'The Empire Strikes Back': Kremlin slams 'extremely scurrilous' US hacking accusations

It wasn't the Russians and our government knows it. The CIA won't even meet with your congressional reps. They know it wasn't the Russians but are being stopped from saying so by Obama.
Now just a few seconds ago Obama blamed the reporters in DC for being an arm of Russian intelligence....holy cow they are losing it. If they keep it up and target Russia they could sour the relationship between our nations even further.
If you ask me why Obama hates Putin it's because he is kicking Muslim ass nothing more and nothing less. Russia is good at killing Muslims, Obama hates that. Trump wants to use that to defeat the Jihad.
RW dolts willnever make it past Clinton .. they'll go to their grave with her ....
It is the same old crap the Democrats and Progressives always try.
Face it ... The Progressives would just rather you didn't know the crooked crap they were doing ... Damn those Russians ... :rolleyes:

You subversives always want proof, now so does Putin!!!

The United States must either stop accusing Russia of meddling in its elections or prove it, a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said it was "indecent" of the United States to "groundlessly" accuse Russia of intervention in its elections, Russian state news agency Tass reported. "They should either stop talking about that or produce some proof at last. Otherwise it all begins to look unseemly," Peskov reportedly said about the latest accusations that Russia was responsible for hacker attacks

So you believe Putin over your own U.S. intelligence agencies. My oh my, how you fucking righties will change the facts to suit your fantasy.
It wasn't the Russians and our government knows it. The CIA won't even meet with your congressional reps. They know it wasn't the Russians but are being stopped from saying so by Obama.
Now just a few seconds ago Obama blamed the reporters in DC for being an arm of Russian intelligence....holy cow they are losing it. If they keep it up and target Russia they could sour the relationship between our nations even further.
If you ask me why Obama hates Putin it's because he is kicking Muslim ass nothing more and nothing less. Russia is good at killing Muslims, Obama hates that. Trump wants to use that to defeat the Jihad.

Precisely. President mom jeans stood in front of the United Nations and said "the future will not belong to those who slander the Prophet Mohammed". Compare that to Putin's take on the backwards, violent, disgusting cult known as Islam. "If they attack Russia, I will kill every Muslim in this country".
how many times was the DNC hacked? the russians may indeed of hacked Podesta's emails etc, but does that mean they were the source of the wikileaks? Assange says no, why would he lie?

Why would he lie? He will lie for anyone who can pay the British gov't to let him walk out of the Ecuadorian Embassy and be a free man, you stupid POS.
You subversives always want proof, now so does Putin!!!

The United States must either stop accusing Russia of meddling in its elections or prove it, a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said it was "indecent" of the United States to "groundlessly" accuse Russia of intervention in its elections, Russian state news agency Tass reported. "They should either stop talking about that or produce some proof at last. Otherwise it all begins to look unseemly," Peskov reportedly said about the latest accusations that Russia was responsible for hacker attacks

So you believe Putin over your own U.S. intelligence agencies. My oh my, how you fucking righties will change the facts to suit your fantasy.

There has been no official report or statement from any US intelligence agency offering any evidence, ANY that Russia was behind the DNC hacks.

Nor has there been any statements from leftists like yourself pointing to the email that was so consequential that it cost Clinton the election. Again, Obama said on national television that the DNC hacks didn't expose anything at all, all routine stuff. Rigging the primary, cheating on debates, and dictating to reporters how to report on the election. You know routine stuff for democrats.
how many times was the DNC hacked? the russians may indeed of hacked Podesta's emails etc, but does that mean they were the source of the wikileaks? Assange says no, why would he lie?

Why would he lie? He will lie for anyone who can pay the British gov't to let him walk out of the Ecuadorian Embassy and be a free man, you stupid POS.

Why would he lie? How quickly the left considered Wikileaks and Assuage as heros, now they are dangerous terrorists and want them to be killed.
Don't forget to add in the sucker stupidity floating around Clintons' "staffs staff". This could have been done by almost anyone who has a wire or wireless hookup to internet and found his gmail address. Could have been a USMB member who then "sold" the obtained information.

Podesta's email was apparently accessed by a simple social-engineering tactic called "phishing":

  • Hackers emailed him posing as Google's Gmail account-services department.
  • They then told him his password was compromised and provided a false link to a place to change his password (this appears to be where Podesta went wrong, eventually clicking this link and entering his information).
  • Before doing anything else, Podesta's chief of staff forwarded that email to the Clinton campaign's internal computer-security department.
  • A Clinton campaign help-desk staffer, seemingly fooled by the ruse himself, called the email "legitimate."
  • He then asked Podesta's chief of staff to ensure that Podesta had two-factor authentication turned on (which adds extra security to his account) and to change his password.
Even though the campaign staffers sent Podesta the correct email link from Google to reset his password, Podesta seemingly clicked the original link.

Hillary Clinton's campaign got hacked by falling for the oldest trick in the book
You subversives always want proof, now so does Putin!!!

The United States must either stop accusing Russia of meddling in its elections or prove it, a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said it was "indecent" of the United States to "groundlessly" accuse Russia of intervention in its elections, Russian state news agency Tass reported. "They should either stop talking about that or produce some proof at last. Otherwise it all begins to look unseemly," Peskov reportedly said about the latest accusations that Russia was responsible for hacker attacks
Yeah, let's act as sock puppets for the KGB thug's propaganda organ! Let's bash America.

The 1970s are calling. They want you back, hippie.
well why don't they prove it dude? The congress asked and subpoenaed the CIA and they ignored the request. Why?
You subversives always want proof, now so does Putin!!!

The United States must either stop accusing Russia of meddling in its elections or prove it, a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said it was "indecent" of the United States to "groundlessly" accuse Russia of intervention in its elections, Russian state news agency Tass reported. "They should either stop talking about that or produce some proof at last. Otherwise it all begins to look unseemly," Peskov reportedly said about the latest accusations that Russia was responsible for hacker attacks
For security reasons, Obama is unwilling to reveal the evidence to Russia or the US Congress; apparently the only people he thinks he can trust are MSM reporters.

"The CIA shared its latest assessment with key senators in a closed-door briefing on Capitol Hill last week, in which agency officials cited a growing body of intelligence from multiple sources. "

Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House
how many times was the DNC hacked? the russians may indeed of hacked Podesta's emails etc, but does that mean they were the source of the wikileaks? Assange says no, why would he lie?

Why would he lie? He will lie for anyone who can pay the British gov't to let him walk out of the Ecuadorian Embassy and be a free man, you stupid POS.

hahahahaha. has he walked out of the Ecuadorian Embassy yet? I fully expected him to trade the emails for freedom. it didnt happen. what does he get out of denying a russian source for his wikileaks? wouldnt it actually be better for him and his actual sources to go along and bash the ruskies?
You subversives always want proof, now so does Putin!!!

The United States must either stop accusing Russia of meddling in its elections or prove it, a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said it was "indecent" of the United States to "groundlessly" accuse Russia of intervention in its elections, Russian state news agency Tass reported. "They should either stop talking about that or produce some proof at last. Otherwise it all begins to look unseemly," Peskov reportedly said about the latest accusations that Russia was responsible for hacker attacks
Yeah, let's act as sock puppets for the KGB thug's propaganda organ! Let's bash America.

The 1970s are calling. They want you back, hippie.
well why don't they prove it dude? The congress asked and subpoenaed the CIA and they ignored the request. Why?

They already shared it with the Senate.
Why would he lie? How quickly the left considered Wikileaks and Assuage as heros, now they are dangerous terrorists and want them to be killed.

The same reason they get pissed at the Russians for doing the same thing President Obama's Administration and the State Department did spending $350k taxpayer dollars trying to influence the Israeli elections against Netanyahu .. Or how they tried to influence the Canadian elections against Stephen Harper ... The funny thing in both circumstances is that they failed anyway.

You subversives always want proof, now so does Putin!!!

The United States must either stop accusing Russia of meddling in its elections or prove it, a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said it was "indecent" of the United States to "groundlessly" accuse Russia of intervention in its elections, Russian state news agency Tass reported. "They should either stop talking about that or produce some proof at last. Otherwise it all begins to look unseemly," Peskov reportedly said about the latest accusations that Russia was responsible for hacker attacks

Another Russia lover weighs in.
You want to show proof, or just keep sucking Obuma cock?

Russian Hackers tried and failed to hack the RNC, officials say.

I hear Obama's cock smells like your ass.

Sorry, WikiLeaks proves the MSM in the DNC's pocket, so that link is NOT acceptable. Try again, or you have no proof-)

Sorry, you don't have any proof either. Some of those emails may have been mocked up. Easy enough to do after you have a few. Anything you see on a computer screen can be mocked up.
You subversives always want proof, now so does Putin!!!

The United States must either stop accusing Russia of meddling in its elections or prove it, a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said it was "indecent" of the United States to "groundlessly" accuse Russia of intervention in its elections, Russian state news agency Tass reported. "They should either stop talking about that or produce some proof at last. Otherwise it all begins to look unseemly," Peskov reportedly said about the latest accusations that Russia was responsible for hacker attacks
For security reasons, Obama is unwilling to reveal the evidence to Russia or the US Congress; apparently the only people he thinks he can trust are MSM reporters.

"The CIA shared its latest assessment with key senators in a closed-door briefing on Capitol Hill last week, in which agency officials cited a growing body of intelligence from multiple sources. "

Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House
And according to the FBI and ODNI none of it constitutes proof Russia tried to influence the election.
You subversives always want proof, now so does Putin!!!

The United States must either stop accusing Russia of meddling in its elections or prove it, a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said it was "indecent" of the United States to "groundlessly" accuse Russia of intervention in its elections, Russian state news agency Tass reported. "They should either stop talking about that or produce some proof at last. Otherwise it all begins to look unseemly," Peskov reportedly said about the latest accusations that Russia was responsible for hacker attacks
For security reasons, Obama is unwilling to reveal the evidence to Russia or the US Congress; apparently the only people he thinks he can trust are MSM reporters.

"The CIA shared its latest assessment with key senators in a closed-door briefing on Capitol Hill last week, in which agency officials cited a growing body of intelligence from multiple sources. "

Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House

Secret CIA assessment leaked by an unidentified CIA operative. Leaking a secret CIA assessment from an administration that has prosecuted whistleblowers to the fullest extent of the law.

There is zero official statements from any US intelligence agency. Zero evidence provided.

This is the same administration that oversaw the IRS target political opponents of the president before an election. There is more evidence that the federal government intentionally influenced the 2012 election.

Let me ask you this. Not one leftist has pointed to the leaked email that cost Clinton the election. In your opinion what Wikileaks revelation was so consequential that it threw the election to Trump?
its to defend anything and everything Trump says or suggests
You are either seriously mistaken or intentionally lying - I just clarified my point. I can't help it if your perception is skewed by your partisanship.

All your points talk around the OP post and the title. It doesn't matter who you give fake points to. Or how many questions you can ask around the hacking. It's not about the agencies 100% agreeing on everything. They all agree Russia was behind the hacks. It's not about respecting a KGB dude.

This is about you pushing Putin's narrative and taking it at face value as if he's some sort of truth teller.

The Intel agencies btw have briefed congress over and over. Just because you think they didn't doesn't mean what you think is true.
You subversives always want proof, now so does Putin!!!

The United States must either stop accusing Russia of meddling in its elections or prove it, a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said it was "indecent" of the United States to "groundlessly" accuse Russia of intervention in its elections, Russian state news agency Tass reported. "They should either stop talking about that or produce some proof at last. Otherwise it all begins to look unseemly," Peskov reportedly said about the latest accusations that Russia was responsible for hacker attacks
For security reasons, Obama is unwilling to reveal the evidence to Russia or the US Congress; apparently the only people he thinks he can trust are MSM reporters.

"The CIA shared its latest assessment with key senators in a closed-door briefing on Capitol Hill last week, in which agency officials cited a growing body of intelligence from multiple sources. "

Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House
And according to the FBI and ODNI none of it constitutes proof Russia tried to influence the election.

Link to the official pronouncement from the FBI. There is none. Fake news, and bullshit.
You subversives always want proof, now so does Putin!!!

The United States must either stop accusing Russia of meddling in its elections or prove it, a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said it was "indecent" of the United States to "groundlessly" accuse Russia of intervention in its elections, Russian state news agency Tass reported. "They should either stop talking about that or produce some proof at last. Otherwise it all begins to look unseemly," Peskov reportedly said about the latest accusations that Russia was responsible for hacker attacks

So now you believe Russia over the United States, along with 17 private & U.S Intelligence agencies, John McCain, Lindsey Graham and several other Republican Senate Intelligence committee members--Unbelievable--LOL


Donald Trump has played you like a fiddle--read the below.
Bullshit. James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence said a few days ago that there is no proof Russia tried to influence the election and now Obama has refused to allow the intelligence agencies to testify before Congress while he remains in office.

Some states have also recently seen scanning and probing of their election-related systems, which in most cases originated from servers operated by a Russian company. However, we are not now in a position to attribute this activity to the Russian Government. The USIC and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) assess that it would be extremely difficult for someone, including a nation-state actor, to alter actual ballot counts or election results by cyber attack or intrusion. This assessment is based on the decentralized nature of our election system in this country and the number of protections state and local election officials have in place. States ensure that voting machines are not connected to the Internet, and there are numerous checks and balances as well as extensive oversight at multiple levels built into our election process.

Joint Statement from the Department Of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security | Homeland Security


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