The emergence of scientific dictatorship!!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
"And so here we a couple hundred years after 1789 and 1776 and what do we see? We see the intelligenstia operating as if physics and empiricism are actually explanatory “grand narratives.” In total hypocrisy, labeling religion a fictitious “grand narrative” that only existed because it had explanatory power and satiated human fears, these intellectually dishonest liars erected their own alternative narrative that daily assaults me, and which I gleefully dissect on a daily basis: The new Gospel of human ascent through “science.” "

Knowledge Without Wisdom: Phaethon and Technocracy | Jay's Analysis

This guy may be the most brilliant read on the planet!!!!

Another passage in the article, this taken from a statement from Bertrand Russell from a book written in.......ready for this......1951!!! Who could possibly debate this statement below??

"The social psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black."

We are already seeing shit like this: see "common core". This whole "climate change" is based not upon facts, but rather, is the methodical engineering of a mindset that has no basis of fact. It is indeed brilliant, brilliant stuff........highly effective.

Of course, this will be of interest only to the non-AGW k00k board members in here.......but highly, highly instructive about what we are dealing with here. "Climate change" is just a vehicle for those seeking to destroy thinking. Also will not be of interest to the AGW climate crusaders because it is a lot of abstracts here.......abstracts are real difficult for the AGW crowd to contemplate. Not an intelligence thing......a thought processing thing.
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Seriously, what are you whining about?

Look, we know deniers are trying to censor all contrary opinions. Go to Canada, and the scientists are banned by the government from speaking about global warming. Is that what this post is about, your desire implement a similar censorship regime in the USA?

Let's get more basic. Do you support the Canadian censorship policies? When Bush tried to censor US Scientists, did you support that?
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Seriously, what are you whining about?

Look, we know deniers are trying to censor all contrary opinions. Go to Canada, and the scientists are banned by the government from speaking about global warming. Is that what this post is about, your desire implement a similar censorship regime in the USA?

Let's get more basic. Do you support the Canadian censorship policies? When Bush tried to censor US Scientists, did you support that?

Dang are clueless. This topic is apolitical.:itsok:
When it's only conservatives who are trying to censor science, you look kind of insane for claiming it's not political.
AGW = anti-science..

They have had 35+ years to prove their religion using real science.

Has not happened yet, but they invented the AGW science to prove their religious beliefs.
Seriously, what are you whining about?

Look, we know deniers are trying to censor all contrary opinions. Go to Canada, and the scientists are banned by the government from speaking about global warming. Is that what this post is about, your desire implement a similar censorship regime in the USA?

Let's get more basic. Do you support the Canadian censorship policies? When Bush tried to censor US Scientists, did you support that?

Dang are clueless. This topic is apolitical.:itsok:

Would that were true.

Money rules the ignorant and science can't compete with that.
Seriously, what are you whining about?

Look, we know deniers are trying to censor all contrary opinions. Go to Canada, and the scientists are banned by the government from speaking about global warming. Is that what this post is about, your desire implement a similar censorship regime in the USA?

Let's get more basic. Do you support the Canadian censorship policies? When Bush tried to censor US Scientists, did you support that?

Dang are clueless. This topic is apolitical.:itsok:

Would that were true.

Money rules the ignorant and science can't compete with that.

Yes tell that to those who believe in AGW and drive Bentley's..

But only a far left Obama drone AGW cult member would think that money would not influence the AGW cult.
AGW = anti-science..

They have had 35+ years to prove their religion using real science.

Has not happened yet, but they invented the AGW science to prove their religious beliefs.

No, dumb fuck, Fourier first posited that there was something in the atmosphere absorbing outgoing energy in the 1820's. And Tyndall did the first measurements of the absorbtion spectra of the GHGs in 1858.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect
AGW = anti-science..

They have had 35+ years to prove their religion using real science.

Has not happened yet, but they invented the AGW science to prove their religious beliefs.

No, dumb fuck, Fourier first posited that there was something in the atmosphere absorbing outgoing energy in the 1820's. And Tyndall did the first measurements of the absorbtion spectra of the GHGs in 1858.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Another debunked talking point used yet again, how many times does this have to be debunked?


People are never told that the most powerful greenhouse gases by orders of magnitude is water vapor and clouds. When only human emitted CO2 is considered, less than one percent of the greenhouse gas potential comes from human activity. Yet, all the global warming is supposed to be attributed to it. Water vapor plays a huge role in keeping the earth warm; 70 times more powerful than the CO2 emitted by human activity. When clouds are added, CO2 becomes even less important. However, clouds not only trap heat, low elevation clouds also reflect much of the incoming solar radiation, so the sun's heat never reaches the earth's surface which cools the earth. It is this mechanism that a growing number of scientists believe is one of the primary mechanisms warming and cooling the earth.

Another AGW cult post fail!
And what lying wingnut site is that graph from? When man started burning fossil fuels in a big way, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere was 280 ppm. Today, it is over 400 ppm. The amount of CH4 was around 700 ppb, now it is over 1800 ppb. And the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is not only heat dependent, but also the lifespan of water vapor in the atmosphere is less than 10 days, then it precipitates out.
I'd rather have scientific then what most of Africa and the middle east has. Scientific is why we can talk over this computer!!!!
Guess when 98% of the scientific world agrees about something, it is kinda like a dictatorship to the 2% who went to Liberty University.:)
Obama's Science Czar John Holdren says he's not for Forced Population Control except that he REALLY IS in favor of Forced Abortions for Population Control:

John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass sterilization needed to save the planet

• Women could be forced to abort their pregnancies, whether they wanted to or not;

• The population at large could be sterilized by infertility drugs intentionally put into the nation's drinking water or in food;

• Single mothers and teen mothers should have their babies seized from them against their will and given away to other couples to raise;

• People who "contribute to social deterioration" (i.e. undesirables) "can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility" -- in other words, be compelled to have abortions or be sterilized.

• A transnational "Planetary Regime" should assume control of the global economy and also dictate the most intimate details of Americans' lives -- using an armed international police force. (Yikes!)
I'd rather have scientific then what most of Africa and the middle east has. Scientific is why we can talk over this computer!!!!


Yep worked out well for your AGW religion did it not?
How did this morph into a typical AGW argument?? WTF??? Not the point!!!

Here......lets try this again........another quote from the article.......and how true is this???

“Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen.”

LMAO.....this was written 65 years ago!!! 100% on the money!!! Mindbending stuff.........government agencies producing bogus statistical reports based upon bogus data but presented as non-fiction by who? The government. And look what has happened in the last two decades? A generation of zombies who automatically accept the ruse.....


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