper ballot or even a receipt in many cases

Your war on reality persists....

Bonehead, this has all been proven 10X over as indisputable FACT now. 2020 was a STEAL, J6 was a FRAME. Coming soon will be JUSTICE. The entire Dem-infested Fed is a criminal thuggery.

Hope it doesn't BITE you in the ass.
Democrats based their 2020 election cheating on the Florida happenings in 2000 and multiplied it across several states.

Only states where someone in the state government could run cover for it. You know, like Jeb! did for W. in FL in 2000.

Al Gore actually did carry FL, not by much, but by the time it was discovered he had already conceded.

And ofc Jeb! buried it. I remember he made the election commissioner fall on the sword.
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Prove it, and I'm in.

So far, you're 0 for 65.

It's possible that you've been conned by the most obvious con man the country has ever seen.
It's possible that "obvious con man" lives rent-free in your head 24/7/365.

It appears he conned you out of headspace, brah.
Biden had no support among the living; he'd hold a rally and have to offer blowjobs to get anyone to attend. What he had was the CCP/democrat Party/Sinaloa Dream Team working literally round the clock to make the votes for him

Oh and Biden's "win" was statistically near impossible

You didn’t watch this video, did you.
Democrats based their 2020 election cheating on the Florida happenings in 2000 and multiplied it across several states.

Only states where someone in the state government could run cover for it. You know, like Jeb! did for W. in FL in 2000.

How did Dems execute the “steal” in states being run by Republicans?

You know….Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania

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