The "Empty Stadium" Lie...

Then take the bet! We aren't really betting anything but credibility! I am here to tell all of you, that Rubio is done, over, forget about it!

If it was just Trump V Rubio, I would actually be trying to get you to bet something worth something, like MONEY! But, with these candidates all running, if Kasich screws the pooch, some could migrate to Rubio. Same with Cruz, or vice-versa. To many variables are in play to say one candidates votes will certainly go to this one, or that one.

Still, my research says you are as full of crap as a thanksgiving Turkey on how close Rubio is to Trump, so I am willing to make the bet-)

Well, since I'm an "insider" for the Rubio campaign I can't take your pride or wouldn't be fair.

Tom Horn
compassionate conservative
More parroting from behind the computer I see...well I was there and it was far from empty!
You are falling for one of the first political tricks I was taught when I worked for a congressional campaign. The camera is very deliberately positioned so as not to reveal all the empty space beyond the 20 yard line.

Watch the video I posted in this topic. It is very obvious it was a very low attendance.
More parroting from behind the computer I see...well I was there and it was far from empty!
You are falling for one of the first political tricks I was taught when I worked for a congressional campaign. The camera is very deliberately positioned so as not to reveal all the empty space beyond the 20 yard line.

Watch the video I posted in this topic. It is very obvious it was a very low attendance.
they cold have held it in the parking lot with room to spare,
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you are working for one candidate, aren't you, lol. Let us see who is closer. I will take the under at Trump by 15, eventhough he is ahead between 16 and 17. You take your guy, who you ADMIT is behind by 6 or 7, and we will give you wiggle room at a loss by 10. So a loss by 13, 14, or 15 means I win. A loss by 12 or less means you win!

Yep, I'm working for Rubio alright...sure thing. And I just "admitted" he's "down by 6 or 7"....

GONG! get this yoyo off the stage!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you are working for one candidate, aren't you, lol. Let us see who is closer. I will take the under at Trump by 15, eventhough he is ahead between 16 and 17. You take your guy, who you ADMIT is behind by 6 or 7, and we will give you wiggle room at a loss by 10. So a loss by 13, 14, or 15 means I win. A loss by 12 or less means you win!

Yep, I'm working for Rubio alright...sure thing. And I just "admitted" he's "down by 6 or 7"....

GONG! get this yoyo off the stage!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you are working for one candidate, aren't you, lol. Let us see who is closer. I will take the under at Trump by 15, eventhough he is ahead between 16 and 17. You take your guy, who you ADMIT is behind by 6 or 7, and we will give you wiggle room at a loss by 10. So a loss by 13, 14, or 15 means I win. A loss by 12 or less means you win!

Yep, I'm working for Rubio alright...sure thing. And I just "admitted" he's "down by 6 or 7"....

GONG! get this yoyo off the stage!

So there you have it Tom, just as predicted. Just wanted to remind you, since anyone who disagreed with you was attacked by you, and some on the left.
Now go ahead, tell these nice people how many points Trump beat little Marco by in Florida, and always remember; we are just trying to heeeeep you-)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you are working for one candidate, aren't you, lol. Let us see who is closer. I will take the under at Trump by 15, eventhough he is ahead between 16 and 17. You take your guy, who you ADMIT is behind by 6 or 7, and we will give you wiggle room at a loss by 10. So a loss by 13, 14, or 15 means I win. A loss by 12 or less means you win!

Yep, I'm working for Rubio alright...sure thing. And I just "admitted" he's "down by 6 or 7"....

GONG! get this yoyo off the stage!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you are working for one candidate, aren't you, lol. Let us see who is closer. I will take the under at Trump by 15, eventhough he is ahead between 16 and 17. You take your guy, who you ADMIT is behind by 6 or 7, and we will give you wiggle room at a loss by 10. So a loss by 13, 14, or 15 means I win. A loss by 12 or less means you win!

Yep, I'm working for Rubio alright...sure thing. And I just "admitted" he's "down by 6 or 7"....

GONG! get this yoyo off the stage!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you are working for one candidate, aren't you, lol. Let us see who is closer. I will take the under at Trump by 15, eventhough he is ahead between 16 and 17. You take your guy, who you ADMIT is behind by 6 or 7, and we will give you wiggle room at a loss by 10. So a loss by 13, 14, or 15 means I win. A loss by 12 or less means you win!

Yep, I'm working for Rubio alright...sure thing. And I just "admitted" he's "down by 6 or 7"....

GONG! get this yoyo off the stage!

So there you have it Tom, just as predicted. Just wanted to remind you, since anyone who disagreed with you was attacked by you, and some on the left.
Now go ahead, tell these nice people how many points Trump beat little Marco by in Florida, and always remember; we are just trying to heeeeep you-)
Trump lost Ohio so much for a super sweep.
Contested convention!

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