'The Empire Strikes Back': Kremlin slams 'extremely scurrilous' US hacking accusations

You subversives always want proof, now so does Putin!!!

The United States must either stop accusing Russia of meddling in its elections or prove it, a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said it was "indecent" of the United States to "groundlessly" accuse Russia of intervention in its elections, Russian state news agency Tass reported. "They should either stop talking about that or produce some proof at last. Otherwise it all begins to look unseemly," Peskov reportedly said about the latest accusations that Russia was responsible for hacker attacks


Putin can fuck off!
dear [email protected]

your email was infected, please enter your username/password here and hit send. We promise this has nothing to do with your Husband sending dickpics all over the globe to God knows who. We would never use that to hack into him & yours home PC network.

Whats' that? You have work Email on that shared system? Well, you can just keep all that saved email in a folder that Anthony does not know about. He does not know your email password, correct? That should be safe enough. We won't look.

What a mess. such a mess. At least BJ only shows his dick in person.
how many times was the DNC hacked? the russians may indeed of hacked Podesta's emails etc, but does that mean they were the source of the wikileaks? Assange says no, why would he lie?

Why would he lie? He will lie for anyone who can pay the British gov't to let him walk out of the Ecuadorian Embassy and be a free man, you stupid POS.

Why would he lie? How quickly the left considered Wikileaks and Assuage as heros, now they are dangerous terrorists and want them to be killed.

Anybody can be bought, and he was bought. Assange wants the rape charges in Sweden to be dropped so he can go back to Australia. There's the motivation right in front of your big fat face. ----->
Julian Assange: Time running out for WikiLeaks Cupboard Boy
Link to the official pronouncement from the FBI. There is none. Fake news, and bullshit.

I could link you to President Obama's Administration and the State Department saying Benghazi was the result of a YouTube video ... Which was still bullshit fake news ... With a link or without one.

You subversives always want proof, now so does Putin!!!

The United States must either stop accusing Russia of meddling in its elections or prove it, a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said it was "indecent" of the United States to "groundlessly" accuse Russia of intervention in its elections, Russian state news agency Tass reported. "They should either stop talking about that or produce some proof at last. Otherwise it all begins to look unseemly," Peskov reportedly said about the latest accusations that Russia was responsible for hacker attacks

So now you believe Russia over the United States, along with 17 private & U.S Intelligence agencies, John McCain, Lindsey Graham and several other Republican Senate Intelligence committee members--Unbelievable--LOL


Donald Trump has played you like a fiddle--read the below.
yes I do. See, no one of the 17 will comply with the subpoena of the US Congress to submit the evidence. So, I conclude the 17 agencies are all fk'd up!!!!
Putin is embarressing the entire rightwing. Can't believe the Putin adoration movement.

Putin didn't make Hillary Clinton stab Bernie Sanders in the back ... Nor did he make Donna Brazile conspire with the media to influence the debates.
Face it ... You're really just pissed they got caught.

Obama is embarrassing our entire Intel community

Putin is embarressing the entire rightwing. Can't believe the Putin adoration movement.

Amazing, isn't it? The righties have been crying "Commie!" for years and now they want to join them.

And Russia is doing what's always done - since the days of the USSR. Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny
Obama is embarrassing our entire Intel community

Putin is embarressing the entire rightwing. Can't believe the Putin adoration movement.

No ya'll are embarrassing yourselves. First you throw a fit, cry, riot, threaten electoral college members--yeah America is going to get behind that. Then you beta-male liberals pull a Jan Brady and scream "Russia, Russia, Russia!!!!". Obama goes on national television and says the DNC hacks were inconsequential.

Taking state legislatures and governorships into account and the Democrat party is an insignificant regional party.

Talk about embarrassing? Your side was more concerned about letting men get to use the women's restroom, claiming there are 72 genders instead of addressing Islamic terror or the border.
-It's not about respecting a KGB dude.
It isn't for YOU.

Why do you ALWAYS try to run away from the OP / Discussion by trying to distract and make the thread all about me? No matter what it is, you end up trying to deflect by attacking ME.

Does the title suggest ANYTHING about questioning who or who doesn't agree with hacking being done EXCEPT 'the Kremlin'?

NO....but you insist that MY thread is about anyone other than the Russians. I might have mentioned others during the discussion, but the whole thing is about the Russians / Putin demanding the US put up or shut up.

YOU can tell your side, tell people what YOU THINK is the point of MY THREAD, but it is only YOUR opinion. YOU are claiming MY thread is about something it is NOT - you are WRONG...but you are more than welcome to your opinion.


Just like Assad did with Barry's embarrassing failed RED LINE, Putin just called Barry's Ass out - Is he going to fold like a cheat suit like he did when challenged by Assad or will he actually DO SOMETHING this time?

I'll believe it when I see it!

Have a nice day, and Merry Christmas.
Last edited:
Putin is embarressing the entire rightwing. Can't believe the Putin adoration movement.

Putin didn't make Hillary Clinton stab Bernie Sanders in the back ... Nor did he make Donna Brazile conspire with the media to influence the debates.
Face it ... Your really just pissed they got caught.


Hillary didn't stab him in the back. She was running against him. And you guys are happy that they were hacked. You don't care that Putin was behind it. Gee. What would you be saying if Trump was the target and he lost? Still singing Putin praises?
Putin is embarressing the entire rightwing. Can't believe the Putin adoration movement.

Putin didn't make Hillary Clinton stab Bernie Sanders in the back ... Nor did he make Donna Brazile conspire with the media to influence the debates.
Face it ... You're really just pissed they got caught.

they also didn't call half of America's middle class deplorable.
Obama is embarrassing our entire Intel community

Putin is embarressing the entire rightwing. Can't believe the Putin adoration movement.

Amazing, isn't it? The righties have been crying "Commie!" for years and now they want to join them.

And Russia is doing what's always done - since the days of the USSR. Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny Deny

The 80's called they want their worldview back. LOL Member way back in 2012 when liberals said Russia is a trustworthy ally.

You really are pathetic.

I am going to keep asking cause I haven't got an answer yet. Which Wikileak revelation was so consequential that it cost Clinton the election?
Putin is embarressing the entire rightwing. Can't believe the Putin adoration movement.

Putin didn't make Hillary Clinton stab Bernie Sanders in the back ... Nor did he make Donna Brazile conspire with the media to influence the debates.
Face it ... Your really just pissed they got caught.


Hillary didn't stab him in the back. She was running against him. And you guys are happy that they were hacked. You don't care that Putin was behind it. Gee. What would you be saying if Trump was the target and he lost? Still singing Putin praises?
LOL :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::rofl::rofl:
Putin is embarressing the entire rightwing. Can't believe the Putin adoration movement.

Putin didn't make Hillary Clinton stab Bernie Sanders in the back ... Nor did he make Donna Brazile conspire with the media to influence the debates.
Face it ... Your really just pissed they got caught.


Hillary didn't stab him in the back. She was running against him. And you guys are happy that they were hacked. You don't care that Putin was behind it. Gee. What would you be saying if Trump was the target and he lost? Still singing Putin praises?
Which Wikileak revelation was so consequential that it cost Clinton the election?
Obama is embarrassing our entire Intel community

Putin is embarressing the entire rightwing. Can't believe the Putin adoration movement.

No ya'll are embarrassing yourselves. First you throw a fit, cry, riot, threaten electoral college members--yeah America is going to get behind that. Then you beta-male liberals pull a Jan Brady and scream "Russia, Russia, Russia!!!!". Obama goes on national television and says the DNC hacks were inconsequential.

Taking state legislatures and governorships into account and the Democrat party is an insignificant regional party.

Talk about embarrassing? Your side was more concerned about letting men get to use the women's restroom, claiming there are 72 genders instead of addressing Islamic terror or the border.

Don't put words in my mouth. I've accepted the election results. I'm not calling for an electoral college revolt. What's done is done. I'm just amazed how far you're up Putin's rectrum. Eventually, he'll crap you out.

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