The Elites Today do Not Grasp Objective Truth and Therefore Fail


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
When Telsa was enduring Edisons harassment about AC power grids, Telsa could make his arguments well to the PTB because they were still rational and could see the results.

But that was nearly a century ago and much has changed. Now the Elites depend solely on their experts to tell them what is what, and have no judgement for themselves. Sow men like Michael Burr who predicted the Subprime Disaster of 2008, no one among the elites could grasp why he was right and the government audited Mr Burr four times. And NO ONE in the Establishment was at all interested in h earing why, they simply hated him for being correct while they were completely wrong.

Now we have the phenomenon of Trump and the Elites were wrong about him just like they were wrong about Sub-prime mortgages and MBS's and CDO's. They think Trump won because his supporters are simply racist uneducated rubes.

They could not be more wrong, but are they interested in learning why Trump won? Of course not, they are only interested in assigning blame for whatever they can.

And it is 'We the People's' fault for falling for Trumps lies.

roflmao, what idiots!

Our national elite is composed of freaking morons and certifiable idiots who think they can just BS their way past anything.
Classic comparing apples to oranges
History will show who was right and wrong

People have and will always make predictions but not all predictions turn out to be true.

Just as being right about one thing does not make one right about everything

Morons exist because they cannot think for themselves they needs someone to tell them what to think

The problem is when the Moron is being told what to think and then telling others what to think that is a causality loop

Study the phrase "Make America great again"

Ronald R said ""Let's make America great again"

Still it just resonates with people who believe that America wasn't great

Also used by Clinton

Started out with a really good argument but then you went to far
The "germ of truth" above. The most prominent spokespeople in the Media and on the political Left have no idea why Trump won. They have no idea why he remains popular with his supporters and his support does not erode, no matter how much they slander him, distort his words, and slant the news to try to make him look bad.

But this is a good thing. Largely due to their stupidity, Trump will win again - without winning a popular majority.

It will make them even crazier - if that's possible.
The "germ of truth" above. The most prominent spokespeople in the Media and on the political Left have no idea why Trump won. They have no idea why he remains popular with his supporters and his support does not erode, no matter how much they slander him, distort his words, and slant the news to try to make him look bad.

But this is a good thing. Largely due to their stupidity, Trump will win again - without winning a popular majority.

It will make them even crazier - if that's possible.
But this class of people are demographically encased in the governing class of American society; the old WASP demographic that runs the Ivey League schools and have the social control of our top institutions of government, learning and jurisprudence.

They need to break out of their hallucinations or they will wreck the country.

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