The "Empty Stadium" Lie...

Never trust anything from the gateway pundit.

Rubio is still going to lose Florida.

Trump will destroy hiLIARy in the general.

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Trump will be too busy answering for his endless lies and trying to explain details to his so called plans and solutions. His lack of knowledge about issues will allow Hillary or Bernie to slice and dice him.

Oh palease.... Sanders is a dolt and Hillary will be destroyed by Trump in a debate. She's as big an empty pant-suit as there ever was.
It's always on Rubio's mind pre-occupied with the size of hands..

Do you deny that Trump has tiny little pink hands?

Romney's are all old and :lmao: needs medication to keep them working..


At the moment Little Marco is down 20 something points.
Is that a lie as well?

Yes it is! I am here in Florida near Fort Myers, and he is NOT down 20, he is down by internals, 17-)

The internals are +8.

LOL, on Rubios side! I am here to tell you from a none denominational candidate, Trump is plus between 16 and 17. In Ohio, it is close to a dead heat between Kasich and Trump. It could go either way by the numbers, but Rubio is history unless a rabbit comes out of his hat in tonights debate.
Since the pics are from the Twitterverse, they can't be copied/pasted so look at the link below to see the TIME the pics were shot at for a 6pm rally. One over 3 hours before Rubio appeared on a Wednesday afternoon. This crap is coming from the Trump groupies and Cruz creeps for obvious reasons. And from the leftist MSM for less obvious reasons. They can't wait to help Trump become the GOP nominee so they can destroy him over the summer and install Hilly in the WH.

DEVASTATING: Rubio Rallies to Empty Stadium in Hialeah, Florida - The Gateway Pundit
Nobody in their right mind would vote for Hillary. Seriously.
Romney's are all old and :lmao: needs medication to keep them working..



This ^^^^^^^ is why you'll never get to the campaign advisor big leagues like me. :slap:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you are working for one candidate, aren't you, lol. Let us see who is closer. I will take the under at Trump by 15, eventhough he is ahead between 16 and 17. You take your guy, who you ADMIT is behind by 6 or 7, and we will give you wiggle room at a loss by 10. So a loss by 13, 14, or 15 means I win. A loss by 12 or less means you win!
LOL, on Rubios side! I am here to tell you from a none denominational candidate, Trump is plus between 16 and 17. In Ohio, it is close to a dead heat between Kasich and Trump. It could go either way by the numbers, but Rubio is history unless a rabbit comes out of his hat in tonights debate.

Yep.....based on exit polling....half of Florida has already should know that. And I agree Rubio needs a strong debate tonight and hopefully an improved ground-game moving forward. Everybody says he's pulled enthusiastic crowds but there's no follow-up from his campaign in many states. So that needs to change. They're focused on Florida and throwing everything they have at it.
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you are working for one candidate, aren't you, lol. Let us see who is closer. I will take the under at Trump by 15, eventhough he is ahead between 16 and 17. You take your guy, who you ADMIT is behind by 6 or 7, and we will give you wiggle room at a loss by 10. So a loss by 13, 14, or 15 means I win. A loss by 12 or less means you win!

Yep, I'm working for Rubio alright...sure thing. And I just "admitted" he's "down by 6 or 7"....

GONG! get this yoyo off the stage!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you are working for one candidate, aren't you, lol. Let us see who is closer. I will take the under at Trump by 15, eventhough he is ahead between 16 and 17. You take your guy, who you ADMIT is behind by 6 or 7, and we will give you wiggle room at a loss by 10. So a loss by 13, 14, or 15 means I win. A loss by 12 or less means you win!

Yep, I'm working for Rubio alright...sure thing.

GONG! get this yoyo off the stage!

Then take the bet! We aren't really betting anything but credibility! I am here to tell all of you, that Rubio is done, over, forget about it!

If it was just Trump V Rubio, I would actually be trying to get you to bet something worth something, like MONEY! But, with these candidates all running, if Kasich screws the pooch, some could migrate to Rubio. Same with Cruz, or vice-versa. To many variables are in play to say one candidates votes will certainly go to this one, or that one.

Still, my research says you are as full of crap as a thanksgiving Turkey on how close Rubio is to Trump, so I am willing to make the bet-)
Since the pics are from the Twitterverse, they can't be copied/pasted so look at the link below to see the TIME the pics were shot at for a 6pm rally. One over 3 hours before Rubio appeared on a Wednesday afternoon. This crap is coming from the Trump groupies and Cruz creeps for obvious reasons. And from the leftist MSM for less obvious reasons. They can't wait to help Trump become the GOP nominee so they can destroy him over the summer and install Hilly in the WH.

DEVASTATING: Rubio Rallies to Empty Stadium in Hialeah, Florida - The Gateway Pundit
You can see for yourself, the rally was really small. It really was only 20 yards of the whole stadium:

The bozo who made this video can't even spell Megyn Kelly's name right. :lol:

More parroting from behind the computer I see...well I was there and it was far from empty!


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