The electoral college is a disaster for democracy

No, The small states might as will not even vote if we had just a pure popular vote… Fact

And yet you can't prove that point. No one can.
Oh wait, you posted the word "fact". Well, that changes everything donut.

It doesn't matter how many times you post the same absurdity --- it's still the same absurdity. The actual "fact" is a PV would take NO votes from ANYBODY. The EC effectively already does. And as far as "might as well not even vote" that's *exactly* how it does it. Every "blue" vote in a "red" state and every "red" vote in a "blue" state is effectively thrown out. There's just no way around that. If there was, one of you asshats would have thought of it by now.

And it also makes the "red" voters in "red" states and "blue" voters in "blue" states not bother to show up. Because your vote is already decided, whether you agree with it, disagree or have no opinion. Somebody you don't even know is voting FOR you, just as slaveholders voted on behalf of their slaves who had no vote.

What's the point of casting a vote that's already been decided? Do you cast votes in an election where the candidate runs unopposed? When you lose your keys and then find them --- do you go on looking for them?

That's bullshit.

The EC is there for a reason,

Indeed it is, and I just alluded to the big one --- Slave Power.
Whelp ............. this just in, that doesn't exist any more.

Why don't we just bring back "colored" bathrooms while we're at it?

for instance like in the World Series over the whole World Series if they scored the same amount of points but the cubs got there first it's the same way with electoral college the first to 270

That makes no coherent sense whatsoever. The Cubs DID get there first, and the Indians got the bottom of the inning for a chance to catch up.

Voting isn't baseball --- we don't take "red" votes and "blue" votes in separate halves of an inning. I think you're melting down because you know you've lost.

And more people in more states voted for Donald Trump.

Then he should win the election, period. Because you just hit the nail on the head -- "more people voted". Not more "states".
I think you can't see the forest through the trees, more people voted in more states for Donald Trump. This is a republic not a shit eating democracy.
The EC absolutely makes it fair, otherwise every single out election would be determined in the high population Areas. No, I will take the three EC vote for South Dakota over The minuscule popular votes any day. It's much fairer that way...
You obviously don't understand what a republic is… But you do seem to be attached to mob rule

And yet you STILL can't articulate how those South Dakota votes would be nullified, while I have, from the beginning, demonstrated how a large swath of them would be.

Sounds like you lose.
No, more people voted in more states for Donald Trump. This is a republic the candidates knew that going in, they knew the EC would determine the outcome. The outcome was absolutely fair. 30 states voted for Donald Trump and more people in those 30 states voted for Donald Trump. Nowhere anywhere does it say the popular vote only determines presidential elections in this country. You apparently have a hard time understanding that

Uhhh-- you''re the one who keeps yammering about "more people in more states" and trying to compare an election to the Chicago Cubs, Princess. So it ain't me who has a 'hard time understanding' --- I'm actually the one who's BEEN posting how the system works and what it's there for. NONE of which has anything to do with who got elected or who got which kind of votes in the present.

And I'm about to demonstrate how it effectively works yet again, using the last election, and again you cannot dispute this ---

I had a vote in the recent election. That's not always the case but it was this year. I had a vote for the reason that as the election approached it was not clear which candidate Carolina was going to vote for on my behalf. So I had in influence in deciding that.

My brothers in Pennsylvania also had votes. So did my cousin in Florida.

But my cousin in Texas had no vote; her state had already been decided for her. My sister and cousin in Mississippi had no vote; their state had already been decided for them. My brother in Seattle had no vote; his state had already been decided for him. My friends in California --- NONE of them had a vote.

There was no reason for any of these people to show up at all. Even if they were voting the same way their state did. It was pre-decided on their behalf, whether they liked the pre-decision or not.

And that's another thing the presence of the EC does--- makes us dependent on polls. And as noted before, it divides the country into "red" states and "blue" states and as the pundits call it, "walls".

Whelp --- "walls" are antithetical to a democratic process. So is coloring states into "red" and "blue" camps.
That's all the Electoral College does -- creates divisions, nullifies votes, discourages voting, perpetuates the Same Old Thing Duopoly, and makes us dependent on polls to find out whether it's worth getting out of bed on Election Day or shore up whichever color "wall" we've been put behind.

There's no counterargument to that. If there is ------- bring it on.
No, The small states might as will not even vote if we had just a pure popular vote… Fact

And yet you can't prove that point. No one can.
Oh wait, you posted the word "fact". Well, that changes everything donut.

It doesn't matter how many times you post the same absurdity --- it's still the same absurdity. The actual "fact" is a PV would take NO votes from ANYBODY. The EC effectively already does. And as far as "might as well not even vote" that's *exactly* how it does it. Every "blue" vote in a "red" state and every "red" vote in a "blue" state is effectively thrown out. There's just no way around that. If there was, one of you asshats would have thought of it by now.

And it also makes the "red" voters in "red" states and "blue" voters in "blue" states not bother to show up. Because your vote is already decided, whether you agree with it, disagree or have no opinion. Somebody you don't even know is voting FOR you, just as slaveholders voted on behalf of their slaves who had no vote.

What's the point of casting a vote that's already been decided? Do you cast votes in an election where the candidate runs unopposed? When you lose your keys and then find them --- do you go on looking for them?

That's bullshit.

The EC is there for a reason,

Indeed it is, and I just alluded to the big one --- Slave Power.
Whelp ............. this just in, that doesn't exist any more.

Why don't we just bring back "colored" bathrooms while we're at it?

for instance like in the World Series over the whole World Series if they scored the same amount of points but the cubs got there first it's the same way with electoral college the first to 270

That makes no coherent sense whatsoever. The Cubs DID get there first, and the Indians got the bottom of the inning for a chance to catch up.

Voting isn't baseball --- we don't take "red" votes and "blue" votes in separate halves of an inning. I think you're melting down because you know you've lost.

And more people in more states voted for Donald Trump.

Then he should win the election, period. Because you just hit the nail on the head -- "more people voted". Not more "states".
I think you can't see the forest through the trees, more people voted in more states for Donald Trump. This is a republic not a shit eating democracy.
The EC absolutely makes it fair, otherwise every single out election would be determined in the high population Areas. No, I will take the three EC vote for South Dakota over The minuscule popular votes any day. It's much fairer that way...
You obviously don't understand what a republic is… But you do seem to be attached to mob rule

And yet you STILL can't articulate how those South Dakota votes would be nullified, while I have, from the beginning, demonstrated how a large swath of them would be.

Sounds like you lose.
No, more people voted in more states for Donald Trump. This is a republic the candidates knew that going in, they knew the EC would determine the outcome. The outcome was absolutely fair. 30 states voted for Donald Trump and more people in those 30 states voted for Donald Trump. Nowhere anywhere does it say the popular vote only determines presidential elections in this country. You apparently have a hard time understanding that

Uhhh-- you''re the one who keeps yammering about "more people in more states" and trying to compare an election to the Chicago Cubs, Princess. So it ain't me who has a 'hard time understanding' --- I'm actually the one who's BEEN posting how the system works and what it's there for. NONE of which has anything to do with who got elected or who got which kind of votes in the present.

And I'm about to demonstrate how it effectively works yet again, using the last election, and again you cannot dispute this ---

I had a vote in the recent election. That's not always the case but it was this year. I had a vote for the reason that as the election approached it was not clear which candidate Carolina was going to vote for on my behalf. So I had in influence in deciding that.

My brothers in Pennsylvania also had votes. So did my cousin in Florida.

But my cousin in Texas had no vote; her state had already been decided for her. My sister and cousin in Mississippi had no vote; their state had already been decided for them. My brother in Seattle had no vote; his state had already been decided for him. My friends in California --- NONE of them had a vote.

There was no reason for any of these people to show up at all. Even if they were voting the same way their state did. It was pre-decided on their behalf, whether they liked the pre-decision or not.

And that's another thing the presence of the EC does--- makes us dependent on polls. And as noted before, it divides the country into "red" states and "blue" states and as the pundits call it, "walls".

Whelp --- "walls" are antithetical to a democratic process. So is coloring states into "red" and "blue" camps.
That's all the Electoral College does -- creates divisions, nullifies votes, discourages voting, perpetuates the Same Old Thing Duopoly, and makes us dependent on polls to find out whether it's worth getting out of bed on Election Day or shore up whichever color "wall" we've been put behind.

There's no counterargument to that. If there is ------- bring it on.
We do have a 10th amendment, although the federal government disregards it. That's what I'm saying this is a republic not a shit eating democracy. More people voted in more states for Donald Trump, the EC worked perfectly. The candidates knew that going into it the EC determines who wins the presidential election. You need to go back to school and learn basic government... we cannot let places like California and New York run roughshod over the whole country. Our only protection from that is the electoral college… Fact
We do have a 10th amendment, although the federal government disregards it.

Irrelevant. The Tenth Amendment has zero to do with the EC.
The Twelfth does. And the Fourteenth and Nineteenth do. Not the Tenth.

hat's what I'm saying this is a republic not a shit eating democracy.

There is no such thing as a "shit eating democracy". Democracies to not consume feces. "Democracy" means that power is invested in a voting public -- not in voting States. And not in eating turds.

And a voting public is what this country is all about. That's what "We the People" is supposed to mean. Read that again --- it does not say "We the States".

More people voted in more states for Donald Trump

Again, the same echobabble on a continuous loop makes no more sense than it did when it was first babbled. Nor is Rump in any way relevant to this topic except for the fact that he wrote the title to this thread. And he was right.

The candidates knew that going into it the EC determines who wins the presidential election.

Again, irrelevant. None of this is about any particular candidates or any particular election. It's about how the Electoral College works. It comes up every four years. Rump brought it up four years ago, and here it is agin. And four years from now it'll once again come up. Just think --- you can dive into it in 2020 with all this good stuff you've learned from this thread.

You need to go back to school and learn basic government

Actually I'm the one who's spelled out how this thing works, where it came from and why it was put there. And no one can dispute that. It's recorded history. You on the other hand keep babble-babble-babbling meaningless pap like "Rump won more votes in more states". So you're the one who's being schooled here, Hunior.

we cannot let places like California and New York run roughshod over the whole country

Nobody has shown how that would happen.
And nobody can, because it's another echobabble bullshit line that has no foundation.

Our only protection from that is the electoral college… Fact

That's true if you're a slave state.
Are you a slave state?

Or just a slave?

Think about it.
We do have a 10th amendment, although the federal government disregards it.

Irrelevant. The Tenth Amendment has zero to do with the EC.
The Twelfth does. And the Fourteenth and Nineteenth do. Not the Tenth.

hat's what I'm saying this is a republic not a shit eating democracy.

There is no such thing as a "shit eating democracy". Democracies to not consume feces. "Democracy" means that power is invested in a voting public -- not in voting States. And not in eating turds.

And a voting public is what this country is all about. That's what "We the People" is supposed to mean. Read that again --- it does not say "We the States".

More people voted in more states for Donald Trump

Again, the same echobabble on a continuous loop makes no more sense than it did when it was first babbled. Nor is Rump in any way relevant to this topic except for the fact that he wrote the title to this thread. And he was right.

The candidates knew that going into it the EC determines who wins the presidential election.

Again, irrelevant. None of this is about any particular candidates or any particular election. It's about how the Electoral College works. It comes up every four years. Rump brought it up four years ago, and here it is agin. And four years from now it'll once again come up. Just think --- you can dive into it in 2020 with all this good stuff you've learned from this thread.

You need to go back to school and learn basic government

Actually I'm the one who's spelled out how this thing works, where it came from and why it was put there. And no one can dispute that. It's recorded history. You on the other hand keep babble-babble-babbling meaningless pap like "Rump won more votes in more states". So you're the one who's being schooled here, Hunior.

we cannot let places like California and New York run roughshod over the whole country

Nobody has shown how that would happen.
And nobody can, because it's another echobabble bullshit line that has no foundation.

Our only protection from that is the electoral college… Fact

That's true if you're a slave state.
Are you a slave state?

Or just a slave?

Think about it.
You just can't bear the fact people you disagree with will not be controlled by you. By the way Hildabeast lost the election.
Said Donald Trump in 2012.

I betcha he wishes he could take that one back.

Back when he was clearly a Dem.

True democracy is a disaster for freedom ad liberty. The minority has no voice in a democracy. We ensure that their voices are heard and that they are protected. That is what makes us unique.
We do have a 10th amendment, although the federal government disregards it.

Irrelevant. The Tenth Amendment has zero to do with the EC.
The Twelfth does. And the Fourteenth and Nineteenth do. Not the Tenth.

hat's what I'm saying this is a republic not a shit eating democracy.

There is no such thing as a "shit eating democracy". Democracies to not consume feces. "Democracy" means that power is invested in a voting public -- not in voting States. And not in eating turds.

And a voting public is what this country is all about. That's what "We the People" is supposed to mean. Read that again --- it does not say "We the States".

More people voted in more states for Donald Trump

Again, the same echobabble on a continuous loop makes no more sense than it did when it was first babbled. Nor is Rump in any way relevant to this topic except for the fact that he wrote the title to this thread. And he was right.

The candidates knew that going into it the EC determines who wins the presidential election.

Again, irrelevant. None of this is about any particular candidates or any particular election. It's about how the Electoral College works. It comes up every four years. Rump brought it up four years ago, and here it is agin. And four years from now it'll once again come up. Just think --- you can dive into it in 2020 with all this good stuff you've learned from this thread.

You need to go back to school and learn basic government

Actually I'm the one who's spelled out how this thing works, where it came from and why it was put there. And no one can dispute that. It's recorded history. You on the other hand keep babble-babble-babbling meaningless pap like "Rump won more votes in more states". So you're the one who's being schooled here, Hunior.

we cannot let places like California and New York run roughshod over the whole country

Nobody has shown how that would happen.
And nobody can, because it's another echobabble bullshit line that has no foundation.

Our only protection from that is the electoral college… Fact

That's true if you're a slave state.
Are you a slave state?

Or just a slave?

Think about it.
You just can't bear the fact people you disagree with will not be controlled by you. By the way Hildabeast lost the election.


QED -- you have no answer to my points, so you try in vain to change the subject.

Because there isn't any answer.
Said Donald Trump in 2012.

I betcha he wishes he could take that one back.

Back when he was clearly a Dem.

True democracy is a disaster for freedom ad liberty. The minority has no voice in a democracy. We ensure that their voices are heard and that they are protected. That is what makes us unique.

If we were actually ensuring that minority voices were heard we wouldn't have a farce like the Electrical College. Because suppressing minority voices, state by state, is exactly what it does.

Btw I love that sigline image. Great stuff. :thup:
We do have a 10th amendment, although the federal government disregards it.

Irrelevant. The Tenth Amendment has zero to do with the EC.
The Twelfth does. And the Fourteenth and Nineteenth do. Not the Tenth.

hat's what I'm saying this is a republic not a shit eating democracy.

There is no such thing as a "shit eating democracy". Democracies to not consume feces. "Democracy" means that power is invested in a voting public -- not in voting States. And not in eating turds.

And a voting public is what this country is all about. That's what "We the People" is supposed to mean. Read that again --- it does not say "We the States".

More people voted in more states for Donald Trump

Again, the same echobabble on a continuous loop makes no more sense than it did when it was first babbled. Nor is Rump in any way relevant to this topic except for the fact that he wrote the title to this thread. And he was right.

The candidates knew that going into it the EC determines who wins the presidential election.

Again, irrelevant. None of this is about any particular candidates or any particular election. It's about how the Electoral College works. It comes up every four years. Rump brought it up four years ago, and here it is agin. And four years from now it'll once again come up. Just think --- you can dive into it in 2020 with all this good stuff you've learned from this thread.

You need to go back to school and learn basic government

Actually I'm the one who's spelled out how this thing works, where it came from and why it was put there. And no one can dispute that. It's recorded history. You on the other hand keep babble-babble-babbling meaningless pap like "Rump won more votes in more states". So you're the one who's being schooled here, Hunior.

we cannot let places like California and New York run roughshod over the whole country

Nobody has shown how that would happen.
And nobody can, because it's another echobabble bullshit line that has no foundation.

Our only protection from that is the electoral college… Fact

That's true if you're a slave state.
Are you a slave state?

Or just a slave?

Think about it.
You just can't bear the fact people you disagree with will not be controlled by you. By the way Hildabeast lost the election.


QED -- you have no answer to my points, so you try in vain to change the subject.

Because there isn't any answer.
Fact remains, the EC is best for small population states. No two ways about it
We do have a 10th amendment, although the federal government disregards it.

Irrelevant. The Tenth Amendment has zero to do with the EC.
The Twelfth does. And the Fourteenth and Nineteenth do. Not the Tenth.

hat's what I'm saying this is a republic not a shit eating democracy.

There is no such thing as a "shit eating democracy". Democracies to not consume feces. "Democracy" means that power is invested in a voting public -- not in voting States. And not in eating turds.

And a voting public is what this country is all about. That's what "We the People" is supposed to mean. Read that again --- it does not say "We the States".

More people voted in more states for Donald Trump

Again, the same echobabble on a continuous loop makes no more sense than it did when it was first babbled. Nor is Rump in any way relevant to this topic except for the fact that he wrote the title to this thread. And he was right.

The candidates knew that going into it the EC determines who wins the presidential election.

Again, irrelevant. None of this is about any particular candidates or any particular election. It's about how the Electoral College works. It comes up every four years. Rump brought it up four years ago, and here it is agin. And four years from now it'll once again come up. Just think --- you can dive into it in 2020 with all this good stuff you've learned from this thread.

You need to go back to school and learn basic government

Actually I'm the one who's spelled out how this thing works, where it came from and why it was put there. And no one can dispute that. It's recorded history. You on the other hand keep babble-babble-babbling meaningless pap like "Rump won more votes in more states". So you're the one who's being schooled here, Hunior.

we cannot let places like California and New York run roughshod over the whole country

Nobody has shown how that would happen.
And nobody can, because it's another echobabble bullshit line that has no foundation.

Our only protection from that is the electoral college… Fact

That's true if you're a slave state.
Are you a slave state?

Or just a slave?

Think about it.
You just can't bear the fact people you disagree with will not be controlled by you. By the way Hildabeast lost the election.


QED -- you have no answer to my points, so you try in vain to change the subject.

Because there isn't any answer.
Fact remains, the EC is best for small population states. No two ways about it

You can parrot that line all day, yet you have yet to defend or even explain it.
Meanwhile I've run rings around you with counterexplanations of why that's complete bullshit.

So you lose.

But keep on bumping this thread -- the more people that see these points the more they're exposed and the more it will be seen for the liability it is. Thanks for that.
We do have a 10th amendment, although the federal government disregards it.

Irrelevant. The Tenth Amendment has zero to do with the EC.
The Twelfth does. And the Fourteenth and Nineteenth do. Not the Tenth.

hat's what I'm saying this is a republic not a shit eating democracy.

There is no such thing as a "shit eating democracy". Democracies to not consume feces. "Democracy" means that power is invested in a voting public -- not in voting States. And not in eating turds.

And a voting public is what this country is all about. That's what "We the People" is supposed to mean. Read that again --- it does not say "We the States".

More people voted in more states for Donald Trump

Again, the same echobabble on a continuous loop makes no more sense than it did when it was first babbled. Nor is Rump in any way relevant to this topic except for the fact that he wrote the title to this thread. And he was right.

The candidates knew that going into it the EC determines who wins the presidential election.

Again, irrelevant. None of this is about any particular candidates or any particular election. It's about how the Electoral College works. It comes up every four years. Rump brought it up four years ago, and here it is agin. And four years from now it'll once again come up. Just think --- you can dive into it in 2020 with all this good stuff you've learned from this thread.

You need to go back to school and learn basic government

Actually I'm the one who's spelled out how this thing works, where it came from and why it was put there. And no one can dispute that. It's recorded history. You on the other hand keep babble-babble-babbling meaningless pap like "Rump won more votes in more states". So you're the one who's being schooled here, Hunior.

we cannot let places like California and New York run roughshod over the whole country

Nobody has shown how that would happen.
And nobody can, because it's another echobabble bullshit line that has no foundation.

Our only protection from that is the electoral college… Fact

That's true if you're a slave state.
Are you a slave state?

Or just a slave?

Think about it.
You just can't bear the fact people you disagree with will not be controlled by you. By the way Hildabeast lost the election.


QED -- you have no answer to my points, so you try in vain to change the subject.

Because there isn't any answer.
Fact remains, the EC is best for small population states. No two ways about it

You can parrot that line all day, yet you have yet to defend or even explain it.
Meanwhile I've run rings around you with counterexplanations of why that's complete bullshit.

So you lose.

But keep on bumping this thread -- the more people that see these points the more they're exposed and the more it will be seen for the liability it is. Thanks for that.
A pure popular vote is mob rule...
You have no proof otherwise
Every four years we here the same thing the EC needs to be abolished, because it isn't fair. But after the election is over usually it's crickets…
Millions of people that voted for Obama turned around and voted for Trump, thanks to the EC we are never going to see a third term of Obama.
The US is a constitutional republic.

The pogos of the US will have no impact at all on changing the EC.
How about this... complain about the rules BEFORE the election, not after it, when your candidate lost. Only then might you have any credibility.

This discussion takes place every four years, Nimrod. That's because the EC only HAPPENS every four years, fucking DUH. And if you get up off your worthless hiny and go search the site you'll find all these arguments being made *BEFORE* the election too. This ain't new, it's simply revitalized. That's what happens to things when they're current news, Dumbass.

Moreover, the title of this thread was composed by Donald Rump himself. And he was right. And that was --- all together now ---- four years ago.

without the EC, 4 of our largest metropolitan areas could select our presidents-----------the tiny blue spots on the voting map that has been posted many times.

The founders understood that that would be a disaster.

You can't make that argument work. Cannot be done. Go ahead and give it a shot.

A PV in no way takes any votes away from outside of metro areas.
An EC on the other hand nullifies literally millions on the spot.

And again, this system wasn't set up by "the Founders" but by the Twelfth Amendment.... which also counted slaves for three-fifths of a person for the purpose of counting EVs (but not for the purpose of voting).

That of course was revised with the Fourteenth when slavery was abolished ---- which also counted women for the purpose of counting EVs but not for the purpose of voting.

That part wasn't fixed until the Nineteenth.

Notice that this Yugo is always in the shop?

Yugo = Pogo

it is a well known FACT that the voters in our largest cities are predominately democrats. So NY, Chitown, LA, Houston, Philly, and DC could decide our presidents. For that matter, California and New York state plus Chitown and Philly could pick our presidents.

The EC gives an electoral voice to the citizens of Alaska, Idaho, Mississippi, and Kansas.

Sorry if you think it caused your terrible hildebeast to lose. That's just the way it is. BTW, the latest counts have Trump winning the popular vote as well as the EC-----------------------------------------------------Soooooooo, Hillary is a two time LOSER who may end up in jail. The system works.
How about this... complain about the rules BEFORE the election, not after it, when your candidate lost. Only then might you have any credibility.

This discussion takes place every four years, Nimrod. That's because the EC only HAPPENS every four years, fucking DUH. And if you get up off your worthless hiny and go search the site you'll find all these arguments being made *BEFORE* the election too. This ain't new, it's simply revitalized. That's what happens to things when they're current news, Dumbass.

Moreover, the title of this thread was composed by Donald Rump himself. And he was right. And that was --- all together now ---- four years ago.

without the EC, 4 of our largest metropolitan areas could select our presidents-----------the tiny blue spots on the voting map that has been posted many times.

The founders understood that that would be a disaster.

You can't make that argument work. Cannot be done. Go ahead and give it a shot.

A PV in no way takes any votes away from outside of metro areas.
An EC on the other hand nullifies literally millions on the spot.

And again, this system wasn't set up by "the Founders" but by the Twelfth Amendment.... which also counted slaves for three-fifths of a person for the purpose of counting EVs (but not for the purpose of voting).

That of course was revised with the Fourteenth when slavery was abolished ---- which also counted women for the purpose of counting EVs but not for the purpose of voting.

That part wasn't fixed until the Nineteenth.

Notice that this Yugo is always in the shop?

Yugo = Pogo

it is a well known FACT that the voters in our largest cities are predominately democrats. So NY, Chitown, LA, Houston, Philly, and DC could decide our presidents. For that matter, California and New York plus Chitown and Philly could pick our presidents.

The EC gives an electoral voice to the citizens of Alaska, Idaho, Mississippi, and Kansas.

Sorry if you think it caused your terrible hildebeast to lose. That's just the way it is. BTW, the latest counts have Trump winning the popular vote as well as the EC-----------------------------------------------------Soooooooo, Hillary is a two time LOSER who may end up in jail. The system works.

You don't deserve to have your vote diluted just because you live in a city.
If the roles were reversed this election the left would be singing the praises of the EC...this shit is past old. Trump won, he will be POTUS, it's over. All the snowflakes need to stop protesting and start planning a real future, you know, jobs, family, etc.
How about this... complain about the rules BEFORE the election, not after it, when your candidate lost. Only then might you have any credibility.

This discussion takes place every four years, Nimrod. That's because the EC only HAPPENS every four years, fucking DUH. And if you get up off your worthless hiny and go search the site you'll find all these arguments being made *BEFORE* the election too. This ain't new, it's simply revitalized. That's what happens to things when they're current news, Dumbass.

Moreover, the title of this thread was composed by Donald Rump himself. And he was right. And that was --- all together now ---- four years ago.

without the EC, 4 of our largest metropolitan areas could select our presidents-----------the tiny blue spots on the voting map that has been posted many times.

The founders understood that that would be a disaster.

You can't make that argument work. Cannot be done. Go ahead and give it a shot.

A PV in no way takes any votes away from outside of metro areas.
An EC on the other hand nullifies literally millions on the spot.

And again, this system wasn't set up by "the Founders" but by the Twelfth Amendment.... which also counted slaves for three-fifths of a person for the purpose of counting EVs (but not for the purpose of voting).

That of course was revised with the Fourteenth when slavery was abolished ---- which also counted women for the purpose of counting EVs but not for the purpose of voting.

That part wasn't fixed until the Nineteenth.

Notice that this Yugo is always in the shop?

Yugo = Pogo

it is a well known FACT that the voters in our largest cities are predominately democrats. So NY, Chitown, LA, Houston, Philly, and DC could decide our presidents. For that matter, California and New York plus Chitown and Philly could pick our presidents.

The EC gives an electoral voice to the citizens of Alaska, Idaho, Mississippi, and Kansas.

Sorry if you think it caused your terrible hildebeast to lose. That's just the way it is. BTW, the latest counts have Trump winning the popular vote as well as the EC-----------------------------------------------------Soooooooo, Hillary is a two time LOSER who may end up in jail. The system works.

You don't deserve to have your vote diluted just because you live in a city.

you don't deserve to have your vote not count just because you live in a low population state. The EC is the best compromise and in almost every case the winner of the EC also won the PV. Trump included, the latest counts have him winning both.
This discussion takes place every four years, Nimrod. That's because the EC only HAPPENS every four years, fucking DUH. And if you get up off your worthless hiny and go search the site you'll find all these arguments being made *BEFORE* the election too. This ain't new, it's simply revitalized. That's what happens to things when they're current news, Dumbass.

Moreover, the title of this thread was composed by Donald Rump himself. And he was right. And that was --- all together now ---- four years ago.

without the EC, 4 of our largest metropolitan areas could select our presidents-----------the tiny blue spots on the voting map that has been posted many times.

The founders understood that that would be a disaster.

You can't make that argument work. Cannot be done. Go ahead and give it a shot.

A PV in no way takes any votes away from outside of metro areas.
An EC on the other hand nullifies literally millions on the spot.

And again, this system wasn't set up by "the Founders" but by the Twelfth Amendment.... which also counted slaves for three-fifths of a person for the purpose of counting EVs (but not for the purpose of voting).

That of course was revised with the Fourteenth when slavery was abolished ---- which also counted women for the purpose of counting EVs but not for the purpose of voting.

That part wasn't fixed until the Nineteenth.

Notice that this Yugo is always in the shop?

Yugo = Pogo

it is a well known FACT that the voters in our largest cities are predominately democrats. So NY, Chitown, LA, Houston, Philly, and DC could decide our presidents. For that matter, California and New York plus Chitown and Philly could pick our presidents.

The EC gives an electoral voice to the citizens of Alaska, Idaho, Mississippi, and Kansas.

Sorry if you think it caused your terrible hildebeast to lose. That's just the way it is. BTW, the latest counts have Trump winning the popular vote as well as the EC-----------------------------------------------------Soooooooo, Hillary is a two time LOSER who may end up in jail. The system works.

You don't deserve to have your vote diluted just because you live in a city.

you don't deserve to have your vote not count just because you live in a low population state. The EC is the best compromise and in almost every case the winner of the EC also won the PV. Trump included, the latest counts have him winning both.

In a popular vote contest your vote counts as 1 vote. Same as mine. Same as anyone. Nothing fairer than that.
This discussion takes place every four years, Nimrod. That's because the EC only HAPPENS every four years, fucking DUH. And if you get up off your worthless hiny and go search the site you'll find all these arguments being made *BEFORE* the election too. This ain't new, it's simply revitalized. That's what happens to things when they're current news, Dumbass.

Moreover, the title of this thread was composed by Donald Rump himself. And he was right. And that was --- all together now ---- four years ago.

without the EC, 4 of our largest metropolitan areas could select our presidents-----------the tiny blue spots on the voting map that has been posted many times.

The founders understood that that would be a disaster.

You can't make that argument work. Cannot be done. Go ahead and give it a shot.

A PV in no way takes any votes away from outside of metro areas.
An EC on the other hand nullifies literally millions on the spot.

And again, this system wasn't set up by "the Founders" but by the Twelfth Amendment.... which also counted slaves for three-fifths of a person for the purpose of counting EVs (but not for the purpose of voting).

That of course was revised with the Fourteenth when slavery was abolished ---- which also counted women for the purpose of counting EVs but not for the purpose of voting.

That part wasn't fixed until the Nineteenth.

Notice that this Yugo is always in the shop?

Yugo = Pogo

it is a well known FACT that the voters in our largest cities are predominately democrats. So NY, Chitown, LA, Houston, Philly, and DC could decide our presidents. For that matter, California and New York plus Chitown and Philly could pick our presidents.

The EC gives an electoral voice to the citizens of Alaska, Idaho, Mississippi, and Kansas.

Sorry if you think it caused your terrible hildebeast to lose. That's just the way it is. BTW, the latest counts have Trump winning the popular vote as well as the EC-----------------------------------------------------Soooooooo, Hillary is a two time LOSER who may end up in jail. The system works.

You don't deserve to have your vote diluted just because you live in a city.

you don't deserve to have your vote not count just because you live in a low population state. The EC is the best compromise and in almost every case the winner of the EC also won the PV. Trump included, the latest counts have him winning both.

Show me where Trump is winning the popular vote:

2016 election results: State maps, live updates
She will likely win by more than 2 million votes. Not that it matters, as EC rules, except to repudiate the idea he has a strong mandate from the people.

If roles were reversed you know sure as shit we'd see Trump hip deep in lawsuits, on a mad non-stop twitter rampage -- and his supporters would be angrily freaking the hell out.

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